Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2434 Insulting the Great Japanese Empire

Chapter 2434 Insulting the Great Japanese Empire

When Wang Fuhua came back, he told Yang Fei, "I found a publishing house and published the recruitment notice. I believe someone will apply again soon!"

After hearing this, Yang Fei nodded, "Uncle Wang, this is a good job!"

"Master, since we have reached this point, we must plan for the worst!" Wang Fuhua said.

"A bad plan?" Yang Fei didn't understand, why did he have a bad plan?This is obviously a very happy thing.

Regarding this point, Yang Fei didn't figure it out, he was a little puzzled.

"That's right!" Wang Fuhua said, "Actually, the Japanese have been eyeing our industry for a long time. In the Japanese businessmen's place, they used to make trouble in our place. After the master passed away, it stopped for a while. At that time, I believed that the Japanese People should be planning to buy our property! But, you are here! There is a sudden reversal!"

"Uncle Wang, why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" Yang Fei asked.

"Master, I thought you would think about this too!" Wang Fuhua said.

"Then tell me, what is this bad plan?" Yang Fei asked.

"I don't know, but I always feel that this bad thing is going on quietly, we can't see it!" Yang Fei said.

"This shit, why do I feel like this is a trap?" Yang Fei asked.

"Master, this has already happened, let's just wait for it to change!" Wang Fuhua said.

"Hey! The Japanese are really annoying. They are annoying on the battlefield, and they are annoying in the city. They are annoying everywhere!" Yang Fei shook his head helplessly.

"Master, calm down, the battlefield is different from here. On the battlefield, you fight with open swords and sharp guns, but here, it's all clever tricks played behind your back!" Wang Fuhua said.

"You know all these things, but what about us now?" Yang Fei asked, "We can only wait? Can we attack quickly?"

"I'm afraid it won't be here yet!" Wang Fuhua said again.

Facts have proved that what Wang Fuhua said is not wrong, and his analysis is correct.

The Japanese have been staring at their industry for a long time, not just about money, but also about the entire political situation.

On the second day, when Yang Fei was having dinner at home, someone came outside the door, "Master, Japanese!"

"Japanese?" Yang Fei was confused and quickly put down his chopsticks.

As soon as I went out, I saw Tomoko Koizumi again.

She ran over with a smile, "Boss Yang, I'm here to disturb you again!"

"Miss Tomoko, have you eaten yet?" Yang Fei asked.


"Then please come inside!" Yang Fei invited Sophon inside, and Wang Ma quickly poured him a glass of water.

Yang Fei hurriedly ate the porridge, "Miss Tomoko, what are you looking for today?"

"Didn't we agree yesterday? Yesterday you took me to your hotel, and today I will take you to our hotel!" Tomoko Koizumi said with a smile.

"But, I guess I have something to do today!" Yang Fei said.

"Is there something wrong?" Tomoko Koizumi frowned, "That would be too..." But then she said, "How about I handle things with you?"

"Is this...suitable?" Yang Fei smiled.

"Of course it's appropriate!" Tomoko Koizumi said, "I know, you can't read, but I can read!"

This shocking secret surprised both Fang Mengru and Wang Fuhua!Yang Fei actually leaked out his own shortcomings.

"You..." Yang Fei couldn't hold back anymore, "Okay, okay! After a while, see if it's really all right, I'll go with you!"

"Okay! Okay!" Yang Fei said quickly.

Just at home, Tomoko Koizumi, led by Fang Mengru, visited the house. Tomoko Koizumi said with a smile, "This home is so big! I'm really lucky to be able to visit!"

"Miss Tomoko, I really appreciate you coming here and making us all very happy!" Fang Mengru said with a smile.

"Mrs. Yang, why don't you invite me here more?" Tomoko Koizumi asked with a smile.

"That's natural, of course I will invite you more!" Fang Mengru and Tomoko Koizumi went downstairs.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Yang Fei said, "Okay, I promise you, let's go to your hotel now!"

"Okay!" Tomoko Koizumi ran up to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei turned his head and said to Fang Mengru, "I'll go out for a while, I don't know how long I'll be back!"

"Master, then go slowly!" Fang Mengru said.

After going out, Yang Fei had just gotten into the car when he saw several trucks coming across from them.

This is a Japanese military truck, Yang Fei is a little strange.

They stopped at the door of Yang Fei's house, and then a bunch of Japanese came down.

The leader is none other than Sakata.

Koizumi Tomoko was also a little strange, she got out of the car, "Sakata-kun, what are you doing here?"

Sakata was a little surprised when he saw Tomoko Koizumi, "I was ordered to come and inspect Yang Fei!"

After speaking, Yang Fei also got out of the car.

"What are you doing so nonsense? What's wrong with Yang Fei? I want you to investigate?" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

"I received a report that Yang Fei insulted the Great Japanese Empire. This is a serious matter!" After finishing speaking, Sakata waved his hand, "Come here, arrest Yang Fei first!"

All of a sudden, many yellow-skinned devils appeared behind him.

Tomoko Koizumi immediately stood in front of Yang Fei, "Don't move around, I warn you! Sakata-kun, I know better than you what kind of person Boss Yang is. How could he insult the Japanese Empire?"

"Whether there is any insult, I will know when the time comes, Miss Tomoko, I still hope that you can step aside and don't delay my official duties!" Said Sakata.

"Sakata-kun, how did you hear this? I can assure you, Boss Yang is not that kind of person!" Tomoko Koizumi stretched out his arms and stood in front of him.

That's right, Tomoko Koizumi's father is the commander of Tianjin, so naturally no one dared to touch her daughter, Sakata frowned, "Miss Tomoko, I know you are interested in Yang Fei, but this matter is one size fits all." Once Yang Fei is thoroughly investigated, we can release him!"

"You..." Tomoko Koizumi's cheeks turned rosy, "Okay, I'll take Boss Yang to the headquarters, you go to the headquarters to arrest people!" Saying that, Tomoko Koizumi opened the car door for Yang Fei, "Get in the car! "

Yang Fei got into the car, and Tomoko Koizumi said to the driver, "Let's go, let's go to the headquarters!"

"Hai!" After the Japanese driver finished speaking, he stepped on the accelerator and headed for the headquarters.

Sakata stood there in a daze, and angrily unbuttoned the two buttons of his jacket, "Baga!"

"Captain, what should we do now? Should we go to the headquarters?"

"Go, of course, remember, bring all those who reported!" Sakata said.

(End of this chapter)

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