Chapter 2441
Hearing this, Yang Fei was still in a bad mood. The heinous crimes committed by the Japanese are too numerous to write down. Without their invasion, at least the boss can rely on the sky to eat. Even if life is a little bit painful, there is no such thing as the Japanese. kind of oppression.

Anyway, all of this now is due to these beasts. Without these beasts, it would definitely not be what it is now.

"Coach Ji, I'm really sorry, to hear you say this, in fact, why can't I feel the hatefulness of this Japanese?" However, Yang Fei changed the subject and said, "Coach Ji, I know, this matter Although it has something to do with the Japanese, we are now in Tianjin, which is occupied by the Japanese, so we still have to learn to let nature take its course!"

Ji Taichang glanced at Yang Fei and ignored him. Yang Fei is a big boss and a capitalist. Only by taking good care of the Japanese can he make more money. So what happened to what Yang Fei said just now? Son?
Thinking of this, Ji Taichang felt inexplicably lost. He wanted to serve the country, but now he could only listen to Yang Fei's words.

"Master, don't worry, no matter who takes over our property, I will guarantee the security of our place!" Ji Taichang said.

"Yes, that's what I want! Coach Ji, when I first came here, I couldn't trust other people. However, when I first met you, I felt that you are not simple, so I am willing to believe you!" Yang Fei said.

"Since the master trusts me so much, then I will help us do things sincerely!" Ji Taichang also expressed his opinion.

Yang Fei was very satisfied. When he got home, he saw a group of Japanese there. After Yang Fei approached, "What's wrong?"

The Japanese glanced at him, but didn't speak.

When he got to the house, he found Sakata sitting on the sofa again with a very arrogant expression.

"Captain Sakata?" After speaking, he saw a person sitting next to him.

"Boss Yang, are you safe?" Sakata asked.

"Captain Sakata, what do you mean by coming to my house?" Yang Fei asked.

"Boss Yang, I heard that you don't need money for shopping?" Sakata asked.

"Well, yes, I really don't need money to buy things!" Yang Fei said.

"Who gave you this right?" Sakata asked again.

"Commander Koizumi told me this in person? Why? You don't even believe Commander Koizumi?" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he sat down by himself, asked Wang Fuhua to bring a cigar, and handed one to Sakata.

Sakata refused, "Boss Yang, I'm not here to smoke cigars, I'm here to ask you something!" Sakata asked.

"Then ask me!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he lit a cigar.

"Mr. Shanbian came to me today and said that you didn't pay for the things you bought. I thought it was impossible. You boss Yang is a big boss, how could you not pay for it? Later I heard from him that it was Commander Koizumi. Don't give it up!"

"He's right, I said that!" Yang Fei said.

"So, I'll come over and ask. If the situation is true, I'll tell him and let him admit it!" Sakata said.

"Sakata-kun, I'm open for business, how can I not give money?" The stranger next to him is Shanbian.

Yang Fei finally understood that he was here to ask for money.

"Mr. Yamabe, I'm sorry, since Commander Koizumi ordered, then don't embarrass me anymore!" Sakata said.

"Hi!" Yang Fei shook his head, "Okay, even if I don't understand Japanese, I can guess what you mean!" Yang Fei stood up, "Mr. Shanbian, I'm really sorry! I'll give you the money! "As he said, he turned to Wang Fuhua and said, "Uncle Wang, ask Mr. Shanbian how much those clothes cost, and give them to him together!"

Sakata also stood up, "No, Commander Koizumi didn't ask you to pay!"

"Forget it, even if Commander Koizumi made a joke with me, I can still afford the money!" Yang Fei said.

Wang Fuhua went to the side of the mountain and asked the price, then left.

Sakata looked back at Shanbian, "Mr. Shanbian, I know you can't do business at a loss, are you sure you want money?"

"Of course!" Shanbian said, "If Boss Yang keeps looking at my things and then leaves, I might close down!"

"Okay, don't talk so much!" Yang Fei said.

Sakata looked at Yang Fei, "Boss Yang, don't rush to give the money, I'll ask Commander Koizumi!" Sakata said. ,

"No need to go! I'll give you the money!" Just as Yang Fei finished speaking, Wang Fuhua took the money.Yang Fei took it, and walked up to Shanbian, "Mr. Shanbian, I'm really sorry, I took your clothes but didn't give you the money, I'm really sorry!" After saying that, he gave the money to Shanbian .

Shanbian took the money and counted it carefully, no more, no less, just right.

This is a disgrace!

At least in Sakata's heart, this is considered Yang Fei's mockery.

He regretted coming to question Yang Fei, he thought, Yang Fei would never give it to him, but unexpectedly, he was so generous that he took out the money all at once.

And the mountain next to him is simply a money-grubbing ghost. After counting it once, he counted it again. Compared with Yang Fei's temperament, it is really embarrassing to the Imperial Japanese Army.

"Okay, Boss Yang, since this matter is over, then... let's go!" Sakata said to Shanbian, "Mr. Shanbian, let's go?"

"Let's go!" Shan Bian stood up and left with Sakata.

After leaving, Wang Fuhua asked, "Master, why do you need to do so much?"

"Uncle Wang, don't you understand this?" Yang Fei smiled, "This matter is very simple, since Koizumi said that I buy things for free, then I will go to get them for free, and they will get the money when they come over. This is slapping Commander Koizumi in the face, obviously, Sakata has not gone to talk to Koizumi about it! When Koizumi finds out, you know what the consequences will be?"

"Sir, please tell me?" Wang Fuhua asked.

"Koizumi will scold them all over the face, and then apologize to me!" Yang Fei said, "Who else can do this by asking the Japanese to apologize to me?" Yang Fei was naturally very happy, "Okay, this matter will end again tomorrow!"

"Master is wise!" Wang Fuhua said.

This matter is actually a simple matter. In Koizumi's eyes, it is impossible for Yang Fei to go shopping in Japanese stores all day long. Besides, even if Yang Fei took a lot of things for free, [-]% of his property The profit is not a small amount of income, and it will definitely be more than Yang Fei's.

Give up the small and choose the big, this is a truth that even a child understands.

However, Fang Mengru was a little worried, "Master, is this really the case?"

"do not be afraid!"

(End of this chapter)

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