Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2442 Boss Yang is illiterate

Chapter 2442 Boss Yang is illiterate

Yang Fei said calmly, "This is not a big deal!"

For this matter, Yang Fei really didn't take it to heart. Besides, how many devils he killed on the battlefield, he would be afraid of devils, which is ridiculous.

"I always feel that we have offended Sakata in this matter!" Fang Mengru said.

"Anyway, we are here to offend people!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Forget it, I will definitely not keep buying things from the Japanese in the future, anyway, you can go in the future!" Fang Mengru said.

"This is not good!" Yang Fei said, "I heard from other people's ears that Koizumi's wife, Keiko, likes Chinese culture very much! I will take you to Koizumi's place another day, and you have a good relationship with her wife! For us The task of getting twice the result with half the effort."

"Well, okay, then tomorrow, I'll go get some things ready!" Fang Mengru said.

On the second day, it was as expected by Yang Fei.

Tomoko Koizumi came, and when he came, he asked angrily, "Why did you give them money yesterday?"

Yang Fei put down the bowl and chopsticks, "Miss Tomoko, are you here?"

"I ask you, why did you give them money yesterday?" Tomoko Koizumi asked again. She was very angry about this matter, angry at the bastard Sakata.

"Everyone has come to the door. I thought, there is not much, so I gave it to others! Miss Tomoko, don't mention it, it's really cool to make this rifle out of other people's favors!" Yang Fei laughed laugh.

"You..." Tomoko was obviously a little angry, she sat on the sofa, "You and I will go with me later, my father is looking for you!"

"Commander Koizumi looking for me? Then wait a moment, I'll go get ready now." Yang Fei changed his clothes and went downstairs.

Then he waited for Fang Mengru.

"My wife heard that Mrs. Huizi likes Chinese culture, so I prepared some things for her!" Yang Fei said.


The three arrived at the headquarters by car.

Fang Mengru went to find Keiko, Zhizi and Yang Fei met Commander Koizumi.

Commander Koizumi looked at Yang Fei and said, "I heard that this is not a good thing!"

"Commander Koizumi, this is not a big deal!" Yang Fei said.

Koizumi was writing at this time, then he put down his pen and walked up to Yang Fei, "You don't regard the Japanese as your friends!"

"Commander, what are you talking about? I am willing to be this pawn!" Yang Fei bent over and said.

"Boss Yang, but I can't get [-]% of the profit from you for nothing. I said, you have to remember, isn't it just two sets of clothes? What a big deal that is." Son? I criticized Sakata-kun yesterday, and I hope you two can get along well, after all, I treat Sakata like my own son!"

"Yes, Commander Koizumi!" Yang Fei said.

"This matter is over, today I will tell all the Japanese shops in Tianjin, as long as it is something that your boss Yang likes, you can take it!" Koizumi said.

"This...isn't it good?" Yang Fei was a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong with it?" Koizumi said, "Mutual benefit, this is a human thing!"

At this time, Tomoko Koizumi also said, "Dad, that's right. I think Sakata-kun has gone too far. He should ask you first!"

"Tomoko, there is no right or wrong, I'm used to it!" Koizumi finished speaking, and then walked to the table by himself, "Boss Yang, come here, how do you look at my writing?"

Yang Fei stood up, and when he got to the table, he could recognize the brush characters and that one character, but he didn't know what it was.

He looked a little embarrassed, and then said, "Commander Koizumi, that's really well written!"

Koizumi Tomoko who was on the side burst out laughing.

Commander Koizumi watched, then frowned, "Tomoko, you can't be rude!":
"Father!" Tomoko Koizumi said at this time, "Boss Yang, don't think you have been in business for many years, but you don't know how to read!"

"Oh?" Commander Koizumi looked at Yang Fei. He was good-looking, but he couldn't read. Isn't this incompatible with his current status?
But having said that, since Yang Fei can't read, it's a good thing. He wishes all the Chinese could not read.

"Boss Yang...this..."

"Commander, Miss Tomoko is right. Although I have an uncle who is a big boss, the living conditions in Xi'an where I live are not so good, so I haven't been to school since I was a child, and I don't know Dou Da's characters. , I can only know my surname!" When talking about his knowledge, Yang Fei unceremoniously revealed his shortcomings.

Tomoko Koizumi came over with a smile, "Boss Yang, the word my father wrote is a word 'and'!"

"Harmony?" Yang Fei asked, "Harmony makes money?"

"That's right, it's peace that makes money!" Koizumi said.

"This word is so simple, I know it, I know it!" Yang Fei scratched his head. "Commander, your handwriting is amazing!"

"In that case, why don't I give you this painting?" Koizumi asked.

"That would be great. I came here and took a piece of calligraphy by the way. It's really great!" Yang Fei smiled.

Koizumi rolled up the word in the past, "Boss Yang, from now on, our cooperation will continue!"

"Don't worry, Commander, without you here in Tianjin, I don't know if my business will be able to continue! It's great now!" Rang Fei said, "I put this word in a hotel or a gambling house. An army of ten thousand horses will still work!"

"You are so ridiculous! I understand my handwriting. Is the writing good? Anyway, I am at this level!" Koizumi smiled.

"Father's handwriting is the best in Tokyo, and this is the style!" Tomoko Koizumi said capitally.

"Salt body? Salty?" Yang Fei rubbed his head.

"Haha, no more! The facial features are Yan Zhenqing's style!" Tomoko Koizumi smiled.

"Oh, that's right!" Yang Fei looked a little embarrassed.However, this is also like a slap in the face!

A Japanese can know Chinese characters and have such a deep understanding of Chinese culture, but he, as a Chinese, doesn't know a lot of Chinese characters, is he really not ashamed?I used to think that educated people were sour, but now that he is illiterate, he is sour.

It can be seen how much trouble is it if you don't know the words?
If you can't do it well, others will tease you, and you still don't know it!

Koizumi rolled up the words, tied them with a hemp rope, and handed them to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei gently held it in his hand, "I'll go back and frame it properly!"

"Boss Yang, don't worry, I don't discriminate against people who don't study, just be yourself. This person, living in the world, will always stand out one day. Don't you succeed? There are so many people who can read, Are they as successful as you?"

(End of this chapter)

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