Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2448 The Appearance of Tomoko

Chapter 2448 The Appearance of Tomoko

I felt disgusted when I heard Yang Fei’s words. The disgusting ones can’t be the disgusting ones, but Koizumi was happy to hear, “Haha, you’re right, Japan and China are one family. Your Chinese technology, but now, many of you Chinese go to Japan to learn from Japan. Our Japanese emperor system is very suitable for your China. Therefore, the most suitable thing is the establishment of Manchukuo. You see, this is in line with history The trend! So now that Japan is the big brother, China can become the strongest era!"

Japan is the big brother?
Isn't China the younger brother?
Although Yang Fei was dissatisfied in his heart, he still smiled, "Yes, yes!" After speaking, he poured a glass of wine for Koizumi.

"Commander Koizumi, although I don't understand so many things, I think this must be done!"

"It's good that you understand our painstaking efforts!" Koizumi said.

"I understand, of course I understand!"

At this moment, I suddenly heard someone going upstairs. Is someone coming to eat at this hour?
Before Yang Fei could think, the door was pushed open.

The person who opened the door was Tomoko Koizumi.

She seemed a little angry. Seeing Yang Fei with his father, Tomoko Koizumi immediately asked, "Boss Yang, why haven't you seen me these days?"

She is very angry now.

"Miss Zhizi!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he hurriedly said, "Miss Zhizi, please sit down!"

"I won't sit, so tell me first, why are you ignoring me?" Tomoko Koizumi's question made Koizumi very unhappy, "Tomoko, don't make trouble for no reason!"

"Dad, I didn't make trouble for no reason. I was trying to apologize to Boss Yang for what happened last time, but Boss Yang didn't give me this chance. I know it was my fault last time, but I don't know what happened last time." This time, those people are actually harboring a conspiracy!"

"What are you talking about? What conspiracy?" Koizumi asked.

"The last time I went outside and my friends had a barbecue, Sakata-kun seemed to have told about Boss Yang's illiteracy, so they deliberately made Boss Yang look good at the event!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"Sakata-kun did it?" Koizumi asked.

"That's right, Dad, this Sakata-kun is really conspiratorial!" Koizumi Tomoko said.

"This matter... I'm also to blame..." Koizumi looked at Yang Fei, "Boss Yang, I'm really sorry, last time I specifically explained it to Mr. Sakata, and said not to show off his knowledge of China in front of you , Unexpectedly, he still did this, don't worry, I will definitely criticize him!"

"It's okay!" Yang Fei said, "Commander Koizumi, I have let go of this matter, isn't it just that I can't read? It's no big deal. In China, I can't read, and I have inherited my Uncle’s family property, I’m doing pretty well!”

"Boss Yang can really think about it?" Koizumi asked.

"Of course, what's there to worry about?" Yang Fei smiled, "When others laugh at me, it must be because I am funny. What others do to me is naturally due to their reasons!" Yang Fei said.

"I didn't expect Boss Yang to have such a heart!" Koizumi exclaimed.

"Father, this is Boss Yang's helplessness. This has nothing to do with his heart!" Tomoko Koizumi seemed to be able to see through everything, and he looked at Yang Fei, "Boss Yang, tell me, is this the case?"

Yang Fei was a little embarrassed, he sighed, "Miss Tomoko, this has already happened, I don't want it to be mentioned again!"

But the more Yang Fei didn't care, the more Tomoko Koizumi cared, "Anyway, I apologize for what happened last time, I shouldn't have taken you there!"

"Miss Zhizi, I can't blame you for this. It's because I don't live up to it. I don't know a single big character, and I don't even know simple Tang poetry!" Yang Fei said.

Koizumi smiled in his heart, sure enough, this Yang Fei is quite easy to provoke, since he is illiterate, then this newcomer to Tianjin can rest assured, even if he puts the information in front of Yang Fei, Yang Fei will not see him have to know.

He smiled, "Boss Yang, come and drink!"

"Okay, Commander Koizumi, come, drink!"

With that said, the two clinked glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

Koizumi Tomoko sat down, "Father, I think you should criticize Sakata-kun well, this guy, if he doesn't hit the house for three days, he will go to the house!"

"Tomoko, Dad will do this!" Yang Fei said.

"Um, ok! So, can we eat now?" Tomoko asked.

"I'm talking to Boss Yang, so it's not suitable for you to be here!" Koizumi said.

"Father, Boss Yang and I have a very good relationship. It's okay. You can talk about it. I'll just eat!" Tomoko Koizumi said coquettishly.

In Japan, the status of women is very low. Tomoko Koizumi is really rare. Koizumi smiled and said, "You guy, I think you are unusual since you were a child, and now you are indeed like this!"

"Hey, Dad, my best dad, Boss Yang and I are like this now, we don't need to talk about plants!"

Tomoko Koizumi looked at Yang Fei, "Is that right, Boss Yang?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Yang Fei nodded and said.

After eating and drinking, Koizumi left.Yang Fei walked around the hotel and was about to leave.However, he thought of something again, and found Matsushita Taro again.

"Boss!" Matsushita asked.

Yang Fei looked at him, "Manager Panasonic, I want to ask, why, I don't want all the people I sent here?"

"Is the boss talking about those people from Coach Ji?"

"Yes, it's them!" Yang Fei said.

"Boss, I can explain this to you!" Then, Matsushita explained, "Boss, our hotel is not suitable for their existence. It is a good choice to be a few security guards, but they are not suitable to be Security guards, so I let them leave for the better development of our hotel! I think the casino is more suitable for them!"

"Then none of them can stay?" Yang Fei asked.

"Boss, I have my plan. Since you let me be the manager, I will make plans for the entire hotel. You just need to look at the accounts every month with peace of mind!"

This is absolutely empty, Yang Fei understands, isn't this no different from a puppet?

He felt that he was not good enough to fight against this manager now, anyway, this Panasonic would never listen to what he said, he waved his hand, "Okay, okay, I won't ask about this matter, what do you think is the right way, Then it's done!"

"Thank you, boss, for your trust!" Taro Matsushita bent over and said.

Yang Fei didn't say anything. He went out and sat in Xiao Li's car. Only in the car did he know that this is China.

(End of this chapter)

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