Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2467 You Are a Thief

Chapter 2467 You Are a Thief
On the way back, Ji Taichang said, "Master, Guoan is a very vindictive person, and what he is good at is not ordinary!"

"Coach Ji, what do you mean?" Yang Fei asked.

"Master, Guoan came back from studying abroad in Japan, and his major is blasting, so his talent must be very high!"

"Demolition major?" Yang Fei immediately became excited when he thought of this. "If so, can Guoan build me some bombs?"

Yang Fei became excited. You know, such professionals are in short supply in the army. They are scarce. He decided that he must not give up on this person.

As soon as he finished saying this, Ji Taichang looked at him, and Yang Fei knew that he was excited.

"Master, what do you want the bomb for?" Ji Taichang asked.

"No... nothing..." Yang Fei swallowed.

After returning home, Yang Fei was indeed a little excited.

The addition of Guoan will definitely bring some convenience to his intelligence work. Although he cannot blow up the headquarters in Tianjin, it is enough to deter him.

At this time, Yang Fei seemed to be in a high mood.

But it seems to be a rule that good things are followed by bad things.

Wang Fuhua came, "Master, something happened!"

Yang Fei looked at him, "What's wrong, Uncle Wang? What's the matter?"

"Li Heng... Li Heng hit people in the street! I guess he has offended a lot of people now!" After Wang Fuhua finished speaking, Yang Fei quickly crawled out.

On the street, Yang Fei saw that Li Heng was surrounded by a group of gangsters.

"Boy, do you know whose territory this is? Dare to come here to play wild, and don't take a piss to take care of yourself!" The little gangster shouted.

Looking at so many people, Li Heng didn't seem to show any fear.

"What? So many people hitting one? Are you still human?" Li Heng debated.

"How do you deal with this matter? I always feel that you can't get away without a few thousand dollars!" The little gangster kept waving the stick in his hand in the air, as if he wanted to use violence to solve the matter.

"Okay, if you can hold me, then come!"

It was the first time Yang Fei saw Li Heng's behavior. He always acted cowardly in the past, how could he change now?

Following the siege of the gangsters, Li Heng jumped up step by step. This jump was more than two meters high, and when he fell, he did not forget to kick a gangster.

There are more and more people around, this is the first time I have seen someone so powerful.

"|Good guy, you can jump so high!"

"Yeah, where did this young man come from? Can this group of punks get around him?"

"Don't talk, look, hit again!"

How could the little bastard spare him?The stick slid in the air, and the air it swept seemed to have a crackling sound.

Yang Fei felt distressed when he saw it, what the hell is going on?
However, beyond Yang Fei's expectations, Li Heng escaped alive under the siege of the crowd.

When he arrived in front of Yang Fei, he bumped Yang Fei into a stagger.

"Damn it, what do you want?" Yang Fei shouted.

Li Heng saw Yang Fei, "Brother, save me"!
"Aren't you fucking capable just now?" Yang Fei asked.

"A good man can't stand against a crowd!" Li Heng ran away after saying that.

At this time, the police whistled and came.

The little gangsters hurriedly disbanded on the spot.

The police rushed to nothing.

"What are these bastards doing here? Huh?"

Yang Fei quietly left the crowd and found Li Heng.

Li Heng was already sitting on the sofa at Yang Fei's house.

Seeing Li Heng, Yang Fei asked, "What did you do outside?"

"Brother, I didn't do anything. Those little bastards were so bullying that they flirted with a girl in public. As a man, I have to protect myself anyway. So, I'll argue with them!" Li Heng said. vivid.

Yang Fei didn't believe him, "You jumped so high just now! Why? Can't you beat so many people?"

"Hey, big brother, I'm also a Lianjiazi!" Li Heng said. "A good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses, the police are here, and I'm still here to cause you trouble?"

"That's unnecessary!" Yang Fei said, "However, you must tell me what you do!"

Li Heng scratched his head, "Don't say it, say it, you should look down on me!"

"Look down on it? Hehe, forget it, tell me!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother, I am seen as poor and poor now, but a man must have ambition!"

"Don't talk big, on the train, you said you beat Tianjin and covered me! What? Now it's my turn to cover you?" Yang Fei asked.

"This...Brother, you also believe this!" Li Heng said, sat down, and took an apple from the table, "Brother, I'm in Tianjin, that's why I escaped!"

With Yang Fei, he is not polite at all.


"That's right, I escaped from a small county town, stole a few dollars, and put me in jail. How can there be such a severe punishment in this world!" Li Heng disagreed.

"Oh, I see!" Yang Fei said, "You are a thief!"

"Brother, it's said so. Although I'm used to stealing, I also have my own professional ethics. The poor don't steal, and the righteous don't steal!"

"But you were still arrested!" Yang Fei said.

"It makes me angry when I say it. I was tricked!" Li Heng said, taking a bite of an apple. "If I hadn't been tricked, would I have been caught?"

Yang Fei smiled, "Forget it, I won't pursue it!"

"Hey, big brother, don't worry, since you gave me a bite to eat, I will go through fire and water, and I will do whatever I want!" Li Heng said.

"Okay, this is what you said, maybe I will let you go through fire and water!" Yang Fei said.

"So straightforward?" Li Heng was surprised, and put half an apple on the table, "However, as long as it's something you say, I know what I should do!"

"Okay!" Yang Fei smiled. "Li Heng, tell me, can you read?"

"Of course, I also studied for a few days!" Li Heng said.

"Just know how to read!" Yang Fei said.

"What's the matter, brother? What do you want me to do?" Li Heng asked quickly.

"Not now, but it may be useful in the future!" Yang Fei waved his hand, "If you're hungry, you can eat here at noon!"

"Brother, if this is the case, thank you very much!" Li Heng said, and went to the kitchen, "Mother Wang, I'm still here at noon, remember to do more!"

Although Yang Fei doesn't know how Li Heng can use him now, it seems that a person like this is not upright, and there is always a way for him to help him in crooked ways.

With Koizumi, Koizumi must have been staring at him. He may not want to have any knowledge, but if he doesn't learn, he won't learn, but this doesn't stop his mission.

(End of this chapter)

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