Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2475 Do you have any ideas

Chapter 2475 Do you have any ideas

Liu Ji and Shouhou stared at the person brought by Yang Fei, except for the woman who seemed to have known each other, the others didn't know who it was.

Since Yang Fei trusted them so much, they had no reason not to.

"This is Ji Taichang, Coach Ji!" Yang Fei introduced, "Where's Da Guang? Didn't this guy say he went to Shaolin Temple to practice? Coach Ji is also a kung fu master! It's a good thing for the two of them to compete! "

"Leader, Daguang is on a mission, we should see you when we get back!" said the thin monkey.

"Okay, then go back!" Then, Yang Fei continued to introduce, "He is Li Heng!"

Li Heng looked at them in embarrassment. Seeing their attire, he felt a bad feeling in his heart. They were probably the Eighth Route. They called Yang Fei the head of the group. Is it the head of the Eighth Route Army?

"Hello!" Liu Ji went over to hold Li Heng's hand, "Brother, your hand is very cold!"

"It''s raining..." Li Heng said helplessly.

"It must be very cold! Come, have a roast by the fire!" As he said, Liu Ji enthusiastically pulled Li Heng to the fire, and brought a stone over.Li Heng sat down, stretched out his hand, and lit the fire!
"And this one, I believe you all know each other!" Yang Fei asked Fang Mengru to come over.

Fang Mengru walked to them generously, scratching their heads and scratching their heads, but they couldn't figure out who it was!

"Think again, let me remind you, the quilt..." After saying two words, the thin monkey immediately remembered, "I know, I know, the set we got in Changping County!"

"Haha, yes yes yes, I remembered it too!" Liu Ji also said hastily.

"I really didn't expect that little girl to look like a big girl now!" Liu Ji said jokingly.

Fang Mengru smiled shyly, "Yeah, I felt so young at the time!"

"Okay, everyone come and sit down here!" Liu Ji called them to sit down.

The rain outside still didn't stop.

"Leader, I really didn't expect you to come. I wondered if it was raining, and you would be delayed on the road for a day!" said the thin monkey.

"Yeah, seeing that it's raining, it's my nature to wait another day before coming here, but I thought that the more rainy it is, the easier it is to pass through the enemy's blockade, so we took the risk!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked Looking at them, "You two are battalion commanders now?"

"Yes, regiment commander, you have just left, and now you have been promoted to battalion commander!" Liu Ji said happily.

"This official has been promoted, but his thinking must also be promoted!" Yang Fei's tone was slightly mocking.

Both Shouhou and Liu Ji didn't understand, they looked at Yang Fei, "Head, what do you mean?"

"Do you still need me to explain?" Yang Fei shook his head. "When I was the battalion commander, I didn't care about anything. As long as I can get a hair on the Japanese, I think it's worth it!" Yang Fei said.

The thin monkey understood at this time, "Head, what do you mean, the Japanese at the foot of the mountain?"

Yang Fei snorted coldly.

Liu Ji hurriedly said, "Leader, we are waiting for you. Our mission is to pick you up. Once we get you, we will find a way to kill them!"

"Haha, you kid will say, what? What if I change the way? Is this devil going to fight or not?" Yang Fei's question made the two stop talking.

They followed Yang Fei for many years, but they never had Yang Fei's courage, did Yang Fei?For them, Yang Fei is a god-like leader. Most of the decisions he made were correct. Although adventure and aggressiveness are his labels, they are still in a good mood, but when you After becoming a battalion commander, you will find that this is not only adventurous and radical, but what awaits them is annihilation of the entire army!

They had to be very cautious about the military affairs, especially the thin monkey. He didn't want to sacrifice many people because of this matter. To put it mildly, this was cowardice. To put it mildly, it was for the safety of the soldiers!

As long as there are soldiers in hand, there is hope of victory in the war!

"What? You don't have any ideas?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Leader!" Shouhou said! "There are a lot of Japanese at the bottom of the mountain, and I saw that they all have cannons, while we only have rifles in our hands.'s impossible to pluck the hair off the devils!"

Liu Ji looked at him worriedly, and he also understood that this was not what Yang Fei wanted. He had been away for more than a month, and now that he is back, he must want to win his first victory!This first victory is undoubtedly a great help to the current anxious battle.

Therefore, Liu Ji quickly said, "Leader, do you have any ideas? We don't have many people. There are only more than 20 people in total. How do you want to fight?"

Yang Fei smiled, he knew that Shouhou had always been so cautious, so he didn't blame him, but Liu Ji was a ghost, "There are more than 20 people, how many grenades?"

