Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2416 The Last Meeting

Chapter 2416 The Last Meeting
Da Guang went to knock on the door, Zhang Da opened the door, saw Yang Fei, and hurriedly asked, "Battalion Commander Yang, are you here?"

"Master Zhang, can I go in and talk to you for a while?" Yang Fei asked.

"Come in, come in!"
As they said, they went in. Zhang Cuigu heard Yang Fei's voice, and hurried out of her room. When she saw Yang Fei, she just stood aside.

Zhang Cuigu gave Yang Fei water when he arrived.

"Cui Gu, I'll talk to Battalion Commander Yang for a while, you go to rest first!" Zhang Da said.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Yang Fei said.

"In this case, then Battalion Commander Yang, if you have anything to say, just tell me!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, it's like this. Regarding Xiu'er's sacrifice, I blame myself very much. I also thought about it in my room for a few days. I think I'm to blame for this!" Yang Fei said.

Although Yang Fei has no major responsibility for this matter, anyway, Yang Fei has something to do with Zhang Xiuer's matter. Besides, he doesn't want to shirk responsibility on this matter. Second, it is Yang Fei's persistence all the time.

"Yang Battalion Commander, how can I blame you for this matter? You are not wrong, just blame Xiu'er for her own bad luck!" Zhang Da said while smoking a dry cigarette.

"It's like this. Before I asked Zhao to inspire Company Commander Zhao to go to the enemy-occupied area to fight guerrillas. I wanted him to take Xiu'er with me. The two of us could take care of each other... Now that I think about it, if I didn't let Xiu'er go, maybe ..."

"Battalion Commander Yang, don't talk about this!" Zhang Da said, "Xiu'er is no longer here, let's treat it as if Xiu'er has gone far away and married far away!"

Yang Fei also knew that Zhang Da didn't want to mention such things again, but Yang Fei had to say it again, and he felt really uncomfortable if he didn't say it.

Besides, Zhang Cuigu approached him, but he didn't respond, how to deal with this matter.

Yang Fei looked at Zhang Cuigu, "Cuigu!" As he spoke, he took out some money from his body.

"Let's keep this money first. As compensation, I always feel that this is far from enough, but this is something I can do!" Yang Fei said.

Zhang Da shook his head, "Battalion Commander Yang, don't be like this, life and death are life and death, there is no one who survives a war! Dead people are normal, I don't want any compensation from the army, I just want our Eighth Route Army to give our people a peaceful life!"

"Master Zhang, if you don't tell me, we are working hard, but if we don't give compensation, we will feel sorry for it!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, let Zhang Da donate this money to the army!" Zhang Da gave him the money in Yang Fei's hand again, "From now on, don't talk about money anymore! If you don't have money, you can earn money." , but, we must let the people live a good life, so that everyone's spirit will be high enough!"

Zhang Da is a reasonable person, what he said was the most understandable words for an ordinary citizen.

"Master Zhang, this..."

Yang Fei was in a dilemma.

"It's nothing, I, Zhang Da, don't seek any fame and fortune in my life, but a peaceful living environment!"

Yang Fei pursed his lips, then looked at Zhang Cuigu, he wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

Zhang Cuigu said slowly, "Battalion Commander Yang, do you have something to say? If you want to say it, say it!"

Zhang Da knew that what happened next was not his business, so he stood up, "Battle Commander Yang, sit down for a while, I'll go out for a while!"

With that said, Zhang Da left with his hands behind his back, holding his own cigarette stick.

Zhang Cuigu sat down, "Battle Commander Yang, what's the matter? Tell me!"

"Hey!" Yang Fei sighed, "How should I put it, Cui Gu, you have looked for me several times, but I didn't have the courage to open the door for you, because I didn't know how to face it when I opened the door You!" Yang Fei said.

"Yang Battalion Commander, you're thinking too much about this, and I understand that my sister likes you, that's because she likes you, but isn't free love popular now? She likes you, so you have to like her, let alone , I heard that you already have a fiancée, my sister can't justify this, I should be the one to say sorry about this! But you refused me to go in!"

Yang Fei did not expect Zhang Cuigu to be so reasonable, "Actually, we have already made preparations for this. Although our family is sad to lose our sister, we are all strong enough. She is a great hero. She has killed Devil's!"

"Cuigu, I'm so happy that you think so! This time, I came here to say sorry!"

"No need!" Zhang Cuigu said, "It's too late for other people to envy us for such an honorable thing, how can we be dissatisfied?" Zhang Cuigu said.

Yang Fei suddenly felt very warm in his heart. He knew that this incident had hit them hard, but it was indeed very powerful to be able to be so strong.

"Yang Battalion Commander, don't have any psychological burden. Last time I was really...somewhat bad. The enlightenment told me, and I also realized my mistake. It was I who caused so much pressure on you. !"

"Cuigu, human nature!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes, human nature!" Zhang Cuigu also said.

Leaving Zhang Cuigu's home, Yang Fei's heart finally settled down.

Da Guang looked at Yang Fei and asked, "Battalion Commander, did you come here to talk about this?"

"Yes, you have to give someone an explanation, right?" Yang Fei said.

"Well, it's not easy for their family. Besides, Company Commander Zhao's mood is probably not too high. Shall we go there?" Da Guang asked.

"In the past, how can we not pass!"

Yang Fei thought, take advantage of this time to see them for the last time.

Arriving at Zhao Qifa's house, seeing him very decadent, Yang Fei looked at him and said, "Old Zhao, what's wrong with you?"


Zhao Qifa didn't know what to say.

"Okay, I know you are sad, you don't have to blame yourself so much, I am also responsible, you can rest assured to do your job well, the organization will not treat you badly!" Yang Fei said.

"I don't want any preferential treatment, Battalion Commander, I just want to say, if there is anything else to do to beat devils, you leave it to me, and I will avenge Xiu'er!"

Zhao Qifa said.

"Don't worry, there are many things to do! As long as the green hills remain, you won't be afraid of no firewood!" Yang Fei patted Zhao Qifa on the shoulder, "We two are brothers who live together and die together. Let's work together!"

"Battalion Commander, don't worry, my condition can be adjusted to the best at any time! However, you promised me that if you have to fight devils, you must leave it to me!" Zhao Qifa capital oh ah oh.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Yang Fei smiled.

After the farewell, Yang Fei didn't know if he would be able to see them again. He always felt that the future would be long, but how long?When we meet again, maybe Zhao Qifa will become more mature and steady?

(End of this chapter)

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