Chapter 2471

For this stranger, Yang Fei was certain in his heart that he was definitely an active anti-Japanese element, no matter who came over, he would try his best to protect this person.

After all, what they lack now is soldiers who are sincere in resisting Japan. Only in this way, can they unite and drive these little devils out of China.

Time is like water flowing in Tianping Mountain. Whoever can grasp this time will surely win the final victory.

But the more this time came, the more nervous Yang Fei felt.

Fang Mengru was already asleep at this time, Yang Fei was lying on a mattress on the ground, he tossed and turned but couldn't fall asleep.

After finally surviving until the next day, this happened one after another.

First, Ji Taichang ran over and said that the hotel had to pay the bill but would not come back, and then Li Heng said that the casino was also blocked!

Yang Fei didn't understand, he was obviously relying on the Japanese, but now his property also suffered from such a thing.

"Master, what should we do now? The Japanese are extremely arrogant, we have to pay, this is our right!" Ji Taichang said.

"Coach Ji, don't get excited, I'll go to the hotel right now!"

After speaking, Yang Fei asked Xiao Li to drive him to the hotel.

Unexpectedly, all the doormen at the entrance of the hotel became Japanese.

Here, if you don't speak a few words of Japanese, you may be kicked out. After Yang Fei arrived, the Japanese said, "Hi, only Japanese are welcome here, not Japanese, please leave!"

Yang Fei got angry at that time, "Hurry up and call your manager out, whose hotel is this? Who stipulated that only Japanese can come in?"

Who knows, the Japanese doorman said proudly, "I'm sorry, not everyone can see our manager!"

This sentence immediately angered Yang Fei. It is false to cooperate with the Japanese, but it is true to be able to hang out in Tianjin. Now, it seems that all kinds of cooperation intentions have disappeared!

Yang Fei raised his fist and hit the Japanese in the face.

Seeing Ji Taichang, he also rushed over immediately, pressed the doorman and started fighting!
It was very lively now, and the passers-by immediately gave Yang Fei and the others a thumbs up, but no one dared to make a loud noise to cheer Yang Fei up.

Yang Fei was furious, "Hit, hit me, I will take the responsibility!"

Anyway, it's like this now, Yang Fei thought, fight as soon as you can!Get it if you can, anyway, when he finds Koizumi's theory, it's all right!
After a while, the manager ran out from the hotel, and he shouted, "Stop it, you dare to hit the people of the Great Japanese Empire!"

Yang Fei was furious, and looked up at the manager, "And you!"

He got up from the ground, and rushed towards the Japanese manager. This pounce looked professional. After throwing the manager down, Yang Fei raised his fist and hit the manager's eyes with his fist.

"Damn it, how dare you act wildly in my hotel!" Yang Fei shouted.

Ji Taichang didn't talk nonsense, he killed one, and directly called his little brother in, "Hurry up and let me all in, and catch all the Japanese inside!"

Those little guys don't usually work under the Japanese. Although they have lingering fears, they think that since their bosses have made a move, if they don't make a move, could it be that the money is for nothing.

After entering the hotel, some people ran to the back kitchen and directly pressed the Japanese chef to the ground and beat him up.

Until Sakata came with the Japanese.

Yang Fei was caught by Sakata and put a gun to his head.

"Boss Yang, what are you doing?" Sakata asked angrily.

Yang Fei looked at Sakata, "Mr. Sakata, I'm in my hotel, so you can't take care of this matter?"

"Boss Yang, do you know who these people you beat up?" Sakata asked angrily.

"They were hired by me. If they don't work hard, of course they will fight!" Yang Fei was also confident.

"Okay! You have the guts!" After Sakata finished speaking, he shouted directly, "Come here, arrest everyone here!"

Yang Fei immediately shouted, "Got Sakata! Don't you just want to catch me? Come on, catch me, it has nothing to do with anyone else!"

"Hehe, okay, it's not impossible! Come here, then invite Boss Yang to the prison to serve him!"

Two Japanese came over, tied Yang Fei, and tied him to the car.

The Japanese manager got up from the ground, bleeding from his nose, he shouted angrily, "Baga, you Chinese dogs, wait to die!"

Ji Taichang stared at the manager, and after seeing Sakata leaving, he punched the manager in the face again, "Damn it, be careful what you say!"

This matter suddenly ignited, and the entire Yang family is now discussing this matter.

Fang Mengru hurriedly said, "Coach Ji, what is the most serious consequence of Sakata taking the master away?"

"Ma'am, here... in Tianjin, I beat the Japanese, there is no good end!" Ji Taichang said.

Fang Mengru heard this, and immediately asked, "Why didn't you stop him when he made a move?"

