Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2468 Koizumi's Exploration

Chapter 2468 Koizumi's Exploration

What Yang Fei needs most now is in-depth development. He clearly realizes that he may not be able to obtain this information based on his own ability alone, but if he develops some people, these people can do things for him wholeheartedly. Not a good thing?

Anyway, as long as the information is obtained, the people who helped him will be able to take it back when the time comes, which is completely two gains.

However, in Tianjin, a place full of fish and dragons, it seems that there are always countless pairs of eyes staring at you, and you are not allowed to make the slightest mistake!
Once something is discovered, the consequences are unimaginable.

These days in Tianjin, great changes have also taken place on the battlefield, and the Japanese plan to cross the Yellow River has completely failed.

However, the newspapers in Tianjin blocked all these news, and even Koizumi dared not mention such things.

It was strange, that afternoon, Tomoko Koizumi came to Yang Fei's house, "Boss Yang, my father said he wanted to play chess with you!"

"Chess?" Yang Fei asked.

"It should be, I don't know either!"

The current Tomoko Koizumi has completely forgotten that Yang Fei is a cheating villain in her mouth.Tomoko Koizumi didn't want to say this anymore, because she suddenly thought that this was a trick Sakata gave him, and he got into it by himself, and Sakata was the happiest.

"Since Commander Koizumi invited me, I'll go!" Yang Fei said.

Take their car to Koizumi headquarters.

Only to find that there is no one in Koizumi's headquarters, "Let's go, come here!"

Tomoko Koizumi took Yang Fei and stepped into Koizumi's combat command room at once.

For Yang Fei, this is a forbidden place for ordinary people, and even people like Tomoko Koizumi cannot enter it at will.

Here, it is related to military secrets.

However, since he came in, Yang Fei couldn't miss such a good thing.

Tomoko Koizumi said, "This is where my father works. Do you know what this is called?"

Koizumi Tomoko pointed to a sand table and asked.

"Isn't this a pile of dirt?" Yang Fei asked.

"This is not soil, this is a sand table for combat! It's deduced here!" Tomoko Koizumi said proudly.

At this time, Tomoko Koizumi walked up to a battle map, "Look, this is the battle map!"

As for the map, Yang Fei is the most familiar. He walked over slowly and touched it with his hand. The material of this doggy Japanese combat map is just fine!No wonder when fighting, the most important thing is to get the map of the Japanese!
Although the material of the map is good, what Yang Fei cares about is the battle plan on the map.

Looking at the arrow above, Yang Fei seemed to understand a truth!
That is, the Japanese are not in the west of the Yellow River now, but are trying to consolidate their roots on the spot and then consolidate their occupied areas!
Why is this happening?

It seems that the Japanese did not enter Xi'an. Since they did not go there, their troops must have played a big role in it.

In this way, Yang Fei's worries are over.

"Boss Yang, what are you looking at?" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

"Is this the map?" Yang Fei touched it with his hand.

"Yeah, this is the map, why? Have you never seen a map?" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

"I haven't seen it before, Miss Tomoko, come on, help me find it, where is my home!" Yang Fei asked.

"Didn't you say that your home is in Xi'an? It's here!" Saying that, Tomoko Koizumi pointed.

"Then... where is Tianjin?" Yang Fei asked again.


"It's so far away!" Yang Fei exclaimed, "Unexpectedly, this clothes map will know where my home is!" He said with a smile and left the map.

At this time, there was a sudden rush of footsteps at the door, "Who's in there?"

Koizumi shouted loudly.

Tomoko Koizumi hurried out, "Father, it's me!"

When Koizumi came to look at her, he saw Yang Fei again, "Boss Yang?"

"Hello, Commander Koizumi, Miss Tomoko said, you want to play chess with me!" Yang Fei said.

"Who let you in?"

Koizumi's face was ashen.

"Me, Dad, do you know? Boss Yang doesn't even know the map!" Saying that, Tomoko Koizumi burst out laughing.

Yang Fei blushed, he knew that Koizumi was going to question him, so he couldn't laugh.

Soon, Koizumi slapped Tomoko Koizumi on the face, "Baga, this is a military important place, how dare you go in?"

Tomoko Koizumi was stunned, "Dad, you never hit me!"

Yang Fei was taken aback, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry Commander Koizumi, I didn't know it was an important military site, if I knew, I wouldn't dare to go in!"

Koizumi bared his teeth, in that room, if it wasn't for their high-ranking commanders, they wouldn't have the right to go in.

"Okay, I'm not feeling well today, Boss Yang, you go back first! I guess I won't be able to play chess today!" Koizumi said.

Yang Fei glanced at Tomoko Koizumi, "Then... Commander Koizumi, I'm leaving first!"

This time, although Yang Fei didn't make any important discoveries, the information he got was pretty good!The plan and conspiracy of the Japanese seem to be at this very moment!
He went back happily, but there was still a sullen expression on his face.

When Yang Fei left, Koizumi looked at Tomoko Koizumi and asked, "Tomoko, how is it? How is Yang Fei doing inside?"

Tomoko Koizumi looked at him, "Dad, don't worry, Yang Fei is illiterate. After he came in, he just touched the map with his hands. It seems that he has never even seen the map!"

"Other than that? Did Yang Fei browse casually?" Koizumi asked.

"Dad, no, he is very well-behaved, it seems to be the reason why I am here!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"Yang Fei, this is the first time we are dealing with him, so we must be careful!" Koizumi said, "Also, don't you like him? Then you have to keep an eye on him. If he is really an enemy of the empire, then I will I won't let him go!"

"Father, I see. Yang Fei came in without looking at anything, even when he came to pick up the sand table! So, I think he is just an ordinary person!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"Okay, you've been wronged this time!" Koizumi said.

"Father, don't be wronged. I just want to prove that Boss Yang is really not a spy! He is at most a businessman who flatters us, not even a successful businessman!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"Well, yes! However, I will continue to test him!"

"Then... Dad, are the combat missions on the map real?" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

"Don't tell me I forgot, I even forgot to change the map! However, even if Yang Fei knows, what information can he get from it as a layman?"

(End of this chapter)

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