Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2455 follow me

Chapter 2455 follow me

Shen Ling was arrested, this is the news Wang Fuhua told Yang Fei.

Yang Fei frowned, "How is this possible? Why did they arrest Shen Ling?"

Wang Fuhua said, "Master, it was Sakata who caught him!"

"Sakata? It's this person again, why is this person always against me?" Yang Fei asked angrily.

He didn't expect that Sakata, a bastard, would be so bottomless.

"Master, Sakata likes Miss Tomoko, many people know it!" Wang Fuhua said.

"I know, but what's the relationship between me and Ms. Tomoko? It's enough for him to pursue it boldly!" Yang Fei shook his head.

"However, Miss Tomoko came to see you frequently recently, and Sakata felt that you stole his limelight, and it was your appearance that changed Tomoko's attitude towards him.

"Uncle Wang, what do I have to do with Zhizi? I'm afraid those people who are catching wind and shadow are playing tricks?" Yang Fei asked.

"Master, what about Miss Shen Ling?" Wang Fuhua asked.

"Needless to say, I'll find a way to save it!"

Yang Fei said.

"Master, I think Miss Tomoko has to come forward to solve this matter!" Wang Fuhua said.

"If I rely on him again, I'm afraid that Sakata will become more violent!" Yang Fei said.

"No matter what, this matter can only be resolved by Miss Sophon!" After Wang Fuhua finished speaking, Sophon came.

As if checking in at Yang Fei's place every day, she walked in with a smile, "Uncle Wang, where's Boss Yang?"

Wang Fuhua asked Yang Fei to sit on the sofa, and then he said to Tomoko, "Miss Tomoko, our master is not here!"

"Not here?" Tomoko looked at him strangely, "But Xiao Li is here, no one is going out?"

With that said, Tomoko entered the house alone.

As soon as he came in, he saw Yang Fei sitting on the sofa.

"Isn't this Boss Yang?" Zhizi looked at Wang Fuhua and asked.

"Hey, yes, but our master is not concentrated now!" Wang Fuhua said.

"If you can't concentrate, then see a doctor!" Sophon came to Yang Fei and touched his forehead with his hand, "The temperature is normal, it doesn't look like a cold or fever!"

Yang Fei woke up suddenly, saw Sophon, and lowered his head.

Before saying hello to himself, Tomoko asked, "Boss Yang, what's wrong with you? Why don't you talk to me when you see me?"

"Miss Tomoko, I must have gotten into trouble recently!" Yang Fei said.

"Get into trouble? Don't be afraid, I'm here, so tell me, what's the matter?" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

"Yesterday, my private trainer was arrested by Sakata when he went out! I don't know what mistake my private trainer made!" Yang Fei said.

"You mean the tutor?" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

"Yes, these days, I asked my tutor to teach me to read and write at home. I thought I would improve a lot, but I didn't expect that Sakata arrested my tutor on trumped-up charges! You said I What can we do now?" Yang Fei shook his head.

"It's this guy again, don't worry, I'll let him release him now! If it doesn't work, I'll ask my father to help!" Tomoko said.

"Miss Tomoko, when do you plan to go?" Yang Fei asked.

"If you want, how about walking with me now?" Tomoko asked.

"Okay, let's go, let's go and see how my tutor is doing now!" Yang Fei said.

After finishing speaking, the two went to Sakata's place.

When Sakata saw that Sophon and Yang Fei came together, he was very angry, "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Sakata, let me ask you, did you arrest Yang Fei's tutor yesterday?" Tomoko asked.

"I arrested someone, but I didn't know he was Yang Fei's tutor!" Sakata said, "Could it be possible that the woman who said she was a local spy yesterday was your tutor?"

"Don't quibble. If you catch me, let me go now. Don't let me tell my dad. At that time, my dad will have a bad impression of you. Don't blame me for not reminding you!" Sophon's tone, Sakata was extremely angry.

"Miss Tomoko, this person is a serious criminal now, and I have no right to let him go!" Sakata also aggravated his tone.

"It seems that you really want me to tell my father!" Tomoko sneered, "Okay!" As he spoke, Tomoko turned to a Japanese soldier beside him, "Go, the headquarters told my father, I am in Sakata Jun is being bullied here, tell him to come here quickly!"

"Hayi!" Saying that, the Japanese soldier ran away.

"I want to see how you, Sakata-kun are doing now?" Tomoko's eyes confronted Sakata-kun, and Sakata-kun put down his aura on the spot.

"Miss Tomoko, you are forcing me!" Sakata said.

"Forcing you? I didn't, you found it yourself!" Sophon was about to break into the prison inside.

Yang Fei hurriedly followed behind.

"Miss Tomoko, you can go in, but Yang Fei can't!" Sakata said.

"Why not? This prison doesn't belong to your family!" Sophon said, holding Yang Fei's hand and entering.

There was a stench in the prison, and the howling sound never stopped.

Sophon covered his nose and asked a Japanese soldier inside, "Where is the girl who was detained yesterday?"

"Miss Tomoko, it's inside!"

Saying that, the Japanese soldier took Tomoko with him.

As soon as the prison door was opened, Yang Fei's heart became entangled.

He saw Shen Ling lying on the ground covered in blood, with disheveled hair, as if he had just come down from the execution ground.

"Shen Ling!" Yang Fei hurried in.

He picked up Shen Ling who was on the ground.

Shen Ling glanced at Yang Fei, and immediately asked anxiously, "Why did you come in? They arrested you?"

"No, don't worry, I will rescue you!"Yang Fei shouted.

Sakata walked at the end, and slowly stood at the gate of the prison, "Okay, you two are here now, if you have anything to say, just confront each other!"

As he said that, a Japanese soldier came in and was about to pull Shen Ling up, Tomoko immediately shouted, "Who dares to do it?"

No one dares!Absolutely no one would dare.

Yang Fei carried Shen Ling out, "Shen Ling, wait a minute, I'll find a doctor to show you! Hold on!"

"Yang Fei, where do you want to go?" Sakata shouted.

"Sakata, I used to respect you very much, but I didn't expect that you would hit such a heavy hand on a tutor!" Yang Fei said fiercely.

"Tutor?" Sakata was a little strange. In his eyes, shouldn't these people be all enemy agents?

"What do you think? Do you still know? This Shen Ling is the tutor I am looking for for Yang Fei!" After finishing speaking, Shen Ling gave Sakata a push.

"But, she never said she was a tutor!" Sakata began to wonder.

(End of this chapter)

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