Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2473 Wang Fang

Chapter 2473 Wang Fang
Many people did not understand Yang Fei's silence.

Of course, there are those who understand, and it is impossible for everyone not to understand.

It wasn't until Tomoko Koizumi left that Yang Fei spoke slowly. He looked at Fang Mengru, "Mengru, come here!"

Fang Mengru went to Yang Fei's side, and said, "Master, you finally spoke!"

"What's the condition for you to save me this time?" Yang Fei asked.

"Conditions?" Fang Mengru lowered her head, "Master, I think this matter is very strange. They didn't let go until I told them to transfer the hotel to them!"

Yang Fei knew that it was impossible to let him go so easily.

However, the price of transferring the hotel to them is indeed a bit high!
"Master, don't worry, I made an agreement with them, since the hotel has given them, then we won't give them the [-]% profit in other industries!" Fang Mengru said quickly.

"Well, I got it!" Yang Fei said, "Meng Ru, I'm really sorry, I made you frightened this time, I promise you, it will never be like this in the future, if I let the Japanese eat it, I will definitely not be able to digest it , and then spit it out for me!"

"Master, what do you mean?" Fang Mengru asked quickly.

"The Japanese! Hehe, the Japanese! These Japanese are all unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. The reason why they dare to do this is because we dare not speak out. The Japanese must disappear from here, from China forever!"

Yang Fei gritted his teeth and said.

"Master, you'd better recover from your injuries first, and then we'll make other plans after it's over!" Fang Mengru said as she covered Yang Fei with a quilt.

"Call Ji Taichang, Li Heng and the others over!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, master, wait a moment!" After saying that, Fang Mengru left.

After a while, Ji Taichang and others came.

Seeing Yang Fei like this, Li Heng felt uncomfortable, "Brother, look at you, did we suffer such serious injuries?"

Yang Fei didn't talk to Li Heng first, looked at Ji Taichang and asked, "Coach Ji, you have worked hard these few days, the Japanese took our hotel, let's do this first, but other properties of ours must be Be optimistic, I don't want to destroy my uncle's property in my hands!" Yang Fei said.

"Master, don't worry, even if it takes my life, I will also protect our property!" Ji Taichang said.

At this moment, Yang Fei turned his head to look at Li Heng, making his heart shudder.

"Brother, what are you doing looking at me like that?" Li Heng asked quickly.

"Tell me, what's going on in the casino?" Yang Fei asked.

"Casino? Casino..." Li Heng hesitated and didn't speak.

"I value you so much, I entrust the casino to you for unified management, Li Heng, just speak up if you have anything to say!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother, the casino has its rules, and there are no rules. You know, the thugs in our casino are all managed by Coach Ji, and there are not many thugs in the casino. If something goes wrong, we can't be busy! "Li Heng said.

"I asked you what's going on!" Yang Fei repeated.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it!" Li Heng said quickly.

"Say!" Yang Fei shouted.

"That is, someone owed money and didn't pay it back, so I asked someone to beat him up. As a result, after that person went out, the local evil forces came over..." Li Heng said.

"And then? Then?" Yang Fei asked.

"Then...then we blocked our casino and paid them some money, that's the end of it!" Li Heng said.

"Losing money? How can casinos still lose money?" Yang Fei sneered, "Li Heng, you are also quite capable. Are you bullying the weak and fearing the strong?"

"No, no, big brother, it's all at our door. You said, there are only two thugs, and there are dozens of people on the other side. How do we fight?" Li Heng asked.

"Let me tell you, no matter what you encounter in the future, just hit it. We are registered at the police station. You should know this. Are you so afraid of getting hurt?" Yang Fei shouted angrily.

"Brother, don't be angry, don't be angry, I know, I know!" Li Heng said quickly.

"So, I think in order to avoid this from happening, we should put more people in the casino, right Coach Ji?" Li Heng asked.

"That's fine, I'll just arrange a few more people!" Ji Taichang said.

"If you encounter problems and solve them, I believe that these will not be problems!" Yang Fei said.

"What the master said is right!" Ji Taichang said.

"Brother, this time you were arrested, we all thought of many ways to get you out, but..." Li Heng scratched his head.

"Can you get me out?" Yang Fei said, "These days, let's keep a low profile and avoid accidents! The wall is down and everyone is pushing, not only at Koizumi's place, but also at the police station and Lin Shuqing's place, all waiting to see us What a joke!" Yang Fei said.

"Master, what can we do?" Ji Taichang asked quickly.

"Less talk and more action. Get all the rest of the property done. My uncle gave this to me. I still want to carry it forward!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay! Brother!" Li Heng also said.

