Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2472 Punishment

Chapter 2472 Punishment
It can be seen from his eyes that Sakata really made up his mind this time.

If Yang Fei didn't suffer a little here, Sakata would definitely not be able to get around him.

After all, before Yang Fei came, he regarded Miss Tomoko as a taboo, but Yang Fei's appearance changed this.Therefore, he hated Yang Fei.

Yang Fei became more calm. He knew that he couldn't escape today, and he didn't think about how to escape.


The whip hit Yang Fei's body, and a bloody gash immediately appeared on his white shirt.


Another whip came in a different direction.

"Cool! Really cool! Sakata, come on, continue!" Yang Fei shouted loudly.

"Yang Fei, you can't rest in peace!" Sakata held his whip high, and he exerted all his energy.

He thought to himself, didn't he take the sophon?

Isn't it showing off?
Haven't you been condescending all the time?

How much courage does it take for an illiterate illiterate to dare to shout?


The whip hit Yang Fei hard.

"Begging for mercy, Yang Fei, you can beg for mercy now, if you beg for mercy, I can use a little force!" Sakata said with a smile.

"No way, Sakata, you can hit me!" Yang Fei glared at him.

"Tough mouth! I want to see if it's your hard mouth or my whip!"



One whip after another, listening to the sound, you can feel it, which seems to be mixed with resentment towards Yang Fei.

Yang Fei bit his mouth tightly, and the whip hit him on the face, a long mark immediately swelled up, and then a bloodstain appeared on his face.

Yang Fei was sweating. He knew that as an Eighth Route Army, he must be prepared for this.

Even if there were many unexpected situations, Yang Fei knew that this was a test for him.

It wasn't until Sakata had no strength to beat Yang Fei that he sat down slowly, and then looked at him with a smile, "Interesting, really interesting, I didn't expect you to fall into my hands in the end! Yang Fei, you are stubborn, then I'll beat you until you're subdued!"

"You have no chance in this life, unless you beat me to death today!" Yang Fei shouted.

"It's easy to kill you! It's really easy, Yang Fei, I will slowly torture you to death!" Sakata said.

"Hehe, Sakata, I hope you will do what you say!" Yang Fei said coldly.

"Yang Fei, you don't believe me!" Sakata said, "Anything, in my hands, cannot be left to chance! I will do it fairly, ha ha!"


Yang Fei said disdainfully.

After the beating was over, Sakata put down the whip, and then went to the gate of the prison, "Yang Fei, I don't need to be beating for the time being, take him back, if you want to execute the sentence, I will execute it myself!"



Fang Mengru is like an ant on a hot pot at home, she has already explained their conditions, but there is no news of Koizumi for a long time, what should I do?
No one dared to leave easily, Ji Taichang started to feel a little nervous now, he hurriedly asked, "Ma'am, our conditions are already very high, what is Xiao Quan thinking?"

"I don't know. He must have a standard in his heart to measure their gains and losses in Japan. We took the initiative to let the hotel out. What a great benefit to the Japanese! They should agree without saying a word. Yes!"

Fang Mengru was a little confused.

At this time, Li Heng said, "You are saying something wrong!"

"Oh?" Fang Mengru looked at him.

"The arrogant attitude of the Japanese has come out. Even if they agree to our request, for the Japanese, the master will have to be imprisoned for a few days. Think about it, if the Japanese agree to release them on the spot, it will be easy for us to see them. Bian!" Li Heng's words were not without reason.

But that's what's bothering me right now.Fang Mengru was worried that Yang Fei couldn't get out.

Seeing that it was getting late, Ji Taichang said, "Everyone, please go back, it's getting late!"

Wang Fuhua sent them away, and then came to Fang Mengru, "Ma'am, it seems that what Li Heng said is correct, this Japanese really wants to show us off!"

"That's right, if Koizumi wants to lock Yang Fei up for two days, I can accept it, but I'm afraid... Koizumi won't agree!" Fang Mengru said.

"Don't worry, ma'am, I'll ask someone to find out!"

"Forget it, don't go!" Fang Mengru said, "According to the past, Tomoko Koizumi should come over tomorrow morning, at least he wants to tell us something!"

"That's right, ma'am, you're right. Let's just wait patiently overnight. If there's no news by tomorrow morning, I'll ask someone to ask!" Wang Fuhua said. ,

"Okay, then you go to rest and take care of Uncle Wang!" Fang Mengru said.

"Ma'am, you should go to bed early too!" Wang Fuhua left after finishing speaking.

In the silent night, Fang Mengru was lying on the bed alone, and she started to feel a little scared. Thinking that Yang Fei might be punished severely in prison, she felt very worried.