"More than 40?" Liu Ji said.

"More than 40 are fine!" Yang Fei continued, "It's raining now, these devils are practicing, and the drill is not desperate, so their combat effectiveness must be very low! In other words, veterans still need to practice? Do you know where you got the recruits from!"

"Then... Captain, how do you fight? Tell me!" Liu Ji glanced at Shouhou and asked quickly.

Shouhou was also a little embarrassed, "Leader, tell me!"

Ji Taichang and Li Heng on the side are now looking at Yang Fei with wide eyes. They probably think Yang Fei is too simple. Yang Fei is not only the commander of the Eighth Route Army, but also, in the army before, he should have A certain amount of characters.

Follow him, [-]% to [-]% are following the right person!

With Yang Fei's recommendation, Ji Taichang is now eager to try.

"I don't know if you have seen the scene, but the tents of the devils are relatively concentrated, just at the foot of the mountain, and their strength is no more than a company, so if you have more than 20 people fighting an unprepared company of recruits, how dare you dare to fight? "Yang Fei has great ambitions. He always thinks about winning more with less, and always thinks about his own interests. As long as he has this kind of mentality, Yang Fei will lick blood every time.

"Leader, okay, then you will take command together, and Shouhou and I will cooperate with you!" Liu Ji said.

"That's right!" Yang Fei said. "Let's gather everyone for me, I want to see if these 20 people can beat a recruit company!"

Liu Ji got the order, stood up immediately, and ran out.

When he called everyone over, Yang Fei and the others walked over slowly.

"Listen to me! Now, this man in a suit in front of you is our leader! Tonight, we have a big ticket! Don't you always want to know what kind of powerful our leader is? Characters? Let me tell you, tonight, your eyes will be wide open!" After Liu Ji finished speaking, Yang Fei came over slowly.

He looked at these soldiers, their faces were filled with smiles, probably a kind of trust in Yang Fei, they had already known from Liu Ji or Shouhou that Yang Fei was a powerful person, but, as recruits, they Not knowing all of this, the recruits who can't wait to know Yang Fei's ability may have forgotten that they are also recruits at this moment.

"Hello! Do you want to make some noise tonight? Then it will be published in the newspaper tomorrow?" Yang Fei's words were very simple, so simple that these soldiers were a little excited.

"You know, there are Japanese devils at the foot of the mountain. These devils are all recruits, younger than you. Maybe they can't shoot! However, this is only a possibility. You won't even dare to shoot Japanese recruits. Bar?"

Yang Fei's tone made those soldiers excited, "Commander, why don't you dare to fight, the Japanese devils are also raised by their fathers and mothers!"

"Hey, like my temper, that's how I am. If I'm not allowed to meet this Japanese, this Japanese must be lucky, but if I do, there's only one result, even if it's a hair that jumps up and grabs the dog day, I think it's worth it!" Yang Fei said.

"Leader, we are going to pluck the hair too!" Said the soldiers.

Yang Fei immediately shook his head, "No, no, no, it's not about plucking hair, today we want to annihilate them all!" Yang Fei put his hands behind his back, "What? Are you scared?"

"Head, don't be afraid, just how do we fight?"

The fighters are also a little confused.

"Don't worry about this, I promise, each of you will come back soon! Among other things, have you come here, have you eaten? Are you hungry?" Yang Fei asked.

They were clutching their stomachs, not to mention, they were really hungry. It had been several days since they came here. What they ate every day was fried noodles, and they didn’t dare to light a fire to cook here, for fear that the Japanese would find out and hear Yang Fei ask this. They are curious!

Yang Fei knew from the eyes of the soldiers that they must be hungry, and it would be enough to arouse their desires. He pointed down the mountain, "In the tent of the Japanese devils, there are beef, pork, and various It's delicious, I promise you, as long as we wipe them all out, all the food in it will be yours!"

Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately became interested, "Commander, is this true?" The soldiers became excited.

"Why lie to you?" The Eighth Route Army never tells lies!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, we did it!"

The enthusiasm of the soldiers was so high that Yang Fei could imagine it.He turned around and looked at Shouhou and Liu Ji, "You heard me, okay, listen to me now, twenty of us, divided into four groups!"

Said, Yang Fei pointed to Liu Ji, "Come here,"

When Liu Ji passed by, "Five of you, follow Liu Ji and wait for my unified order later!"

Then, five more people were assigned to Shouhou, and Yang Fei brought five of them himself!