Looking at many things now, I feel a little curious, and Yang Fei doesn't care about it. Since the hotel has been given to the Japanese, the Japanese can do whatever they want, and the rest is Yang Fei's.

At this time, Yang Fei felt that there were not many people he could use.

After a few days, Yang Fei got better and suddenly remembered what the old man said to him in prison, so he asked Xiao Li to drive and took him to No. 23 Pian'an Street.

The place we arrived at was a row of alleys.

Walking to the door, the grass at the door has grown very tall, and no one has cleaned it up.

Yang Fei knocked on the door, and it took a long time before the door opened. The person who opened the door was a woman wearing a school uniform and short hair. Seeing Yang Fei, the other person asked, "Hi, who are you looking for?"

Yang Fei asked, "Are you Wang Laocai's daughter?"

The other party nodded, "Yes, but I don't seem to know you!"

"It's fine if you don't know me, I was entrusted by your father..."

Before Yang Fei could finish speaking, the woman hurriedly said, "If you have anything to do, just come in and talk about it!"

When Yang Fei went in, the grass in the yard seemed to have not been cleaned for a long time, and the Spring Festival couplets on the door had long been exposed to the wind and sun and changed their shape.

After entering the house, the woman quickly tidied up.However, the woman stopped suddenly, and she suddenly thought that this clean-dressed man in a suit and leather shoes had never existed in his family. Even if his father was in prison, it was impossible for him to know such a rich man.

"What's wrong with you?" the woman asked.

"Your father and I are inmates!" Yang Fei said.

The woman looked him up and down, "What are you looking for? Or is something going to happen to my father?"

The woman's surprise made Yang Fei feel a sense of oppression, and he said slowly, "It was your father who told me not to try to save him, he, he is fine inside!"

"Really?" The woman asked, frowning.

"This... No one hit it, it should be considered good!" Yang Fei said.

In his heart, he actually didn't think so. Anyway, as long as it was with the Japanese, would it be okay? It was impossible.

Tears welled up in the woman's eyes, and she wiped them away, "Damn Japanese devils, one day, I will kill all the motherfuckers!"

"Your tone is not small!" Yang Fei said.

The woman looked at Yang Fei viciously, "How did you get out?"

"The Japanese fell in love with my hotel, gave him the hotel, and I came out!" Yang Fei said, and then smiled, "So, don't mess with the Japanese, don't provoke the Japanese!"

"Hehe, China has people like you who are greedy for life and afraid of death, so they don't press every step of the way. Look, the Japanese have spread all over the country. Is it really so good to be a subjugated slave?"

These words made Yang Fei immediately feel that this woman is not simple, although he felt so, but Yang Fei did not want him to be an angry Chinese in Tianjin at all, if he went out like this, they would be very dangerous.

Yang Fei sighed, "No matter what, I'm just telling you what your father said! If you have other words, I can't take them with you!" Said Yang Fei and was about to leave.

The woman chased out, "Are you rich?"

Yang Fei frowned and looked back at her, "You want to borrow money from me?"

"Yes, I want to borrow money!" the woman said.

"Why did you ask me to borrow money, why should I lend it to you?" Yang Fei asked.

"Because you have enmity with the Japanese!" The woman said it as a matter of course.

"I'm rich, but what do you want money for?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Don't worry about this!" said the woman.

"Okay, I can lend you the money, but tell me, what's your name?" Yang Fei asked.

"My name is Wang Fang, a very common name! If I have money, I will pay you back!" Wang Fang said.

"Maybe, you want to borrow money to buy airplanes and cannons?" Yang Fei smiled.

"The real weapon is not an airplane or cannon!" Wang Fang said, "It's the heart! Only when the heart is united can Mount Tai be moved!"

"You're right, but I still advise you, don't go if you want to hold a demonstration. Do you think that if you have people's hearts, you can deal with the devil's guns?" Yang Fei kindly reminded, let Wang Fang was very angry.

"Sure enough, you are already frightened by the devils, but you can just give me the money, and don't worry about the early things!" Wang Fang said as it should.

Yang Fei smiled, and then took out a wad of money from his pocket, "This money is for you!"

Wang Fang looked at Yang Fei in surprise, "So many..."

"How much? Then I'll take it back!" Said, Yang Fei went to get it.

Wang Fang quickly stopped, "You gave everything, and you still want to take it back? You rich people, are you really picky like this?"

"Okay, then I'm leaving!" With that said, Yang Fei walked to the door.

At this time, he heard noisy footsteps in the house. If nothing unexpected, there was someone in the house!

Yang Fei smiled, "Who is at home?"

"You don't need to worry about this!" Wang Fang said, pushing him out of the door.

Yang Fei knew that this female student, Wang Fang, was not someone who excelled, on the contrary, she was a credulous person.