Yang Fei is a soldier, so he must have been injured. If Sakata saw it, Yang Fei would not simply be fighting, and would be involved in bigger problems.

After a sleepless night, Fang Mengru got off the bed and changed her clothes. She thought, no matter what, she had to go to the headquarters to see what this Koizumi was up to!
Before I had time to eat breakfast, I ran into Tomoko Koizumi when I went out.

She came over with a smile, "Are you going to find me?"

"Miss Tomoko, you are finally here! Please come inside!"

At home, Wang Ma poured a cup of tea for Tomoko Koizumi, Fang Mengru hurriedly asked again, "Miss Tomoko, Yang Fei..."

"You don't have to worry!" Koizumi Tomoko said.

"What do you mean?" Fang Mengru asked quickly.

"Yang Fei is fine, just stay in prison for two days!" Fang Mengru said, "Yesterday, I talked to my father earnestly. In the end, Yang Fei was a bit reckless in this matter. If nothing else, he How dare you beat someone? Even if you are not Japanese, you will be arrested for beating someone!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"Who says it's not!" Fang Mengru said helplessly.

"Ma'am, don't worry, with me here, I guarantee that Yang Fei will be fine!" Tomoko Koizumi assured her.

"Okay, if Yang Fei comes out, I'll sign the transfer agreement right away!" Fang Mengru said.

"Father said, we don't want to do this, if it spreads out, our reputation won't be good!" Tomoko Koizumi said, in fact, she was just talking like this, to see whether Fang Mengru will give it to the hotel or not.

Anyway, Koizumi's meaning is very clear, that is, if they want to exchange, then exchange, anyway, the current interests are crucial!
"No, I must honor what I say! The hotel still wants to give it to you!"

The people inside didn't know how anxious the people outside should be. Yang Fei was lying on the cold and smelly bed in the prison. The people around looked at Yang Fei with a smile in their mouths. They were curious why someone could be so stubborn. !
Originally, what they thought was that after Yang Fei came in, if he was beaten up, he would definitely beg for mercy, but Yang Fei didn't.

"I said brother, I will tell you one thing, if he beats you again and begs for mercy, he will definitely beat you even more, don't you believe it? If he hits me, I will beg for mercy hard, beat you Just a few hits, it’s not like you, he will beat you until you lose your energy!”

"That's right, brother, try to figure it out for yourself, no matter what you do, just hit as many times as you want!"

"By the way, what did you do?" the curious man squatted in front of him and asked.

Yang Fei looked at the old fritters in the prison, "Hehe, do you want to know?"

"Yes I do!"

It's also interesting to listen to people talking in prison.

"I don't know how you guys got in, but I came in because I hit the Japanese!" Yang Fei said.

"Ah?" Many people began to wonder, "How dare you hit the Japanese?"

"Yeah, beating the Japanese is a serious crime for you, and they will definitely execute you!"

"Hehe, die?" Yang Fei also regrets it now, if he dies because of this, the task cannot be completed, and he will be ashamed of the organization's trust in him.

Not to mention other things, just say that Yang Fei has endured in Tianjin for so long, this wrong step means wrong step.

Fang Mengru should be very anxious at home, and Ji Taichang and the others should also be entangled in this matter!

It was a sigh of relief after beating the Japanese, but all the remaining things could not go on normally. If Fang Mengru was not betrayed alone, it would be even more difficult to complete the task!
"Brother, tell me, why did you beat the Japanese?"

Those who watched the excitement didn't think it was a big deal, they just listened to the story by themselves, but they didn't care about the consequences Yang Fei was about to face.

"Having taken over my hotel, if I don't fight this matter, what else would I do?" Yang Fei was still stubborn.

"It's amazing, I admire you, but you are the one who is going to die, brother, do you have any good things on you, give me some points!"

This is their true purpose.

Yang Fei sneered, "Okay, then I will really be sentenced to death, and I will give you whatever is on me!"

At this time, the prison door opened.

It stands to reason that no one should come to see him now, after all, he was beating a Japanese, and the Japanese would definitely not come to see him, even Fang Mengru would be stopped and refused to let him in!
The sound of footsteps approaching, Yang Fei was lying on the ground, the wound he had slapped on his body yesterday was aching, and in this prison where bacteria bred, the wound began to swell and become moldy.

"what happened?"

It was Tomoko Koizumi's voice. When she saw Yang Fei, she frowned, "Why are you injured so badly?"

Yang Fei didn't speak. In his eyes, even if Tomoko Koizumi wanted to save him, that guy Koizumi probably wouldn't let him go.

"Boss Yang, I'm talking to you!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

Yang Fei leaned his head against the wall without saying a word.

"Asshole, Sakata! Come here!"

