Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2419 Luxurious Life

Chapter 2419 Luxurious Life

"Master, my name is Wang Fuhua. You can call me Uncle Wang!" Wang Fuhua said.

"Okay, where are we going now?" Yang Fei asked.

"Go home!" After Wang Fuhua finished speaking, he got into the co-pilot, "Xiao Li, let's go to the apartment!"

A few words made Xiao Li nod, "Yes, Uncle Wang!"

It's the first time Yang Fei made this car, not to mention, it's really comfortable, more than twice as comfortable as that big truck or something.

In the past, he couldn't enjoy it. Even when fighting, he relied on his feet. In normal times, it would be nice to have a horse. Who would have thought that there would be such a car here, so comfortable.

Of course, Yang Fei is very clear in his heart that temporary enjoyment is okay, but he must not indulge in it, otherwise, he will be in real trouble.

When they arrived at the apartment, there were lights on outside the apartment. Yang Fei had never seen it before. There were so many street lights on the main road. How extravagant is this?

There were several people standing at the door, including old women and young men.

When Yang Fei got off the car, a young man hurried over and opened the car door, "Hi, sir!"

Yang Fei took Fang Mengru's hand to get off the car, and then slowly entered the apartment.

Wang Fuhua hurriedly ordered, "This is the master, you guys recognize it clearly!"

The old woman hurriedly said, "Master, you can call me Wang Ma. I don't know what you like to eat, so I just made some, so hurry up and eat!"

Yang Fei nodded.

The apartment is really big, the dining area is the same as a big living room.

The two of them stood there not knowing where the footsteps should go.

In Yang Fei's impression, the masters in this big city should be similar to the landlord's house, but when he arrived here, he realized that this place was much bigger and better than the landlord's house he had imagined.

Here is a modern city, and there is a rural village.

"Mother Wang, is Master's room tidy up? Let Master go to the room to tidy up first, wash up briefly, and then eat!" Uncle Wang ordered.

"Yes, Uncle Wang!" Wang Ma said, and took Yang Fei and Fang Mengru to the upstairs room.

The entire room is covered with wooden floors, which match well with Yang Fei's suit, which is also the first time Yang Fei wears it.

"I heard that you are doing business in Xi'an. I didn't expect you to be so young and promising!" Wang Ma said with a smile.

Yang Fei smiled and nodded, entered the room, and Wang Ma left quickly.

Yang Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mengru, this..."

"Master, this is your home!" Fang Mengru said quickly.

"Master?" Yang Fei was not used to being addressed like this. "You can call me Yang Fei!"

"No, I should call you master here!" After Fang Mengru finished speaking, she went to take off Yang Fei's clothes.

"Do you want to eat now, or wait a while?" Fang Mengru asked.

"Now, I'm starving to death!" Yang Fei said.

Simply put the luggage here, and then the two of them went downstairs.

Wang Ma waited for a group of people to stand behind Yang Fei and the others, and he and Fang Mengru were the only two dining at the big Eight Immortals table.

Yang Fei was not used to it, "Have you...have you eaten?"

"Master, you eat first, we servants, wait for you to eat before eating!" Uncle Wang said hastily.

"No, come, come, let's eat together!" Yang Fei quickly asked them to sit down.

"No, no, it can't be like this!" Uncle Wang said, "Master, you came from Xi'an, maybe the customs there are different from here, but you have to work hard to adapt here!"

"Adapted here?" Yang Fei asked.

"Here, the more servants you have, the more status and status you have!" Uncle Wang said.

"That's not nonsense!" Yang Fei shook his head with a smile, Fang Mengru quickly smoothed things over, "Uncle Wang, in Xi'an, we only have a mother who cooks and a housekeeper. We ask for your advice when we get here!"

"Don't dare!" Uncle Wang quickly shook his head, "Master, please have dinner!"

Yang Fei couldn't beat them, so he could only have dinner with Fang Mengru.

However, as soon as he picked up the chopsticks, a girl came over by his side and immediately picked up food for Yang Fei.

Yang Fei was stunned, "This..."

"Master, Ah Bing will bring you food!" Uncle Wang said.

"No, no, no!" Yang Fei quickly stood up and grabbed the chopsticks from Ah Bing's hand, "I'll eat by myself, eat by myself!"

Uncle Wang could only wink at Ah Bing, and Yang Fei sighed. During the meal, the eyes behind him kept looking at him, and Yang Fei hurriedly said, "Uncle Wang, tell everyone to leave quickly, we finish eating , let’s rest quickly, everyone has to eat quickly, and rest quickly when it’s over!”

"Master, if you don't eat dinner, we...don't dare to rest!" Uncle Wang said.

"Then let everyone go eat quickly!" Yang Fei said quickly!
After listening to Yang Fei's words, Uncle Wang could only nod his head, "Good master!" After speaking, he let everyone go.

Yang Fei didn't understand the life of the rich, but the food alone was too much, Yang Fei and the others couldn't eat it at all, which made Yang Fei feel a little pity.

Fang Mengru said, "Master, do you want them to cook less for us tomorrow?"

Yang Fei nodded, "Yes, then you can do it and talk to Uncle Wang about it!"

"Alright master, don't worry about that!" Fang Mengru said.

Yang Fei picked up two untouched dishes on the table and went to the kitchen, only to find that everyone was eating steamed buns in the kitchen. Yang Fei was stunned.

"We eat this, how do you eat steamed buns?" Yang Fei asked.

A few people quickly stood up, "Master, it would be nice if we could eat steamed buns. Look, there is a lot of chaos outside. Thank you, Master, for taking us in and giving us a bite of food. This makes us feel very happy!"

Yang Fei put the two dishes in front of them, "Okay, eat this!"

With that said, Yang Fei went out.

Damn capitalism!
Yang Fei hates this deeply. It turns out that capitalism means eating meat for yourself and drinking soup for others. When you climb high and look far away, there must be someone under your feet to cushion you.

Yang Fei himself doesn't know how long this kind of life can last.

After he and Fang Mengru arrived at the room, not long after, someone knocked on the door.

Yang Fei opened the door of the room, and Uncle Wang came in with a smile.

"Sir, shall we talk?"

Yang Fei and Fang Mengru nodded quickly, "Okay, let's go!"

On the second floor, Yang Fei's study, Yang Fei and Fang Mengru were sitting.

Wang Fuhua stood, "Thank the party organization for not forgetting us!" After speaking, Wang Fuhua began to introduce.

"My lord, this is the only contact station of a party organization that is not known in Tianjin. Not long ago, the old man passed away. He has no children. He was afraid that others would miss his family wealth, so he claimed that he would give it to his nephew. ,so……"

"I understand this!" Yang Fei hurriedly said, "Uncle Wang, just tell me, what is the main task this time?"

"The main task this time is to obtain the Japanese's detailed combat mission against China! According to reliable information, the devil is likely to launch a combat plan against our country on the western and southern fronts at the same time!" Wang Fuhua said.

(End of this chapter)

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