Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2417 Ragged Li Heng

Chapter 2417 Ragged Li Heng

These things have been done, and Yang Fei seems to be relieved.He lay down early, but couldn't fall asleep. He really didn't know what he was going to do when he went to Tianjin, and he didn't know how to go in the future.

However, he is not a person who is afraid of difficulties. He will not be afraid of a task given him, no matter how severe the task is. For him, this can only be said to be a challenge, not a difficulty.

Finally, on the second day, Yang Fei told Da Guang himself, "I'm going to the regiment headquarters for a meeting, and the affairs here will be taken care of by the deputy battalion commander for the time being!"

After speaking, he left.

Daguang said, "I'll follow you, Battalion Commander!"|
Yang Fei shook his head, "No, I'll just go by myself!"

In this way, Yang Fei rode to the regiment by himself, and Fang Mengru had been waiting for Yang Fei for a long time.

As soon as he entered, Fang Mengru gave him a package, "Put it on, let's go together!"

Last night, the headquarters rushed to give a package to Li Jiguang. Li Jiguang opened it and realized that this was the new identity given to them by the headquarters.

Yang Feixin's identity is a rich businessman who inherited his uncle's property in Tianjin, so he wants to go to Tianjin, and Fang Mengru is his daughter-in-law, and Yang Feixin's name is also Yang Fei. The specific matters will not be known until he finds a connector in Tianjin. .

A soldier became the heir of a wealthy businessman. Yang Fei never dreamed that roles could be changed so quickly.

Li Jiguang explained some things, and then they were escorted to the railway station in Linxian County. They had to go to Zhengzhou from the railway station in Linxian County, and then transfer to Tianjin. The task is great.

Fang Mengru fulfilled her wish and traveled with the hero she thought. Although she didn't talk much along the way, in Fang Mengru's heart, this was a romantic trip.

When the train arrived in Zhengzhou, a few policemen dressed in black came up, they looked around, and then casually looked through the passenger suitcases, panicked for a while, if it was in the past, Yang Fei would never tolerate such a thing Yes, but this time he held back, he couldn't let them know his identity.

At this time, two people came over and looked at Yang Fei up and down, "Where did you come from?"

Yang Fei looked at the other party, as if he saw that Yang Fei was not easy to mess with, and quickly said, "What unit? Take out your ID card!"

Yang Fei took out the ID that Li Jiguang gave him, and the guy took it over, frowned and looked, "Damn, who did I think it was!"

Then he threw Yang Fei's ID away, "Did you see any suspicious people?"

"I don't know what a suspicious person is!" Yang Fei said.

"It's sneaky!"

said the guy.

"I saw this. There are many thieves at the train station, and most of them are sneaky. Is this the kind of thieves the military master is looking for?" Yang Fei asked.

He has a very strong temper, and ordinary people can't control him at all.

The black-clothed policeman grinned and rubbed his palms, "You're eloquent, you shouldn't be a good guy!"

Then, he said to the people around him, "Come here, search this guy's luggage carefully. If there is anything illegal, take it to the police station!"


After searching for more than half an hour, he rummaged through all the clothes and found nothing suspicious, but how could that guy give up? Although she was just a small policeman, he was the parent officer when dealing with ordinary people. , His words are the same!

"It's impossible!"

"Brother, tell me, what should we do?"

The younger brother immediately agreed.

"What else can I do? Take it to the police station!" With that said, the man turned around and left.

Fang Mengru stood up quickly, "Master, I'm really sorry!"

As he spoke, he quietly stuffed a wad of money into the man's pocket.

He looked back, "Hehe, a man doesn't have the general knowledge of a woman yet!"

"Okay, let's go!"

The truck listened to it for more than an hour, which really made the passengers tremble with fear.

Yang Fei looked at Fang Mengru, "Why did you give him money?"

"When you're away from home, one more thing is worse than one less thing. Let's get to Tianjin as soon as possible!"

Fang Mengru said.

Yang Fei frowned, "Sooner or later, I will chop them all up!"

"That's for the future!" Fang Mengru said. "You can't speak so directly in the future!"

Yang Fei just nodded like that.

"Cigarette tea! Cigarette tea!"

The cries on the train stopped in Yang Fei's ears.

"Do you have money? I'm hungry!"

Yang Fei asked in a low voice.

"Yes!" After speaking, Fang Mengru called a little boy over and bought some tea eggs. Yang Fei asked, "Can I buy a box of cigarettes?"

"Yes!" Fang Mengru paid the money.

At this time, a man with exquisite appearance but ragged clothes came over and sat down opposite Yang Fei, "Brother, can I have some?"

Yang Fei reached out and put the tea eggs beside him.

Fang Mengru was also a little embarrassed.

The man smiled, "Don't be so stingy, where are you going?"

Yang Fei ignored him.

"Come on, come on, I'm in Tianjin, I don't have any money on me, I can't afford food, and I'm so hungry now, brother, give me something to eat!"

What a dog's nose, Yang Fei and the others just bought tea eggs, which attracted hungry wolves.

Fang Mengru said, "Why don't you give him one?"

"Why?" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked at the other party, "Are you going to Tianjin?"

"Yes, I'm going to Tianjin!" After the man finished speaking, he put his hand directly on the tea egg held by Yang Fei, then took a tea egg, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, "It's so fragrant, I didn't expect that people of my status would also start eating this thing!"

"Look at the clothes you're wearing. They're tattered. What's the matter? What's your identity and background?" Yang Fei asked.

"Hehe, we have a chance to meet in Tianjin. Let's talk about it. There are too many people here, no way!" After the man finished speaking, he introduced himself, "Li Heng, thank you for your tea eggs!"

"Li Heng?" Yang Fei looked at him strangely.

"Perseverance, how about it?" After Li Heng finished speaking, he stood up and left with a tea egg.

Fang Mengru put her hand on Yang Fei's lap lightly, "Don't worry too much, if he wants to eat, let him eat!"

The long journey, from Zhengzhou to Tianjin, takes more than 20 hours. These 20 hours are not counted as the time spent stopping at various small platforms.

Yang Fei was really bored in the car, so he said, "I'm going to smoke a cigarette, just wait for me a while!"

With that said, Yang Fei went to the entrance of the carriage alone.

He lit a cigarette and leaned against the door. The wind coming in from the door made Yang Fei feel very cool.

"Things, I am also from Tianjin Wei. Tell me, besides cheating for food and drink, what is your family status?"

(End of this chapter)

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