If this person did anything, it would definitely be discovered by the Japanese, so after he returned, he said to Ji Taichang, "This girl, go and check for me!"

Ji Taichang who got the order didn't say much, and left directly.

As soon as Yang Fei sat down, Fang Mengru called Yang Fei upstairs.

Seeing Fang Mengru's surprised expression, Yang Fei hurriedly asked, "What good thing happened, why are you so happy?"

Fang Mengru said quickly, "Our telegram to the headquarters has passed, and the headquarters has new instructions!"

"Really? What did the headquarters say?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

"The headquarters has made corresponding changes in policy regarding our intelligence, and confirmed the original plan of the headquarters, so this matter has been completed!" Fang Mengru said.

" it done?" Yang Fei was a little bit unconvinced.

"That's right. I don't quite believe it either, but since the headquarters said it, it means that we don't need to make any big moves right now. During this period, it's just a good time for us to lie dormant." Fang Mengru said.

"Well, yes, just right, I don't want to do anything during this time." After Yang Fei finished speaking, he sat down, "Is there anything else that the headquarters said?"

After Yang Fei asked, Fang Mengru hesitated, she sat beside Yang Fei, and then said slowly, "Why don't we just stay here for a while and go around more! Tianjin, it's my first time Come on!"

"Turn around, I also have this idea!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, I'll pack my things now!" Fang Mengru hurried to pack her things after finishing speaking.

Yang Fei was very surprised, what happened to Fang Mengru.Why do you suddenly think of going around?
At night, Ji Taichang came.

Yang Fei quickly asked, "Is there any news?"

Ji Taichang nodded, "Master, you are right. I have already investigated that Wang Fang. There are a group of students at home. These students plan to hold another demonstration!"

"This Wang Fang, this is trying to kill Wang Laocai!" Yang Fei said.

"Master, what are we going to do?" Ji Taichang said.

"Find someone, stop Wang Fang and his classmates once, and threaten them not to act rashly. This time is more sensitive. The Japanese devils are definitely not easy to provoke. If they are easy to provoke, I will not do this!" Yang Yang Fei said.

"Master, I know, I will do it now!"

"Remember, don't beat them, threaten, intimidate, this is the easiest!" Yang Fei put the cigarette ash in the ashtray, and then sipped the cigarette end. "Coach Ji, this matter must be done quietly!"

"I understand, master!" Ji Taichang was very familiar with such things.

He suddenly discovered that after Yang Fei was released from prison this time, his attitude had changed a lot.

Ordinary people can't figure out what Yang Fei is going to do.

Ji Taichang clearly understood, "It seems that we are going to turn him upside down in Tianjin!" He was very happy, this was the first time he had such a feeling after suppressing it for a long time. ,
With such a feeling, Ji Taichang is also happy to think that this is a change.

On the second day, Fang Mengru put the luggage at the door early, Wang Ma looked at the luggage, and hurriedly asked, "Ma'am, what are you going to do?"

"I discussed it with the master. We have been in Tianjin for so long, and we want to take a look around. Tianjin is very good. Compared with the hurtful Shiliyangchang, it has a unique feeling here!" Fang Mengru was very happy.

After all, there are not many such opportunities, and Yang Fei also agreed, so she must seize this opportunity.

"It's good to go around!" Wang Ma said quickly.

"Wang Ma, during the period when Master and I are away, there will be Uncle Wang at home to host!" Fang Mengru said.

"Ma'am, I'll just follow your orders!" After Wang Ma finished speaking, she went to make breakfast.

After breakfast, Yang Fei asked Xiao Li to prepare the car. He and Fang Mengru got into the car after getting ready.

In Tianjin, they went to the ferry, to the estuary, and completed the transfer of the small Tianjin in one day.

Especially for the wharf, Yang Fei clearly realized that if he wants to expand his family's business, he must own their wharf!
After Yang Fei said this idea, Fang Mengru looked at him.

"Master, I'm afraid we won't be able to finish this matter!" Fang Mengru's words made Yang Fei suddenly think, this is not a joke, right?
However, no matter what, Yang Fei believed in Fang Mengru's intuition.

"Xiao Li, stop the car, my wife and I have something to say!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, Xiao Li pulled over and stopped.

The two got out of the car, and then Yang Fei and Fang Mengru went under a tree.

After finding two stones, they sat down, and Yang Fei asked, "Mengru, is there something you are hiding from me?"

Fang Mengru lowered her head, and said softly, "Yes, I'm hiding it from you!"

Yang Fei quickly asked, "What kind of thing is it? Is it about yesterday's telegram?"

Fang Mengru raised her head, "Do you know?"

