Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2480 The Final Decision

Chapter 2480 The Final Decision
Shen Wanxi was stunned below, he would never have thought that such a thing would happen, Da Guang's hand thoughtfully grabbed the door handle that hadn't been locked in time, and he looked down.

"Commander Shen, the plane below depends on you!" As he said that, he got into the cabin with all his might.

Shen Wanxi ran after the plane, "Fucking shit, shitting shit, you shitting shit, what are you going to do?"

It wasn't until she couldn't catch up with the plane that Shen Wanxi cursed out of breath, "Damn it, I want to be a martyr so much!"

With the whole regiment behind him, Shen Wanxi turned around, "What are you looking at, go back quickly and blow up all the devil's planes! All, go!"

Everyone turned around and ran, everything was ready, only the fuse was missing.

Shen Wanxi looked at the invisible plane, picked up the stone on the ground and threw it towards the sky, "You shit, just ran away like this?"

When he went back to the airport, he didn't forget to look back to see if a miracle had happened.

A tear was blown out of the corner of his eye suddenly by the wind, but he quickly wiped it away.

I thought that a man would not flick his tears lightly, but who knew, the wind was strong enough.

"Damn it!"

Shen Wanxi shouted.

Then, all of a sudden, an explosion was heard down the mountain!



The airport has become a ruin, there are not many planes here, but these are all evil.Without them, perhaps the battlefield would not be the same place.

Daguang on the plane wobbled to the cockpit.

The Japanese man is flying a plane with a helmet on.

A strong wind blows in from the unclosed cabin, and the entire airport shakes violently.

When the Japanese flying the plane realized something was wrong, he turned around and saw a man with a murderous look on his face!
"Ba Ga, who are you?"

"Baga! Let you Baga!" Da Guang jumped over and drew a knife from his body, "Stop it quickly, otherwise, you will see me!"

"Go away! Don't let me find you, or we will die together!" The devil shouted.

"Okay, let's die together, you will be your loyal guard, and I will be my proletarian revolutionary martyr! We each get what we need, why not do it?" After finishing speaking, Da Guang burst out laughing.

"You are a lunatic. You are definitely a lunatic. This is an airplane, an airplane!" the devil shouted.

"Whatever this thing is, it's enough to endanger the people of China. If I don't kill you or blow up the plane, you will use this thing to harm people!" After finishing speaking, Da Guang stabbed the devil with a knife. neck.

A spray of blood spattered the windshield in front of the cockpit.

Can't see clearly, can't see anymore.

Da Guang dragged the Japanese out, and he went in!
This thing doesn't look like driving a car!
Daguang watched anxiously, this...



The airport was bombed. After Yang Fei found out about the news, Yang Fei immediately smashed his fist on the table happily, "This Shen Gouzi finally did one thing right!"

Ji Taichang was on the side, he saw Yang Fei's smile, and then he hurried over and said, "Master, why don't you take a break first, I'm afraid your body won't be able to handle such a heavy workload!"

"Hehe, it's nothing, this is my job!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei said again, "Coach Ji, I still hope you call me by my name instead of Master. Master is an old-fashioned name. Comrades, after listening to it, I’m afraid it won’t sound good, what do you think?”

Ji Taichang definitely couldn't change it for a while, "Master..."

Yang Fei stared at him again, "Yang Fei&+..." Yang Fei just smiled at this time, "Well, that's right! Call me Yang Fei, it doesn't look irrational, and that's what everyone calls me here of!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued working.

Ji Taichang didn't know what he could do, so he could only sit down, do it for a while, and then went out again.

The airport was bombed, and Yang Fei also believed that soon, Ito Ichiro would know about it, and this matter was enough to have a huge impact among the Japanese!
So, all the things here are not as good as the bombing of the airport.

Yang Fei's confidence was entirely due to the bombing of the airport. I'm afraid Yang Fei and the others had hit the mark on the fact that a single trigger would affect the whole body.

Sure enough, at Jing Teng's headquarters, he had a livid face, "Unexpectedly, Balu has been staring at our airport. It's because I underestimate the enemy!"

"Your Excellency, I would like to ask, why are we so angry about the airport?"

"Baga!" Ito Ichiro slapped the table angrily, "Let me tell you, you have no hope of victory in your mind. Airplanes are the main tool for us to deliver supplies. Now that the airport is bombed, we can What did you do? If this continues, we will be troubled by this material!"

