Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2465 Taunting

Chapter 2465 Taunting
Yang Fei really felt an unprecedented discomfort in Tianjin during this time. This discomfort was related to the lack of progress in intelligence. In the past, Yang Fei would definitely rush to the devil's headquarters with his own troops. I don't care what high official you are, what kind of headquarters you are!There needs to be so useless, too useless, and too aggrieved, but for the sake of the task, I still can't be willful.

But now, Yang Fei feels that if this continues, this task will not be completed for a long time. Moreover, such a thing cannot be delayed. If it is delayed for one day, the people of the whole country will suffer for one more day!

He hurriedly asked Wang Fuhua to find Coach Ji.

When Ji Taichang came over, Yang Fei hurriedly said, "Coach Ji, I have something to ask you!"

"Master, please general!" Ji Taichang asked.

"You have been in Tianjin for many years, but who can you trust?" Yang Fei asked.

"I don't know what kind of reliable person the master is looking for?" Ji Taichang asked back.

"It's... someone who can rest assured!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" Ji Taichang said without thinking.

"If there is, can you recommend it to me?" Yang Fei asked.

"When I first came to Tianjin, I was with a group of brothers. Later, we each had our own affairs. Although we are a little estranged, as long as we have affairs with each other, we will definitely appear!" Ji Taichang said.

"Well, okay!" Yang Fei nodded. "When can I see you?"

"It's easy to meet, master, I'll arrange it right away!" Said Ji Taichang and left.

Yang Fei now finds that he doesn't have many people available to him, and it's difficult to make a name for himself in Tianjin, so he might as well take a gamble on how long he can stay in Tianjin and whether he can get information!

Yang Fei is confident, but is Ji Taichang reliable?
In the afternoon, Wang Fuhua brought Yang Fei a box of chess, which was made of ivory and was very valuable.

Yang Fei took such a good thing and went to the headquarters.

Now Yang Fei can enter the headquarters at will, he only needs to inform the soldiers at the door.

Once inside, Koizumi saw Yang Fei and smiled, "Boss Yang, how is your tutor?"

"Come out! Thank you Commander Koizumi!" Yang Fei said.

"Thank you for what I did? I didn't do anything!" Koizumi said with a smile.

"Commander, don't be too polite. If it wasn't for your few words, Mr. Sakata might have made things difficult for her for a few more days. However, Mr. Sakata found out later that my tutor was indeed not a spy!" Yang Fei Said.

"That's good. In Tianjin, there are quite a few people who oppose us. Boss Yang, it's very rare. You can be a united front with us!" Koizumi finished speaking, and then came to sit down with Yang Fei.

Yang Fei nodded, "Yes, Commander!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei changed his mouth and said, "Commander, what do you think I brought?"

Said, Yang Fei put the chess on the table.

Koizumi looked and saw that it was chess, "Oh? You brought chess? But, I'm not good at chess!"

"Commander, I don't believe it. I heard that you are a chess master!" Yang Fei said deliberately.

"Haha, I was wrong, I like Go!" Koizumi said.

Yang Fei slapped his head, "Oh, look at my pig-headedness, I guess I misunderstood this matter!"

"Nothing!" Koizumi said.

"Since you brought chess, Commander, why don't we play together?"

"It's okay to play!" Koizumi said, "Although I am proficient in Go, I also know a thing or two about chess!"

"Haha, Commander, let's play a game?" Yang Fei said, and laid out the chess.

For Yang Fei, he wanted to win, after all, he would only have face if he won against Koizumi!

Koizumi is red and Yang Fei is black.

Red before black!

After the routine was finished, Yang Fei began to show aggressiveness on the chessboard, eating one of Koizumi's chariots, horses and cannons in a row.

Koizumi frowned, "Boss Yang, your move is really clever!"

"Gao Ming? No, no, I'm only scratching the surface in front of the commander!" Yang Fei smiled.

"A little bit of water?" Koizumi didn't believe it at all, "Boss Yang, there seems to be some hatred of you in this chess!"

"Ah?" Yang Fei said quickly, "Commander Koizumi, no, absolutely not!" Yang Fei said quickly.

"Haha!" Unexpectedly, Koizumi himself smiled. "Boss Yang, I lost this game!"

Koizumi took the lead in admitting defeat, which was beyond Yang Fei's cognition. He didn't quite know what Koizumi was thinking in his heart, but Yang Fei understood that Koizumi's difficulty was also here. He could admit defeat in chess, but in other aspects But not necessarily a wife.

At this time, Tomoko Koizumi suddenly ran in, he glanced at Yang Fei, and then sat aside.

Koizumi hurriedly asked, "Tomoko, why are you unhappy?"

"Dad, I'm not unhappy. Even if I'm unhappy, it has nothing to do with you. The person who has something to do with it is entertaining!" Tomoko Koizumi said coldly.

"Oh? Who is this person? Why is he so clueless?" Koizumi asked.

"Father, that's fine, don't ask any more questions! I don't know what this person is thinking now, but he is someone who cheated on others. This kind of person is really nothing!" Tomoko said angrily .

"Oh?" Koizumi was a little confused.

Yang Fei hurriedly said, "Commander, Miss Tomoko is talking about me!"

"About you?" Koizumi was shocked, "Cheated?"

"This is a misunderstanding!" Just as Yang Fei finished speaking, Tomoko Koizumi hurriedly said, "What is a misunderstanding? Others have already said it, but you still don't admit it?"

"Hahahaha!" Koizumi laughed suddenly, "I thought it was a big deal! So it is!"

Tomoko looked at her father in surprise, "Dad, what are you talking about? Is this not a big deal?"

"Tomoko, you know that this man is difficult, and the difficulty lies in the fact that he has to face many things! Thinking about women is not a big deal in itself! Boss Yang handles a lot of things every day, so there is nothing wrong with relaxing occasionally! "

When Sophon heard this, she was furious, but she couldn't be angry in front of her father.

Yang Fei also looked embarrassed, "What the commander said is what he said!"

"Ouch!" Tomoko shouted, "Boss Yang, what you mean by that is that you admit it! You cheated in marriage, you are a heartless person!"

"Okay Sophon, stop talking, I'm playing chess with Boss Yang, if you have nothing to do, go first!"

Tomoko Koizumi stood up angrily, and walked towards the door angrily.After going out, he yelled loudly.

"My daughter is like this, Boss Yang, don't take offense!" Koizumi said.

(End of this chapter)

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