Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2477 Find it!

Chapter 2477 Find it!

"Damn it!" Yang Fei yelled, but what Da Guang said was indeed true, if the plane could be blown up, this matter might be resolved, it would be better than they are waiting here now!He looked at Da Guang, "You keep saying you want to blow up the plane, how can you do it?"

Da Guang looked at Yang Fei with a smile, "Commander, in fact, I have been thinking about how the plane was blown up!"

"Fart your mother!" Yang Fei yelled.

"Don't worry, Commander, listen to me!" Da Guang and Yang Fei went to a secluded place, and then sat down, "Commander, in fact, I have been thinking about how this plane was blown up. I understand a truth! "

"Don't argue with me, just speak up!" Yang Fei looked at him disdainfully and said.

"This plane wants to deliver things to the salt lake. The airport must be nearby. It stands to reason that there must be such an airport around us! It will not be difficult to find this airport by then! "

"Is the airport nearby?" Yang Fei looked at him strangely.

"That's right, this plane looks like a small plane. When I was in the national army, small planes like this were usually parked nearby, and they couldn't fly very far!" Da Guang said.

"Master, I think Brother Daguang is right!" Ji Taichang said at this time, "Brother Daguang is right. What we have to do now is to find the airport!"

"That's right!" Yang Fei said, "Da Guang, what you say makes no sense at all. If you want to convince me, you must find the airport first!"

"Commander, this..." Daguang looked at him a little embarrassed, "Captain, I think what we have to do now is to find the airport, I promise, within two days, we will first bomb the airport." Drop off the airport!"

"Okay, what do you say if you can't find it?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's impossible to find it, regiment commander, how about you bring me some soldiers and let's go find it together?" Daguang said.

"Okay, it's not a problem to give you a few soldiers. Remember, two days, I only give you two days!" Yang Fei said, "If you can't find it, I have to find another way!"

"Leader, let's go, I'll take someone to look for it!" Da Guang was already eager to try!

"Okay! Let's go!" Yang Fei smiled.

After returning to the village, Daguang took his people away.

Ji Taichang looked at him at this time, "Master, since you agreed with Brother Daguang to go to the airport, why did you still taunt him?"

"Coach Ji, you don't understand. The soldiers under me are easy to swell. I have to suppress them all the time. I don't want to watch them swell and lose their lives in the end! It is absolutely impossible to be soft-hearted on the battlefield. win!"

It's not that Ji Taichang disagrees with what Yang Fei said, but he doesn't know if his method will work.

Yang Fei is definitely a veteran on the battlefield, Ji Taichang has to admit this, and Yang Fei seems to have a way of appointing personnel.

Another point that makes Ji Taichang a little unbelievable is that he always has dirty words in his mouth to others, but not to him. This point, Ji Taichang can imagine, but also can't think of.

There are still many things that Ji Taichang needs to understand bit by bit!
When Li Heng came to the Eighth Route Army, let alone getting used to it, he couldn't even keep up with the ordinary food and daily life of these soldiers.For him, there is still a long way to go.

When he saw Yang Fei, he immediately ran over, "Brother, brother!"

"En? What's wrong?" Yang Fei asked.

Li Heng said with a face of reluctance, "Brother, can you take me with you wherever you go, I don't want to stay here alone!"

It stands to reason that Li Heng is an acquaintance, and he can get to know everyone quickly, but what happened today?
"En? Li Heng, you're not like this! Tell me, what's going on?" Yang Fei asked.

"Brother, it's not because of anything else, it's because... I'm not used to it here, you see, I'm talking to other people, and they're all busy, it seems that I'm the only one idle!" Li Heng was very helpless.

"Then you have to find something to do!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother, tell me, what should I do?" Li Heng asked.

"Well, you go to the logistics department, no, go to the kitchen!" Yang Fei nodded and said.

"Huh?" Li Heng turned pale with shock. "Brother, I won't go, I'll just do it like this!" After saying that, Li Heng turned around and left.

Yang Fei sneered, "Damn it, play tricks in front of me!"

After finishing speaking, he took Ji Taichang to find Shouhou and Liu Ji!
"Captain, are you looking for us?"

asked the thin monkey.

"Come here, you guys sit down!" Under a tree, the smoker was smoking, looking at them.

Liu Ji and Shouhou walked slowly and sat beside Yang Fei.

"About this combat mission, what do you guys think?" Yang Fei asked.

"Leader, after work, I feel that the thin monkey is right, it should be because they have cut off their rations!" Liu Ji quickly changed his words.