"Your Majesty Ito, should we cross the Yellow River west in advance! In this case, we will surprise the other party!"

"Yes, it is very necessary. This matter must be concealed, otherwise, the entire empire's army will be shaken by it. For us commanders, it is not a good thing!"

"Your Excellency Ito, you are right, so what shall we do now?"

"However, according to our intelligence, one of the bombed planes at the airport was killed. It is estimated that one of the planes went out to perform a mission, so we still have hope, but we can't take chances. Now we Huddled here, have you counted the nearby villages?" Jing Teng asked.

"Check it out!"

"Well, we won't kill these people easily, but if we are in a hurry, we can't!" After finishing speaking, Ito said, "Remember, only people can create productivity, and I don't want to kill them either. Kill them, who will plant crops, kill them, who will build fortifications for us? Killing them is a last resort, and it can be regarded as a little contribution they have made to the empire!"

"Okay, Your Excellency, that Fenglingdu..."

"I'm definitely looking forward to it. No one is allowed to enter or leave at will, and the warships inside are not allowed to drive in and out at will!" When Ito finished speaking, a Japanese officer said tremblingly, "Your Majesty, a group of soldiers we sent out A patrol boat has not come back so far, I wonder if the boat has been controlled by someone?"

After hearing this, Ito asked, "Who will control this ship? You mean the national army?"

Ito looked at it and asked.

"Your Excellency, as far as I know, the national army has not sent a patrol ship recently, and our ship has not returned. I suspect that it was hijacked by the Eighth Route Army!"

"Impossible!" Jing Teng shook his head. He looked down on Eight Roads from the bottom of his heart. Eight Roads had caused him a lot of trouble. If there were no Eight Roads.They will definitely be doing well, without them, the task of crossing the Yellow River west will not know when it will be successfully carried out!Fortunately, the airport was bombed by the Eighth Route Army. Could it be that the Eighth Route Army will still sail?
He shook his head, "Go and find out this matter for me, but I won't give you a long time. For the remaining ships, I tell you that there is no need to go on patrol without my order!" After finishing speaking, Ito Ichiro looked at his watch, "10:30 in the evening! Our offensive mission begins!"

After speaking, Ito left the command post first.

When Ito came out, he specially ordered someone to find Hu Zi!
Yang Fei hated this puppet so much.

When the Japanese soldiers found Huzi, the guy was smoking a pipe.

With a parted hair and a skinny body, there was a woman sitting next to him, smoking a cigarette with him comfortably.

When the Japanese came in, the woman stood up in fright, but her body was so light that she couldn't stand still, and she staggered and fell to the ground.

The Japanese went over and kicked the woman away.

And Hu Zi didn't notice anyone coming at all.

When the muzzle of the gun hit Huzi's forehead, Huzi opened his eyes lazily, but after seeing that it was a Japanese, he closed his eyes again. There must be something wrong with the Japanese looking for him. If nothing happened, I wouldn't think of him at all.

Now, Huzi lives here with Ito, and his life is worse than that of a dog. Normal eating and other things have become problems. However, because of the image of a traitor, he also has a gun in his hand. Get some sleep, these are still not a problem.

"Stand up and walk with us?" the Japanese soldier ordered.

Huzi opened his eyes at this time, and when he took the last puff, he let out a deep puff of smoke, and then lazily leaned against the wall, his blurred human eyes seemed to reveal the last consciousness of this person, that he was still alive.

"Go, Your Excellency Ito is looking for you!" the Japanese soldier shouted.

Huzi smiled! "Hehehe!"


"Hahahaha!" Huzi laughed intermittently and louder several times, making the Japanese soldier wonder what he was doing. He turned around and hit Huzi on the head with the butt of his gun, "Baga, Follow me quickly!"

Huzi slowly got off the bed, and then pretended to tidy up his clothes, as if the emperor was about to summon him, with his hands behind his back, he walked forward slowly with big strides.

The wind here is still the same, neither hot nor cold. For Huzi, seeing all this proves that he is still alive.

His fate is so great!
Even Hu Zi sighed with emotion more than once, "I have fought with Lord Yan several times, and I am going to see him ICI, so what?"

When he met Toriko, Ito Ichiro looked at him, "Torako, what's wrong with you?"

When he saw Ito, Huzi immediately took a break and stood at attention. His trembling body couldn't support the heavy head, and he shook his body, "Your Excellency Ito, I...I...I'm fine!"