Tomoko Koizumi scolded loudly.

Sakata came over slowly, and then said, "Miss Tomoko, are you looking for me?"

"I ask you, why did you beat him? Look, how did you beat him?" Tomoko grabbed the door of the prison with both hands.

"Miss Tomoko, you should know what he did. This beating of the Japanese is an aggravated crime. He just received a few lashes. Who knew that he was so ungrateful!" Sakata said sarcastically.

"I tell you, if I find you beating him again, I won't spare you!" Tomoko shouted angrily.

Although she also knew that Yang Fei could not avoid being tortured inside, but now seeing Yang Fei's scars, her heart hurts badly.

She didn't want to see such a thing happen, and he could tell himself what happened.

He said that the Japanese occupied his hotel, but if Yang Fei told her and she stepped forward, the matter should be resolved easily, but he didn't!
"Boss Yang, wait, I will beg my father to let you go!" Tomoko said.

"No need, I know what I did, I'm afraid I will die!" Yang Fei said coldly.

"What are you talking about! What is this? Isn't it just beating someone? Don't worry, I'll beat them up now, and it's best to lock me up with you!" Koizumi Tomoko said , that is to say to Sakata.

Sakata is not stupid, he also knows that Koizumi Tomoko is likely to hate him now.

However, Yang Fei, he had to fight, if he didn't fight, he would be sorry for himself!

Yang Fei didn't speak, Koizumi Tomoko turned his head to look at Sakata angrily, "It's you, it's because of you! Sakata, please remember, if I see Yang Fei injured when I come again, I will make you unable to bear it Walk!"

After speaking, Tomoko left angrily.

Who knows where Sophon has gone.

Anyway, after everyone left, other people hurried over, "I'll go, I know this woman, isn't she Koizumi's daughter?" After speaking, he quickly looked at Yang Fei and asked, "I said, do you know Koizumi's daughter? "

Yang Fei didn't speak.

If so, I don't think you will die!

"Is that Koizumi's daughter?"

"Yeah, if that's the case, this guy probably wouldn't die if he beat the Japanese! Maybe he'll go out in two days!"

They started arguing.

At this time, an old man began to say, "I said young man, if you go out, can you do me a favor?"

Yang Fei turned his head, "Whether I can go out or not, or two, do you still believe so much that I can go out?"

"Sure, Tomoko Koizumi knows you, can't you get out?" the old man smiled.

"Then tell me, what's the matter? If I can help you, I will help, if not, then I won't agree!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, you can definitely help me!" After finishing speaking, the old man quickly sat up straight, "Little brother, it's like this, I've been poured in for several years, and I'm sure I can't get out, tell me girl, Just say that her father and I are very good inside, no one tortures me, let her not think about saving me! Quickly let her find someone to marry, even if it is someone else's concubine, marry it, don't suffer any grievances Yes!" said the old man.

"Where is it?" Yang Fei asked.

"No. 28 Pian'an Street, my name is Wang Laocai!" After the old man finished speaking, he suddenly looked a little bad, and he sat down slowly and closed his eyes.

The brightest place in the prison is when you are being tortured. There is a window in that place. Only through the window can you feel whether it is night or day.

Besides, no one knows what time it is!

In fact, everyone in the prison knows that since they have entered a Japanese prison, it will be difficult to survive.

Tomoko Koizumi arrived at Yang Fei's hotel, and when he reached the door, the doorman stopped him and asked in standard Japanese, "Miss, only Japanese are welcome here!"

Upon hearing this, Tomoko Koizumi stretched out his hand and slapped him, "Baga! Lu!"

The door boy was taken aback, "Are you Japanese?"

"Things with no eyes, where do you think I am from?" Tomoko Koizumi roared.

"In that case, let's go inside!" the doorman said hastily.

"Go, call your manager out!" Tomoko Koizumi said.


With that said, the doorman went to call the manager out.

Seeing that it was Tomoko Koizumi, the manager immediately asked with a smile, "Miss, why are you here?"

Tomoko Koizumi frowned, "I said, do you know why Yang Fei hit you?"

Upon hearing this, the manager immediately began to cry, "Miss Tomoko, you don't know, just because Yang Fei came over and the doorman spoke Japanese, Yang Fei was not satisfied, and hit someone with his hand!"

The manager is also a set of nonsense!

The news Tomoko Koizumi received was different from his. "Manager, I hope you speak the truth! The doorman speaks Japanese, and many hotel doormen speak Japanese. There is nothing wrong with this, and Yang Fei wouldn't hit someone!"