"What I want is not this sentence, but how to do it in detail!" Yang Fei said.

"Regimental Commander, unless we have cannons and blow up the devil's bunkers in the plains, we can survive. However, we don't have cannons. If we go there rashly, we will definitely suffer heavy losses!" Liu Ji said.

"You don't need to tell me this!" Yang Fei seemed a little angry at this moment, "I've been away for a month, haven't you thought about how to completely defeat the current devil?"

"Commander, we fought bravely. After we beat the devils there, the brigade commander issued an order to cease fighting, and we all withdrew!" Liu Ji said.

"What about after that? Don't you think about it after that?" Yang Fei glanced at him, "Damn it, it seems that you are too comfortable!"

Yang Fei knew that their minds were definitely paralyzed, and they had to be cured!

"Regimental Commander..." Liu Ji was very helpless. What he said was the truth. In the end, he did send someone to investigate. OK!

As for the others, Liu Ji really didn't think much about it.

However, Yang Fei was obviously very angry with his words, "Don't call me head, you can go and show me now, if you can't find a way, don't come back to me!"

Yang Fei shouted loudly.

So scared that Liu Ji and Shouhou stood up immediately, "Yes!"

Yang Fei smiled, "I can't cure you yet!"

If you are lazy, you can do everything, but if you haven't done it and are still lazy, this is wrong. Yang Fei's anger is not unreasonable, but very legitimate!

For Yang Fei, in fact, no one thought of it.

No matter how much Liu Ji and Shouhou muttered, they couldn't change their minds.

Everything seems to revolve around the task.

Not only Yang Fei was anxious, but also Hu Dahai and Shen Wanxi.

The two of them were also at a loss. The last time the brigade commander gave the order to retreat, he also saw the Japanese's tenacious resistance and strong fortifications. Now they are going to let them fight again.

However, Shen Wanxi thought, since Yang Fei came, this guy must have some evil ideas, okay, then go find him!

When he arrived at the village where Yang Fei lived, he happened to run into Hu Dahai too!
When Hu Dahai saw Shen Wanxi, he laughed, "Old Shen, you kid must not know how to fight, so come here?"

Shen Wanxi sneered, "Old Hu, do you think everyone is like you?"

"Stop making trouble, it's too abnormal to be able to think about it at your level! Forget it, stop pretending, let's go find Yang Fei together!" Hu Dahai shook his head and walked up the mountain with his hands behind his back.

Yang Fei had expected the two uninvited guests. After all, he had been away for so long, and the two guys were rarely ridiculed. In this way, they must have asked for the ridicule.

Sure enough, when they got up the mountain, the two of them looked at Yang Fei with a smile, "Damn it, after walking for so long, I've done a lot better!"

"Come on, tell me, what do you want from me?" Yang Fei watched on the sand table.

"I said Lao Yang, what's the matter? Tell me, after walking for a month, did you go to Yan'an? I heard that you have gone to further studies, and I have no skills. But, I think, since you have studied , then, you should tell us and let us study, the brigade commander said it..." Before Shen Wanxi could talk about things, Yang Fei said, "Okay, let's talk, what's the matter?" Son?"

"Hey!" Hu Dahai smiled, "Old Shen, you are just being dishonest, do you think Yang Fei can listen to you if you say something nice?"

Shen Wanxi looked at Hu Dahai with disgust, "What's the matter with you?"

Yang Fei glared at Hu Dahai, "Hu Dahai, what are you doing here? If you don't guard your three-acre land, come here, are you afraid that devils will steal your land?"

Shen Wanxi laughed out loud.

"Damn it, I just came here and haven't spoken yet, Yang Fei, what do you mean?" Hu Dahai asked angrily.

"Okay, you're here this time, aren't you just looking for ridicule? Tell me, if you don't know how to fight this battle, you can hand over the military power to me. If you know, just tell me honestly!" Yang Fei didn't care Regardless, he took a square ruler and aimed at the map again.

Hu Dahai sat down by himself, and Shen Wanxi also sat down.

Two people wait for each other to speak first, so that they have the opportunity to taunt each other.

However, after waiting for a long time, neither of them spoke.Yang Fei could guess that if these two people had a way, they would have said it long ago, or they would have acted without waiting for Yang Fei's unified order.

"There is no lunch prepared for you here! It's getting late, why don't you leave first and come over after lunch?" Yang Fei glanced at them.