"Ma'am, the Japanese are bullying us, let's bear it?" Coach Ji was also very energetic, he had never felt that this fight was so hearty!
However, he regretted it a little now. If something happened to Yang Fei, wouldn't those people who beat the Japanese be let off by Sakata?
"Coach Ji, if the master is gone, you must shoulder this responsibility for me, but can you shoulder it?" Fang Mengru shouted angrily.

Wang Fuhua hurriedly said, "Ma'am, I think the matter has come to an end, we must tell Ms. Tomoko Koizumi quickly, let him come forward, and see if this matter can be settled! If it can be settled, let's see if it is money or something! "

Fang Mengru nodded, "Yes, you are right! You stay here for me, I will go to the headquarters now, if I can't find Tomoko Koizumi, I will find Koizumi and let him come forward!"


Seeing Fang Mengru's departure, everyone sat down without daring to say anything. Everyone knew that this matter involved a wide range. Even if Yang Fei was released on bail by Tomoko Koizumi, some of them would definitely be executed!

Wang Fuhua looked at Ji Taichang, "Coach Ji, you are too reckless!"

"Wang Steward, this... I never thought that this matter would have such a big impact. The Japanese's attempt to occupy our hotel is obvious! The master really can't stand it anymore! Wang Steward, also Blame me for not being able to stop Laye!"

"If the Japanese finally investigate this matter thoroughly, our Yang family may suffer!" Wang Fuhua said.

"Is it really that serious?" No one dared to think badly, after all, the status of the Yang family in Tianjin was not low.

If the Yang family falls, many Chinese entrepreneurs will have to find ways to escape from Tianjin. Koizumi obviously doesn't want to see this!

However, this matter is just in case!If Koizumi decides to attack the Yang family, who can bear such serious consequences?
When Fang Mengru arrived at the headquarters, she was stopped by someone. In the past, it was not difficult for Fang Mengru to get in, but now, she can't even get in!
"Hello, please inform that Yang Fei's wife is coming to visit!" Fang Mengru said.

"Go back quickly, Commander Koizumi won't see any visitors today!" the Japanese soldier shouted.

"Please, let me in!" Fang Mengru went over and said.

"Hurry up, or I'll shoot!" As he said, the Japanese pointed a rifle at Fang Mengru.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving! I'm leaving!" Fang Mengru turned her head quickly, but she found a place and stood guard at the door. If Tomoko Koizumi really came out, she could quickly find her.

In the headquarters at this time.

Koizumi is dizzy and dizzy with the anxious battle at hand, the frontal battlefield is stopped by the national army, but the rear is constantly harassed by the Eighth Route Army!This harassment is annoying!

Although they have implemented the Sanguang policy very well, the Eighth Route Army seems to be that fly, you advance and the other retreats, and you retreat and the other advances!

In order to completely prevent the Eighth Route Army from being presumptuous in the occupied areas, Koizumi convened many meetings, but there was no other way but to respond with a steadfast posture.

Koizumi didn’t get any news about anything other than the headquarters. After Sakata caught Yang Fei, he rushed to the headquarters immediately, and then ordered, “If anyone related to Yang Fei comes over, remember to stop him! Don’t let him go.” Come in!"


In this way, Sakata blocked Koizumi's external news.

However, walls have ears, and when Tomoko Koizumi was about to go out, the soldier at the door said, "Miss Tomoko, where are you going?"

Tomoko Koizumi was surprised. In the past, when she went out, no one asked her too much, what happened today?
"I'm going for a stroll, why?" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

"Miss Tomoko! You must pay attention to safety when you go out. I think it's best to bring a few people with you!" the soldier said.

"Oh why?"

"I heard that some Chinese beat us Japanese today! There is chaos outside!" said the soldier.

"Is there anything else?" Tomoko asked.

"Yes! So, Miss Tomoko must pay more attention!"

"Well, I see, do you know who beat us Japanese?" Tomoko asked again.

"Miss Tomoko! Miss Tomoko..."

Fang Mengru ran over from a distance!

The Japanese soldiers hurriedly stopped Tomoko Koizumi, pointed their guns at Fang Mengru, and said, "Stop, stop!"

Tomoko Koizumi said, "This is a friend of mine, what are you doing?"

The soldier put away his gun, then walked up to Fang Mengru, "Oh? Are you looking for me?"

"Miss Zhizi, I beg you, can you let Mr. Sakata release Yang Fei?" Fang Mengru asked.

"Then can you tell me what happened?" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

Fang Mengru said so and so on, and then Tomoko Koizumi understood what happened, but why did Yang Fei hit the people of the empire?
Although it sounds like Yang Fei is not wrong, but after all, this is hitting the Japanese!

