Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2438 Lord, please

Chapter 2438 Lord, please

Yang Fei wants to get in the car no matter what!
Anyway, Commander Koizumi has already said that he can be completely free in the Japanese store.

The Japanese shopping guide went over and blocked the car door, "Sir, you haven't paid the bill yet!"

"Checkout?" Yang Fei scratched his head, "I still need to pay?"

"Sir, no matter who you are, you have to pay the bill!" said the shopping guide.

"Oh, right, right, I forgot to tell you, Commander Koizumi said, I buy things in Tianjin, as long as it is our store in Japan, I don't need to pay for things!" Yang Fei said.

"Ah?" The shopping guide immediately understood one thing, this guy is definitely wishful thinking, let alone a Chinese, even if the Japanese come here to buy things, they still have to pay.

"No, no! You can't go!" said the Japanese shopping guide.

"Actually, it's not that I don't have money. You can inquire about it. Yang Fei of the Yang family, the big boss is here, and I'm still short of money? It's just that Commander Koizumi said that I don't want to give money, so let's do it!" Yang Fei said, "Hurry up and send someone to Commander Koizumi to ask, and then I'll go home first. If it doesn't work, you can just find someone to go to my house to get the money!"

The shopping guide quickly shook his head, "Then you have to wait, I'll go find the manager!"

Yang Fei beckoned for Xiao Li to take Fang Mengru back first. Yang Fei was very familiar with this kind of foolishness, and the profits he had to release had to be made at that time, right?
After a while, a Japanese manager came out with a mustache under his nose, looking like a fanatic, "Sir, what's the situation?"

"Hello, manager, it's like this. Today, Commander Koizumi told me that as long as I'm shopping in Japanese stores, I don't need to pay for it!" Yang Fei said.

"Sir, have you made a mistake"? I have never received such an order!" said the manager.

"Let me just say, quickly find someone to ask Commander Koizumi, if Commander Koizumi agrees, I will be able to go back!
The manager frowned, "How can this happen?"

"You have to believe it. I told this lady just now that I am Yang Fei from the Yang family, and I am not short of money!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, then I have a solid idea in my heart, then you can go back, if Commander Koizumi has not said this, I will send someone to your house to pick it up!" The Japanese manager said.

"Very well, that's what I mean!" Yang Fei said.

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei swaggered away.

Tianjin is great!
It was the first time for Yang Fei to see such a big city. He used to roll around on the dirt, but now he turned into a rich second generation in a suit. Tell me, what could be more exciting than this?
The busier the city, the more beggars there are on the streets.

Yang Fei originally thought that in such a bustling city, he could be completely free to imagine, but he didn't expect the scene in front of him to catch him off guard. The city is certainly very good, but whether it suits him is another matter!

As I was walking, I suddenly saw a beautiful figure in front of me. She was taking pictures on the street with a camera.

This figure was so familiar, Yang Fei once thought that this person was someone he was familiar with. He didn't know if it was, but he slowly approached.

The girl walked away after taking the photo.

He took a few steps forward and stopped.He suddenly realized in his mind, it Shen Ling?

That beautiful reporter who used to promote them in the liberated area?
That Shen Ling who once thought she was his wife?
Looking back silently, things have changed!

Tianjin is very small. After all, Yang Fei has already come, and Tianjin is very big. He is completely unfamiliar with this city.Professional habits, Yang Fei wandered around in the city, wherever there is a small road, and where there is an easy escape, Yang Fei kept these in mind.

After returning from the outside, Fang Mengru hurriedly found Yang Fei, "Master, how is it?"

"Haha, it's okay! Don't worry! I've already dealt with this matter!" Yang Fei said.

"Is there really no need to pay for these clothes?" Fang Mengru asked.

"Really, is this still a lie to you?" Yang Fei said.

"That's good!" Fang Mengru was actually still dubious.

"Okay, I'll just settle this matter!" Yang Fei put his arms around Fang Mengru's waist, "Go up and rest!"

After Fang Mengru left, Wang Fuhua asked, "Master..." After finishing speaking, Wang Fuhua laughed unkindly, "Master, I really didn't expect that you..."

"Uncle Wang, I also said that I, Yang Fei, will never suffer. Even if I suffer, I will still make others uncomfortable!" Yang Fei said.

"Master, I'm afraid that the Japanese will come to discuss this matter with you again!" Wang Fuhua said.

"He Japanese also has to pay attention to integrity, he promised me, I am not buying and selling by force!" Yang Fei has reason and evidence, "Maybe it won't matter if this matter is placed on other people's heads, but on me , I am absolutely impossible! Who will let me suffer!"

Yang Fei's words inexplicably made Wang Fuhua excited. How long, how many people saw the Japanese before it was too late to hide, but Yang Fei took the initiative to approach the Japanese, and even urinated on the Japanese's head!What's this?If this is not a hero, what is it?
"Master, no matter what happens, my old Wang's life is yours!" Wang Fuhua said affectionately.

"What's the matter? I, Yang Fei, are fine. From now on, we will officially become masters in Tianjin!" Yang Fei patted his thigh, "Okay, Uncle Wang, I don't know what will happen next. If the Japanese If someone comes to ask for money, then give it to him, we can't afford to lose this person!"

"Master, I understand!" Wang Fuhua said.

"This matter is really difficult!" Yang Fei muttered, "By the way, where is Coach Ji now?"

"Coach Ji should be in the casino!" Wang Fuhua said.

"Well, okay, tonight, I want to go to the casino!" Yang Fei said.

"Master, can I arrange it now?" Wang Fuhua asked.

"Don't worry, I'll go alone!" Yang Fei said, "Let me see if the gambling shop manager is the same as those few people!"

"Good sir!" Wang Fuhua said and left.

Soon it was night, after dinner, Yang Fei asked Xiao Li to take him to a place not far from the casino and got off the car.

Yang Fei is still in a suit, very energetic.

He headed towards Xintiandi Casino.

At the door, two men in black with open necklines smiled and said, "Master, you are here, please come inside!"

As soon as he was at the door, he heard the commotion inside. As soon as Yang Fei arrived at the door, the strong smell of smoke came to his nostrils.Yang Fei held his nose and went in. The inside was really big. It was different from that kind of small underground gambling house. This kind of place looked clean, and the decoration inside was resplendent!

(End of this chapter)

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