Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2478 Ambush

Chapter 2478 Ambush
It’s not just Yang Fei who is anxious. As he said, Ito Ichiro is also more anxious now. The defensive fortress arranged on the east side will definitely not be able to pass by the Eighth Route Army for a while. Airdrops once or twice a week will ensure that their food and clothing will not be enough. The problem is, however, the recruit company they dragged out for training was shut down overnight, which made him feel that the Eighth Route Army had infiltrated it!

But how they infiltrated!Although their recruit company is far away from the headquarters for the exercise, who can come in?
He didn't think too much, but hurriedly ordered, "Notice, make final preparations, we will cross the Yellow River west tomorrow!"


The order is to go down, but, in the final analysis, Jing Teng does not know whether he can cross the Yellow River, but Xi'an is an important town in the northwest, if Xi'an is taken, it will be very different for the entire Chinese battlefield .

And just today, he suddenly received a telegram as far away as Tianjin.The telegram said, let him cross the Yellow River within ten days!

This is a death order, and he has to take it seriously.

It's been too long to curl up here. In fact, it's not that he hasn't thought about it. If he wants to gain a foothold in Xi'an, he must get rid of the Eighth Route Army in front of him. However, their strength is not many, and they can be used. More than 1 people!
And if these 1 people do something, Ito is confident!The soldiers of the Japanese Empire also have confidence!

However, the most important thing in front of him is that he really wants to understand how his recruit company was wiped out, and there was no one left alive. killed!And, in the end, all they are left with is the sound of explosions!
The weapons and ammunition and the food were all taken away. Obviously, this is what the Eighth Route Army does.

He was lost in thought alone.

"The Eighth Route Army has come in. This is really unbelievable!" Ito Ichiro looked at the sand table, "Can't get in from the west, they come in from the mountainous area in the north? It's obviously impossible, but if it's impossible, what are they doing?" Out?" Ito thought rightly, "Okay, then I will block the mountain pass!"


In Yang Fei's mind, he had roughly figured out how to attack.

Dongfang asked Shen Wanxi to blow up the airport, causing psychological pressure on Ito Ichiro!In the west, let Hu Dahai supervise the ship, cross the river and attack Ito Ichiro, and he will be responsible for entering from the northern mountainous area. This is also the way they killed the devil's recruits!
Thinking of this, he immediately ordered an unfamiliar battalion commander, "Now, hurry to the northern mountain pass and occupy an important position!"

"Yes!" the battalion commander shouted.

The two battalion commanders ran away quickly.

Along the way, Liu Zhang complained, "Tell me, who is this Yang Fei?"

Liu Xun said, "I've heard that this Yang Fei is a big bastard. He's not the only typewriter, but he has a way of fighting. I don't even bother to talk to him with such foul language!"

Liu Zhang and Liu Xun came from the northwest, and they were two brothers who fought together. It's okay for them to fight, but they are both arrogant masters.

"I beg him, I'm unlucky to follow Yang Fei, and you won't be much better off. Think about it, what's the use of letting us attack the mountain? I don't want to use cannons to blow up the devil's bunker in the east. To capture the mountain, do we have to go through here?" Liu Xun was very angry.

"That's right, the brigade commander values ​​him so much, I really don't know what to think, but since we are asked to come here, we will come here and ask him what Yang Fei will do!" Liu Zhang said disapprovingly.

"Hey, okay, it's really fucking unlucky for us brothers to have such a hard job! Let's go!" After saying that, the two of them took their troops and headed towards the top of the mountain.

When we arrived at the mountain pass, Liu Zhang pointed to the mountain ahead, "Look, the terrain here is complicated, how do we get there?"

"Xihong is brother Liu Xun, let's stop talking so much, let's go! Let's go and occupy a hill first!" After speaking, Liu Zhang took the lead and walked forward.

The mountain pass is really narrow. The last time Yang Fei and the others drove over, they didn't think much of it. This time, Liu Xun and the others came here in person, and they actually felt that this place, unexpectedly, is so eerie!

After passing the mountain pass, the road is already very wide. Even the wind blowing over made Liu Zhang feel that this place is not easy!
"Liu Zhang, have you seen that hill in front of you, just right!" Liu Xun said.

Looking over, sure enough, although the mountain in front is a bit low, but fortunately, the sight is wide, and it happens to be facing the south.

This due south also happens to be the direction of the devil.

"It's such a good place, hurry up, hurry up and build fortifications on that mountain!" After Liu Zhang finished speaking, he quickly ran towards the mountain with his people.

Seeing that the top of the mountain was about to be occupied, suddenly, a group of Japanese soldiers stood up on the top of the mountain, pointing their guns at Liu Zhang's men.

