Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2450 Cross talk under the bridge

Chapter 2450 Cross talk under the bridge
As for who Li Heng is?Yang Fei also thought that it might be a coincidence that this person met him. This kind of coincidence made Yang Fei feel that maybe Li Heng and him were really destined.

If he is really capable in the end, then Yang Fei will be the one to gain.

Li Heng followed Yang Fei and asked, "Boss, where are we going?"

"Where are you going? Just follow me! Walk with me!" Yang Fei said.

Yang Fei had already heard on the train to Tianjin that the most lively place here is the flyover, but he has never been to the flyover these days.

After stopping a rickshaw, Yang Fei and Li Heng sat together, and then went to the overpass.

The flyover seemed to be more lively than Yang Fei had imagined.

There are not only snack sellers, but also jugglers here. This is a mixed community.Li Heng, on the other hand, thought this place was great, "Boss, I think, let's have some tea there and listen to some music!"

Don't look at what Li Heng said about his low status and his hobby of drinking tea and listening to music.

"Okay, find a place!" Yang Fei said.

Li Heng found two seats in a teahouse under the overpass, "Come here for a pot of good tea and two plates of snacks!"

Xiao Er yelled, and soon got things ready for them.

Seeing that there are many people sitting here, it is rare to find such a paradise-like feeling in Tianjin.

Li Heng gave Yang Fei a cup of tea, "Boss, this afternoon, you can drink tea and listen to music here, I promise you will enjoy happiness that you have never enjoyed before!"

Just after saying this, two people came up on the table in the teahouse, they were wearing long gowns, and two old men came up, and a table was set up in front of the person on the right.

"Boss, this is cross talk!" Li Heng happily listened with relish.

After coming up, the two people began to introduce themselves, with a strong BJ accent mixed with a Tianjin flavor, and Yang Fei couldn't hear their names clearly.

Only two people started what seemed to be a conversation-like performance.

"I had two dogs at home a few days ago!"

"Oh? You like keeping dogs too?"

"I like dogs, because dogs are more obedient and more loyal. If they are loyal, they don't even know their mother's name."

"Nonsense, how does a dog know who his mother is?"

"You're wrong about that. The dog I raise is not ordinary. It can be heard from the barking."

"Oh? What's the difference between the calls?"

"Other dogs bark like woof woof, but my dog ​​is meow meow."

"Aren't you a cat?"

"So, he is so loyal that he doesn't even know who his mother is!"

"Is there really such a thing in the world?"

"That's right. After this dog came out of its mother's womb, it will still bark. But after following me, the way it wags its tail and begs for mercy is really funny. In order to win the favor of its owner, it started to bark like a cat."

"It's really unpredictable when you say it, are you talking nonsense?"

"Nonsense? No, it's not just a dog, it's the same with some people!"

"Who are you talking about?"

"A few days ago, I heard that the young master of the Yang family had married Mr. Yang's family property. When he first came to Tianjin Wei, he found the master and completely forgot about Mr. Yang. The master treated him well and told him in every possible way what to do. Whatever he did, he did the same, he couldn’t even learn Chinese well, and he couldn’t even write one, two, three!”

"And this thing?"

"It's really not surprising. If you have milk, you are a mother. This sentence is true!"


Yang Fei's face started to turn red, and the two old men sang together on the stage, causing many people present to applaud.

There was sarcasm in their words, and they compared Yang Fei to the dog who couldn't bark, but they even used meow meow to curry favor with the Japanese.

It's not surprising, it's normal for them not to understand what Yang Fei is doing now.

Li Heng couldn't understand who the other party was talking about, so he kept smiling, "Hahahaha!"

Just about this matter, Yang Fei's heart began to twitch. This is a great shame and humiliation. If he continues like this, the whole Tianjin Wei will look down on him.

However, he really had no choice. He could only get the real news if he won the sympathy of the Japanese here.

The two old men's unrestrained performance made the audience applaud and cursed, "Damn it, this is the dog raised by the Japanese!"

When the old man heard this, he said quickly, "I didn't say that, but you did. However, you are right to say that, even if the person involved is here, I will say the same!"

After finishing speaking, he also said, "The owner promised that as long as you buy things in the Japanese place in Tianjin Wei, you don't need a penny. Do you know what the price is?" The condition is that all of their family’s property, give ten points of the profits to the Japanese, what kind of behavior is this? What kind of behavior is this?”


The people in the audience shouted.

"It's a traitor!" the old man said thoughtfully. "The soldiers on the front line are fighting bloody battles. How could they have imagined that there are Chinese people buying bullets for the Japanese to shoot themselves in the rear! It's sad, hateful! !"

"Pathetic! Damn!"

The people in the audience went crazy, and all of a sudden, Yang Fei felt that all these things were coming towards him.

Yang Fei swallowed, "Li Heng, let's go!"

"Go? Where are you going? Boss, let's watch for a while, just for a while!"

Seeing that he couldn't be called, Yang Fei stood up by himself and left.

Seeing Yang Fei leaving, Li Heng quickly got up and chased after him.

"Boss, what's wrong with you? They said something bad?" Li Heng asked.

"Very well said!" Yang Fei said.

"Very good, why don't you finish watching?" Li Heng looked at him, listening to the cross talk in the teahouse inside.

"It's very good, but..." Yang Fei didn't bother to explain to him, "I'm tired and want to rest, let's go!"

"Okay!" After Li Heng finished speaking, he followed Yang Fei across the flyover, and those jugglers worked hard just for the few dimes.

Yang Fei got into a rickshaw, and Li Heng sat on it, "Boss, go home now?"

"Go back!" Yang Fei said.

Li Heng yelled, "Master, go home!"

Yang Fei said the place, and the rickshaw listened and ran quickly.

The voices of the two comedians seemed to be still lingering in his ears, unable to leave for a long time.

Li Heng saw that Yang Fei was a little unhappy, and he didn't know what was wrong, so he could only keep silent.

At this time, there was also a rickshaw behind the rickshaw they were riding in. This rickshaw was faster and passed them in a short time.

Li Heng scolded angrily, "Hurry up and kill him?"

(End of this chapter)

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