Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2474 Robbers

Chapter 2474 Robbers
The days on the train have always been painful for Yang Fei. Yang Fei, Fang Mengru and others sat together. Li Heng fantasized about continuing to do something in Xi'an after returning with Yang Fei, but Ji Taichang seemed to see Yang Fei's purpose.He didn't express his position, but he said with a firm attitude, "No matter what you do, I will stand behind you."

Yang Fei just smiled.

Outside the train station, sometimes some people come up to arrest people, and sometimes there are thieves who are ready to attack.These are also small corners of life.

When the train arrived in Xi'an, Yang Fei and the others got off the train.

Li Heng seemed to be released, "Brother, where are you going? I'll call a car!"

Yang Fei smiled, "Don't call a taxi, we still have to walk all the way!"

Li Heng was shocked, "Brother, aren't we coming to Xi'an?"

"That's right, we're going to Xi'an, but we haven't arrived home yet!" Yang Fei said with a smile.

"But..." Li Heng hesitated to speak.

Fang Mengru hurriedly said, "Li Heng, don't you want to start a career with your elder brother? I think now is the time!"

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing?" Li Heng looked blank.

Ji Taichang went over and grabbed his hand, "Brother Li Heng, since you are here, let me send you a word, 'If you come, you will be safe'!"

"Yes, if you come, you will be safe!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he walked out of the train station with his hands behind his back, and a few lazy policemen were leaning on the poles, smoking and chatting.

People come and go, seem to forget that this is an era of war!

Li Heng followed Yang Fei and the others, and after a while, a man with glasses came over. He looked at Yang Fei with a smile, "Boss Yang, don't come here without any problems, something is delayed, this way please!"

"It's okay, just come!" Yang Fei said calmly.

"Go, go, go this way!"

After passing through a small alley, and then at the entrance of an alley, the man wearing glasses went to open the door of a car, "Boss Yang, please get in the car!"

Yang Fei and the others got into the car.

Li Heng laughed, "It seems that we did it for twelve days!"

Fang Mengru smiled, then quickly covered her mouth again.

Li Heng rubbed his head, "Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

He doesn't understand, and he doesn't need to understand.

However, when the car drove slowly, Li Heng kept looking at the back, "Brother, this is..."

No one answered him.

Ji Taichang didn't seem to guess wrong, he guessed right away that Yang Fei was the Eighth Route Army. From the moment they met, he identified that Yang Fei was not an ordinary person, let alone a businessman, and businessmen never had him. Such casual.

There was a newspaper in the car, Ji Taichang picked it up and read it, then turned to look at Yang Fei, "Master, there is indeed something wrong in Tianjin!"

"Oh? Read it!" Yang Fei said.

Ji Taichang looked at the newspaper, "It said in the newspaper that the student demonstrations were extinguished by the devils, and the leader was captured! It's a girl!"

Hearing this, Yang Fei became alert, "Who is it? What's its name?"

"Wang Fang!" Ji Taichang said.

Wang Fang?

Yang Fei immediately understood.

Perhaps these are all stupid before they see the light, but these stupidities are pointing out a way for people, that is the way for the Chinese to be their own masters!
Once upon a time, Yang Fei also thought that only violence can organize violence.But now he believes that violence is just a means, and more often, it is a sharp weapon to safeguard justice!

"It's a pity!" Ji Taichang said.

"No pity, a single spark can start a prairie fire! This sentence is not wrong!" Yang Fei leaned against the back seat.

Now Li Heng is not in the mood to listen to what they have to say. His thoughts can be said to be that of a small farmer who is happy to live in peace, or the mentality of leaning on a big tree to enjoy the shade.

However, now he is confused and can't see where this is going!
The car stopped, and a carriage stopped by the side of the road. An old man wearing a white towel was smoking a pipe. When he saw the car stop, he pulled the carriage to the front.

The driver said a few words, and Yang Fei and the others got into the carriage!

Li Heng didn't know where he was going now. He scratched his head and looked at Yang Fei, but Yang Fei's eyes were always looking at the north. Perhaps, the north was his real home.

The old man's horse whip hit the horse's buttocks, "Drive!"

The horse moved its hooves briskly and trotted forward.

The old man sang Xintianyou, his joy was beyond words,
This is a song of longing for freedom, Ji Taichang began to get excited, he let go of his tightly clenched fists, as if he was enjoying all of this.


A shot went off.

Yang Fei hurriedly said, "Master, pull over and stop, there is danger ahead!"

As they said that, several people got out of the car quickly, and then there were more people. The old man led the carriage to the side, and followed them.

"Who?" the old man asked.

"If you don't know it, you will know it later!"

