Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2458 What's in the package

Chapter 2458 What's in the package

"Hey, Mr. Sakata, I'm packing some clothes for Shen Ling. Isn't she going to be released from prison in two days?" Yang Fei said calmly.

"Get out of prison?" Sakata sneered, "Who said she was going to get out of prison?"

Yang Fei packed a package, "The commander said, I want you to check her quickly, I believe she is fine!" Yang Fei took the package in his hand, "Wang Nan, come here!"

Wang Nan came over, "Yang... Boss..."

Sakata waited for Wang Nan, his eyes were sharp, like a murderous knife, he grabbed the package and asked Wang Nan, "Who are you?"

Wang Nan looked at Sakata, "Taijun, I'm Shen Ling's boyfriend!"

"Oh?" Sakata looked him up and down, "You are her boyfriend!"

"Yes, Taijun, my girlfriend works as a tutor at Boss Yang's place. I heard that she was arrested yesterday. Today, Boss Yang came and said that she would come out in two days. Then he said, I want me to prepare some clothes for her to change and wash." Clothes! No, just packed!"

Sakata didn't believe what they said, "Really?"

Sakata put the package on the table, "Really?"

"Hey, Mr. Sakata, don't you believe this? I can still lie to you?" Yang Fei said, and slowly approached the package.

Sakata hurriedly took the package away.

"Boss Yang, what do you want to do?"

Sakata asked with a smile.

"It's nothing! Mr. Sakata, these are the clothes for Shen Ling!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he was going to get the package.

"No, no, no, this won't work!" Sakata said, "Shen Ling is still in prison, she might not need these clothes anymore!"

"Isn't it a safe bet!" Yang Fei smiled, "Sakata-san, give me the package!"

"Are you sure there is nothing else in this package?" Sakata asked.

"How can there be anything!" Yang Fei said quickly, "It's just a few clothes!" After saying that, Yang Fei went to get it again.

Sakata smiled, he was very confident, Yang Fei had always wanted to take this thing, it would definitely not be so simple, he said to the Japanese around him, "Quickly search this house to see if there is anything suspicious , if you have one, bring it to me!"


"Mr. Sakata, you don't have to!" Yang Fei said.

"No, it's necessary!" Sakata smiled. He took the package by his side and sat down. "Is there anything hidden in it?"

Wang Nan on the side started to tremble in fright, where could Yang Fei put his things in such a short time?If this thing is really in this package, wouldn't they all be finished?

He turned his head to look at the vase, but there was no vase under the ground, and his eyes began to stare at the package in Sakata's hand again.

"Boss Yang, shall I take it apart and have a look?" Sakata asked.

"This...don't, Sakata-kun, it's really some clothes, Shen Ling's underwear, you...inconvenient..."

"No, it's very convenient!" Sakata smiled, and then began to untangle the knot.

At this time, Sakata was very proud. He had a hunch that the evidence was in this package.

Wang Nan swallowed, he didn't dare to look directly into Sakata's eyes.

"Don't!" After saying that, Yang Fei passed by again, "Mr. Sakata, this is inappropriate!"

Who knew, Sakata raised his foot and put Yang Fei on the ground, "It shouldn't be so difficult for the Japanese Empire to see this package. You keep blocking it, is there really something?"

"Sakata-kun, it's really nothing! Really!" Yang Fei shouted on the ground.

"Hehe!" Sakata would not believe it!
He slowly undid one knot, then another.

In order to hide his guilty conscience, Wang Nan went to help Yang Fei who was lying on the ground.

Yang Fei waved his hand, "Don't!"

This package is not destined to be ordinary, Sakata needs to take a closer look!
When he untied all the knots and put them on the table.

Wang Nan stared at Yang Fei, but Yang Fei kept looking at the package, he thought it was over!It's over!The album must be there.

Yang Fei wanted to come to the most dangerous place, which is the safest place, but unexpectedly, he was targeted by Sakata. If the photo album is found, they will all be finished!
Sakata put on the gloves, then took out a dagger and slowly opened the clothes one by one.

"What is this?" Sakata yelled suddenly, Wang Nan's legs softened all of a sudden, and he quickly supported Yang Fei.

"Mr. Sakata, what did you find?" Yang Fei asked.

Sakata turned his head and smiled, "Yang Fei, you really don't want to die until the Yellow River!"

Wang Nan's mood seemed to be about to collapse. Before this, he was like a hero with awe-inspiring righteousness, but now, he was startled by the loud shout from the Japanese.

"Mr. Sakata, there is nothing at all. I've said it all, but you still don't believe it!" Yang Fei said.

Until the last piece of clothing was opened, Sakata didn't notice any difference.

Strange, is it really just a few clothes?

Besides, is it true that Shen Ling is a normal person?
Sakata then sat down, looked at Wang Nan and Shen Ling, and said to Wang Nan, "Tell me, what is this thing inside?"

Wang Nan swallowed in fear, "Tai... Jun... I don't know what you mean!"

Wang Nan's tone really made people afraid of his sudden betrayal.

"Wang Nan, there is nothing! Mr. Sakata is scaring you!" Yang Fei said.

Wang Nan raised his head slowly, and saw that the table was covered with clothes, but the photo album was not in it.

" you know something? In my opinion, you have to go to the prison with me! Then I will interrogate you!" Sakata threatened.

"Taijun, don't be like this, don't be like this, it's really nothing, Shen Ling has always been a shy girl, she doesn't talk much, and I don't know what you want to find here!" Wang Nan hurried Said.

"Hehe!" Sakata smiled.

At this time, all the Japanese soldiers who searched ran over, "Mr. Sakata, nothing was found!"

"Sakata-kun, I didn't find it!"

"Then, is there anything strange here, for example, is there a brazier that just burned!" Sakata asked.

"Not found!"

Are they really innocent?
Yang Fei slowly stood up from the ground, "Mr. Sakata, it's really nothing. I just want Wang Nan to quickly pack some clothes for Shen Ling. There is nothing wrong with that! If you really want to say something about Shen Ling, it is simply nonsense talk!"

Yang Fei's eloquence made Sakata feel that this person is so difficult, but now he has not found anything.

He stood up from the chair, "Hehe, okay!"


"Since this is the case, then we will withdraw first!" Said, Sakata led the team out of the door.

Yang Fei asked Wang Nan to quickly clean up the clothes on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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