"Ah!" Liu Zhang roared, "Quickly lie down! Lie down!"

Before the order was issued, the machine guns on the top of the hill were like a thunderstorm, "Da da da..."

Bullets strafed the ground in front of them, sending out puffs of smoke.

Liu Zhang hurriedly shouted, "Listen to me all, find a cover, find a cover!"

The soldiers began to hide one after another, but how many bunkers can hide so many people at this moment?
Liu Xun was behind, he didn't go there, but he was completely stunned by the situation in front of him, "Yang Fei wants to kill me! He definitely wants to kill me!"

However, seeing Liu Zhang's painful expression, he shook his head, "No, we can't make Liu Zhang suffer so much, and it's absolutely impossible to make the Japanese so fierce!"

He hurriedly ordered, "Everyone find a place to hide quickly, shoot at me at the top of the mountain ahead, and make sure that Battalion Commander Liu retreats back safely!"

Still holding the machine gun, "Da da da... The place turned back, the devil hid for a while, and immediately knew where the gunshot came from, and a gun protruded from nowhere, "Boom..."

The machine gunner fell in a pool of blood.

Liu Xun frowned, and he shouted loudly, "Brother Liu Zhang, I'll wait for you here, and I'll cover you, if you can retreat, retreat!"

"Liu Xun, hurry up and report to the head of the regiment that we have been ambushed by devils!" Liu Zhang shouted, "I can hide here for a while!"

Liu Xun immediately turned his head to look at a soldier beside him, "Hurry up and tell Yang Fei that we have been ambushed by devils!"

"Yes!" Said, the soldier ran away.

Even if Yang Fei was told about such a thing, Yang Fei was not at the scene, so he couldn't give them instructions at all, "Have you encountered a devil's ambush?" Yang Fei was furious!
"How did you encounter the devil's ambush? Are the two battalion commanders eating shit? I don't know how to investigate first?" Yang Fei cursed loudly.

"Since these two bastards can be ambushed by devils, then they must be able to find a way out! Go, tell them, figure out a way by yourself, I don't have time to deal with these two idiots!"

Yang Fei scolded angrily.

The soldier was also stunned, and hurriedly said, "Yes!"

He ran away without looking back.

This is not a good thing, even if the soldier ran away, Yang Fei still wondered what happened to these two people?Why can't a little level show up?It is impossible for the devils to deploy heavy troops in the north, so how could they be able to ambush them?This is why Yang Fei didn't want to take care of it.

When he learned of Yang Fei's attitude, Liu Xun was furious, "Yang Fei really said that?"

"Yeah, he really said that!" The soldier said truthfully.

"Dog, if I can get out, I will go to the brigade commander for comment!" Liu Xun shouted.

Liu Zhang has persisted for nearly two hours. Not to mention his physical strength, the casualties alone have given them a headache.

However, they couldn't withdraw at will, they could only shoot one shot at the back of the bunker.

"Get the mortar!" Liu Xun shouted.

The soldiers came over carrying the mortar, and Liu Xun personally drove the mortar and gave a thumbs up, "Come on, drop the bomb!"

A soldier sent the shell into the barrel, and there was a "boom".

A mushroom cloud exploded on the top of the mountain.

However, immediately after, the artillery fire on the top of the mountain seemed to become more intense.

"Damn it, how many bullets does this devil have?" Liu Xun asked.

"Liu Xun, what's the matter? Let's use mortars towards the top of the mountain. My brothers and I have to get out of the car and talk about it!" Liu Zhang shouted.

"Okay, wait!" After Liu Xun finished speaking, he gestured with his fingers again, "Get ready! I'll count to three, and you all retreat quickly!" "Okay!" Liu Zhang shouted.

"Comrades, did you hear that? Battalion Commander Liu finished counting to three, let's evacuate first!" Liu Zhang shouted.


The intensity of the battle is no less than a large-scale battle.




After shouting three numbers, the soldier's shells were sent into the grenadier, and then he quickly lay down.


As soon as there was an explosion, Liu Zhang and the people he brought over quickly evacuated.

But even with such an order, the bullets of the Japanese devils were caught.

"Da da da……"

Four or five soldiers fell to the ground.

Liu Zhang recovered his life from the ghost gate, he panted, "Damn it, I almost confessed it!"

"What should I do?" Liu Xun asked.

"What can we do, continue to find a way to take this mountain back!" Liu Zhang said.

"What kind of fortification did this devil build on the top of the mountain? Why can't the mortar fire it down?" Liu Xun began to write anxiously.