Yang Fei said.

"Coach Ji, follow me to the front and have a look, the rest of you are waiting here!"

For those who have guns in their hands, they must be vigilant at all times!
Hiding in the corner, Yang Fei heard a sharp voice, "Haha, she is indeed a beautiful woman, brother, it seems that we didn't come here in vain today!"

"Yes, in this wilderness, there is no safer illusion than this! Brother, you come first, I will come later!"

The obscene voice stimulated Yang Fei's ears.

A woman is held in the hands of a chubby man with parted hair like a lamb!
"Sure enough!" A tall, thin man said with a smile.

"Okay, then brother, I'll come first! Just watch over me!"


Yang Fei looked at Ji Taichang, "Coach Ji, how are you? Do you want to get started?"

"It's not our nature to see death and refuse to save it!" Ji Taichang said.

"Okay, let's go!" As he said, Yang Fei came out and ran forward, "Don't chase me, I really have no money! This one has no money!"

When Ji Taichang heard this, he immediately shouted, "Dog, don't run, don't run, I know you still have a lot of money!"

The two chased and ran towards the two.

At this time, the two people immediately became alert and pointed their pistols at them.

"Who, don't run away, if you run again, I will shoot you!" said the fat man.

Yang Fei looked at it, then turned his head immediately, "Did you hear that, don't run away! Don't run away!"

Ji Taichang stopped, pointed at Yang Fei and shouted, "Okay, how did I tell you to run? It turns out that you have a backer!"

Yang Fei turned his head to look at them, and took out some money from his body, "Gentlemen, save me!"

When the two saw the money, they immediately laughed. Unexpectedly, they made a lot of money when they came out today!

Not only for sex, but also for making money, the thin man immediately snatched the money from Yang Fei, and whispered to the fat man, "Brother, this man is wearing a suit, he should be a rich man, but he is just too cowardly. After a while, if we save him, how about blackmailing him?"

The fat man nodded, and pushed the woman on his hand, "Stay still!"

The woman curled up in a corner, not daring to make a sound.

The fat man pointed a gun at Ji Taichang, "Boy, I tell you, don't move, I'm moving, be careful I'll shoot you!"

Ji Taichang immediately raised his hand, | "Don't shoot, my lords, this guy has a lot of money, the three of us joined forces and snatched the money from him, how about sharing it equally?"

The thin man whispered, "Brother, this guy looks strong, I'm worried, we can't be fooled by how many tricks he has!"

The fat man snorted coldly, "Listen, turn around and leave immediately, or I will really shoot!"

Ji Taichang took a few steps back, Yang Fei stood behind Fatty at this time, "Brother, as long as you kill him, I will give you money!

"Hey, if you don't have any money, if you're away from home, of course you'll draw your sword to help when you see injustice! Back off, don't hurt you!" The fat man said with a smile.

"Good!" Yang Fei stood behind them.

The thin man looked at Ji Taichang carefully, "Why don't you leave, are you really not afraid of us shooting?"

"I'm already so far away from you, don't you really want to let me go?" Ji Taichang said.

"Get out, don't let me see you!" the fat man shouted.

At this time, Yang Fei said behind them, "I'm afraid, you can't escape!"

The thin man turned his head strangely, Yang Fei's stern face did not give him room to think, and directly punched the thin man in the face.

The thin man stared at the stars, and then fell down.

The fat man turned his head nervously, Yang Fei directly grabbed the pistol from the fat man's hand, and then pointed the gun at him, "Damn it, I really thought I was afraid of you!

Ji Taichang came over at this time, and looked at Yang Fei with a smile, "How many times do you have?"

"Of course, it's just dealing with a few thieves!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother, what are you doing? We don't know each other, is that okay?" The fat man looked at Yang Fei, his mouth trembling.

"Of course they are strangers, but what you said is right, that is, when the road is injustice, draw your sword to help!" Yang Fei said.

When the fat man heard this, he glanced at the woman next to him, "Is that the woman you're talking about?"

"Who else is there besides her?" Yang Fei asked.

"Master," said the fat man, and handed over the money Yang Fei gave him just now. "Master, that's all I can give you!"

"Haha!" Ji Taichang smiled, "Is this for you just now?"

"Master, I really don't have anything left. The only thing I can give you is my pants!" The fat devil was on the ground, looking at them with a troubled expression.

Yang Fei came to the woman, "It's okay, you stand up!"

The woman got up from the ground tremblingly, and then looked at Yang Fei.

"What did these two people do to you?" Yang Fei asked.

"Nothing!" said the woman.

"Nothing? It's impossible! I clearly heard gunshots, did he threaten you?" Yang Fei asked again.

