Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2436 Percent of profit

Chapter 2436 Ten percent profit

This thing is really strange. ,
Seeing that no one was talking, Sakata came out and pointed a finger at a person, "Say it!"

"Yesterday, I didn't hear the boss speak ill of the Great Japanese Empire!"

This answer really surprised Yang Fei. He didn't expect that these waiters are still good. It's very good to be able to say such a thing at this time. It seems that someone should have arranged it.

For Sakata, this is even more surprising.

"What about you? What did you hear?" Sakata asked, pointing at another person.

"Taijun, our boss went there yesterday and made a fuss, but his words revealed his dissatisfaction with the manager, and he didn't speak ill of the imperial army!"

"How is this possible?" Sakata turned to the three managers, "What's your situation?"

"No, Mr. Sakata, Yang Fei really said it, really! They lied!"

Manager Fei hurriedly said, and then he went up to the waiter, "Tell me, are you lying?"

"Manager Fei, we are also very sorry about what happened yesterday, but we can't slander the boss like this. Do you know the fate of slandering the imperial army?"

"Fart!" Manager Fei was furious.

Manager Lan also went over to ask his people, "Tell me, what did Yang Fei say yesterday? Did he scold the imperial army?"

"No, manager, I didn't hear that!"

This thing seems to come to an end here.

Koizumi Tomoko smiled, "Hey, I've said it all, if you don't know about this matter, you can't make a conclusion!" Then he turned to look at Koizumi, "Dad, you heard it too, Yang Fei didn't insult us !"

Koizumi nodded, "Yes! Sakata-kun, let's forget about it!"

Sakata was obviously not convinced, and he said, "Commander Koizumi, I request a thorough investigation of this matter!"

"Forget it!" Sakata said, "There is no need to investigate thoroughly!"


"There's nothing wrong with it. Boss Yang just came to Tianjin, so he can't slander the Imperial Army of Japan!" Koizumi had already spoken, and Sakata could only say, "Ha Yi, that's all for now!"

"Well, go get busy!"

Tomoko Koizumi was very happy to send Sakata away, "Father, what did I say, Mr. Sakata is suspicious, and no one said what others said, but he still believed others!"

Koizumi stood up from his seat and came to Yang Fei, "Boss Yang, you have been wronged!"

"Commander, I haven't been wronged. I, Yang Fei, am not afraid of being crooked. I know what I said and what I didn't say!" Yang Fei said.

"That's good!" Koizumi seemed to have thought of something, "Then... Boss Yang, have you fired all these three managers?"

"Well, I have asked the housekeeper to find a suitable manager. I believe that we will be able to operate normally soon!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, but the manager has to be scouted carefully. First, he must be good at business management, and second, he must be loyal!" Koizumi said.

"Yes, Commander, I am looking for such a person!" Yang Fei said.

"In that case, can I say something?" Koizumi asked.

"Of course, Commander Koizumi, tell me!" Yang Fei said.

"That's right, I happen to have such a suitable candidate by my side!" Koizumi smiled, "I want to recommend it to you!"

Yang Fei was stunned for a moment, it turned out that Koizumi was waiting for him here!

At this time, Yang Fei didn't know how to refuse.

"Really? This is great!" Yang Fei said.

"So you mean you agree?" Koizumi asked.

"Of course, since it was suggested by Commander Koizumi, it must be the most suitable!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, of course, I don't believe that you can say bad things about our Japanese Imperial Army from your mouth!" Koizumi said.

"That's natural!" Yang Fei said, "Then when can I see them?"

"I'll make a phone call later, and try to meet you this afternoon!" Koizumi said. "I assure you, they definitely know how to operate and manage! Just look at the results within a month, and see how much turnover there is. At that time, if you think it's not good, you can fire them again!"

"What did you say?" Yang Fei said, "Since you said that, I think you must have considered our best!"

"Okay, let's meet this afternoon!"

Tomoko Koizumi was also very happy, after all his father helped Yang Fei, which would definitely make Yang Fei have a good impression of her.

"Then Boss Yang, this time, you can thank my father a lot!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"Naturally, naturally!" Yang Fei nodded quickly.

"That's good, but I want to tell you that the candidates for the manager are Japanese!" Commander Koizumi said.

Yang Fei's heart skipped a beat. Sure enough, he was right. However, this matter has developed to this point, how could he refuse?He didn't even think about it, "Okay!" Yang Fei said.

"Since you agree, then I'll contact you!" Commander Koizumi said.

"Commander, feel free to contact them! I promise, if they do a good job, I will prepare a generous gift for you!" Yang Fei said with a smile.

"Haha, Boss Yang, you are a sensible person. I can tell you clearly that I like you, so I will help you!" Commander Koizumi said.

Yang Fei didn't know what Koizumi was thinking.In the final analysis, this person wants to firmly grasp their Yang family.

"Haha!" Yang Fei smiled, "Commander Koizumi, since you value me, I will tell you not to slander, you arrange the police force for me, and Yang will give [-]% of the profits of Twitch every month to the Emperor of Japan." Army, I wish them invincibility on the battlefield!" Yang Fei said.

Koizumi was very happy with this sudden news. He had no idea that there would be Chinese people who gave money to their Japanese tycoons.

"Is this true?" Koizumi asked.

"Of course it's true!" Yang Fei said, "I'm new here, so please help me a lot in the future!"

"That's easy to say! This is easy to say!" Koizumi nodded.

Tomoko Koizumi was also very happy, "Boss Yang, since this is the case, I really want to communicate with you more in the future! Since you help us in this way, then..." He said, looking at Koizumi, "Dad, Or, if Yang Fei buys in our Japanese store in the future, then there will be a discount?"

"Don't discount it! It's free!" Koizumi ordered, and Yang Fei was even more flattered, "Haha, if that's the case, that's good, that's good, thank you Commander Koizumi!"

"Boss Yang, you gave us such a high salary to fight the Japanese imperial army, I should do so!"

In Koizumi's heart, this is a business that is sure to make a profit without losing money, [-]% per month, this... this is not a small amount of income!

(End of this chapter)

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