Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2449 Follow me

Chapter 2449 Follow me
"Master, where are you going now?" Xiao Li asked.

"You put me on Central Street, you go back first, and I will go back by myself in a while!"

Yang Fei didn't want to go home. Today, he compromised with the Japanese again. This kind of compromise made Yang Fei feel depressed.

Xiao Li drove him to Zhongxin Street, Yang Fei got out of the car, and Xiao Li left.

On the street, he turned around, and the familiar road under his feet was no longer the same as before. It seemed that Tianjin had changed its appearance and became Japanese.

"Bet big to enlarge, bet small to let go of small!"

Someone was yelling, and when I heard it, this was a gambling house on the street.

Yang Fei looked at the door, at this moment, suddenly a person rushed out from inside, and then bumped into Yang Fei's body, both of them fell to the ground, the person got up immediately, but was caught by the person who rushed out again a current one.

It wasn't until Yang Fei stood up that he realized, isn't this person Li Heng?The one I met in the car.

Li Heng, who was caught, was about to get angry, but recognized Yang Fei, "Boss, why are you here?"

"Stop rambling, give the money quickly, why bet if you don't have the money?" A man with a swollen face shouted.

"Don't worry, I met an acquaintance!" Li Heng said proudly, "Do I care about the 100 yuan?" Then he looked back at Yang Fei, "Boss, can I discuss something with you?"

"What's wrong with you?" Yang Fei asked.

"Lend me 200 yuan!" Li Heng asked.

"Why?" Yang Fei looked at him.

"Boss, what's the relationship between the two of us?" Li Heng said, "Do you have 200 yuan?"

"There is a way, but why should I give it to you?" Yang Fei asked.

Hearing that Yang Fei refused to give the money, the flesh-faced man pushed Li Heng to the ground, "Boy, give the money quickly!"

"Boss, save me! I can be your cow or horse!" Li Heng was on the ground, his deformed face seemed to be tortured to death.

"Boy, if you have no money, you have to think about it, I won't let you go!"

"Boss, save me, save me!" Li Heng shouted.

Yang Fei pulled 100 yuan out of his body, "Okay, I'll give you the money, let him go!"

Yang Fei also wanted to see what Li Heng wanted to do at this time.

The flesh-faced man let go of Li Heng, and then took over 100 yuan, "For your sake, I let him go, don't let me see him again!"

With that said, they walked in again.

Li Heng got up from the ground, and spit towards the door of the gambling house, "Damn it, who wants to come to this crappy place like you!"

Then he looked back at Yang Fei and smiled, "Boss, can you give me another 100 yuan?"

"Why are you so greedy?" Yang Fei asked.

"Hey!" Li Heng clutched his stomach, "I've been starving to death these few days, I have nothing to eat, and I wanted to make a small profit in the gambling shop, and then find something to do, unexpectedly, all of them lost!"

"Nine out of ten bets, you should understand this!" Yang Fei said.

"No, no, no, I'm pretentious. I've never lost since I came out of the womb. I'm good at fighting!" Li Heng said.

"Do you need me to introduce you to work?" Yang Fei asked.

Li Heng looked at Yang Fei, "Boss, you are calling from Xi'an, what are you doing here?"

"Business!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, you should have a lot of money in business, right?" Li Heng asked again.

"Not many, I haven't counted them!" Yang Fei said.

"Boss, then don't give me money, give me a bowl of rice!" Li Heng said.

"I didn't promise to give you money!"

"Then you must treat me to a meal?" Li Heng clutched his stomach, "I'm starving to death!"

Regarding Li Heng's understanding, Yang Fei knew in his heart that this is simply a local ruffian. However, such a local ruffian has acted righteously. On the train, he can easily identify the thief and say it out loud, This is enough to explain everything.

"Okay, I'll treat you to dinner!"

Seeing that he still has some good points, Yang Fei said.

Li Heng smiled, "Let's go boss, I know the noodles made by the family are delicious, let's go..."

Li Heng walked in front, and looked back at Yang Fei from time to time, as if he was afraid that Yang Fei would get lost.

There are too many snacks in Tianjin, Li Heng came to the door of the small restaurant, "Boss, have a bowl of plain noodles!"

Su noodles, as the name suggests, are white noodles, without any smell or taste.

Even so, Li Heng ate very happily.

"Bring me another bowl of noodle soup!"

Yang Fei smiled, "Is that all right?"

"Forget it, you sheep, I don't dare to pluck your wool all the time, if one day, you also run away, I really don't have a single friend!"

The boss brought out the noodle soup, and Li Heng drank four or five bowls of it in a row. He nicknamed it, "All the essence is in this soup!"

How could Yang Fei not know that this guy was really hungry.

After he finished eating, Yang Fei paid and left.

Li Heng followed him all the time.

Yang Fei asked, "Why are you following me?"

"Boss, I'll have food with you. How about you see what I can do? I'll do it for you!"
Li Heng asked with a beggarly smile.

"What can you do? Tell me!" Yang Fei asked.

"What I can do, I will do!" Li Heng stood up straight, and his thin body seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind.

Yang Fei leaned against the wall and lit a cigarette.

Li Heng went over, "Boss, give me one too!"

Li Heng lit a cigarette skillfully, "To be honest, I came out of the village because I wanted to do something!"

"How can it be considered as having done something?" Yang Fei asked.

"To live better than others is to make a difference!" Li Heng explained.

"How can I live better than others?" Yang Fei asked again.

"It's enough to have a stutter and something to wear!" Li Heng's purpose is actually very simple.

After hearing this, Yang Fei felt nervous for a while. He was afraid that this guy would suddenly become a traitor. This traitor doesn't need any IQ.

" follow me!" Yang Fei said.

"Boss, have you agreed to take me in?" Li Heng asked.

"Follow me and give you a bite to eat and a piece of clothing to wear. Isn't this a better life than others?" Yang Fei asked.

"It would be great!" Li Heng smiled, "Then I'll follow you!"

The two of them walked from the street, and Li Heng seemed to have seen his future life. He should be the same as Yang Fei, with decent clothes and probably not too bad food.

He confidently believed that Yang Fei was his benefactor, so he smiled happily, just like a child, after all, he has just grown up.

Yang Fei's thinking is simple, no matter what he does, he can't be a traitor. In Tianjin, if he doesn't pay attention, he will be used by others. He has already thought about this on the way to Tianjin.

(End of this chapter)

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