Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2447 Cannot be withdrawn

Chapter 2447 Cannot be withdrawn

"Matsushita Taro?" Yang Fei looked at him strangely, "No matter what your name is, anyway, it's up to me now, you have to get rid of this thing immediately, restaurants are places where you can eat with peace of mind. What kind of statue is it?" Yang Fei's question made Taro Matsushita shake his head quickly.

This is also here, if it wasn't for the mission, he would have killed this little devil with one shot.

"Boss, this statue can't be removed, it's very respected in Japan!"

"Very respected?" Yang Fei asked angrily, "That's okay, replace this statue with Guan Erye, this will be more popular in China!"

Matsushita Taro smiled, "Boss, this restaurant is now mainly engaged in Japanese food, so this statue is more suitable! I think so, what do you think?"

"Fart!" Yang Fei said, "This is not appropriate, even if Commander Koizumi comes, I will stick to my opinion!"

"You're right, Commander Koizumi, you'll be here soon!" Matsushita Taro said.

"What do you mean?" Yang Fei asked.

"Boss, it's like this. What the statue brings is that all Japanese people come here to worship!" Taro Matsushita said, "In order to increase the income of the restaurant, I do this to increase income. I believe Commander Koizumi understands!"

Having said that, Yang Fei was speechless.It was Ji Taichang, who asked, "Manager Panasonic, the boss means, can this statue be removed and replaced with our Chinese Guan Erye, who is also a famous figure!"

"No!" Panasonic directly refused.

"Don't even discuss it, just refuse it?" Ji Taichang asked.

"This is non-negotiable. Since the statue has been set up, it cannot be easily destroyed. This is something that offends the gods!" Matsushita Taro said.

However, at this moment, Yang Fei suddenly saw a car coming from the door of the hotel out of the corner of his eye, and immediately got off a lot of Japanese soldiers. They stood at the door, and then Koizumi came over.

After entering, he opened the door and said with a smile, "Oh, Boss Yang is one step ahead of me!"

After finishing speaking, he went to the statue, bowed respectfully three times, then got up and looked at Yang Fei, "Boss Yang, this statue is well set up!" After finishing speaking, he also looked at the statue carefully, and then turned to Looking at him, "Boss Yang, have you worshiped this statue long ago?"

Just as Yang Fei was about to speak, Taro Matsushita said, "Commander Koizumi, the boss will wait for you to pray first, so he will pray, and he told me just now!"

Yang Fei's face was a little embarrassed immediately, but he had to say, "Yes, Commander Koizumi, after you bow, I will bow again!"

Yang Fei came to the statue, and respectfully bowed three times! "

"Boss Yang, do you know what these statues are?" Koizumi asked.

"I heard from Matsushita's manager that these idols are very thin and respectful in Japan. In fact, I don't understand either!" Yang Fei smiled awkwardly.

"These god statues are entrusted to the soldiers who fought on the front line. They are all great heroes and the pride of the Great Japanese Empire." In Koizumi's eyes, it seems that he saw a mysterious power supporting him, that is divine power .

But when Yang Fei heard that it was related to the Japanese war, he felt even more upset. Now that the matter has come to this point, he can't say anything more, but Yang Fei decided to prevent similar things from happening again, so he Decided to set up a statue of Shangguan Erye in all places!
He can't be a sinner of the nation, even if he can't help himself now, his whole mind and body can't do anything out of line.

"Boss Yang, what are you thinking?" Koizumi asked.

"Oh, Commander Koizumi, I'm thinking, this matter is actually not a big deal! As long as the manager Taro Matsushita is here, I can rest assured. Anyway, the manager is in charge, and I won't care about this hotel from now on."

"You trust him so much?" Koizumi asked deliberately.

"Since Commander Koizumi trusts Manager Matsushita, why should I not believe it?" Yang Fei asked.

"Haha, Boss Yang, you are a friend of the Great Japanese Empire, and I would like to make friends with you!" After finishing speaking, Koizumi specifically confessed, "From now on, I will show Boss Yang every day's accounts. Since Boss Yang trusts you, you must Let me run the restaurant!"

"Commander Koizumi, don't worry, I will fulfill my duty and live up to everyone's trust and hope in me!" Taro Matsushita said.

"Okay, since you have expressed your opinion, then, Boss Yang, I think you should be the host now and treat me to dinner!" Koizumi said with a smile.

"This is natural!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei said to Panasonic, "Manager Panasonic, you can arrange this matter!"

"Okay, boss, then the second floor is welcome!"

With that said, they went upstairs.

Yang Fei, who went upstairs, looked at the statue in the hall on the first floor from the escalator, feeling dissatisfied, he sighed, here, he has no right to speak now, it seems that he is the guest here.

In a private room on the second floor, oil paintings of cherry blossoms, which Japanese people like, have long been hung on the walls. After a while, a Japanese woman came in and knelt on the ground to pour wine for them.

"Boss Yang, what do you think of the renovation here?" Koizumi asked.

"Okay, of course!" Yang Fei said.

"That's fine. This is your property and your hotel. You have to worry about it in the future!" Koizumi said.

"That is, that is! Commander Koizumi, don't worry, this place will soon become the largest hotel in Tianjin, and this is what you and I would like to see!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" After finishing speaking, Koizumi asked the woman next to him to leave. Koizumi held the wine glass, "Boss Yang, I'm in a bad mood right now!" Oh? Yang Fei looked at him, "Oops?"No, Commander Koizumi, can you tell me about it? "

"Boss Yang, to be honest, the war in the entire Chinese theater is now in a state of extreme anxiety. We are now in a passive position in the entire war situation. Although it is still beneficial for us to fight the Japanese imperial army, but now we can't attack. We can only attack." Let go! Especially in the interior, the hateful Eighth Route Army is wreaking havoc underground, many railway sections have been destroyed, these hateful Eighth Route Army!"

"Eighth Route Army?" Yang Fei asked.

Koizumi sneered, seeming to think sarcastically, "Yeah, no matter what, these things are already like this now, Boss Yang, the Eighth Route Army can't be provoked!"

"Commander Koizumi, I seem to provoke them, but there is no way to go to heaven, and I can't help it! Don't worry, I can't control other places, such as this Tianjin, that is still our territory, as long as there is a place for the imperial army , I feel like home!"

(End of this chapter)

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