Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2479 Captured Warship

Chapter 2479 Captured Warship
"He was robbed?" The guard looked confused, "Commander, that's an iron boat, how did the iron boat rob it?" The guard asked quickly.

"Don't worry about this, rob it, we are in Hejin, don't make those wooden boats, this boat is enough for many people to board the boat and go directly to the salt lake!"

"But, Captain, who of us will drive this boat?" the guard asked.

"The Japanese, he can drive!" Hu Dahai was relatively calm in this respect.

"Your Yisi is..." The guard was immediately surprised when he heard this.

"Hehe, that's what you think!" Hu Dahai said.

"Captain, how can we subdue that person?" the guard asked.

"Don't worry about this, just watch!" Hu Dahai took out his pistol and pointed it at the Japanese.

"Head, didn't you let him drive the boat?" the guard asked.

"Hehe!" Hu Dahai's arrogance made the guards shudder.

With a sound of "Boom!", the bullet went out and hit the devil's arm just in time, which also happened to make the gun in the devil's hand fall into the river.

"Go! Hurry up and catch that devil!" As they spoke, the two of them ran and climbed onto the boat.Seeing this, several trackers under the boat threw down their ropes and ran away. This is not bad, this killed the Japanese, this is the crime of beheading!

Hu Dahai went up and saw the Japanese on the ground, struggling to get up with his arms, and said, "Eight roads? How could there be eight roads?"

"Hehe, the Eight Routes are all-pervasive! Little devil, do you know what this is called?" Hu Dahai asked.

The Japanese didn't say anything, but Hu Dahai told them directly, "This is called, enemy!"

Hu Dahai smiled and asked the guard to drag the Japanese to his side.

"I'll give you a way out!" Hu Dahai said.

"Live?" the Japanese asked.

"Yes, the way to survive, do you want to do it?" Hu Dahai asked.

"What are you talking about first!" the Japanese asked.

"Drive the boat, send me back, and then you drive the boat away!" Hu Dahai said.

But even a normal person would think that this is a pit, and it is definitely impossible.

The Japanese is not stupid, how could he not know that this is the final outcome of this matter, not to mention the loss of the ship in the end, his life is probably gone!

"Hehe, why should I trust you?" the Japanese asked.

"You have no reason not to believe me!" As he said, Hu Dahai pointed his gun at this guy.

Cold sweat began to break out on the Japanese head.

"Don't worry, as long as you agree to my request, I won't kill you! If I want to kill you, you will already be dead when I get off the boat!" Hu Dahai said.

Hu Dahai gave the guard a wink, and the guard directly helped him up, and then got into the cabin.

In the driving position, the guard pushed him into the seat.

"Listen to me, if you play tricks, I will definitely not let you go!" Hu Dahai's muzzle never left the back of his head.

"All right, all right, don't kill me, I'll take you away!" the Japanese said.

"Okay! Very good!" The guard is also a careful person. He watched the Japanese's operation steps, and then squeezed silently in his heart.

The boat started, and then the Japanese started to drive the boat to start.

To the north, it happens to lead to Hejin Ferry.

There was an alarm device on the boat, and Hu Dahai could see it clearly, and he wanted to go there for a long time.

Sure enough, after a while, the Japanese jumped up and grabbed the thing with his left hand. Hu Dahai hurried over and grabbed the Japanese by the hair, "You dog, you really are dishonest!" heat your face.

"Kill me, kill me!" the Japanese shouted.

"Hehe, kill you? I definitely want to kill you!" Hu Dahai sneered.

At this time, the guard said, "Commander, I saw how this guy sailed the boat!"

"Okay!" Hu Dahai said, "Did you hear that? My guards can sail, and you are useless!"

"Huh?" The Japanese were surprised.

"Okay, you're at the end!" Hu Dahai said with regard to the Japanese hair, "Xiao Li, go and see if you can move the boat!"

The guard nodded and sat in the driving position, slowly controlling the direction of the ship.

After a while, the iron boat was finally able to sail smoothly.

"Did you see that, little devil, do you think we would not be able to sail without you?" Hu Dahai's gun spewed out a tongue of flame.

The devil fell down.

"Xiao Li, sail the boat steadily and stop at Hejindu!" Hu Dahai said.

"Understood the captain, this boat is sailed like this!" The guard smiled.

"That's right, it's the same thing about driving a boat and driving a car. To put it bluntly, even a dog will be able to drive if you hang a piece of meat on the steering wheel!" Hu Dahai said proudly.