"Are you sure you're okay?" Ito asked again.

"I'm fine!" Hu Zi said again.

"Okay, since it's all right, I'll order you now to go north along Fengling Ferry and see if there are Eighth Route Army around!" Jing Teng said.

Sure enough, Huzi's thoughts were not wrong, and Ito would only think of him when something happened, and at other times, treat him like a dog.

"Don't worry, you are not going alone, I will let Major Iwata go with you!" Jing Teng said again.

"Your Excellency Ito, I will definitely complete the task!" In front of Ito, Huzi was too angry to speak, and could only accept this fact submissively.

He stopped, but boarded the boat with the thief. Now he actually misses being in the home of the mayor of Linxian County very much. Although his status is still humble, at least others still respect you, because behind you is the county magistrate!

However, time has passed, and when he came back here, Huzi suddenly discovered that not only could he not be the county magistrate, but also, with his ability, even being a Japanese dog, Ito would despise him. However, since Ito summoned him again , it means that he is still useful.

At the very least, if you can eat and drink here, your life will not be in vain.

After he went out, Major Iwata stood in the yard.

"Let's go, Huzi, I'll be waiting for you!"


After Huzi finished speaking, he followed dozens of people, and under the yelling and scolding of Major Iwata, he trotted to the front of the team.

Iwata has never been used to such a person, and has been taunting him, "Hehe, tell me, are you really willing to be one of our dogs?"

Huzi didn't speak.

"Hey, I really can't figure it out, but you are also working for the empire, and I won't say anything about you, but now it seems that the choice you made is so correct!" Iwata said again.

"In our Great Japanese Empire, anyone who does things for the empire will definitely grit their teeth and keep moving forward!"

Huzi still didn't speak.

"What? Are you a mute?" After Iwata finished speaking, he burst out laughing.

Hu Zi smiled, propping up his skin-only face, revealing layers of creases.

"What a dead dog!" Iwata said.

Huzi smiled, lowered his head, and continued to walk. Is the road under his feet the same as he has been walking?

He looked back at the way he came, and found that there were no footprints of his own, and he began to feel in a trance, and he suddenly discovered that all the things he did were things that could not prove that he was right.

He turned his head slowly, looked at the road ahead, ran forward for a while, stepped heavily on the soft ground, and moved slowly, where are the footprints?

Huzi swallowed his saliva, knelt down, and gently stroked the road he stepped on with his hand. Where are the footprints?

He was grinning, as if he was about to laugh, but the crying was more involved, right?

It seems that it is not too much for him to be drunk and dream of death.

Iwata looked at the Chinese in a daze, and didn't have any good impressions at all. The horse he was sitting on quickly got behind Huzi, and then kicked Huzi to the ground with one corner.

"Baga, want to run? What do you want to do?" Iwata yelled loudly, mixed with insults to him.

The Japanese soldiers behind him laughed loudly.


Still alone?
For bullying, it is necessary to find a sense of existence from the weak!A sense of superiority.

Iwata smiled recklessly, and the soldiers around him also laughed recklessly. Here it seems that the winner laughs, mocking the weak.

Huzi looked at them, and he also grinned, "Hahaha!"

"Ba Ga, you dare to laugh!"

After Iwata cursed angrily, he went straight over and slapped him across the face.

However, Hu Zi still grinned.


Another slap!

Huzi seemed to be crazy.


Iwata slapped him several times in succession at this time, "Slap!"



"Hahaha!" Huzi didn't seem to feel the pain, and was still smiling.


Iwata pulled out his command knife angrily, and the white knife looked sharp and cold against the sunlight.

". Pig, you dare to laugh!"

I thought that such a threat would restrain Huzi, but unexpectedly, Huzi still grinned, "Hahaha!"

"Baga, Lu!" The soldier behind him came over and kicked him to the ground again.

"Bag! Bag!"

After a round of kicking and beating, Huzi covered his head with his hands, but he could still hear his "hahaha!" laughter.

Iwata kicked Huzi again, "Baga!"

The Japanese behind him came over and set Huzi up, "Baga!"

After shouting, Iwata's fist hit Huzi like a bean paste bun.

His already weak body couldn't bear such a severe beating. After a few punches, Huzi spat out a mouthful of blood.

Along the mouth, it flowed on the clothes.

"Hahaha!" Iwata smiled at this time, "Laugh again, laugh again!"

Toriko looked at Iwata and grinned again.


