Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2459 civet cat for prince

Chapter 2459 civet cat for prince

After packing up his clothes, Yang Fei didn't dare to be idle, "Hurry up, if this Sakata comes back again, it will be troublesome!"

"Battalion Commander Yang, where did you put the photo album?" Wang Nan asked quickly.

"It doesn't matter, let's leave quickly!" Yang Fei said, and went out, and Wang Nan hurried out with the package.

After leaving the door, Yang Fei hurriedly took a rickshaw and reported his home address, and the driver who pulled the rickshaw yelled, then got up and ran.

The sweat on Wang Nan's body has gone down a bit, but immediately after, Wang Nan kept looking behind him, "Yang..."

Yang Fei glared at him, and Wang Nan quickly changed his words, "Boss Yang, that thing..."

Wang Nan was terrified in his heart, no matter what he was, he was an ordinary person, he thought about today's scene and was prepared, but he was still afraid.

"Let's talk when it's over!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he pointed to a place, "Okay, master, let's stop there!"

"Come on!" As he said that, the master pulling the cart stopped at the place Yang Fei was pointing at. Yang Fei paid the money, and then a car came over.

Yang Fei stepped forward to say hello, and then said, "You go first!"

When the car left, Yang Fei hurriedly took another rickshaw.

Wang Nan was a little strange, "Boss Yang, you are..."

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that we leave now! Wang Nan, I hope you and I can keep our mouths tight on this matter!"

"Of course, of course!" Wang Nan said.

This is an exciting and adventurous itinerary, but Yang Fei is calm and composed.

At this time, a car horn sounded from behind, and the driver pulled over quickly and stopped.

Wang Nan turned around and saw a Japanese car coming, he felt a little nervous, "It's over! It's over!"

The car stopped the rickshaw, Sakata got out of the car again, Wang Nan and Yang Fei also got out of the rickshaw.

Yang Fei asked strangely, "Mr. Sakata, I don't know who you are?"

Sakata stared at Yang Fei, "Boss Yang, I'm sorry, I was a little negligent just now, the most important place was not searched!"

"Mr. Sakata, you have searched all the places in the room just now. I'm afraid you know better than me where you can hide things. Where else can you hide?" Yang Fei asked.

"Boss Yang, you said that a little early!" Sakata smiled, "Most people would not think of this place, but you are different!"

"Mr. Sakata, stop joking, what can I XZ up?" Yang Fei asked.

"Come here!" Sakata yelled, and a few Japanese devils came over, and they pointed guns at Yang Fei and the others.

"Boss Yang, it's still too late to explain. I promise you that I will keep it a secret, but once I find out and you don't explain it, it will be cover-up!" Sakata said.

Wang Nan was taken aback, he didn't even know where Yang Fei took Dong XZ, could they know?

Thinking of this, Wang Nan glanced at Yang Fei.

Yang Fei shook his head, "Mr. Sakata, you have to trust me, I am an ordinary businessman, what can I hide?"

"Come here, search Boss Yang!" After Sakata finished speaking, Wang Nan became nervous.

The two Japanese went over and ransacked Yang Fei from top to bottom, but found nothing.

"Mr. Sakata, you..." Yang Fei looked at Sakata awkwardly. ,

Sakata strengthened his mind, "If it's inconvenient here, I can take you to my place!"

"Mr. Sakata, if this is the case, you can search casually, and I, Yang Fei, will never say anything!" Said Sakata.

"Okay!" Said, Sakata winked at the two Japanese around Yang Fei, the two Japanese nodded, and immediately took off Yang Fei's clothes.

Yang Fei was shocked, "Mr. Sakata, is it not a good thing to strip clothes in public?"

"Hehe, who knows if you have any ghosts?" Sakata said, "Give it to me!"

The two Japanese still couldn't find anything on Yang Fei's body.

At this time, Sakata's eyes shifted to Wang Nan beside him.

"And him, search for me!" Sakata's order made the two Japanese devils a little crazy.

They went straight over, stripped off Wang Nan's clothes, ran their hands over their underwear, and then turned to Sakata and said, "Sakata-san, no!"

"No?" Sakata was a little surprised,? "Impossible! How could there be nothing!"

"Mr. Sakata, what are you looking for?" Yang Fei asked.

Sakata came to Yang Fei, "Boss Yang, what are you hiding? Take it out quickly!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Yang Fei said.

"Boss Yang, you are dishonest"!
"Sakata-kun, if you think I have it, you can find it"!Yang Fei said.

"Old man, go to the house just now and look for it again for me. I don't believe that Yang Fei can fix Dong XZ in a short time!" Sakata said.

"Mr. Sakata, I think you have gone too far in this matter. What you are looking for is not with me, because it is not with him. What did you find?" Yang Fei asked.

"Hehe, you know!" Sakata actually didn't know for sure, it was just a feeling, he could feel from Yang Fei and Wang Nan that there must be some secrets in them!Even if it wasn't their secret, it was Shen Ling's secret!

At this time, Sakata turned to look at Wang Nan, "What are you hiding?"

"I didn't hide it!" Wang Nan said quickly.

"No, you hid!" Sakata said, his head slowly leaning towards him.

"I really didn't hide!" Wang Nan trembled.

"No hiding, what are you afraid of?" Sakata smiled. "You can't fool me!"

"I didn't lie to you!" Wang Nan slowly turned to look at Sakata.Who knew, when the four eyes met, Wang Nan was so frightened that he quickly turned his head away!

"Are you Shen Ling's boyfriend?" Sakata asked again.

"Yes!" Wang Nan said.

"In this case, since Shen Ling is suspected of collaborating with the enemy, you can't escape, come and catch him!" Sakata shouted.

Two Japanese came over and arrested Wang Nan.

"Mr. Sakata, Mr. Sakata, you can't just imagine arresting people. You should understand that if Shen Ling collaborates with the enemy, what does it have to do with Wang Nan?" Yang Fei asked.

"Relationship? This relationship is huge!" Sakata said, "The two of them are more suspicious than one!"

"You are just guessing!" Yang Fei said.

"The soldiers of the Great Japanese Empire guessed that they should be sure!" Sakata said, "Take me away!"


"Mr. Sakata, Mr. Sakata, you can't do this!" Yang Fei said quickly.

"Boss Yang, if they didn't cooperate with the enemy, I would naturally let them go. If they did, you won't be able to escape the suspicion by then!"

(End of this chapter)

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