Hearing this, the manager swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "It's like this, Yang Fei asked someone to get the account book, I said, I haven't finished the account book yet, so please postpone it for a day or two! As a result, the person he sent was very unhappy. Satisfied! When I heard the swear words, it was an insult to our Japanese managers, so I drove them away!"

"So, Yang Fei brought someone here?" Tomoko Koizumi asked.

"Yes!" said the manager.

Although Tomoko Koizumi is not a professional manager, he also understands this. It is already the tenth day, why hasn't the account book of last month been completed yet?

At this point, she was very skeptical, she looked at the manager, "Now, is the account book ready?"

"It's done, it's done!" The manager said quickly.

"What time is it now? As a manager, you can't complete the account book within the specified time. There is a reason for Yang Fei to be angry!" Tomoko Koizumi said, "You, come with me to see Dad now, and tell Dad about your business Take a moment! This is not Yang Fei's fault!"

Hearing this, the manager quickly shook his head, "No, no, Miss, this is not allowed, you know, I am also a manager now, besides, I am also Japanese, Yang Fei deserves what he deserves!"

Tomoko Koizumi didn't understand that the Japanese had a sense of superiority in Tianjin. This sense of superiority came from the fact that they were all Japanese. It was normal to look down on other people, but it was this normality that made Tomoko Koizumi feel uncomfortable.

She looked at the manager, "So, you don't want to go?"

"Yes, Miss Tomoko!"

"Okay, I'll go!" After finishing speaking, Tomoko Koizumi turned and left.

The manager breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, everything that happened here was arranged by Koizumi alone. Without Koizumi's instruction, no one would dare to do anything wrong.

In fact, isn't Koizumi just bullying Yang Fei for being illiterate, shouldn't he be illiterate?Since Koizumi did it himself, it is impossible for him to bow his head and admit his mistake.

Sure enough, after Tomoko Koizumi talked to his father, his father Koizumi still had the same attitude, "I said it before, it's okay to make Yang Fei suffer a little bit!"

"But Dad, it's the manager's fault first!"

"No matter what, he beat the Japanese, and I don't want Japanese expats to come and make irresponsible remarks!" Koizumi said, "If you have this little time, just spend time with your mother!"

After speaking, Koizumi let Tomoko go.

Even Koizumi didn't want to help her.

Sophon reluctantly went to find Keiko, who was learning how to cook Chinese food at this time, Sophon asked quickly, "Mom, what are you doing?"

"Cooking, look, it's almost noon!" Keiko said, "By the way, in a while, you can try my Chinese food!"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to learn other Chinese dishes in the future!" Tomoko Koizumi sat down helplessly, then dragged her head.

"Huh?" Seeing Tomoko's unhappiness, Keiko asked quickly. "Who is this bullying you? Why do you feel so unhappy?"

"Who else is there? Fang Mengru probably won't come in the future. His husband, Yang Fei, is now in prison!" Zhizi said.

"How can this be?" Keiko put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, and asked quickly, "Tomoko, I didn't go out, I don't know what happened, but you have to tell me!"

"It was because Yang Fei went to ask for the account book, but the Japanese manager didn't do a good job and refused to give it, so Yang Fei beat him up in a fit of anger!" Tomoko was a little upset, "Mom, can you help me?"

Huizi shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work, you know, your father never let me meddle in these matters, but since Yang Fei is not wrong, he will definitely be released!"

"My father said the same thing, and she said that she must be locked up for a few days before releasing her!"

"That's right!" Huizi smiled, "Your father thinks highly of Yang Fei, you should know that!"

"Well, okay!"


In fact, many things seem to be calm on the surface.In Fang Mengru's heart, this incident is a lesson for them. Yang Fei's recklessness almost made their mission go bankrupt. Besides, what they can do now seems to be this. They can only wait, only wait until Yang Fei is released from prison. To discuss what to do next.

Three days later, according to the agreement, Yang Fei was released.

Tomoko Koizumi stood at the door early and waited for him.

Fang Mengru prepared clothes in a hurry.

When Yang Fei came out, his face was covered with dirt, and they all knew the scars on his body. The inevitable scars in prison were finally like marks written in a diary with a pen.

Fang Mengru quickly put the clothes on Yang Fei.Tomoko Koizumi hurriedly asked someone to open the car door, and just like that, they walked for 4 miles.

Yang Fei didn't say anything along the way. He knew that many people would rush to mediate if he could come out this time. In the end, they would have to lose a lot in exchange for Yang Fei's life!

Wang Ma prepared a lot of delicious food, and Wang Fuhua also asked people to tidy up the house quickly.

But in Yang Fei's eyes, all of these are superficial.

Seeing Yang Fei's unhappiness, Tomoko Koizumi said a lot, but Yang Fei was still the same.

(End of this chapter)

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