Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2418 Arrived in Tianjin

Chapter 2418 Arrived in Tianjin
Yang Fei looked over curiously, and saw that Li Heng was being grabbed by a man with a savage face, and he was cursing, "Say it, you said it!"

Thinking of this, Yang Fei looked carefully. At this moment, he really wanted to see what happened. He also wanted to see Li Heng.

Li Heng wanted to get rid of him, "Forget it if you don't give him food, forget it!"

The man threw Li Heng on the ground fiercely, "I've seen a lot of people like you. If you want to eat, you have to eat, but you just talk about how tall you are!"

Li Heng stood up slowly, "Okay, big brother, that's what you said, I'm in Tianjin, you must have a chance to meet me!"

Yang Fei didn't know what kind of courage it was to let him speak like this.

Li Heng walked towards the entrance of the carriage in a state of embarrassment, and bumped into Yang Fei.

"Excuse me……"

As soon as he looked up and saw that it was Yang Fei, it was like seeing an old friend, "It's you, brother!" Seeing Yang Fei smoking, he asked again, "Can I have a cigarette?"

Yang Fei clutched his cigarette case tightly, this is not good, there are not many cigarettes, so let him smoke one, and there is another one missing.

Even though he thought so, Li Heng directly put it in Yang Fei's pocket, and then took out a cigarette, "Brother, where is the fire?"

"Here..." Yang Fei gave him the match!

The two leaned against the door of the carriage, "Brother, are you going to Tianjin too?"


"It's just right, let's go all the way, this way, there is something to say!" Li Heng said, "When we arrive in Tianjin, I will cover you!"

"Hehe, is that so?" Yang Fei smiled.

"Is this still lying to you? Just because you gave me a tea egg, I won't be hungry, and this cigarette, that's spiritual food!" He said, "Do you know Hu Shizhi?"

Yang Fei shook his head, "I don't know!"

"Hu Shizhi doesn't know?" Li Heng was a little surprised, "Don't tell me, you don't know how to read!"

"What? Is it illegal for me to be illiterate?" Yang Fei asked.

"No, no, what I mean is that Hu Shizhi said that this cigarette is as indispensable as a woman. Once it is missing, the world will feel empty!" Li Heng said.

"That's true! I didn't expect this guy to say such a thing!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Brother, how can someone at the master level be false?" Li Heng glanced at Yang Fei, "Read more books, read newspapers!"

Slowly, this role changed to Li Heng being the eldest brother.

After one cigarette was finished, Li Heng still couldn't get enough of it, "There is still such a long way, it's alright, you go away, I will lie down and sleep, maybe after I sleep, I will arrive in Tianjin!"

"Sleeping on the ground?" Yang Fei asked.

"Nonsense, of course you have to sleep on the floor!" After Li Heng finished speaking, he asked Yang Fei to step aside, "You know me right, I will cover you from now on, in Tianjin Wei, who dares to say no to me?" He The big talk was heard by the man with the fleshy face just now, he went straight to the entrance of the carriage, and kicked Li Heng, "Damn it, don't talk big, I'm so noisy that I'm going to sleep!"

On the carriage, I occasionally saw a few sneaky thieves. After they succeeded, they quickly moved to the next one. Yang Fei wanted to make a move several times, but was caught by Fang Mengru, "Don't go!"


"We'll talk about it when we arrive in Tianjin!"

Fang Mengru always said this.

In the new environment, Yang Fei is destined to have a different life.

Yang Fei fell asleep, and when he opened his eyes, it was already dark.

At this time, the train stopped, and the people on the carriage complained, "What's going on?"

"what happened again?"

But for people who often take the train, this is quite normal.

Yang Fei stretched his waist, "Mengru, when will this train leave?"

"I don't know! It's probably coming soon!" Fang Mengru said.

After a long time, the train finally started to start again.

But at this time, the crowd didn't know that person started commotion, which directly affected Yang Fei's side.

A person fled in embarrassment.When he arrived in front of Yang Fei, he pushed Yang Fei inside, sat down by himself, and then smiled at Yang Fei.


"Someone caught me, it's ridiculous, how could they catch me?"

The person who came over was none other than Li Heng.

"What's wrong with you?" Yang Fei asked.


Li Heng asked Yang Fei to keep quiet and pretended to sleep on the back of the chair.

The person chasing him rushed to another compartment...

"It's ridiculous, how could you catch me? Those two people just now were thieves. After I found out, they became angry and hacked me, hehe..."

Li Heng smiled triumphantly.

"People are leaving too, shouldn't you go too?" Yang Fei asked.

"No no, sit for a while, look, where is it all? We're almost in Tianjin, and when we arrive in Tianjin, that's my place!" Li Heng said, and then looked at Yang Fei, "There's also tea leaves egg?"

"No more! Really no more!" Yang Fei said quickly.

"Don't be stingy, if you have one, give it to my brother! I'm so hungry!" Li Heng said.

"It's gone!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, then wait for a while, and you'll be in Tianjin in a while!" Li Heng smiled and looked ahead, as if he saw a different life in him.

Fang Mengru has never dared to say a word to strangers, the people around may have a few eyes on him.

Soon, amidst Li Heng's chatter, the train roared and finally stopped.

Tianjin is here.

Li Heng stood up happily, "Let's go brother, where are you going, I'll take you there!"

"No need!" Yang Fei Wanyan refused.

"That's fine, if you need me in the future, call me anytime!"After Li Heng finished speaking, he squeezed through the crowd and rushed out.

"Don't talk to strangers, they don't know what they are doing!" Fang Mengru said.

"Well, I see!" Yang Fei said.

After getting off the train and arriving at the station, the scene in front of him made Yang Fei swallow his saliva.

It was night, and the lights were feasting here, so Yang Fei couldn't help but stop, he didn't know where to go.

Fang Mengru held Yang Fei's hand, "Let's go!"

Holding his hand, when they got outside, they saw a person holding a sign, "Yang Fei, Fang Mengru!"

"It's there!"

Fang Mengru saw it, and immediately pulled Yang Fei over.

The person who picked them up was an old man with a kind look. When he saw the two people coming over, he immediately asked, "Are you Yang Fei and Fang Mengru?"

"Yes!" After speaking, Fang Mengru showed the certificate to the old gentleman.

The old man checked it again, "That's right, it's you guys!"

After speaking, a car drove over.

A person went over, opened the car door, took the luggage from their hands and put it in the trunk.

(End of this chapter)

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