"There are always times when devils are negligent!" Liu Zhang said, "By the way, have you told the leader? What should we do in this situation?"

"Don't talk about it, that bastard actually issued a death order, telling me to take this hill, and put our responsibility for the ambush we encountered!" Liu Xun said with a little contempt.

"Yeah, I was negligent, and someone should investigate from the flank!" Liu Zhang has a good temper.

"Now at this time, you still think about him! Brother Liu Zhang, we two are grasshoppers on the same front now, we share weal and woe, this small hill, the two of us must get down, when we get down, Let's go to the brigade commander for comment, shall you go?"

Liu Zhang knew Liu Xun's temper. His prejudice against Yang Fei had been there since Yang Fei came, and Liu Zhang couldn't understand Yang Fei either. However, after all, he is the head of the regiment, so you have to carry out his orders, don't you?
"Liu Battalion Commander, I think there should not be many Japanese on the mountain!" Liu Zhang changed the subject.

"Not much? Why?" Liu Xun asked.

"If there were too many, when we were ambushed, they would have come down the mountain to surround us, but they didn't! Moreover, the gunshots on the hill were sparse, and they were all the sound of machine guns. After you fired those two shots, the sound It’s as weak as my family’s!" Liu Xun has sensitive ears, and no hidden voice can escape his ears.

"If that's the case, then I'll shoot him a few more shots!" As he said that, Liu Xun ordered the mortar to be put there quickly, and gestured again with a finger, "Send the bomb!"

"Boom..." There was another sound.

With this sound, the trees on the top of the mountain were blown off again.

Liu Zhang drew out his gun, "Brothers, follow me!"

Saying that, Liu Zhang rushed to the front and ran towards the top of the mountain!
Liu Xun asked people to point their guns at the top of the mountain, and if anyone dared to show their heads, they would hit me hard!

However, what is surprising is that none of the Japanese devils showed up.

And when Liu Zhang got up the mountain, he was stunned by the scene before him.

"How is it?" Liu Xun asked at the foot of the mountain.

"There are no more devils!" Liu Zhang said.

When Liu Xun also went up, he opened his mouth wide, "This..."

Sure enough, as Liu Zhang thought, there were not many Japanese, and these five or six Japanese had all died on the top of the mountain.

Even so, a devil who no longer had his lower body was still tightly holding the trigger of the machine gun.

"Damn it, these people actually..." Liu Zhang said angrily.

"We were injured by five Japanese, and so many were disabled. How can we explain to the head when we go back?" Liu Zhang was very angry, but also very helpless!
The strength of the two battalions was reduced to 80 by five Japanese!The death toll is as high as more than 20!
"Clean the battlefield!" Liu Xun shouted.

Liu Zhang smiled wryly, "Wait to be criticized!"

This is not a joke, but Liu Zhang's premonition!
"Whatever! When we came here, who knew there were only five Japanese!" Liu Xun said.


After cleaning the battlefield, they reoccupied the hill.

However, what they didn't know was that this mountain was far from the only one they had imagined.

"Okay, tell the head of the group that we have occupied a mountain and are on standby!" Liu Zhang said.

The correspondent nodded yes and left.

Liu Zhang sat on the ground, and Liu Xun also sat down, "It seems that we will have a hard time in the future!"

"No matter what, let's do this first, and we'll talk about it later, I still don't believe what Yang Fei can do to us!" Liu Xun said dissatisfied.

Besides, in the west, Hu Dahai led his people to the Hejin area. In Hejin, he saw the ferry, and then said, "If you can cut down trees, cut down trees, and if you can borrow from ordinary people, borrow from ordinary people! If you can give me Make more, make more!"

Although the task was assigned, the progress was very slow.Although the people around know that this is the Eighth Route Army, but the people who have boats are not willing to lend them. Boats are the tools they use to make a living, but they use them for food.

Seeing the slow progress, Hu Dahai had an ominous premonition. If he really couldn't get the boat, Yang Fei would file a complaint with Li Jiguang after he found out, but they didn't even have a place to cry.

This is not alarmist talk, Yang Fei can do anything.

After this series of events, Hu Dahai knew that the ship could be built, but he had to figure out the situation before he could do it.

After building a boat, Hu Dahai quickly boarded the boat with the guards, "Go on the boat, let's go south and see where the devil is!"

The guard shook the paddle and walked slowly south.The water of the Yellow River is not considered to be rapid, and the rapid section is not here. This is the birthplace of Chinese civilization and the mother river of China. Although this river is like a natural moat, it is not the kind that cannot be crossed.

On the Yellow River, they occasionally saw a few fishing boats, and the drinking water of the Yellow River made Hu Dahai dare not take it lightly.