In Tomoko Koizumi's impression, the Japanese are more noble, and they can surpass the Chinese. Although he likes Yang Fei, if he likes it, he can't pamper him!

However, Yang Fei dared to hit the Japanese, which made Tomoko Koizumi very excited, "It's really great, Yang Fei is really a real man!"

In this regard, Tomoko Koizumi likes Yang Fei very much.

"Don't worry about this, I will definitely find a way to rescue Boss Yang, but I can't guarantee that my father will let Boss Yang go!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"Miss Zhizi, I ask you to help me. If you have any requirements, I will definitely satisfy you!" Fang Mengru said.

"Let's talk about it later!" Koizumi Tomoko finished, "Then I'll go talk to my dad first!"

After saying that, she entered the headquarters, and Fang Mengru didn't stay here anymore. She immediately returned home and wanted to discuss with Wang Fuhua and the others what to do next.

When Tomoko Koizumi arrived at the gate of the command post, he was stopped by someone, "Miss Tomoko, the commander is talking about things inside right now, and other people are not allowed in!"

"Then you go and tell my dad that I'm right outside the door. Remember to call me when he's done working!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"Okay, please wait, Miss Tomoko!"

war room.

When Sakata told him about Yang Fei at this time, Sakata was a little surprised, "Yang Fei is so bold?"

"Yes, Commander, now that Yang Fei is ignoring the empire, are we going to take tough measures?" Sakata asked.

"Mr. Sakata, if you go against the empire, you will definitely not end well. However, Yang Fei's status is really special. We only reached a certain consensus with him a while ago. Now, if I want to kill him, isn't it in Tianjin?" Being laughed at?" Koizumi said.

"Then Commander, what should we do?" Sakata asked.

"It can't be killed, but it can be closed for a few more days. Wouldn't it be better if I could get some more benefits from Yang Fei?" Sakata said with a smile.

"Could it be that Yang Fei is so cheap?" Sakata was a little unwilling.

"Mr. Sakata, in Tianjin, if we want to treat this place as our place, we should let everyone in Tianjin recognize us. Only in this way, Tianjin will become a vibrant city! Yang Fei is illiterate, Therefore, he does not pose much threat to us, he is not a wise man, but with some wisdom, it is impossible to oppose our empire!" Koizumi's analysis made Sakata nod, "I know the commander, then, I Just lock him up for a few more days! I'm just afraid..."

"Afraid of what?" Koizumi asked.

"I'm afraid Miss Tomoko will interfere with this matter!" Sakata said.

"Don't worry about this matter, I won't grant her wish, Sophon is still young, he doesn't understand many things!" Koizumi said.

"That's good, with your words, I can do it boldly and confidently!" Said, Sakata smiled, "Then can I punish him?"

"Of course, proper punishment can increase his loyalty and reverence to the empire!" Koizumi said.

"Well, I see!" Saying that, Sakata went out the door.

With the commander's guarantee, he felt relieved.

Koizumi sat down, then lit a cigarette, secretly happy, Yang Fei beat someone, and the price was very high!
At this moment, I heard Tomoko shouting outside, "Dad! Dad!"

Koizumi pretended not to hear, and took a sip of tea with a teacup!

Who knows, Tomoko Koizumi rushed in.

Koizumi Tomoko who rushed in seemed to lose his mind, "Dad, why are you like this? You and Sakata-kun are talking inside, why can't I come in?"

"Tomoko, I also know why you came in. Let me tell you the truth, I am also very embarrassed!" Koizumi said.

"Father, isn't this a matter of your words?" Tomoko Koizumi said, "You know who Yang Fei is, but he dared to openly confront us Japanese, which shows that this person is not afraid of life and death! Isn't this kind of person also a talent that our empire appreciates?"

"Tomoko, what do you want to express?" Koizumi asked.

"Father, I always feel that there is some misunderstanding about this matter. For example, why did Yang Fei dare to fight? Is it our fault first? Or is it Yang Fei's unreasonable trouble?" Zhizi asked.

"These are irrelevant. If I were someone else, I could turn a blind eye. If those Japanese spread the word, it would be a disaster for me!" Koizumi said.

"Father, everything pays attention to cause and effect. If there is no cause and effect, this is wishful thinking. As far as I know, Yang Fei fought because our manager refused to submit the monthly bill. Why? Could it be that we occupied his hotel ?” Tomoko asked.

"Tomoko, I understand what you mean, but after all, Yang Fei hit someone, and the person who hit first will definitely be punished by the imperial law!" Koizumi said, "I have already decided, Yang Fei can't stay!"

