Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2435 He did nothing wrong!

Chapter 2435 He did nothing wrong!
Originally, Koizumi knew about this, and he really wanted Japanese businessmen to come to Tianjin and then monopolize Tianjin.However, this matter is definitely not something to worry about.

Tomoko Koizumi rushed into the headquarters, and someone came to report, "Your Excellency, Miss Tomoko is here!"

"Tomoko?" Koizumi looked at her strangely, "What is she here for?"

He was very puzzled in his heart, what happened to his daughter these two days, she has been in a hurry.

"I saw that Miss Tomoko was carrying a person with her!"

"Don't know?" Koizumi asked.

"I've never seen it!"

"Okay, you go down!" After finishing speaking, the man left.

Not long after, Tomoko Koizumi came over angrily, "Dad!"

Koizumi took a look behind her first, and it turned out to be Yang Fei!
However, Koizumi knew that his daughter Tomoko was probably a little bit interested in this man, otherwise, she would not be with him.

"What's wrong with my daughter?" Koizumi asked.

"What's the matter with Mr. Sakata? Why do you want to arrest Boss Yang?" Tomoko asked.

"They want to arrest Boss Yang?" Koizumi said.

"It's God, Dad, you have to make the decision for him!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"But, Sakata-kun must have evidence for this!" Koizumi said.

"Father, how can he have any evidence? Just based on the framing of a few people, this can be called evidence?" Tomoko Koizumi pouted, looking disbelieving.

"That's ok, after a while, I'll ask Sakata-kun about the situation!" Koizumi said.

"Dad, don't look for him, he's probably already here!"

Just after saying this, half a day came.

After entering, Sakata greeted first, "Commander Koizumi, hello!"

"Sakata, you're here. Very good. I understand what Tomoko said just now. What's the matter? Do you have evidence that Boss Yang insulted the imperial army of the Great Empire?" Koizumi asked.

"The evidence is convincing!" Sakata said, "Commander Koizumi, I even brought the three managers who sued Yang Fei here, so we can confront them face to face!"

"Very good, I like this, then call them in, let's talk about it!" Koizumi put down his work and sat on the chair.

Sakata came to the door, "Go, call those three people in!"

After a while, Manager Fei, Manager Lan and Manager Shi came in.

The three of them lowered their heads, not daring to look up.

"Didn't you say that Boss Yang insulted the Great Japanese Empire? How did he insult it? Do you have evidence?" Sakata asked.

"Captain Sakata, you also know that our hotel has always only opened rooms for our Great Japanese Empire, and it is entirely for the sake of serving our Great Japanese people, but Boss Yang knew it, scolded us for being ungrateful, and said that the Japanese are nothing. !"

"Baga! Road!" Koizumi patted the table.

Hearing this, Tomoko Koizumi suddenly laughed, "Dad, don't you think this is ridiculous?"

"Tomoko, these are all witnesses, how could they lie? Besides, Yang Fei is their boss, how could they easily slander Boss Yang?" Koizumi still believed the words of the three managers.

"Dad, this is already very funny, why did they insult Yang Fei, I think, I have to ask Boss Yang what to say!" After Sophon finished speaking, he walked up to Yang Fei, "It's okay, just talk about it, you guys What the hell happened in between!"

Yang Fei nodded, and then said, "Commander Koizumi, to be honest, I just fired them all yesterday!"

"Fired?" Commander Koizumi asked, "Why?"

"Commander Koizumi, all the people in the hotel don't know me, and even spoke rudely to me. Since it's our own hotel, we need to find someone reliable. Also, some of them met me the day before yesterday, and they didn't recognize me yesterday. You said, isn't it strange that such a thing, I must eradicate the disrespectful guy!" Yang Fei said with reason.

"You're talking nonsense!" Manager Fei shouted, and then said to Commander Koizumi, "Commander Koizumi, don't listen to his nonsense. Yesterday, he really said bad things about the Great Japanese Empire. Many people can prove these words If you don't believe me, you can go to the hotel and ask the waiters about it!"

Sakata said at this time, "Commander Koizumi, this is not a big deal at first, I will investigate it quickly, if Boss Yang didn't insult our Great Japanese Empire, he can still do business well, if he said, then Miss Tomoko should be very clear about his fate."

"Well, then go to the hotel quickly, ask the waiters and those people to see if it's true?" Commander Koizumi said.

"Okay, Commander Koizumi, I will find someone to go to their hotel to ask someone!" Said, Sakata began to order people to leave.

Tomoko Koizumi snorted coldly, "Sakata-kun, I think you are about to slap your face!"

"Miss Tomoko, I believe Yang Fei will say such a thing! After all, that place in Xi'an is not under the control of our Great Japanese Empire!" Sakata raised his head.

"Okay, Sakata-kun, it's not appropriate to say this too early, let's talk about it later when someone comes!" Koizumi said.

Tomoko Koizumi took Yang Fei's hand, "Come and sit here, I'll pour you a cup of tea later!"

"No, don't bother Miss Tomoko!" Yang Fei said.

"Don't be afraid, no one here dares to rebel. When the time comes, we will know the truth as soon as it comes out!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

Yang Fei couldn't help but start to feel a little worried, what if the staff in the hotel were bought by them?Isn't he dead?
Sure enough, as Fang Mengru said, those things can be said at home, and really shouldn't be said outside.

Yang Fei got a little impatient waiting, and Tomoko Koizumi also saw it, "Sakata-kun, where did your people go? Don't you get lost? Why don't you go look for it?"

"Miss Tomoko, please stay calm!" Sakata said.

After about 5 minutes, the Japanese at the door ran in, "Your Excellency, are all the waiters from their hotel here?"

"All?" Koizumi was a little puzzled, "Since everyone is here, let's all go out and have a look!"

Saying that, Koizumi walked ahead, and Yang Fei and the others followed behind.

When we got outside, there were more than 20 waiters.

Sakata slowly approached the waiters, "Come here, let me tell everyone, when your boss went to your hotel yesterday, did he insult us to fight the Japanese Empire?"

When this question was asked, the whispers began.

"Master, how can you insult the Japanese?"

"That's right, no?" They said in a low voice.

"Okay, if you want to say it, say it out loud!" Sakata said.

He patrolled for a week, but found that no one stood up and said.

(End of this chapter)

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