For the remaining five, Yang Fei said, "You probably don't know, but he is the most powerful!" Then, Yang Fei pulled Ji Taichang over, "You know, your brother Da Guang is very powerful, and his martial arts is very good. Gao Qiang, but compared to Coach Ji, he’s not even a star behind!” Yang Fei smiled, “You five are blessed, follow Coach Ji, let you learn a lot!”

Those five fighters were also very excited.

Yang Fei's general goal is like this. A few teams go down and start an assassination operation quietly, which is much safer than real guns and live ammunition.

The remaining two, Li Heng and Fang Mengru, asked, "What about us? What are we going to do?"

"You guys? Just wait! We'll come up later, let's go to the base together!" Yang Fei said.

Several groups of team members lurked quietly. According to Yang Fei's instructions, Ji Taichang led people to the outside of a tent first. The Japanese recruits outside braved the rain and hid in a corner and fell asleep. Seeing this, Ji Taichang Taichang pulled out the knife, walked over quietly, covered the devil's mouth, wiped their necks, "Go!"

All of a sudden, the five men rushed to several districts, put bayonets on their rifles, entered the tent, and ended their lives with one blow to the Japanese as if entering no man's land!

Ji Taichang went smoothly here, Yang Fei looked at Liu Ji, "It's your turn, don't embarrass me!"

"Don't worry, Captain, when will I, Liu Ji, embarrass you?" After Liu Ji finished speaking, he walked forward with five soldiers.

The thin monkey asked at this time, "Leader, when shall I leave?""

"Go, now is the time!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, the thin monkey bit the knife and walked forward quietly.

Some of the tents in front of here are tents for them to rest, and some are tents with weapons and ammunition. Yang Fei and the rest of the people also sneaked past.

Liu Ji's side went smoothly. When they passed by, they directly found out that it was a tent where the Japanese were resting. They rushed in and killed all the Japanese inside with the five soldiers!
It seems that all the disadvantages are on Shouhou's side. Shouhou led people outside a tent, and there was no one holding hands outside. He whispered, "Go, go in and have a look. If there are Japanese here, we will kill them all by the way!"

As soon as the front foot went in, he didn't notice that there was a washbasin at the door. With a "bang", the washbasin hit the washbasin, and the Japanese devil got up alertly, "Who is it?"

When I was shocked, I broke out in a cold sweat!
If you don't do anything, it's time!

The thin monkey ran over and pulled out a dagger from its mouth, "Damn it, try Lao Tzu's knife!"

However, those Japanese seemed to have been prepared, and quickly took out a pistol from under the pillow!In such an extremely urgent time, the soldiers also quickly put the bullets on the gun.

The gun was aimed at the thin monkey, three points and one line...

However, at this moment, the tent was suddenly broken open, and Ji Taichang looked like a strong bull falling from the sky from outside the tent.Pressing directly on the Japanese devil's body, and hitting him with a fist, the devil lost his intuition!
When the thin monkey found out, Dou Da's sweat immediately fell down, "Don't shoot!"

The five soldiers quickly put down their guns.

Yang Fei ran in, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay!" Ji Taichang said.

Looking at the scene inside, Yang Fei also guessed a general idea.He didn't say anything. "Okay, come out after it's over, my place is a tent for supplies!"

With that said, they all gathered together, and the battle tonight went smoothly. Although there was a little accident, it did not affect the completion of their mission.

"Haha!" Yang Fei looked at all the things here with a smile, "Damn it, I didn't expect that this devil would spend so much money and material resources for this exercise, look, this place is full of food. Yes, over there, it's full of weapons and ammunition!"

Yang Fei looked at Ji Taichang, "Coach Ji, you have been in Tianjin for so many years, can you drive?"

"Yes! I always drive in Tianjin!" Ji Taichang said.
"That's good. I saw a truck outside just now. After a while, remove all the useful things, and blow up all the useless things!" Yang Fei said.

"Good team leader!" Skinny Monkey said quickly, Ji Taichang drove the car outside the tent, and the soldiers loaded all the weapons and ammunition onto the truck, and there were more than 20 boxes of ammunition!

"Move all the food to the truck for me!" Yang Fei continued to shout.

The soldiers looked at each other, and seemed to want to say something, but they didn't dare to say anything.

At this time, Yang Fei suddenly remembered what he said, "Hey, I said why don't you move, it's for one bite! Eat, eat as much as you can, and move all the rest to the car. Enough is enough, there are still so many soldiers in the regiment who haven't tasted what meat is like!"

Hearing this, the soldiers cheered up, opened the food boxes one after another, and fought over each other.