"Okay, okay!" Hu Dahai said first, "Old Yang, I really didn't know what breakthrough the devil had, but, have you heard about it? It seems that I heard that one of the devil's recruits was taken over by a pot two days ago! Who do you know? What did you do?"

Yang Fei smiled and continued to look at the map.

Shen Wanxi also heard about this, which is great. It stands to reason that the defense lines of the three of them are all on the inside. It is not an easy task to kill the devil's recruits. Who could it be? "Lao Yang, do you know? I've heard about this too!"

Yang Fei put down the ruler, "It's just a company of recruits, you are so surprised! Why? Do you want to see the things of the company of recruits I seized?"

"You did it?" Hu Dahai was shocked!
He has no reason not to believe that Yang Fei is very likely to do it!
"Why? Don't you believe it?" Yang Fei asked.

"Believe it, believe it, how can you not believe it! Hehe!" Hu Dahai smiled foolishly.

Shen Wanxi shook his head, "This is incredible!" Then, he said, "Yang Fei, since you did it, do you know who you killed?"

"I'm in charge of him! Anyway, as long as it's Japanese, I'll kill him! It's just that my hands are itchy!" Yang Fei said disdainfully.

"You bastard, I heard that this recruit company is for training, and it happened to be raining during this exercise, and it was the three majors who organized this recruit exercise!" Shen Wanxi said, his eyes were actually not very I believe Yang Fei can do it, but if it's not him, Shen Wanxi, or Hu Dahai, who else could it be?
Then there is only one possibility, and that is Yang Fei did it!

"If they die, they die. They have no room to resist! Old Shen, let's get down to business. Do you have any good suggestions for this operation?" Yang Fei asked.

Shen Wanxi shook his head, "Old Yang, to be honest, I really didn't think of anything when I came here this time. Last time, we wanted to rush over there, but the devil's solid fortifications made us all discouraged. Just in time, the superior instructed , Temporarily stop fighting! So, this is not fighting, I have also discussed with our political commissar, if we completely eat the devil's salt lake territory, we must invest a large number of troops, we are afraid that the three regiments will win More than half the casualties!"

Yang Fei looked at Hu Dahai again, and Hu Dahai swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Old Shen is right, not only because the devil's fortifications are strong, but also because our current conditions do not allow it. I applied for a cannon with the brigade commander, but the brigade commander didn't have it either, saying that he wanted to ask his superiors for instructions! There is no news about this until now! If we have a cannon and blow up the devil's bunker in the plain, we can do it wrong Drive straight in!"

"What you said is correct, but our current conditions are like this! How long has it been since you beat the devils in the southwest corner of the salt lake?" Yang Fei asked.

"Half a month!" Shen Wanxi said.

"It's been half a month. In the past half month, have you ever thought about how so many devils survived?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Old Yang, what do you mean? Tell me, let's listen!" Hu Dahai asked quickly.

"The devils are curled up in the southeast corner. According to the logic of the Japanese, they don't bother to fight us. You have grown up for so long, what are the casualties of the devils?" Yang Fei asked.


Shen Wanxi looked at Hu Dahai, and Hu Dahai said, "According to the data of our army at that time, the ratio of casualties between us and the devils is not quite right!"

"What do you mean?" Yang Fei asked.

"The casualty ratio between us and the devils was 5 to 2, that is, we had five casualties, and the devils only had two casualties! Such a disparity once made the brigade commander feel unbelievable!" Hu Dahai said.

"So, the casualty ratio of our three regiments is high?" Yang Fei asked again.

"You can't say that!" Shen Wanxi said, "At that time, we fought the devils, and the devils were retreating steadily. Although we all suffered casualties, in the final analysis, we were not at a disadvantage! Therefore, this data will let us I think something is wrong!"

"Hehe." Yang Fei laughed.

"There's nothing wrong with this, it's all based on casualty statistics, what we're going to do now is not so gradual!" Yang Fei said. "Why does this devil keep retreating? Have you ever thought about it?"

"That must be our army's majesty, the devil can't beat it, of course we have to run!" Hu Dahai said quickly.

"Fart!" Yang Fei scolded directly, "You are right, but Ichiro Ito. I don't know if you have met this person, but I have. No matter how powerful your army is, weapons and equipment are the biggest problems. Take a look at the devil's equipment, the equipment on each devil's body is better than that of a soldier in our Eighth Route Army! How can such military quality be compared with military prestige?" Yang Fei lit a cigarette.

"The only explanation is that the devils want to curl up and shrink strategically. They are absolutely impossible to fight us. What they want is to cross the Yellow River west!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he suddenly realized, "So, this It’s the headquarters, why do we have to completely wipe out this group of devils!”

