Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2443 I want to read

Chapter 2443 I want to read

Yang Fei knew that Koizumi must have his purpose in saying this, and such a purpose, in Koizumi's mind, was, "You don't need to study, you don't need to know how to read, as long as you have money!"

Yang Fei also knew that these beasts wished that the Chinese were uneducated. In this way, these beasts could use their disgusting and shameless methods.

Fang Mengru on the other side saw Huizi, she put a Chinese knot on her hand and gave it to Huizi, "Mrs. Huizi, I really don't have any good things to bring here. I heard that you like Chinese culture, so I will send you this Chinese knot today. I hope you also like it!"

Keiko held the Chinese knot and said with a happy smile, "You really are so caring!"

Fang Mengru smiled, "As long as you like it, Chinese culture exudes tolerance from the inside to the outside, and Chinese people are also kind people!"

Keiko nodded, "Yes, at least the Chinese people I have met are all kind-hearted like you!"

On Fang Mengru's side, she had a lot of conversations with Huizi. From her mouth, Fang Mengru knew that Huizi was learning Chinese cuisine recently. To be honest, if Fang Mengru knew Chinese cuisine herself, she would definitely come to teach her. However, she herself has not Learned, this can be embarrassing!However, she thought, after going back today, she would beg Wang Ma to teach her a few simple dishes, so that she could come and teach Huizi again.

After going back with Yang Fei, Yang Fei has been depressed.

Fang Mengru kept asking him, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Meng Ru, this illiterate is really a headache!" Yang Fei said.

"Master, have you been stimulated today?" Fang Mengru asked.

"I saw that Koizumi could write with a brush, and he should be able to write pretty well!" As he spoke, Yang Fei opened the words that Koizumi gave him, "Look, how is the writing?"

Fang Mengru took a look, "My lord, this is a beautiful face, although there is only one character, but this character is really well written!"

"Look, even you said that, it seems that I have to know a few words!" Yang Fei said.

"Master, as long as you have the heart, you can definitely learn it!" Fang Mengru said.

"Why don't you teach me?" Yang Fei looked at Fang Mengru.

"I am willing, but I want to learn a few dishes recently. I heard that Koizumi's wife, Keiko, is learning Chinese food recently. No, I'm thinking about how to get close to her!" Fang Mengru said, "Or at night? "

"Forget it, if this is the case, you should be very tired!" Yang Fei said, "I will ask Uncle Wang to find me a teacher later, what's the matter, I have to learn simple characters too, right?"

"Master, come on, you can do it!" Fang Mengru encouraged Yang Fei.

"Tell me, why does this Japanese want to learn Chinese characters?" Yang Fei asked.

"Master, our Chinese culture is extensive and profound. For thousands of years, Chinese culture has influenced many neighboring countries. Of course, Japan has the most profound influence on them. So you see, many Japanese characters have Chinese characters." Fang Mengru Said.

"Oh, it's really incomparable. As a Chinese, I don't even know how to read!" Yang Fei shook his head, "No, no, I didn't know how to read before because many people around me couldn't. I don’t think I’m worse than anyone else, but look, in our family, even Wang’s mother and Xiao Li can read. Last time, I saw Wang’s mother reading a newspaper, and Xiao Li also took a notebook to read. write."

"Master, so, have you made up your mind to study?" Fang Mengru asked.

"Well, if I don't change me, who can change me?" Yang Fei said, "It is very likely that my knowledge in this life will not be as high as Koizumi's, but I must understand everything!"

"Master, you are right, the past is the past, and in the future, I will urge you to study hard!"

Yang Fei made up his mind to study, which is a good thing, at least it is very helpful for their task.

On the second day, something happened that Yang Fei never expected.

Yang Fei just told Wang Fuhua that he must find a teacher to teach him how to read today, and Tomoko Koizumi came on the back foot.

This time, Tomoko Koizumi said that there was an event that he wanted to participate in with him.

Yang Fei didn't even think about it, "Alright Miss Tomoko, just wait a moment!"

After changing clothes, Tomoko Koizumi and Yang Fei set off.

This time their destination was on the edge of the Haihe River.

As soon as he arrived at the destination, Yang Fei saw a lot of people busy. Tomoko Koizumi took Yang Fei's hand and saw a lot of people setting up tables, and then wearing pieces of meat with wooden sticks, and of course there were a lot of vegetables.

"This is?" Yang Fei couldn't understand.

Tomoko Koizumi quickly explained, "Boss Yang, many of us are here today to have a barbecue. This event is very good!"

"Barbecue?" Yang Fei listened, he didn't even know what a barbecue was.

The charcoal fire was burning, billowing smoke and dust, and under the tree, a shirtless man blew vigorously towards the fire platform, and suddenly, the fire broke out.

"Look, just roast the meat on the fire, and you can eat it when it's cooked!" Tomoko Koizumi said, "Boss Yang, there should be such activities often, right?"

Yang Fei shook his head, "No, never!"

"It doesn't matter!" Tomoko Koizumi said, "Today I will show you what barbecue is!"

I saw a lot of people busy roasting by the fire pit, and a lot of girls sat on the grass, enjoying the clear weather brought by early summer.

The Haihe River is the mother river of Tianjin, and most of the gestational statements started from a river.

These people spoke Japanese, and Yang Fei couldn't understand a word. Forget it, he didn't even know a single word, but he still wanted to understand Japanese?Yang Fei is in a good mood.

After a while, someone came over and delivered a lot of meat skewers, "Everyone hurry up and enjoy our barbecue, there will be more in a while!"

Tomoko Koizumi gave Yang Fei one, and it tasted really good.

"How is it?" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

"Not bad, really good!" Yang Fei ate with relish.

At this time, someone suggested, "We will play games every event, and today is no exception. Everyone present, we must participate!"

Tomoko Koizumi shouted happily, "Okay! Okay!"

"However, this time is different. We are all from Japan. Since we are in China, let's play the game in Chinese and ask questions once, how about it?"

"Okay, then let's see who understands Chinese culture!"

Hearing this, Yang Fei was stunned, this damn thing was just a game specially set up for him.

Yang Fei couldn't sit still anymore, Tomoko Koizumi quickly stopped him, "Boss Yang, what's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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