"With this ship, we can transport more soldiers to the front line!" said the guard.

"Yes!" Hu Dahai slowly got out of the cabin, the feeling of standing on the boat is good, and the feeling of having the spoils is even better!

After driving the boat for 10 minutes, they finally arrived at Hejindu safely. The two got out of the car and proudly displayed their spoils.

"Go, tell Yang Fei that we don't need to wear too much. We have already captured an iron boat belonging to the devil. This iron boat can transport all the members of the regiment there in three or four times!" Hu Dahai said.

"Yes, Captain!"

This matter definitely made Yang Fei and the others happy.

When he heard that Hu Dahai got a Japanese iron boat, Yang Fei became happy, "Okay, this Hu Dahai has finally made progress, very good, the north and west sides have finally made moves, why hasn't Shen Wanxi in the east made any moves yet? "

"Leader, don't worry, maybe the east side has taken action now, but it just hasn't been reported to us!"

"That's right, that's fine! I can wait, but everything today must be settled for me. When I give an order, everyone must stand by for me!" Yang Fei said.

"Haha, okay, I'll call Captain Shen Wanxi right now."

Yang Fei wasn't really worried about Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai. After all, they were the same people who climbed snowy mountains and crossed grasslands, struggled to death together, and then came back to life just like himself.

But when he thought of Liu Zhang and Liu Xun, Yang Fei frowned, "All the problems have been solved, but these two people don't seem to give him a satisfactory answer. A small mountain has so many casualties." There are many people, can they still be reused?" Although, that's what he said, but Yang Fei still had a glimmer of hope for them in his heart.

Daguang in the east led people to search for a long time, but they couldn't find where the devil's airport was. He visited many places, but his work was in vain.

The same is true for Shen Wanxi. According to Yang Fei, they must find the airport today.Shen Wanxi's explosives were all ready, and all that was left was to find the airport. However, this airport was like a paradise, and they couldn't find the entrance at all.

Just when they were at a loss, Da Guang and Shen Wanxi met.

Seeing someone he knew well, Da Guang hurriedly asked, "Commander Shen, where are you going?"

"What about you? Where are you going?" Shen Wanxi also asked.

"I..." Daguang looked at Shen Wanxi. The relationship between this person and Yang Fei was delicate. He couldn't tell him directly what he wanted to do.

However, Shen Wanxi knew what Daguang was going to do. Seeing that Daguang didn't say anything, Shen Wanxi smiled and said, "Daguang, you are dishonest, I know, you are looking for the airport! Why? Want to blow up?" Is it an airplane?"

"You... how do you know what I'm going to do?" Daguang asked.

"Stupid! How could I not know? I was also looking for the airport. Yang Fei said that we must find the airport today. Only when we find the airport and blow up the plane can we go back!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Are you also looking for the airport?" The two people who cherish each other almost cried when they met!
"Hehe, let's go, let's go together! What. Is there one you are looking for?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"No, we've been away for so long, no matter how far away, there should be some clues, but after asking all the way, there is nothing!" Da Guang said.

"Don't be stupid, the airport, how could it be in our base area, if there is, it can only be in the territory of the devils in the east!" Shen Wanxi was very anxious, but taunting others never lost a way to improve herself .

"Going forward, that's Mount Zhongtiao! After passing Mount Zhongtiao, it's the territory of the Japanese!" Daguang said.

"That's right, that's where we're going. Remember, maybe we're going to fight a tough battle!" Shen Wanxi said.

"I'm not afraid of war, but I'm afraid I won't be able to find an airport!" Daguang said.

"Yes, I can definitely find it." Shen Wanxi said. "If I'm not mistaken, there is an open area behind Zhongtiao Mountain, and the airport can only be built in an open area. There can be no airport in a mountainous area like Zhongtiao Mountain!" Shen Wanxi said.

"If you want to go to the other side of the mountain, it should be three o'clock. If we can't find it by three o'clock, it will be troublesome!" Daguang said.

"I said, why are you in such a hurry? Don't worry, even if we blow up the airport tonight, Yang Fei won't be able to say anything about us, but, Y, if we don't do anything, you will be in trouble!" Shen Wan Hi a big brother attitude.

"Commander Shen, let's go, you can climb the mountain together!"

With that said, the group of them quietly went up the mountain.

All important discoveries happened quietly in their eyes.

Because, they found a canned box, which is on the mountain, and this canned box is still so fresh, could it be that there are people on this mountain?