The voice was much quieter, but Iwata's expression changed. Huzi's smile carried an inexplicable uncomfortable feeling. How could Iwata bear this kind of feeling.

"Let him go!"

The Japanese let Huzi go, and Huzi stumbled and couldn't stand still!

And Iwata himself wanted such a torako, he stepped back a few steps, ran towards the torako, then jumped deeply, and kicked the torako in the chest.

Huzi fell to the ground on the spot and slid a few meters on the ground before stopping.


The devil smiled recklessly, "Are you still laughing? Are you still laughing?"

Iwata smiled, "Let's go, let's go! This bastard is using drugs to survive. I really don't know how Ito-kun fell in love with this man!"

After speaking, Iwata took the people away.

Huzi was panting, lying on the ground, his heart beating faster, he moved his hands and found that he was still conscious.

Not dead, not dead!
He grinned, then groped the ground for a while and found a stone, he got up slowly, watching the arrogant Iwata walk in front of the team, and then he followed behind their team.

Suddenly, Huzi raised the stone high and ran towards Iwata...

When Iwata turned his head, he was stunned, and the stone hit him in the face!

Iwata yelled loudly.

The Japanese behind him hurriedly hit Huzi with the butt of his gun.

Huzi's eyes were red, the stone in his hand never left his hand, the stone was facing Iwata's head... once, twice, three times, four times...

There was really no way for the devil to immediately load his bullets and shoot Huzi with a "bang bang bang..." shot.

Finally, the stone that Huzi was holding high stopped, and his whole body fell down heavily, a burst of dust rose up, and immediately, a pool of bright red blood soaked the ground.

The devil immediately rushed over and helped Iwata up on the ground, "Iwata-kun! Iwata-kun!"

"Captain Iwata!"


Iwata died before his departure.

For Huzi, this is enough.

Huzi's eyes were wide open, on the way here, he saw his own footprints, they were so clear, this is the path he walked!

However, the road is too rough and difficult.

Huzi smiled, without making a sound, just grinning.

The team finally failed to make the trip and went back where they were.

When Ito learned about this, he was furious! "Idiot! Baga! Baga!"

However, Iwata is already dead. This kind of unnecessary loss of soldiers and generals made Ito fall into deep thought. What does this mean?
Perhaps, Ito also knew that the siege he was in at this time was not surrounded by the enemy, but that their so-called Great Japanese Empire entered into the siege of others, but, thinking of this, Ito immediately shook his head, "No No, how could the Great Japanese Empire be like this? It is absolutely impossible for him to fall into the enemy's siege, and even if he is surrounded, he will definitely be able to rush out!"

rush out?
Jing Teng knew that if he could rush out, he would have rushed out a long time ago. His mission was to cross the Yellow River to the west. Only after crossing the Yellow River would there be people to meet them. Now the Eighth Route Army is in the north, the Eighth Route Army is also in the east, and the national army is in the west. , the south is the national army!
How can I rush out?He had already missed the best opportunity. If he had gone north early and joined the Japanese army in the north, another situation might have occurred. However, how can there be such a medicine for regret?
He sat down slowly, and then gave his order to stay the same, at ten o'clock in the evening, cross the Yellow River by force! "

He looked at the soldiers who went out. They seemed to be alone. They all had wives and children in their hometown, and they all had parents and friends. Who wouldn't want them to go back alive?

But how difficult it is to live, he should know, it should be difficult!
It seemed that the Yellow River to the west was a moat, a line that hindered their survival, and this line tightly strangled Jing Teng's neck.

He quickly covered his neck with his hands, closed his eyes, "No, no, you can't think like that!"

On the west side, he has a blockhouse. How could he break through this line of defense with the help of the Eighth Route?
Besides, there is an elite alliance of his in the west.In the mountainous area to the north, he has already deployed his troops and has already occupied the commanding heights!Now, he can let go of his hands and feet and cross the Yellow River directly!
Right, that is it!Ito thought to himself, "The Great Japanese Empire will definitely be able to defeat these. Pigs!"

"The Great Japanese Empire can definitely be defeated!"

"Victory will belong to the Great Japanese Empire!"

Jing Teng took a deep breath, "Okay, that's it! Get ready, then cross the Yellow River! His strong boats and guns will definitely defeat the defense of the national army!"

Looking at the mental outlook of the Japanese soldiers, Ito knew that victory was coming!
(End of this chapter)

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