Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2454 Who Are You

Chapter 2454 Who Are You
What does Yang Fei know?
He looked at Shen Ling strangely, "What do you mean?"

"Don't get so close to the Japanese. Also, why does Koizumi's daughter keep coming to your house?" Shen Ling looked at Yang Fei, seeming to be questioning.

How she feels about Yang Fei, even he himself can't tell now.

"She wanted to come, but I couldn't stop her. Besides, I never invited him over!" Yang Fei said.

"In this case, I think, should you clarify this matter?" Shen Ling asked.

"Shall I tell you clearly?" Yang Fei didn't understand why Shen Ling was more interested in him.

"And the people of Tianjin, let them know that you are not a traitor!" Shen Ling said directly.

"Whether I am a traitor or not is not what others say!" Yang Fei stood up angrily, "Also, I asked you to teach me to read and write, not to teach me how to be a human being!"

Yang Fei's words were like a knife, making Shen Ling feel that she had said it many times just now, and her wounded heart forced her to retreat.

Coming from the base area, Shen Ling felt that she was also an Eighth Route Army, and her code of conduct was also in accordance with the Eighth Route Army's code. Except that she didn't have a gun and couldn't kill little devils, what else was different about her?

He organized Yang Fei's photos in the base area into a photo album, and then planned to publish it.

But when she saw Yang Fei in front of her, she suddenly felt that she was no longer the one-sided hero, but a timid and wealthy businessman.

His oily head was behind his back, and he even put a pair of glasses on the table. Isn't this... pretending to be gentle?
What happened to Yang Fei?Could it be that he really withdrew from the revolutionary ranks?Has it really been separated from the Eighth Route Army?

Otherwise, why did he come to Tianjin Wei?
Thinking of this, tears suddenly appeared in the corners of Shen Ling's eyes. She wiped them away with her sleeves, and then opened a book.

Seeing Shen Ling crying, Yang Fei was a little panicked. He wanted to help her dry her tears, but he was still hesitant to move forward.

That's right, he is not the vigorous and resolute Yang Fei he used to be. Now he is relying on the Japanese base. If he wants to succeed, he must also be trusted by the Japanese. Maybe Shen Ling won't like him like this, but he can't either. Because of the love of children, they changed themselves.

Yang Fei sat down slowly, and the pen wrote on the paper the words that Shen Ling taught him yesterday.

Learning has never been a happy thing, nor is it an easy thing. He is tired of studying, that's for sure, but if he doesn't change himself, how can he change the future of Tianjin, the future of China?
He gestured to go to Niuniu, which didn't look like Chinese characters, and he wrote it over and over again.

The awkward class ended at four o'clock in the afternoon.

After Shen Ling left, it seemed that she had a new understanding of Yang Fei. She regretted knowing this person, and the Ta Kung Pao was still waiting for her material.

A reporter, she walked up and down the streets of Tianjin, who didn't know, thought she was a woman from an ordinary family.

At this time, a person suddenly appeared in front of her.

She slowly raised her head, but saw Sakata.

Sakata looked at her, "Hi, are you interested in coming with me?"

"What do you want?" Shen Ling asked.

"What don't I want to do? I want to check your background!" Sakata's words made Shen Ling feel that he might have reached the end.

"Okay, I'll go with you!" He was selfless and righteous.

From the street to the darkroom.

Shen Ling didn't say a word.

Sakata looked at her and asked, "You have been going to Yang Fei's place all this time, what on earth are you doing there?"

"No comment!" Shen Ling said. ,

"No, you have to say it! Otherwise, I will think you are a local spy!" Sakata said.

"If you think I'm a spy, fine, execute me right now!"

Shen Ling's words carried a knife, which made what was supposed to be a simple interrogation difficult. Sakata stretched out his hand and slapped Shen Ling on the face.

"Baga!" He looked at Shen Ling angrily, "Today, you have to say what you say, and you have to say what you don't say!"

Shen Ling looked at him angrily.

"Don't think that you are a reporter, so I dare not do anything to you!" Sakata said.

"You know that I'm a reporter, what else do you want to do to me?" Shen Ling asked.

"I just want to know why you are looking for Yang Fei?" Sakata's sharp words stimulated Shen Ling's heart.

"Ugly Chinese people are also inconspicuous characters in your eyes. What do you want to know? What do you think?" Shen Ling asked.

"Hehe, you are right, you Chinese are ugly, you just need to say that Yang Fei is a spy of the national army, and that's right!" Sakata smiled.

"I can't do it, he is not a spy, on the contrary, I am a spy!" Shen Ling finished speaking, and then smiled.

"You are a spy, and if a spy goes to Yang Fei's house, then...Yang Fei is probably also a spy!" Sakata confirmed his thoughts, "Reporter Shen, I'm sorry, you can't leave today!"

"I didn't think of leaving, I'm afraid, you say Yang Fei is a spy, there is no evidence!" Shen Ling said.

"Oh? What evidence do you have?" Sakata didn't know that Shen Ling was desperate now.

"Yang Fei has a very close relationship with you Japanese. He is a Chinese traitor and a Chinese spy. A person like him should have been tried by all Chinese people long ago, and then executed by Ling Chi!" Shen Ling said viciously. .

"Hahaha!" Sakata didn't expect that Shen Ling would say this, "Baga! Road!"

"Okay, no matter what you are going to do to me, I just want to tell you. It doesn't matter if you arrested me, I am just an ordinary person, you want me to frame others, sorry, I can't do it!"

Shen Ling said.

"You just admitted that you are a spy!"

"Then consider me a spy!" Shen Ling smiled.

What Shen Ling said is true and which is false?
I'm afraid it was wrong from the beginning.

Sakata waved his hand angrily, "You guys, take turns extorting a confession from me, this woman is not simple, there must be something in her mouth that we don't know!"


A blood-stained whip was lifted high by the Japanese, and when it fell heavily, Shen Ling heard the shouts of the previous people in his ears!


She smiled, perhaps, this is a person's destination, and she never imagined how she would end her life. At this moment, Shen Ling had this opportunity.

That's it, let them all see it like this, Shen Ling is also a great hero, and Shen Ling is also a dignified Chinese who refuses to speak under the enemy's whip!

(End of this chapter)

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