In order not to startle the snake, Shen Wanxi took Da Guang and a few others to explore slowly. It would be great if he could really find them.

However, it is not so easy to find someone even if it is a canned box.

"Damn it, where can this Japanese hide?
Shen Wanxi asked.

"No matter where it is hidden, we should find it quickly, otherwise..."

"Okay, Daguang, let's find it, don't talk!" Shen Wanxi choked.

At this time, they suddenly heard the sound of "Boom boom boom..." next to their ears. This sound was very similar to the sound made by some large machines.

"This sound is strange, it should be near here!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Over the mountain!" Daguang pointed to the east.

"On the east side?" Shen Wanxi said, "The east side is the small plain, hehe, if you guess correctly this time, the airport is there!" Shen Wanxi held the gun in his hand.

"Go, Da Guang, keep up, let all the brothers follow up!" Shen Wanxi was very happy.


Shen Wanxi hurriedly ordered everyone to lie in ambush.


The sound from the woods alerted Shen Wanxi.

After a while, a few Japanese devils came out.

"Saga, you must watch carefully, the airport is behind you, we must always be vigilant!"

"Okay, I know Izu!" Saga said.

"Have you heard that some of the supplies airdropped to the Salt Lake area yesterday fell into the river!"

"Well, I heard that it was very windy yesterday. I didn't expect such a heavy material to fall into the river!" Saga said.

"I heard that tonight, there will be another airdrop!" Izu said. ,
"Whatever, anyway, the army of Salt Lake is going to attack the west of the Yellow River! Do you think it can be overrun?" Saga asked.

"Of course I can. The soldiers of the Japanese Empire are invincible. They will definitely be able to cross the Yellow River west and capture Xi'an!" Izu said.

"I hope so, but I always feel that with the Eighth Route Army in the east and the National Army in the west, this battle is not easy!" Saga said.

"No matter what, our army is invincible. If I didn't get the certificate to get on the plane right away, I would probably go to the front to fight!" Izu said.

"I really envy you. I also want to fly a plane. Last time I went to fly a plane. The plane was almost damaged, so the major will not let me fly again!"

Listening to the conversation between the two Japanese, Shen Wanxi smiled, "It seems that today is going to be lucky!"

Daguang looked at him, "Solve it?"

"Of course, of course it has to be resolved, the airport is right behind!" Shen Wanxi finished speaking, and then turned to Daguang, "!"

As soon as he finished shouting, Shen Wanxi and Daguang, who were lying in ambush, suddenly appeared like two giant pythons, and then disappeared from the sight of others. They raised their knives and cut their throats in an instant.

"Go, quickly climb over the mountain!"

After Shen Wanxi finished speaking, he and Daguang walked eastward energetically!
When they reached the top of the mountain, they hurried down the mountain again. At the foot of the mountain, they found a piece of forest that had been cut down, and a small piece of land that flowed out turned out to be an airport. ?

"Sure enough, as the leader said, this plane is a small plane, so it must not be far away. However, I never thought that this plane is so close!"

After hearing what he said, Shen Wanxi said, "It turns out that Yang Fei knew that there were planes nearby! This guy is still playing tricks on me!"

"The leader doesn't know anything. The reason we want to blow up the airport is to buy ourselves some time!" Da Guang said.

"Everything is the head of the regiment, Da Guang, how about if you follow me and I let you be my deputy?" Shen Wanxi smiled.

"Come on, I don't need it!" Da Guang's direct refusal made Shen Wanxi feel a little unhappy, and no one would be very happy.

It seemed that they had heard their words, and the devil touched them at some point.

"Is that you, Saga?"


Seeing that no one made a sound, the devils began to shoot with machine guns in the woods.

After shooting for a while, there was no movement again.

"Damn it, what are these Japanese thinking!" Shen Wanxi said.

However, with the strength of two regiments, it shouldn't be difficult to blow up this small airport.

"Da da da" Suddenly, from behind them, a burst of machine gun fire was fired, and several people fell down at that time.

Shen Wanxi and Da Guang quickly hid themselves.

"The devil has gone crazy now, Da Guang, let's go together?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Why not?" After Da Guang finished speaking, he quietly lurked to the airport with Shen Wanxi.

A plane makes a sound.

Appears to be overhauled.

"Okay, let's start here, Daguang, it's hard to be merciful when you see the Japanese!" Shen Wanxi had heard about Daguang's power a long time ago, but he still wanted to try.At this time, the Japanese moved faster than they thought.