That's the way it looks!Yang Fei is very satisfied!
"By the way, Skinny Monkey, I remember, you seem to have driven a car before!" Yang Fei said.

"Captain, I drove it!" said the thin monkey.

"Okay, after a while, you will drive another truck and let the soldiers get on the truck. This time, let's go without hesitation!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" Shouhou listened to the order and went to drive directly.

Half an hour later, the soldiers had already swollen their stomachs, covered their stomachs, in groups of two, and then carried the food to the car.

In the end, the thin monkey asked the soldiers to put the bomb, the cannon, and some things that could not be taken away together, and then ignited the explosives to blow up those valuable things!
They fell free and easy!

From the beginning to the end of the task, it only took about an hour. Excluding the half hour for the soldiers to eat, it only took half an hour after all the calculations!

But for Fang Mengru on the mountain, it was too long.

Li Heng looked at Fang Mengru anxiously, "Sister-in-law, what's going on, brother, is he the commander of the Eighth Route Army?"

Fang Meng smiled, "Yes, what's the matter? Now, you still don't believe it?"

"This is too unexpected!" Li Heng said, "I thought that the eldest brother is a businessman, but I didn't expect that the eldest brother has this side!"

"That's because you are too careless. Your eldest brother is an excellent commander of the Eighth Route Army!" Fang Mengru was quite proud.

"It means I'm still in the dark, you all know!" Li Heng sat on the stone, the flames were a little small, and there was a tendency to burn out, Li Heng added some firewood, "Sister-in-law, then I went to the Eighth Route Army to be able to Do something?"

"It depends on what your elder brother arranges for you! I dare not say anything else, but joining the Eighth Route Army is the most correct choice in your life!" Fang Mengru said.

At this time, a little soldier ran over, "You two, let's go down the mountain quickly!
Fang Mengru became nervous when she heard that she was going down the mountain, "What? Yang Fei... what's wrong?"

"No why? We have already completed the task. You didn't hear the explosion just now? Hurry up, the car is below!" Fang Mengru and Li Heng quickly stood up and walked down the mountain.

Fortunately, there are these two cars, one car holds the goods, and the other car sits the soldiers. Everyone is very happy. Today's task is like completing a challenge, and this challenge is something they have never done before. As relaxed and natural as imagined!
They talked, the leader is different, but no, how could the leader be the same?
That kind of pride, that kind of admiration from body to soul, made the soldiers feel that the suffering in the Eighth Route Army was worth doing!

In the evening, two trucks drove slowly one after the other on the winding mountain road. From here to the base area, it was a three-hour journey. If it was walking, it would take a while!
Unexpectedly, along the way, I didn't find anything special. On the contrary, I was very calm, calm, and unusually quiet.

When we arrived at the base area and Linxian County, it was already 05:30 in the morning!

Yang Fei asked people to unload all the supplies first, and then asked Ji Taichang to drive to the county seat.

Outside the county seat, they had a simple breakfast.

Physically I'm really tired.

When they arrived at the gate of the headquarters, the soldiers at the gate saw that it was Yang Fei, "Commander Yang, I didn't expect you to put on a suit after not seeing you for so long!"

"Okay, hurry up and tell the brigade commander that I'm coming!" Yang Fei said.

"Use me to report, come on, Commander Yang!" The soldier smiled, Yang Fei used to regard this place as his own home, and never said that he wanted to report when he went directly in and out.

Today's change made the soldiers feel that Yang Fei like this is somewhat approachable.

"Brigade Commander!" Yang Fei's voice startled Li Jiguang who was looking at the map!He hurried out the door, saw Yang Fei, and said with a smile, "Damn it, I knew it was you who came when I heard the broken voice!"

"Brigade Commander!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Okay, come in!"

Li Jiguang said.A group of them went in and sat on uneven chairs and stools. Li Jiguang made tea for his mother himself.

"How about this trip to Tianjin, do you have any different feelings?" Li Jiguang asked.

"There are many different feelings, but it's better to be here than to be here!" Yang Fei smiled.

"You boy, have enjoyed the life of a rich man for a month, what? Have you been eroded by the sugar-coated bullets of capitalism?" Li Jiguang handed Yang Fei and the others cigarettes.

"Brigade Commander, I will definitely write an account of what I have seen and heard this time!"

"You write?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander, I don't know how to write, so I must ask others for advice!" Yang Fei smiled.

"It seems that this trip to Tianjin has taught you how to write. Yes, you are already a regiment commander, but you must not be an illiterate commander of the Eighth Route Army!" Li Jiguang said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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