Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2464 Why Are You Such A Person

Chapter 2464 Why Are You Such A Person
"Look at you, why are you bullying your wife!" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

Of course, this is what she wants to ask, and her emotions are also mixed in it.

"Bullying? When did I bully her?" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he hurried to find Fang Mengru.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Fang Mengru wiping her eyes with a handkerchief, as if she was really crying.

"What did I say?" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

"Mengru, what's wrong with you?" Yang Fei went over and asked.

Fang Mengru turned around, not wanting to look at him.

"Mengru?" Yang Fei asked again.

However, Fang Mengru still ignored him.

"Yang Fei, come here!"

Tomoko Koizumi used to call Boss Yang all the time, and it’s really rare to call him by his first name. However, Tomoko Koizumi is obviously a little angry today, but she is used to diverting this conflict. She thought that her competitor had She was sad, but she was likely to lose the battle alone, so she quickly transferred this contradiction to him.

"You'd better want to hear about this matter, Yang Fei, it's fine if you mess around outside, I hope you don't take it home! But what about you?" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

"Between flowers and grass?" Yang Fei asked in surprise.

"What? Don't admit it?" Tomoko asked.

"Why do I admit it! I admit it, when did I mess with flowers?" Yang Fei naturally couldn't admit it.

He didn't know which song Tomoko Koizumi sang.

"That's good!" Tomoko Koizumi put his hands on his hips, "Tell me, what is the relationship between you and Shen Ling?"

"She is a teacher and I am a student. What do you think we are related?" Yang Fei said, pouring water by himself.

Tomoko Koizumi went over and snatched his water glass, "No, if you don't explain this clearly, you can't drink water!"

"Miss Tomoko, are you asking about my relationship with Shen Ling? I've already said it!" Yang Fei said.

"No, no, you lied!" Tomoko Koizumi said, "You have a delicate relationship with her. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is your new concubine!"

"Ah?" Yang Fei was surprised, then smiled, "Miss Tomoko, where did you hear about it?"

"You don't need to hear about it. You should know what you did!" Tomoko Koizumi frowned, thinking, this guy still doesn't admit it!You have to give him a hard time.

"What do I know!" After saying that, Yang Fei went to get the cup.

"No, you have to speak clearly before you can drink water!" Tomoko Koizumi avoided, "Ma'am, you should say something!"

Fang Mengru turned around, "Master, do you think I didn't give you a child, and you dislike me?"

"What are you talking about!" Yang Fei was a little embarrassed.

"Otherwise, why is it so easy for people to see your relationship with Shen Ling?" Fang Mengru said.

Yang Fei thought strangely, why did these two people talk about their relationship with Shen Ling?Could it be that his previous affairs have been pulled out?

However, if they knew about the past, Tomoko Koizumi would never talk to him like this, and Sakata would find someone to take him away!

If this is the case, isn't Yang Fei dangerous?The answer is obvious. Their guess should be based on a certain characteristic. Yang Fei is not sure now, but he knows that this matter must have been said by Tomoko Koizumi and Fang Mengru.

"Yang Fei, why don't you admit it, what? How about you bring the claim and let's confront him face to face?" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

Yang Fei shook his head, why are they so angry at him for finding a woman?Fang Mengru is easy to understand, but what about Tomoko Koizumi?
I have nothing to do with him at all. Could it be that it is really for Fang Mengru?

Impossible to do this!

"Miss Tomoko, if you want me to admit it, then I'll do it!" Yang Fei said.

"You really have an affair with Shen Ling. When Sakata told me, I still didn't believe it. Not today, I believe it. You are not honest! You have it at home, and you go out to steal it!" Tomoko Koizumi glanced at him , she gave the water glass to Yang Fei, "Isn't that clear? Yang Fei, I misread you!" Saying that, Tomoko Koizumi went downstairs.

Yang Fei poured a glass of water and drank it, looked at Fang Mengru and asked, "Mengru, what's going on?"

"I don't know either. After Sophon came, he said that you were having an affair with Shen Ling! After all, you really..." Before Fang Mengru could finish speaking, Yang Fei interrupted, "What are you talking about? I Who is Yang Fei? Even if I like him, Shen Ling doesn't necessarily like me, I'm an illiterate person, that's fine, let's leave it at that!"

Yang Fei's attitude made Fang Mengru very depressed. She said, "Master, no matter whether this is true or not, I think we should focus on our mission now!"

"Oh!" Yang Fei sat down, "I've said everything about it, Shen Ling and I are innocent! You heard it too, just now Tomoko said it, it was Sakata who said it, how many words can Sakata have in his mouth Truth?"

Yang Fei scoffed at this anyway.

"Okay, since you've said it all, I'll believe it!" Fang Mengru wiped away the tears she had forced down just now.

"Exactly, I want to ask you, how is your relationship with Keiko?" Yang Fei asked.

"Mrs. Huizi is quite satisfied with me. She also likes the Chinese food I cooked for her. Starting from this place, I think I may get some information first!" Fang Mengru said.

"That's good. I'm more troublesome. There's Sakata who has been targeting me. I think it will be very difficult to make any achievements in a short time!" Yang Fei said.

"Master, this matter itself is like this. Sakata's side is difficult to deal with. The two of us should attack from other places! You should go to the headquarters more often. If you get any information at the headquarters, this is luck!" Fang Mengru said.

"Yes, you are right, but I heard that Koizumi likes to play chess, but I don't know how to play chess! It's that Reversi!" Yang Fei said.

"You mean go? If he likes to play chess, I think he should try any kind of chess, such as chess!" Fang Mengru said.

"Exactly, I know how to play chess!" Yang Fei said, "I will ask Uncle Wang to prepare a set of chess for me. I still don't believe that I can lose to Koizumi!" Yang Fei said.

Fang Mengru smiled, "That's right, the information comes out in the conversation!"

"Mengru, be careful on your side, and I will find a breakthrough!" Yang Fei said, drinking the water in the cup. "Okay, I'm going out now, I should come back later at night!"

"Master, then be careful!" After speaking, Yang Fei went downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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