After hearing what Yang Fei said, Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai listened. The logic was clear and thorough. The words did not seem to be guesswork. On the contrary, Yang Fei was like a fairy, watching everything that happened below.

Yang Fei looked at them with a smile, "So, that's why the casualty ratio of the devils is so small! They have already made preparations to set up a lot of traps in this place, so that we can't get in, and they have a chance to go west." Crossing the Yellow River!" Yang Fei sighed, "Time is running out, we can't wait any longer, we absolutely can't wait any longer!" After speaking, Yang Fei went to the sand table by himself, and looked at it against the map.

Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai looked at Yang Fei in surprise, Yang Fei seemed to be talking to himself, which surprised them!
What is Yang Fei going to do?
They stood up, went to the sand table, and asked, "What's going on? What's going on?"

Yang Fei looked at it and gestured on the handwritten map, "The devil's action is about to begin!"

"What?" Hu Dahai looked at him in surprise. "It started? Why did it start? There are people from the National Army on the other side of the Yellow River. How can they take such a risk?"

Yang Fei glanced at him, "It's impossible with God!" Yang Fei said, "The devil is waiting for today!"

"Today?" Shen Wanxi hurriedly asked again.

Yang Fei ignored them, sometimes looking at the map, sometimes holding his chin to think, and then he hurriedly shouted, "Skinny Monkey, Liu Ji!" After a while, the correspondent came in, "Head, didn't you let them go to the front line? "


Yang Fei snorted, and at this time, Ji Taichang came in, "Master, what's the matter, tell me!"

Yang Fei looked at Ji Taichang, "Coach Ji, now, hurry up and go to the west to see if there is any ferry to the west!"

"Okay, master, I'll go right away!" Saying that, Ji Taichang was about to leave.

"No need to go, there is indeed a ferry there!" Shen Wanxi said.

Yang Fei looked at him, "Yes? That would be great!"

"In the Hejin area, there is a ferry there, but if you want to go around the Hejin area, it may not be easy!" Shen Wanxi said.

"It doesn't matter so much, since the devils have set up obstacles on the plain! Hu Dahai, since you are in charge of the western front, I will order you now to supervise the production of ships. The more the better, the more the better!" Yang said. Fei slammed the square ruler on the table.

Hu Dahai was taken aback for a moment, but he hurriedly said, "Okay, I'll go now!"

After saying that, Hu Dahai hurriedly left, went out, and rode his horse quickly to his defense line.

At this moment, Yang Fei looked at Shen Wanxi again, "Shen Gouzi, do you know what you should do now?" Yang Fei asked.

"Old Yang, how could I know your wild thoughts!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Hurry up and send someone to find the devil's airport. I've already sent Da Guang to look for it. His people can't find it soon! Find the devil's airport and find a way to blow it up for me first. Devil, hold him back!" Yang Fei said. ,
"Airport? Lao Yang, how do you know there is an airport near here?"

"Don't ask any more questions, I'll tell you what you have!" Yang Fei looked confident, making Shen Wanxi dare not refute.

Last time Yang Fei clearly saw that the plane was coming from the east. If there is no accident, this airport is coming from the east.

"Okay, I'll send someone to look for it right now! I'll call you right away when there's news!" With that said, Shen Wanxi also left.

The remaining Yang Fei began to pace anxiously, "No, it's too slow, too slow!"

Ji Taichang looked at Yang Fei, and he began to have a different understanding of this person in his heart. He seemed to be self-willed, but he showed that kind of self-confidence, which was completely different from his appearance in Tianjin.

This is Yang Fei, a man who can bend and stretch!
"Master, don't worry. If you are in a hurry, the devil must be even more anxious. Therefore, the devil can only be steady if you are stable!" Ji Taichang said.

Yang Fei nodded, "Can I not be in a hurry? Last time I solved the devil's recruit company, I can have a bad feeling that the devil must be anxious to cross the Yellow River. Although there are national troops in the west, they They want to cross the Yellow River with all their heart, and they crossed the Yellow River for Xi'an! I will definitely not let the devils succeed!"

"My lord, everyone has been dispatched now, so you should calm down. The more anxious you are, the more likely you will make mistakes!" Yang Fei naturally accepted Ji Taichang's kindness.

In Yang Fei's view, Ji Taichang is a respectable elder, he can make any suggestion to Yang Fei, and it was for this reason that he let Ji Taichang follow him at that time!
(End of this chapter)

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