Immediately, the devils entered the defense circle, hid behind the fortifications, and pointed their machine guns at places where they might appear.

The machine gun behind him was still firing bullets.

"It's really a dog. Did the devil find something?" Shen Wanxi asked anxiously.

"If they really found out, they wouldn't be so polite!" Daguang said, "Since the airport is here, see the devils behind the two fortifications in front, kill the machine gunner, and we will be able to put out this place airport!"

"Okay, then one for each person!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Haha, good!" After speaking, the two men raised their guns, only to hear two "bang bang", and the two Japanese hiding behind the fortifications fell down one after another.

"Comrades, come on, this is the devil's airport. We are all heroes for blowing up this airport!" Shen Wanxi shouted, and rushed into the airport with a pistol. Getting under a plane, Shen Wanxi fired a shot at the explosive package. This shot directly detonated the explosive package, and then the plane made a "boom", and then burst into flames.

"Da da da da" Suddenly, a Japanese appeared on the plane, and he pointed a machine gun at Shen Wanxi and the others and swept them wildly;

Fortunately, Shen Wanxi and Da Guang escaped in time.The bullet hit his feet, and Daguang quickly retracted his feet.

"How many devils are there?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"This is an airport for devils. There are no devils. I don't believe this is an airport!" Da Guang said.

"Da Guang, you get rid of the machine gunner on the plane, and I'll attract his firepower!" After speaking, Shen Wanxi stood up and started running.

The machine gunner on the plane, "Da da da da da..." fired at Shen Wanxi.

Daguang immediately got up from the ground, and shot twice "bang bang" at the devil on the plane!
The devils on the plane fell from the sky, this is their best destination, they can live in troubled times, and they can die with glory.

At this time, the whole regiment behind them all joined the operation to destroy the devils. After a while, the Japanese at the airport disappeared. Did they kill them, or were there not many people here?Daguang checked it carefully, and then said, "Okay, hurry up and blow up the plane!"

Daguang said.

"Haha, okay!" Then, Shen Wanxi ordered, "Blow up the plane quickly, and don't leave me with a single plane!" Shen Wanxi said.

"it is good!"

The soldiers sent the explosive packs on the plane next to each other.

Shan Shen Wanxi looked at an aircraft being inspected, smiled and said to Da Guang, "Da Guang, do you want to come up and take a look at this aircraft for inspection?"

"Not to mention, I've never been on a plane before, let's go up and have a look together!"

The two of them boarded the plane that was being overhauled. After getting on the plane, they found a Japanese man who was checking tools.

He seemed to be isolated from the outside world, with thick glasses on the bridge of his nose, he suddenly raised his head, saw a stranger, and immediately frowned, "Who are you, hurry down, this plane is malfunctioning, I Troubleshooting! Don't bother me!"

In this way, both Shen Wanxi and Da Guang felt incredible when the order to evict guests was issued.

"What did you say? Tell me again?"

Daguang asked fiercely.

The Japanese was obviously not afraid of the other party's threats, "I'm talking about you, hurry down, give me another 15 minutes, and the plane can definitely be repaired!"

Shen Wanxi glanced at Da Guang, "Go down?"

"I was let down! What do you think?"

"Why don't you blow it up after he repairs it after going down?" Shen Wanxi revealed an evil smile.

When the two got off the plane, Shen Wanxi gave Daguang a cigarette, "This kid really looks like the guy who came here doesn't know anything outside the window, and only wants to fix the broken plane!"

"Okay, let him see with his own eyes after he fixes it, his plane will be destroyed in our hands!" Da Guang also felt that this matter is so simple!
Being able to get a certain kind of pleasure from the devil, such citrus, is something that cannot be changed in advance!

However, just after taking a sip of the cigarette, the plane made a "boom boom boom" sound.

"Fixed?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"So fast?" Da Guang was also a little incredulous.

When they were unbelievable, the plane started to run slowly on the slide.

Shen Wanxi scratched his head, "This is a damn thing, he actually repaired the plane!"


Da Guang seemed to have noticed something was wrong, "Damn it, Commander Shen, this devil is trying to escape, right?"

"Ah?" Shen Wanxi suddenly came to understand, "Damn it, hurry up and stop the plane!"

Stop the plane?Are you kidding me?
Daguang took a few steps back, and ran towards the plane. The plane was still running on the runway, and Shen Wanxi jumped onto the plane!

(End of this chapter)

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