After swimming for about two hours, Hu Dahai hurriedly said, "Just pull over!"

The boat stopped and they went ashore. Hu Dahai and the guards walked carefully. When they saw the village, they hurried over. At this time, it was meal time, and Hu Dahai and the guards arrived at a house.When the family saw that it was a soldier, they immediately became alert.

"What are you going to do?"

"My fellow, don't worry, we are the Eighth Route Army!" Hu Dahai said.

"Eighth Route Army? Master Jun, what are you going to do?" the villagers asked quickly.

"I want to ask you, how far is it from here to the salt lake in the south?" Hu Dahai asked.

"It's not far, but if you walk, you have to walk for more than two hours!" said the fellow.

"Yes?" After speaking, Hu Dahai saw the rice steaming in the fellow's pot, "Hey!"

This lascivious laugh made the fellow start to get scared, he backed away slowly, "What are you going to do?"

"My fellow, can you give me a bite to eat?" Hu Dahai asked.

"There are steamed buns, do you want to eat?" said the fellow.

"Eat, why don't you eat?" Hu Dahai opened the lid of the pot as if he had entered his own house, took two steamed buns directly, gave one to the guard, and the two of them sat on the door pier and began to eat.

"My fellow, these steamed buns are delicious!" Hu Dahai said.

"Delicious, more, more!"

For the villagers, as long as it doesn't hurt their lives, you can do whatever you want.

After eating, Hu Dahai bid farewell to the villagers with the guards and left.

Although I don't know how many ships have been bought, Yang Fei's decision is definitely right. They have traveled a long distance, but they have not seen a few cabinet strongholds by the Yellow River. Only in the southwest corner.

Hu Dahai can be regarded as a caring person. After walking all the way, he drew a topographic map of this place in his heart. If he can remember it in his heart, he will never trouble others.

After checking the terrain, Hu Dahai and the guards were getting closer and closer to the salt lake in the south.This feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

"Leader, we can't go any further. If we go further, we will meet devils!" the guard reminded.

"Fortunately, this time, we didn't come in vain, let's go!" Hu Dahai said.

|"Head, where are we going?" the guard asked.

"Start from here and walk along the Yellow River! If you are lucky, you may meet a boat, and we will go upstream!" Hu Dahai said.


The two walked along the Yellow River, and on the bank of the Yellow River, they were used to listening to the chant, and the trackers still talked and laughed in the poor environment.

"Head, look, are you a Japanese ship?" The guard pointed to a ship not far away.

That ship was an iron ship, Hu Dahai frowned, "Damn it, if only we had this ship too!"

"If we have it, we won't drive it!" The guard stared at the Japanese iron ship carefully.

At this time, the Japanese iron ship approached quietly.

Hu Dahai couldn't help feeling a little excited in his heart, "Won't this bastard come to send us a boat?"

"Huh?" The guard couldn't believe it.

"No matter what, let's see what this Japanese ship is doing!" Hu Dahai and the guards hid.

The boat slowly leaned against the shore, and several trackers slowly stood up.

Stop wearing, a Japanese came out, and said in not very authentic Chinese, "Come on untouchables, aren't you a tugboat? Tow it to the salt lake for me!"

How could a few thin ex-husbands be able to drag a big iron boat?This is obviously embarrassing.

"Taijun, this can't be delayed!"

"Can't drag it? What else do you need to do if you can't drag it?" The Japanese shouted.

"Taijun, really, this is not a joke, look, it is impossible for us to do this!"

"If you can't do it, you have to die!" The Japanese said, and took out a pistol.

As soon as they saw the gun, several trackers hurriedly said, "Taijun, let's try! Let's try!"

After the rope was tied to the mast of the ship, the trackers swallowed a few mouthfuls, "This damn..."

"Okay, don't talk about it, let's try! It's unlucky today, I met a Japanese, and I don't usually see this Japanese!"

"Yeah, why are you so wicked today!"

After hearing this, Hu Dahai also had a solid idea in his heart. If it is true that the Japanese do not usually come to this place, then they are very likely to get the ship.

However, the question now is how many Japanese are there on board!
In order to solve this trouble, Hu Dahai hastily pricked up his ears and listened.

Fortunately, Hu Dahai heard the voice of the Japanese.

"Haha, you Chinese pigs are doing things that are not human, even if I am the only one on this boat, so what, haven't you been enslaved?" the Japanese said.

These words cheered up Hu Dahai at once.

"What a shit, a person dares to be so arrogant!" Hu Dahai said.

"Head, what do you mean?" The guard also became more nervous.

"What else can you do? Come on, rob me of this ship!" Hu Dahai smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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