Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2463 United Front

Chapter 2463 United Front
If this kind of thing is normal, Wang Ma would never say it, but this thing is like a knife on your neck, you say, you can say good things about the other party, besides, Wang Mom thinks her status is low, how can she sit on the sofa with Sophon.

So, at this time, she should hurry up and give up. She still wants to live, and she doesn't want to die in the hands of this Japanese woman in front of her.

She quickly stood up, "Miss Tomoko, are you thirsty? Let me pour you a glass of water!"

"Well, just right, I'm really thirsty!"

The news she got from Wang Ma made Tomoko very happy, but no matter what, she wanted to see Yang Fei today.

However, Fang Mengru came in from outside without seeing Yang Fei.

Seeing Sophon, Fang Mengru hurriedly greeted her.

"Miss Zhizi, when did you come?" Fang Mengru asked.

"Ma'am, have you seen Yang Fei?"

Tomoko Koizumi asked.

"Master, are you still busy?" Fang Mengru asked.

"Well,... there are some things...but..." Tomoko Koizumi didn't know how to talk about this matter, so he just opened his mouth and said, "Yang Fei, are you having an affair?"

Speaking of this kind of words, it feels like she is meddling in her own business. Besides, in today's world, which man does not have many women?Yang Fei only has Fang Mengru as a woman. It seems that she can't satisfy this successful person, right?
"Haha, Miss Tomoko, you have always been outspoken, why did you become like this today? Tell me, I want to see if the master has provoked you?" Fang Mengru sat on the sofa with her.

"No!" Tomoko Koizumi was a little embarrassed, this kind of words can't be said from here, so many people, after listening to it, say bad things about Yang Fei, how can this be possible?

She stood up, "Come on, let's go upstairs, I'll talk to you in detail!"

"Okay! Let's go!"

When the two went upstairs, Tomoko Koizumi frowned, "Ma'am, you have to be careful!"

"Oh?" Fang Mengru was a little surprised, "What's wrong with me?"

"It's not what's wrong with you, it's what's wrong with Yang Fei!"

Koizumi said.

"Master? Master is fine, what happened to him?" Fang Mengru asked.

"It's nothing to say, but it's unfair to us women!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"Really?" Fang Mengru hurriedly asked, "Miss Tomoko, please tell me yourself, what's wrong with the master?"

"You don't know yet, Yang Fei and that Shen Ling... probably have an ambiguous relationship!" Sophon said.

"Ah?" Fang Mengru was a little nervous at first, and then she asked, "No, how did you know?"

"How did I know that this matter itself is not worth paying attention to. What I care about is whether Yang Feixin is with that Shen Ling or not. In my opinion, a man must be interested in a woman from beginning to end!" Tomoko Koizumi Said.

"I've never heard the master talk about this! But if he doesn't mind, I don't mind either. Isn't it just taking a concubine?" Fang Mengru smiled.

"Taking a concubine?" But Tomoko Koizumi didn't think so, "Ma'am, have you thought it through? If Yang Fei marries a new wife, then your status will be lowered by more than one level! Think about it, this is the same as What's the difference in putting you in the cold palace?"

Fang Mengru didn't expect that this matter would make Tomoko Koizumi so worried, could it be...

Fang Mengru suddenly thought that Tomoko Koizumi also had some feelings for Yang Fei. Thinking about it this way, she couldn't help feeling that this matter was indeed a bit serious.

"Ma'am, have you thought about it, how should we deal with this matter?" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

"How to deal with it?" Fang Mengru shook her head, "If Master likes it, then marry him. Anyway, Master and I have no children yet!"

"Ah?" Koizumi Tomoko looked at him in surprise, "For so many years, you have no children, but... you can't hook up with Xiaosan! Then Shen Ling is Xiaosan!"

The word "Xiao San'er" made Fang Mengru understand at once, but it wouldn't make Tomoko Koizumi say it so badly.

"Ma'am, don't you have an old saying in China? Don't forget the well digger when you drink water. I believe that you have been married for so long, and you must have feelings. Otherwise, how could you live together so happily for so many years?"

"What you said is not wrong, but, the master likes others, and I can't help it!"

"No!" Tomoko Koizumi said, "You have to unite with me, the two of us will deal with Yang Fei together!"

"To deal with the master? Isn't this a big treason?"

Fang Mengru said.

"A big treason? He was the one who was a big treason first, taking a concubine and paying it back? I think he dares!" Koizumi Tomoko said, "I can't control other men in this world, but I have to control Yang Fei!"

"Miss Tomoko, this is our family matter..."

Fang Mengru reminded carefully.

"I know it's your family business, but Yang Fei is considered a public figure, right? Since he is a public figure, he must be responsible for his actions. There is nothing wrong with liking someone, so it is aboveboard, but what about Yang Fei? Being with other women behind your back is irresponsible, not responsible to the family, nor to you, let alone Shen Ling!"

"Then... Miss Zhizi, what can you do?" Fang Mengru asked.

"The way...that is to organize him to meet Shen Ling!"

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult, the master's two legs are on our body, how can we control it?" Fang Mengru said.

"Yeah, but can't we manage it?" Tomoko Koizumi said, "Look at me, I'll make Yang Fei tell the truth!"

"I think it's better not to publicize this matter. Since the master has a new love, as the original wife, I still have the obligation to remind him to take a concubine. This will help the master to carry on the family!"

Fang Mengru still said.

"Oh!" Koizumi was a little angry, "Ma'am, I've said it all, we want to organize him, and I won't stop you if you want to enter the cold palace, but... this competitor is not as good as you, and you still let her come here like this. Isn't it self-deprecating?"

At this time, hearing the voice downstairs, Tomoko Koizumi said, "Wait, I must let Yang Fei know how powerful I am! If he dares to take a concubine, I will definitely not spare him!"

When Yang Fei slowly went upstairs, Tomoko Koizumi hurriedly said, "Madam, hurry up and cry, you better cry out your tears! Men like women with pear blossoms and rain the most!"

When Yang Fei just went upstairs, Tomoko Koizumi appeared, and Yang Fei looked at her, "Miss Tomoko?"

"Yang Fei, do you still dare to come back?" Tomoko Koizumi glared at him.

"I...why don't I dare to come back?" Yang Fei smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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