Chapter 2444 Games
"Ah? It's okay, I'll make it easier for you!" Yang Fei said.

"I'm afraid it's convenient or fake, and it's true that I don't dare to play games?" The voice came from behind, Sakata came over with a smile, and surrounded everyone.

"Sakata-kun, you are here, I thought you didn't even come!"

"Not coming? How could I not come?" Sakata smiled and looked at Yang Fei, "Boss Yang, it's okay to go, we are waiting for you, don't run away!"

Yang Fei's face was suddenly pale with a little green, he smiled, "Don't worry, I can't leave!"

Yang Fei came under a tree and thought to himself, "Damn it, this activity must have been thought up by this Sakata, but how did he know that he doesn't know how to read? Isn't this just for face-slapping?" ?” Yang Fei was a little angry.

But what about for a while?At this moment, his mind was running rapidly, and he had to think of a way.

He turned his head to see so many people surrounding him, and Tomoko Koizumi was having an angry conversation with Sakata, the time shouldn't be too long.

He tried his best to calm down, "Go ahead, don't care, don't these Japanese people just want to see his jokes? Look, what can I do, what are you afraid of, anyway, he will beat the devils in the end. It doesn't matter now, just bear with it?"

He went over and sat next to Tomoko Koizumi, Tomoko Koizumi looked at Yang Fei, "Boss Yang, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Looking at Yang Fei for a long time, he kept smiling, "Boss Yang, that's the beginning! However, if you don't know how, you can eat meat skewers!"

Several people nearby started laughing.

The chirping birds on the trees, Yang Fei, may not be a bird in the hot summer.

He began to tense up.

"Why not, let's keep it simple!" Someone suggested, "I have a lot of paper in my hand, and there are exactly ten of us. Then I suggest that if we write an ancient poem, each of us can only write one character. It must also be in the quatrains without words!"

"It's easy, I do!"

Yang Fei frowned, and Tomoko Koizumi hurriedly said, "Boss Yang and I can just use a piece of paper!"

"This is not allowed, this is a game, Tomoko, you can't do this! Besides, Boss Yang is Chinese, our game is very fair!"

"You..." Tomoko Koizumi didn't know in advance that this event could be involved here.

"What's wrong with Zhizi? I remember that in China before, there was still a lot of literati exchanges. Today, let's emulate it! Can't we?"

Yang Fei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "It's time to start!"

"Okay, if you can't answer, we will be punished. Have you seen the Haihe River? Jump in and swim around to come up!"

"Good! Good!"

ah?Yang Fei is a landlubber, so if he jumped in, he probably wouldn't be able to come up.

"That begins!"

With that said, everyone handed out a blank sheet of paper, started writing from the first one, and quickly turned to Yang Fei. He glanced at the words written by Tomoko, and he didn't even recognize the big characters. , he sighed, "I won't!"

After everyone heard this, they burst out laughing, "Boss Yang is just joking, this poem is so simple, it's Li Bai's poem!"

"That's right, I reminded you, Boss Yang, hurry up and write. We have to continue!"

Yang Fei's hands trembled, "Okay, I'm going to jump into the river, you guys continue!"

With that said, Yang Fei turned around and went to the side of Huanhe. He took off his clothes and put them on the shore. Just as he was about to jump off, a voice came from behind him, "Boss Yang, take off your pants too, so you don't have to worry about it." Time, wet!"


"That's right!"

Tomoko Koizumi's face also turned red, what kind of event is this? People have a headache.

I saw Yang Fei jumping into the river with a plop, struggling and staggering to swim. Fortunately, he could step on the sand under his feet, and he slowly swam up.

Yang Fei held his breath in his heart. The best way for these Japanese to punish Chinese opponents is to give him a heavy blow in face, which is even more embarrassing than letting Yang Fei go to the execution ground.

When Yang Fei sat down obediently, the others spoke again.

"How about this, let's keep it simple, don't need to write, just say an ancient poem, and then, this is called ancient poem Solitaire, how about it?"

"Okay, that's it for us!"

Yang Fei doesn't even know ancient poems, so he still plays Solitaire?This is clearly a joke on him again.

"The Yellow River is far above the white clouds!"

"Wanren Mountain, an isolated city thousands of miles away..."


Yang Fei swallowed his saliva, he couldn't understand what was being said, he looked at them, "So, I'm going to swim again?"


"Boss Yang, let's go!"

When everyone teases a person like a doll, the person will basically be destroyed mentally, and Yang Fei goes to the river again...

When he came back, Yang Fei said, "Everyone, play slowly, I still have some things to do in my hotel!"

With that said, Yang Fei was about to leave.

"Boss Yang, I'm afraid you can't afford it?" Sakata said sarcastically.

"Another day, another day let's play together again!" Yang Fei smiled and was about to leave.

"Then I won't give it away, the guy who doesn't even know Li Bai!"

"That's right, what a simple game! Then let's play!"

Tomoko Koizumi also stood up quickly. He ran to Yang Fei, and Sakata hurriedly called out, "Miss Tomoko, where are you going? You abandoned all your friends for a Chinese person?"

Tomoko Koizumi looked back at them, "Are you people worthy to be friends with me?"

"Miss Zhizi, why don't we deserve it? I'm afraid it's Boss Yang who doesn't deserve it? I don't know a single word, how can we communicate with him?"

"Bastard!" Tomoko Koizumi yelled.

Sakata stood up at this time and came to Koizumi Tomoko, "Miss Tomoko, we didn't mean to offend Boss Yang, I'm very sorry!"

"Sakata, I'm afraid it's your deliberate revenge?" Koizumi Tomoko said.

"Revenge? I took revenge on a Chinese, and I shot him to death, didn't I?" Sakata shouted.

Tomoko Koizumi looked back at Yang Fei, he walked away slowly, and the water that fell from his body sprinkled all the way.

"Sit down, let's continue playing!"

Sakata asked Koizumi Tomoko to sit down.

Yang Fei's mood was extremely bad, no one gave him this opportunity at all, when he was about to study, he was ridiculed by all the Japanese, what a terrible thing!

He stroked his hair, and then continued to walk forward, "Wait a while, I have to get this game back!"

With motivation and perseverance, even unsuccessful things can always be on the verge of success.

(End of this chapter)

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