Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2451 Assassination

Chapter 2451 Assassination
However, as soon as he finished speaking, Yang Fei saw the people in the rickshaw in front stick their heads out, and then took out a gun and pointed them at them.

The muzzle is straight, with a cold breath.

"No, jump out of the car!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Ah?" Li Heng couldn't dodge in time.

Yang Fei pulled him and bumped into the rickshaw driver in front, and the two of them hid behind the rickshaw.


"Ah!" Li Heng yelled loudly.

"Boom!" Another sound.

The rickshaw driver was too scared to get up on the ground, Yang Fei said, "Run, run!"

In fact, Yang Fei also knew in his heart that when the news spread, someone would definitely do it. He knew why he was doing this kind of thing, but these people didn't know.

"Where are you going?" Li Heng asked.

"Of course run to a safe place!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Bang!" Another shot rang out.

This was an obvious assassination, and Yang Fei suddenly felt that the bullet was coming towards him.

He hurriedly said, "You run to the east, I'll run to the west!"

After finishing speaking, Li Heng ran away desperately.

Yang Fei saw the right moment and ran quickly.

Unexpectedly, the bullet was aimed at them, "whoosh!", the bullet ejected, and Yang Fei had just hid behind a stone pillar when his arm was scratched by the bullet, his skin was torn, and he bled!

At this time, Yang Fei heard a whistle for a while.

Several policemen in black leather appeared.

The Japanese gendarmerie also began to dispatch, and started a search where there was gunshots.

Li Wanfu appeared, he walked up to Yang Fei, and looked at him, "Boss Yang, what's going on?"

Yang Fei shook his head, "I don't know why that person shot at me. Fortunately, I dodged quickly, otherwise, I would have died!"

"Look at you, why don't you bring bodyguards when you go out now?" Li Wanfu said, "Fortunately, our police dispatched faster, otherwise, you would be over for fun!"

"Director Li, you must investigate this matter to the end. I want to see who is trying to harm me!" Yang Fei said.

"Of course, Boss Yang, I'll arrange for someone to send you back, so I forgive them for not daring to do anything to you!" Li Wanfu said.

"Then there will be Director Lao Li!" Yang Fei clutched his arm, looking very uncomfortable.

"How about taking you to bandage first?"

"No, my wife will bandage it, let him bandage it for me!"

"Okay!" After speaking, Li Wanfu called three people, "Send Boss Yang back to me safely!"


Although Tianjin Wei's gunshots are normal, there are assassination actions from time to time, but this is the first time Yang Fei has seen it. It turns out that in the Japanese occupied area, such gunshots are gunshots of resistance, just to fight against gunshots.

Not only was Yang Fei not angry, but he was also a little happy, "With these people who don't want to be oppressed resisting, how long can the Japanese stay in Tianjin?"

Yang Fei was right.

At home, Fang Mengru hurriedly helped Yang Fei upstairs, and Shen Ling who was still waiting for him at home nervously went in to check the situation.

"What's going on? Why did you get shot?" Fang Mengru asked with concern.

"Hey, I don't know. I went to the overpass, and I met an assassin when I came back!" Yang Fei said, enduring the pain, Fang Mengru looked at the wound on Yang Fei's arm with a small tweezer, "There is no bullet. ,fine!"

As he spoke, he sprinkled some medicinal powder on the wound, "You should not go out these days! It's too dangerous!"

"Well, I won't go out!" Yang Fei said.

Shen Ling looked at Yang Fei anxiously, but she couldn't say a word.

After taking the medicine, Fang Mengru looked at Shen Ling, "Miss Shen, let the master have a good rest today, and come back in a few days!"

Shen Ling nodded, "Okay, madam, then I'll go first!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Ling went downstairs slowly. What exactly was Yang Fei going to Tianjin Wei for?There are even assassins who want to assassinate him!
How many bad things has he done?

Seeing Shen Ling leaving, Fang Mengru asked with concern, "Why did you go to the overpass once? If this is the case, why will it be troublesome for you to travel in the future!"

"Don't be afraid, go and find Coach Ji for me. If I want to go out, let Coach Ji be with me!" Yang Fei said, "Li Wanfu is right, now my reputation in Tianjin Wei is stinky, and I am We must find a bodyguard!"

Fang Mengru frowned, "If I knew this, I wouldn't have brought you here!"

"What are you talking about!" Yang Fei said, "I'm willing to come too. In different situations, I'm doing the same thing anyway!"

"Do you know what dream I had last night?" Fang Mengru asked.


"Last night, I dreamed that the Japanese were investigating your case and found that you were a commander of the Eighth Route Army, and then you were shot!" Fang Mengru pouted, still feeling terrified.

"What are you afraid of? Since the organization asked me to come, my previous affairs will definitely not be traced!" Yang Fei said.

"That's right!" Fang Mengru looked at Yang Fei's wound and felt sad again.

In the evening, someone knocked on the door, Wang Fuhua went to open the door, but found a stranger, "Who are you recruiting?"

"I'm looking for the boss!" It was Li Heng who came.

"Boss? Who are you?" Wang Fuhua asked alertly.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to ask the boss if there is anything wrong?" Li Heng eagerly wanted to come in, but Wang Fuhua only kept a small mouth.

Hearing his voice, Yang Fei hurriedly said, "Mengru, it's Li Heng, tell him to come in!"

Fang Mengru went downstairs and asked Wang Fuhua to open the door. Li Heng came in and greeted Fang Mengru with a smile, "Madam, hello!"

"Hello, the master is up there, wait for him, he will come down after a while!"

After speaking, Yang Fei went downstairs slowly. "Boss, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Yang Fei said, "It's a small matter!"

Li Heng is still afraid even now, "Today is really evil, why did someone bother us?"

"Okay, don't think too much about it, and don't ask too much!" After speaking, Yang Fei looked at Fang Mengru, "Have Coach Ji said, when will he arrive?"

"It should be soon!" After Fang Mengru finished speaking, someone knocked on the door again.

Wang Fuhua opened the door, and Ji Taichang entered.

Once inside, Ji Taichang frowned and asked, "Master, what are you..."

"Coach Ji, I want you to be my bodyguard these days, and I will never leave you!" Yang Fei said.

"This is fine!" Ji Taichang said, "The main reason is that now we need to know who did this?"

"I don't know either, when the time comes, go ask Li Wanfu!" Yang Fei said.


"By the way, little brother, make arrangements and see where you live!"

"There is no problem with this! Don't worry, master!" Ji Taichang said.

(End of this chapter)

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