Chapter 2456

Tomoko Koizumi glanced at Sakata, "What do you know?" After she finished speaking, she said to Yang Fei, "Boss Yang, take your people and leave!"

Sakata chased after him, "Wait!"

At this time, he was very unwilling, he didn't want to give up, besides, he would not be afraid as a Chinese.

Yang Fei stopped and looked back at him, "Sakata-san, what are you going to do?"

"No matter what, we have to interrogate her to the end!" Sakata was still persistent.

"Sakata, are you finished?" Tomoko Koizumi asked angrily.

"Miss Tomoko, I know you are interested in Yang Fei, maybe you like this married man, but rules are rules!" Sakata said to the Japanese soldiers in front of him, "Come on, give me the man Buckle down!"

Tomoko Koizumi asked angrily, "Mr. Sakata, you don't give up until you reach the Yellow River, do you? Now, you are still so stubborn! You and Boss Yang are sincerely sorry, I can see this!"

Sakata's face changed, he shook his head, "Public is public, private is private! Miss Tomoko, even if the commander comes, I will insist on this matter!"

"Okay, then let's wait here and see what my father will say when he comes!" Tomoko Koizumi found a chair and sat down, then looked at Yang Fei and said, "Boss Yang, come and sit here!"

The few of them were waiting in the prison. For Yang Fei, this was a torment.

About half an hour later, Koizumi came. He came in and saw Tomoko and Yang Fei were there. Sakata hurried over to talk, but Koizumi said, "Okay, I know about it!"

Sophon proudly walked up to Koizumi, "Father, tell me, this Sakata-kun has been having a hard time with Boss Yang recently, and this time, he arrested his tutor!"

Koizumi looked at Tomoko, "Daughter, what do you want me to say about this?"

"Father, what are you talking about? From this point of view, Mr. Sakata is avenging his private revenge!" Tomoko Koizumi shouted.

"Commander, what enmity do I have with Boss Yang?" Sakata said hastily.

"Well, I know!" As he said, Koizumi looked at Yang Fei, "Boss Yang, since Mr. Sakata found some problems with this woman, let him check it out. If it turns out to be innocent, I will let him Sakata-kun apologizes to you personally!"

"What?" Upon hearing this, Tomoko was reluctant at first, "It's been a long time, and I still want Sakata to investigate Shen Ling! What's wrong with Shen Ling? What's wrong with being Yang Fei's tutor?"

"Tomoko, I hope you stop talking! I know what to do!" Koizumi said, "What do you think of Boss Yang?"

Yang Fei stood up, "Commander Koizumi, maybe you think what I said is false, but I still want to say it!"

"But it doesn't matter!" Koizumi said.

"I am an illiterate person, and I am not worthy to be the heir of the Yang family! I never thought that I would become a rich man one day, but this fact is right in front of me. I can’t change by myself, I was ridiculed by them, I don’t even know a few Tang poems in my own country! So, I want to change, I want to read, so that I can be like Mr. Sakata, on the edge of the Haihe River Flowing water!"

Yang Fei said emotionally, "I was ridiculed by many people, even by people in my own country! Even many servants in my family are better than me. They read books and newspapers, but I... don't know anything!"

"Boss Yang, I know what you mean. You want to improve and read and write. I understand it very well, and I like it too! However, I also believe that Mr. Sakata will not easily arrest innocent people. In this way, give him two How is the time, Boss Yang?"

After Koizumi said that, Yang Fei also knew that he couldn't fight for anything. He looked at Shen Ling who was covered in injuries, and he was a little worried. He nodded, "But Commander Koizumi, I can ask Do you have one thing?"

"Boss Yang, tell me!" Koizumi said.

"I hope Mr. Sakata will not punish her as a weak woman. Look, she is covered with scars. How can she bear such a severe punishment?" Yang Fei said.

"Well, don't worry about this, I promise you, Sakata-kun will not do anything to her!" Koizumi said.

"Then thank you, Commander!" As he spoke, Yang Fei looked at Shen Ling, "Mr. Shen, then you... just wait for two more days. After two days, I will personally pick you up!"

Shen Ling was a little unwilling to let go of her hand, she firmly grasped Yang Fei's clothes corner, "Are you leaving?"

"I will come to pick you up!" Yang Fei said.

She nodded slowly, "Well, good!"

The moment he left, Yang Fei realized that here, there is no human feeling at all, and here, there is only the winner's smile!
Koizumi found Sakata, "Mr. Sakata, search carefully, I hope you can find something! No other reason, I don't want Yang Fei to learn how to read, an illiterate boss is useful to us!"

Sakata nodded, "Don't worry, Commander, I will!"

This is the mentality of a Japanese. He wants to enslave obedient people. As long as they can read, they may rebel. Most of the illiterate who cannot read are obedient sheep!

Tomoko Koizumi ran out, while Yang Fei stood by the wall smoking.

"Boss Yang, I'm really sorry, I thought I could help you!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"It's okay, I believe Teacher Shen, there should be nothing wrong!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, I believe it too!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"Then I'll go first, Miss Tomoko, take care!" Said, Yang Fei got into Xiao Li's car.


If you want to change yourself, you must make up your mind. If Yang Fei wants to read, he must work hard.

On all the roads where you want to change, there is no happiness. The happiness you do is the smile after success.

Yang Fei said to Xiao Li, "How do you know how to read?"

Xiao Li said, "Master, I went to elementary school!"

primary school?

Yang Fei suddenly thought that even if Shen Ling came out in the end, he would not dare to have anything to do with Shen Ling again, why not just go to elementary school by himself!
Thinking of this, Yang Fei said to Xiao Li, "Then go to elementary school and take me there!"

"Master, are you going to elementary school?" Xiao Li was a little surprised.

"Yes, that's right!" Yang Fei said.

Not far from Yang Fei's home, there is an elementary school. The scale of the elementary school is small, and most of the children studying in it are around eight or nine years old.

Yang Fei found the principal and told him his request, but the principal shook his head in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, you are indeed a bit old, or you are thinking of a way yourself?"

For those who are thirsty for knowledge, the principal refuses to come in. Yang Fei doesn't understand such a behavior, but he also understands it, but he is in a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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