Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2437 Sir, you haven't checked out yet

Chapter 2437 Sir, you haven't checked out yet
After Yang Fei went back, he immediately found Wang Fuhua, and he wanted to ask what happened and whether what happened today was arranged by them.

After telling him what happened today, Wang Fuhua immediately asked, "Master, I told the people in the hotel to say that you didn't insult them, but the [-]% monthly income Is it too much?"

"This son of a bitch, Koizumi, let the Japanese come to be our manager, what else can I do? But it doesn't matter, my son, the Japanese don't need money!" Yang Fei said, "The Japanese are here How many stores have opened in Tianjin?"

"That's a lot!" Wang Fuhua said.

"Well, that's good!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Master, what do you mean?" Wang Fuhua asked.

"I won't tell you about this, let me tell you first, Koizumi plans to send Japanese over here, how should we deal with it?" Yang Fei asked.

"Since you have agreed, then I think we can make things easier for this matter, so let them come, but I'm not necessarily a bad thing!" Wang Fuhua said, "At least, those who want to occupy our hotel And the Japanese in the casino are a little bit more afraid!"

"That's what I said, but I always feel ashamed to let a Japanese be the manager of our Chinese hotel if it spreads!" Yang Fei said.

"No matter what, this matter has already been decided, so what we need to do next is to let them come!" Wang Fuhua looked at Yang Fei, "Master, as I said, this matter has just begun!"

Yang Fei looked at Wang Fuhua, "Old Wang, what do you mean? How much do you know?"

"Master, I don't know many things!" Wang Fuhua said.

"I always feel that there is something in your words! It's fine! But..." Yang Fei looked at him with a smile, "This Japanese came here as a manager, how much will we give him?"

"For this, it only needs to be twice as large as before!" Wang Fuhua said.

"Okay, then do as you said, Lao Wang%..." As he said, Yang Fei patted Wang Fuhua's shoulder, "Talk to me if you have something to say, and I will listen to it if I can. Look at today , How passive!" Yang Fei said.

"Master, it's okay, I am Jedi, you did the right thing! In this way, we will be trusted by them in a short time!" Wang Fuhua is very easy-going.

"Are you doing everything right?" Yang Fei asked.

"This is your family's property, you have the final say!" Wang Fuhua said while bending over.

"Hey, forget it, it's useless to ask you, I know you know a lot of things, but you just don't want to tell me!" Yang Fei said to Fang Mengru, "Mengru, I don't think your clothes look good. , in the afternoon, let's go shopping! I'll buy you some more clothes!"

"Master, is this true?" Fang Mengru asked.

"Hehe, am I still lying to you?" Yang Fei smiled.

Fang Mengru suddenly smiled, that kind of shy smile, "Okay, then have lunch, Wang Ma, let's keep lunch simple, and from now on, three meals a day will be simple!"

Yang Fei yelled, and Wang Ma, who was busy in the kitchen, poked her head out, "Good sir!"

"Ah That's good!"

After a simple lunch, Yang Fei asked Xiao Li to drive the two of them to the busiest street in Tianjin.

Yang Fei's idea is naturally very simple, he has already suffered a loss, he has almost no face with the Japanese, so his face must be found in other Japanese.

When Yang Fei saw a clothing store, he quickly waved for Xiao Li to stop, and then got out of the car with Fang Mengru.

This clothing store is very luxuriously decorated at first glance, Yang Fei smiled, "Okay, here it is, Mengru, after a while to look at the clothes, I will pick up the expensive ones and buy the good-looking ones!"

"Master, don't need to buy expensive ones, as long as you can wear them!" Fang Mengru said. 】

"Whatever I say, just do what you do!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, but I still feel..."

Before Fang Mengru finished speaking, Yang Fei said, "Listen to me, you must be right!"

"Okay! Let's go!" Fang Mengru went in with Yang Fei helplessly.

As soon as I entered, there was a Japanese woman standing at the door, wearing a kimono, with heavy makeup on her face. It was really uncomfortable to see that she was neither expensive nor ghostly.


Yang Fei smiled, "My wife wants to buy clothes, you take them to those high-end places!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, please!"

The Japanese shopping guide led Fang Mengru inside.

This clothing store is interesting. Yang Fei even thought about opening a clothing store. In addition to their unique kimonos, this Japanese clothing store also has Chinese cheongsam. It seems that the Japanese also have a feeling for cheongsam .

"Ma'am, do you want to wear that style?" the Japanese shopping guide asked.

Fang Mengru looked at the dazzling array of items, "Then the cheongsam!"

"Yes, I have to choose a cheongsam, let's go, I'll go over and have a look with you!" Yang Fei took the lead and Fang Mengru went to the place where the cheongsam was exhibited, and touched it with his hands. The material is really high-quality, and his rough hands can handle it I feel that this small Japanese shop is really good.

"Take off the red one and try it!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay sir, please wait a moment!"

After a while, the shopping guide took off the red cheongsam, Fang Mengru took it, and then went to the fitting room to try it on. After wearing it, it really showed off her figure, "Yes, I look good!":
"Master, do you think this is good? Isn't it a bit too gorgeous?" Fang Mengru asked.

"It's right to be gorgeous!" Yang Fei said. "I'll wear this dress at the reception, and there are others. Look at the green one, I think it's not bad!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay sir, wait a minute, I'll take it off right away and try it!" The Japanese shopping guide took it off and gave it to Fang Mengru.

The strangeness of this Japanese shop is here. In Yang Fei's impression, the cheongsam should be purchased first, and then tailor-made by a tailor. Otherwise, how could it be completely similar to his figure?However, Fang Mengru's clothes from this shop really looked a bit fancy.

"How much are these?" Yang Fei asked.

"Are these two sets of clothes?" the Japanese shopping guide asked.

"Yes, it's these two bodies. Let's see how much the total is?" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he gave the clothes to Xiao Li behind him, "Put the things in the car!"

After Xiao Li took the clothes and left, the Japanese shopping guide came over, "Hello, sir, the total cost is [-]!"

"Oh, one thousand seven! I see!" After speaking, Yang Fei took Fang Mengru out.

But the Japanese shopping guide was taken aback, and she ran out quickly, "Sir, you haven't settled the bill yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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