The woman burst into tears, "Master, don't talk nonsense, I am innocent! If you say something and it gets out, how will I get married in the future!" the woman cried.

Ji Taichang hit the fat man with his fist, and the fat man passed out instantly.

"Don't be afraid, we won't say anything, you can go now!" Ji Taichang said.

The woman looked at them, "Thank you for your help, sir, I will not thank you for your kindness. If we meet again in the future, I will do my best!" The woman said, turned and ran away.

Ji Taichang looked at Yang Fei with a smile, "My lord, I never expected that you are also capable!"

"It's a trivial matter, you'll get used to it after seeing it a lot!" After saying that, they came to the carriage.

Fang Mengru nervously asked about the situation, and heaved a sigh of relief when she heard that she was fine.

Li Heng said at this time, "You two, when you are so brave, you didn't call me!"

Along the way, they talked and laughed, and continued to move forward.

The bumpy path, rugged, uneven, and green forest, is also very pleasant.

Ji Taichang said at this time, "Are we going to cross the Yellow River?"

"Yes!" Yang Fei said concisely.

"What?" Li Heng was surprised. "What are you doing across the Yellow River? Isn't it Xi'an? This..."

"Hehe!" Ji Taichang looked at him, "Brother Li Heng, since you are with the master, you should talk properly, since the master can go, you can too!"

Li Heng was not talking anymore. At that time, he really couldn't figure out, where is this crossing the Yellow River?Where are they going?


After receiving the news that Yang Fei would come in a few days, Shouhou and Liu Jilian were extremely excited.

It has been more than a month since Yang Fei left. As for where he went, no one knows. As soon as he heard that he was coming, he hurried to tell Leopard.Leopard nodded, "Okay, since he's about to come, hurry up and take people to the road and wait. If you don't wait for the leader, none of you will come!"

When Yang Fei left, Li Jiguang received the order to serve as brigade commander, which also shows that Yang Fei and the others were also promoted.

Leopard served as the temporary team leader. Although there was no battle this month, Leopard was still frightened, and all the work was in order.

Shouhou and Liu Ji moved towards the Yellow River with their people. Although they were somewhat receptive to Jing Teng's attack, the effect was not great.

They quietly went to the bank of the Yellow River, and then hid in the mountains, patrolling the river in plain clothes.

However, by coincidence, they discovered Ito's team.

Fighting is definitely not an option. When they came, there were not many people. They don't know if there are enemies nearby, so they must not act rashly.

However, the devil seemed to have settled down here, and stayed here, motionless.

Liu Ji scratched his head, "Shouhou, what should I do?"

"You are also the battalion commander, why do you ask me?" asked the thin monkey.

"If I know, I'll ask you a favor!" Liu Ji said.

"Just now I sent someone down to have a look. This devil seems to have been biting here for a long time!" Said the thin monkey. ;
"Is this their mission?" Liu Ji asked.

"Who knows?" Skinny Monkey shook his head, "If it's really their mission, what will we do when the leader comes?"

"It's really difficult, but don't worry, it's not a big deal!" The thin monkey seemed to have a solution.

Liu Ji looked at him, "Damn it, you must have a fucking solution!"

The thin monkey smiled, "Learn more from the head of the group. Since this devil is stationed here, it must not be because he discovered us! As for their mission, we don't know, but we can see it!"

"What do you see? See the devil not moving? Like a watchdog?" Liu Ji asked impatiently.

"If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move, this devil will definitely find some flaws!" Said the thin monkey.

"I hope so!" Liu Ji said.

Sure enough, as the thin monkey said, when they were on the mountain that afternoon, they heard gunfire below, and hurriedly led people to see it. After watching it through the binoculars for a long time, Liu Ji asked, "What's wrong with this devil! Obviously, I didn’t see anyone, where did the bullets go?”

The thin monkey also watched, and saw that the guns were firing towards the target. Except for a puff of smoke, he really didn't find the enemy.

After thinking for a while, the thin monkey said, "I think this is a devil's exercise!"

"Drill?" After Liu Ji asked, he picked up the binoculars and looked ahead.

"Yeah, it's really possible that it's a drill!" Liu Ji said.

At this time, the thin monkey saw a ghost in the binoculars, holding a small white flag, and gestured towards the mountain. The thin monkey subconsciously said, "Lie down!"

"Why..." Before Liu Ji could ask the reason, the thin monkey jumped on him.


The explosion sounded on the mountain, and immediately blew up a big crater not far from them, and the surrounding trees were also broken by the shells.

"This is shit! It's really worrying!" Liu Ji kicked off the dirt on his body.