"I don't know, but when it came to the telegram yesterday, you seemed to be hiding something from me. I believe these things should not be important!" Yang Fei said.

Fang Mengru nodded, "Master, you are right! There is indeed one thing I have kept from you!"

Yang Fei looked at him, "What's the matter? Tell me!"

"Master, the headquarters said that there is an underground intelligence network here. Although it has been severely damaged, fortunately, this intelligence network can still be used. Our line can be regarded as an auxiliary line for them! Therefore, the headquarters decided to let us Find a way to leave Tianjin and return to the revolutionary base!" After Fang Mengru finished speaking, Yang Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, that's the case!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Master, I'm sorry, I just want to stay with you for a while, in the future, when we come over again, it must be the day of victory!" Fang Mengru said.

"Yes, yes!" Yang Fei nodded. "Then today, let's bid farewell to them next to each other!"

"Master, let's say goodbye today!" Fang Mengru said.

When he got home, Yang Fei thought, what should he bring with him when he leaves?
Fang Mengru reminded him, "Master, why are we leaving?"

"My mother is critically ill and needs to go back!" Yang Fei said.

"Then when you leave, you can't bring too many things with you!" Fang Mengru said, "I'm in a hurry to leave, so I can only take care of my portable things!"

Yang Fei nodded, "That's the reason, go, I have something to say to Uncle Wang, let him come!"

When Wang Fuhua came up, Yang Fei took Wang Fuhua's hand and walked to a table, "Uncle Wang, I have something to ask you!"

Wang Fuhua looked at him, "Master, it's okay to talk!"

In fact, Yang Fei already knew that the line in Tianjin was probably Wang Fuhua, because in Yang Fei's eyes, Wang Fuhua was a person with no bottom.

"Uncle Wang, I'm leaving!" Wang Fuhua didn't feel any surprise when the words came out, but he asked calmly, "Master, when are you leaving?"

"The sooner the better!" Yang Fei said, "After I leave, the family will teach you, although I am not a real master!"

"Master, don't worry, someone is always in charge of the house!" Wang Fuhua said.

"By the way, what do you think I took away a few people this time?" Yang Fei asked.

"Are you taking Ji Taichang away?" Wang Fuhua seemed to understand Yang Fei at a glance.

"Yes, I want to take him away!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, what about Li Heng? You don't need to take him away?" Wang Fuhua's words made Yang Fei understand that Li Heng is a stranger in this family, and it is difficult to deal with strangers. Yang Fei nodded, "Okay, I will take him away." !"

"That's right, what if Miss Tomoko comes to look for her?" Wang Fuhua asked.

"Let's say that my mother is critically ill and has rushed back to Xi'an!" Yang Fei said.

"Where's Shen Ling?" Wang Fuhua asked again.

"Shen..." Thinking of her, Yang Fei felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart. What should this woman do?

"How about I tell her to let her find you!" Wang Fuhua said.

"Is she willing?" Yang Fei asked.

"I don't know, but I think she will go!" Wang Fuhua said.

"Okay, then follow what you said!" Yang Fei said. "Bring Ji Taichang and Li Heng over again, and I'll talk to them!"

"Yes!" Wang Fuhua said.

"By the way, how much money do you have at home?" Yang Fei asked.

"How much does the master want to take away?" Wang Fuhua seemed to be the roundworm in Yang Fei's heart.

Yang Fei frowned, "Take as much as you want!"

"Okay, master, I'll get ready!" After saying that, Wang Fuhua left.

After Yang Fei and Ji Taichang and Li Heng talked about it, Ji Taichang agreed, "Master, I will follow you wherever you go!"

Li Heng was a little embarrassed, "Brother, I... just got familiar with the casino, let's go, shall we come back?"

Yang Fei smiled, "Of course come back, we are the masters here!"

"Okay, I'll go back with you!" Li Heng said.

Most of the time, the people you value are actually people who rely on you, Ji Taichang is, and Li Heng is too. A comfortable life is like a fast-spinning grinding wheel, which immediately smoothes your edges and corners, and lets the years erode you Opportunity.

Coming here this time is like an opportunity to challenge myself. This quiet little life is destined to be far away from Yang Fei, but in the long run, it is very close.

At this point, Yang Fei suddenly felt that this was more like a dream, a dream that woke him up completely.

However, after waking up from the dream, what he should do is fight devils on the battlefield again!
One night, he left in such a peaceful and peaceful way.

For many people, this is the downfall of the Yang family in Tianjin, but for Yang Fei, this is his chance to prove himself on the battlefield.

He has no reason not to believe that when Wang Fuhua's line is here, Tianjin is worry-free, and the entire front is worry-free.

(End of this chapter)

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