Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2445 Familiar Teacher

Chapter 2445 Familiar Teacher
All of a sudden, many people in Tianjin knew about Yang Fei's scandal.

This is also completely expected, the matter that Sakata has planned so hard is completely for such a purpose, so it is expected by Yang Fei.

At least in the Japanese circle, word spread that Yang Fei was illiterate. For Yang Fei, the successor of the Yang family, these things were really his mother's scandal.

So, he told Wang Fuhua, "If Tomoko Koizumi comes to see me in the future, just say I'm not here!"

"Yes sir!"

"Damn it!" Yang Fei shouted sullenly, "One day, I will tear Sakata's mouth apart!"

But this matter, through the mouths of the Japanese, many Chinese people also know that half of Tianjin knows that the successor of the Yang family is illiterate, and this matter has become a topic of discussion for many Tianjin people after dinner.

This happened only two or three days ago, Tomoko Koizumi came to look for Yang Fei several times, but was rejected by Wang Fuhua saying, "Master is not here!"

Tomoko Koizumi was very helpless, and she knew that if he hadn't taken the initiative to invite Yang Fei, maybe everyone would not have known about Yang Fei, but she was also very sad that this had already happened.

It's even more joyful to be in Koizumi's ears. Since Yang Fei doesn't know how to count, wouldn't it mean that the few managers he sent can mess up their accounts?
In this way, Yang Fei stayed at home and didn't go anywhere, for fear of being recognized by others.

Wang Fuhua and Yang Fei said, "The managers hired by Koizumi have arrived!"

Yang Fei said, "If there are enough people, let them take office, and he will check the accounts at the end of the month!"

Several managers smiled and went to Yang Fei to take over several hotels and casinos.

At this time, someone began to knock on the door.

Wang Fuhua looked over and saw that it was a woman. She was wearing a dress, holding a pink bag in her hand, and a pink hairpin on her head. She had big eyes and a high nose bridge, and she looked very beautiful.

"Hello, you are……"

"Hello, I heard that tutors are invited here, I'll come and have a look!" The woman introduced herself.

"Oh, so that's the case!" Wang Fuhua nodded quickly, "Okay, then come in with me!"

At home, Wang Fuhua went upstairs and told Yang Fei about the situation.

Yang Fei nodded and went downstairs with Wang Fuhua.

As soon as he got downstairs, Yang Fei saw the woman sitting on the sofa, and took a closer look, this...

He was stunned.

The woman glanced at Yang Fei, then frowned, but soon Yang Fei hurried down, "Hello!"

Shen Ling stretched out a hand slowly, "Hello!"

The two shook hands, "What's your name?"

"I..." The corners of Shen Ling's eyes were a little blurry, isn't this person Yang Fei?So soon, he doesn't know himself?
"Hi, my name is Yang Fei!" Yang Fei said.

"Shen Ling!" Shen Ling also introduced himself.

"Uncle Wang, that's enough, you go to work! I think this girl looks good!" After finishing speaking, he said to Shen Ling, "Mr. Shen, come upstairs then!"

After going upstairs, Shen Ling ran to Yang Fei, "Yang Fei, are you Yang Fei?"

"Miss Shen, please come inside!"

When he arrived at the study, Yang Fei sat down, "These are so many books left by my uncle during his lifetime. What a pity, I can't read, so please teach me!"

"Yang Fei, I'm Shen Ling!" Shen Ling said again.

"Miss Shen, you go first!" Yang Fei said.

Yang Fei arrived at the door, made sure there was no one outside, and then sat down by himself, "Reporter Shen?"

"Yang did you get to Tianjin..." Shen Ling was a little confused.

"You don't know about such a big news in Tianjin?" Yang Fei smiled, "My uncle was doing business in Tianjin, and then passed away. Before he died, he left all his property to me, so I came here !"

" don't want to be Balu..."

Yang Fei hurriedly covered his mouth with his hand, "Secret, don't dare to talk nonsense about this!"

The corner of Shen Ling's mouth moved slightly, it was completely different from what he thought, how could it be like this?Yang Fei is a great hero, why did he come to Tianjin now, and why did he come to Tianjin?
Could it be that he simply inherited his uncle's inheritance?
She doesn't believe it, she just doesn't want to believe it.

Just a few days ago, there were rumors that the Yang family's heir was illiterate. Shen Ling also heard about it, but he never thought that it would be Yang Fei.

"Miss Shen, are you willing to be my teacher?" Yang Fei asked.

"Tell me first, what's going on with you?" Shen Ling asked.

"Miss Shen, what I told you is very clear, but you don't dare to talk nonsense about my past! I'm from Xi'an City!"

Yang Fei talked to Shen Ling consciously or unconsciously.

"I understand, I understand!" Shen Ling quickly woke up from the gloom, "Yes yes yes!"

She would rather believe that Yang Fei has a mission this time, and this is not a child's play, "That's fine, Yang... Boss, I can teach you how to read, but you have to work hard, you know?" Shen Ling Said.

"Don't worry, I have plenty of time to study now!" Yang Fei said.

Shen Ling suddenly felt that this tall hero had returned to his side again.

She smiled, she was happy, and then slowly and seriously, she told Yang Fei something.

These things are about learning and culture, which are of great benefit to Yang Fei's learning.

Shen Ling looked at Yang Fei affectionately, her heart began to pound wildly, "You know it! After I came back, I stayed up all night, thinking of you all the time!"

"You should know, right?"

She kept asking Yang Fei questions in her heart.

Yang Fei looked at a word she wrote, and then practiced slowly with the pen in hand.

Shen Ling rested her chin in both hands, looked at Yang Fei, and suddenly laughed.

Yang Fei glanced at her, "Why are you laughing?"

Shen Ling quickly put away her smile, "There's no reason!"

When it was almost night, Fang Mengru came back, and she went upstairs wearing high heels "da da da", to Yang Fei's study, and then smiled, "Master, it seems that you really worked hard!"

Yang Fei also smiled and stood up, "Mengru, this is Teacher Shen!"

Shen Ling was on the verge of collapse. Is Yang Fei married?

"Mr. Shen, hello!" Fang Mengru stretched out a hand.

Shen Ling was stunned for a moment, and quickly reached out, "Hello!"

"My name is Fang Mengru. From now on, the master's study will be left to you!"

"Don't worry!" Shen Ling said.

"Well, good!" After finishing speaking, Fang Mengru looked at Yang Fei, "Today, Mrs. Keiko Koizumi tasted my dishes, and she was full of praise!"

"Really? That's good. I'm afraid that she likes Chinese food, but she doesn't want to taste Chinese food! In this way, Mengru, you've done a great job!" Yang Fei smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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