"How dangerous, Liu Ji, you owe me your life!" said the thin monkey. "Let's get out of here quickly, otherwise, this shell bombed us, it's not a joke!"

With that said, the two left temporarily.

At this time, the sky suddenly began to rain lightly, and gradually, the rain became heavier and heavier.

The two teams hid in the cave, watching the pattering rain, Liu Ji was a little anxious, "When will the head arrive, there is no definite time!"

"Don't worry, the leader should pass by here!" said the thin monkey.

"The devils are doing drills outside. Maybe the area around here has been checked long ago. I'm afraid the head of the group won't be able to get through here!" said the thin monkey. ;
"Don't worry, wait! How could the leader be caught by the devil so easily!" Anyway, the thin monkey didn't believe it.

It was raining, and the devil's artillery fire stopped.

A soldier ran in, "Battalion Commander, all the devils hid in their tents!"

"Hehe, it seems that this devil is afraid of being drenched in the rain!" Said the thin monkey, "Okay, let's observe again, but be very careful, don't be discovered by the devil!"

"Yes!" After saying that, the little soldier ran away.

The rain didn't stop. It stands to reason that the rain in this season is a thunderstorm, and it stops after a while, but they can't see the rain stopping at all.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the thin monkey Liu Ji lay down on the haystack to sleep.

A soldier ran in suddenly, "Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander, caught a few sneaky people!"

"A sneaky person? Who is it?" Liu Ji and Shouhou hurriedly got up and asked.

The little soldier hurriedly said, "One is wearing a suit, another is a fat man, another is a woman, and there is another who can't tell what he looks like!"

"Oh?" Liu Ji was a little strange, he looked at the thin monkey, "Take it in and have a look, from this description, it should not belong to us! If it belongs to the devil, we will make money!"

"Listen to Commander Liu, go! Bring me people in, I want to see who they are!" After speaking, the soldier ran away.

Liu Ji and Shouhou arrived at the entrance of the cave, and it was still raining patter outside, not to mention the inside of the cave, even the outside of the cave was too dark to see clearly.

When the little soldier came up with those people, Liu Ji hurried to the cave, "Light the fire in the cave!"


After a while, a small group of flames slowly burned, and slowly, it became bigger.

As soon as Liu Ji sat down, he was stunned, because the person in front of him was none other than someone who looked exactly like Yang Fei!
In this world, is there really someone who looks so similar?
The reason why Liu Jihui said this was because Yang Fei never knew how to wear a suit, and he got used to it after seeing a lot of bumpkins. Once he wears a suit and leather shoes, he must not be himself!

Seeing Liu Ji's affection, the little soldier kicked him over, and the man in the suit staggered and fell down.

Seeing this, the thin monkey said, "What are you doing?"

The little soldier hurriedly said, "Battalion Commander, this looks like a spy, and it doesn't look like a good person like this!"

"It's hard to recognize a good person, it's not what you say!"

The thin monkey shouted angrily.

When he walked up to the man in the suit, "Sorry, we're being rude!"

He helped him up and looked at him.

The thin monkey was stunned, "Tuan...Tuan...Tuan..."

When Liu Ji heard this, he immediately stood up in fright. He hurried to the man and looked carefully. He really looked like him!

The thin monkey grabbed the man's hand, "Leader, it's really you!"

Liu Ji swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Really the leader?"

"Liu Ji, you didn't even recognize him?"

Facing Shouhou's questioning, Liu Ji hurriedly said, "The leader also wears a suit?"

At this time, Fang Mengru who was behind said with a smile, "You are right!"

Liu Ji and Shouhou looked at Fang Mengru, this girl must have seen it before, where is it?They seem to have forgotten.

"You son of a bitch, I don't know you anymore!" Yang Fei finally spoke.

"Leader, it's really you!" After Liu Ji finished speaking, he was so moved that he was about to cry, and he hugged Yang Fei immediately, "You are finally back, leader!"

"It's worth it... Get up quickly, who are you? Do I know you?" Yang Fei said with a look of disgust.

"I, Liu Ji, I'm Liu Ji!" Liu Ji said quickly, pointing at himself.

"I didn't expect that you did a good job in security. I wanted to sneak past the devil's blockade, but I didn't expect it to fall into your hands!" When Yang Fei said this, he was still a little proud!
As soon as he heard that it was the leader, the little soldier just came over immediately and said, "Head, I don't know Taishan. I'm sorry!"

Yang Fei looked at the soldier, "That's right, that's right, you're the only one who needs to be brave to keep watch!"

The little soldier smiled embarrassedly.

"By the way, I'll introduce some new friends to you!" With that said, Yang Fei came to Ji Taichang's fucking face, and these people in front of him would soon be his main force in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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