After Koizumi said this, Tomoko was stunned, "Father, is it so serious?"

"Tomoko, what do you think of what I said?" Koizumi asked deliberately.

"Father, Fang Mengru came to me just now, and he said, we can make a condition. According to their Yang family's family property, wouldn't it be better to give some substantial things? It may be possible to use money to compensate the Japanese manager." Let the manager know how to heal the trauma in his heart!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"Conditions? I'm afraid Yang Fei won't be able to agree to the conditions I raised!" Koizumi said.

"What conditions? Dad, what can't Yang Fei agree to?" Sophon asked.

"You've been speaking for Yang Fei. I know that you like this person. If I let him divorce Fang Mengru, will he agree to it?" Koizumi asked.

"Divorce? Dad, is this a joke? It's impossible. Yang Fei is half-life to Fang Mengru, and Fang Mengru is everything to Yang Fei. Although I like Yang Fei, but, If I want them to evacuate, I don't want to bear this infamy!"

Tomoko Koizumi was more open-minded. Although the throbbing in her heart was only bang bang bang bang, her reason told her, "This matter needs serious consideration!"

Koizumi nodded, "Tomoko, you have grown up, you can weigh the pros and cons now!"

In Koizumi's heart, he wanted to tie Yang Fei up and tie them together. This is the best way.

"Father, let me ask again, how can Yang Fei be released? I can be the guarantor!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"Tomoko, for your sake, I can spare Yang Fei, but letting him go like this is also a disgrace to the empire!"

"Father, what do you want?" Tomoko asked.

"Detain him for a few days to quench his anger!" Koizumi said.

"I think, this can be!" Koizumi Tomoko said. "In this case, I can go and talk to Fang Mengru!"

"Wait!" Koizumi said again, "I have understood what the manager meant. He didn't want to swallow Yang Fei's hotel, but this is a new service offered by the manager!"

Koizumi is blaming the manager.

Sophon also understands that in this position, there are naturally many things to consider.

When she told Wang Fuhua and others the news, Fang Mengru burst into tears, "Thank you, Miss Zhizi!"

"Don't thank me, it's Yang Fei who deserves to die. Dad said that he will be imprisoned for a few days!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"Okay, okay!" Fang Mengru said, "Since this is the case, we discussed this matter just now, and we decided to transfer the New Universe Hotel to the Japanese side, which will also facilitate the operation of the Japanese manager!"

"Give us the hotel?" Tomoko Koizumi was a little puzzled.

"Yes, in the past, the master promised to give 20.00% of the profits to the Japanese side every month. Now, we have decided to withdraw the original promise and then give the hotel to the Japanese side instead. In this way, the Japanese side will get money from it every month. The profit obtained is more than 20.00%!" Fang Mengru said.

"This is really great news!" Sophon said.

"If this is the case, will the master be able to come back earlier?" Fang Mengru asked.

"I don't know about this, I have to go back and ask my dad!"

"Then there will be Miss Lao Zhizi!" After Fang Mengru finished speaking, Koizumi Tomoko sat in the car, "Hurry up to the headquarters, I have something to tell my father!"

Wang Fuhua looked at Fang Mengru, "Ma'am, this hotel, but the old man earned it back with a penny. Now, I'm really reluctant to hand it over to someone else!"

"In terms of property and master's life, I still think master's life is valuable!" Fang Mengru said.

"That's right, as long as the green hills are kept there, we won't have to worry about running out of firewood!" Wang Fuhua also said. "I hope that the master has not suffered any torture!"

"No, I've already given them the hotel, what else do they want?"


Sakata sat on the chair, and he had someone bring Yang Fei out, "Go, tie Yang Fei up for me, how did you tie up Shen Ling last time, today, let's do it again!"

Yang Fei smiled, "Sakata, you finally pulled me here, but I can tell you clearly, you can do whatever you want! I beat the Japanese, why? You can't come here and listen to me and you Tell me slowly?"

Sakata smiled, "Don't think I don't know anything, Yang Fei, you beat someone, this matter itself is a felony, and you bullied the Japanese!"

"Which person is not human? I hit someone, but I have never seen who it is!" Yang Fei said.

"Huh? Speak wild words!" Sakata looked at him and let out a cold snort.

"Sakata, don't be surprised, even you, I can still hit you!" Yang Fei smiled, "Hurry up and kill as you like!"

"Hehe, Yang Fei, I don't have any skills, but I practiced my words! It's amazing!"

"Sakata, don't you just dislike me? Come on, fight!" Yang Fei said.

"Hehe, Yang Fei, you guessed it right! If I beat you, I will definitely beat you!" Sakata finished speaking and took a whip himself.

(End of this chapter)

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