Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2482 Devil's Cavalry Company

Chapter 2482 Devil's Cavalry Company
"Big thing?" Yang Fei quickly asked, "Brigade Commander, what happened?"

"Yang Fei, according to the information from the [-]th Division, a cavalry company of the Devils is moving from Xile Village to your garrison!" Li Jiguang said.

"Cavalry company?" Yang Fei asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's the cavalry company. You should quickly make defensive arrangements. I will let Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai move to your station too! Let's cooperate with you to destroy the devil's cavalry company!" Li Jiguang said.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Fei looked at the map, Xile Village.

Xile Village is in the north of Xida Town, [-] kilometers away from their Xida Town!
Thirty kilometers, isn't it fast for a cavalry company?
Looking at the map, it seems that the cavalry company is coming here for a decisive battle!

Yang Fei immediately called Da Guang and the others, telling them to make arrangements now to defend against the devil's cavalry!

As for the Japanese soldiers in front of Liu Ji, Yang Fei also felt that they were strange. Could it be that a cavalry company is coming to this decisive battle?
This is unbelievable!

Yang Fei's hands are still not healed, and now he has encountered a tough bone, who is the other party?How do you know him so well?

He lit a cigarette, then sat on the deck chair outside, "Devil's cavalry? Cavalry, cavalry..."

He muttered in his mouth, "The cavalry troops are coming, this is interesting!" Yang Fei said.

Closing his eyes, Yang Fei seemed to have heard the sound of horseshoes, just like Genghis Khan's iron cavalry, running in the flames of war!

"Guard!" Yang Fei shouted.

A guard ran over, "Commander!"

"Hurry up to find Ji Taichang and let them form a company. Now all get up and stand by, and try our best to protect the regiment headquarters!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" After finishing speaking, the guard trotted away.

Only at this time did Yang Fei realize that the weakest defense is not his office?
Could it be that this devil wants to take back the train station now?
Thinking of this, he immediately called Zhao Qifa and asked him to go to Anxi Village!
Then tell Daguang that in the direction east of the Heihe, the cavalry troops of the local devils!
Cavalry, run fast, on the North China Plain, there seems to be no place that their cavalry cannot reach!

Thinking of this, Yang Fei became enlightened, "It turns out that this devil wants to attract all my people to Houhe and Xiaoangang, and then send cavalry to attack!
This trick is insidious enough!

At this moment, Liu Ji called suddenly, Yang Fei received it, and heard the sound of gunfire, "Commander, the devils are now attacking me in Houhe!"

"As expected, how many devils are there now?" Yang Fei asked.

"Captain, the devil is not only the convoy, but also came to reinforce the two devil's alliance!" Liu Ji said.

"Hehe, okay, since the devils want to fight, you can't run, you can't go anywhere, now you remember, if the devils want to fight, you fight, and when you join the battalion of the thin monkey, we will annihilate the devil's alliance together." Team!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay leader, I'll remember!" As he said that, he hung up the phone, and Liu Ji ordered, "Call, call me, rely on our small highland, call me!"

The sound of gunshots seemed to be mixed with all kinds of blood and rain, and the devils bombarded the highlands of Houhe in turn for several rounds.

"Scatter! Spread out, don't gather together!" Liu Ji shouted.

Now that the devils have already fought against Liu Ji, it seems that the devil's cavalry has arrived, so Yang Fei immediately called Da Guang, "The devil's cavalry should be here soon, cheer up!"


Devil's headquarters.

Jing Teng smiled and called Changsaka, "Mr. Changsaka, this time, I used four or five regiments to attract the main force of the Eighth Route Army. In any case, you should hurry to Xida Town and find the devil's regiment headquarters." Organ, massacre me!"

Nagasaka immediately said, "Kai, please rest assured, Your Excellency Ito, as an excellent commander of the empire, I will definitely not disappoint the Emperor, and I will not disappoint the trust of Your Excellency Ito! We are now 1000 meters ahead, which is Xida Town. Now , we are going to charge!"

Saying that, Nagasaka hung up the phone, "Go ahead!"

In fact, how did the devil know which village in Xida Town is the regiment headquarters of the Eighth Route Army?Can only guess!
Sure enough, Yang Fei said that he was right, the devil's cavalry company was going to pass through Heihe.

The terrain of Heihe is flat, and it is the fastest and most convenient place to reach Xida Town from here. Daguang asked someone to dig a few trenches, and found the devil's cavalry unit. , holding heavy weapons to shoot at the devil’s cavalry, two and three in a row, listen to me, hit the cavalry, it doesn’t matter whether it hits the horse or the devil! In short, I will destroy them all!”


With the neighing of a horse, the sound of iron hooves shook the ground, and then it rushed towards them quickly.

Here is the plain!

Da Guang took a breath, "Damn it, what a ghost, how can this place be defended?"

Seeing the devil coming in, Daguang immediately ordered, "Hit me, hit me!"

"Da da da..." The machine gun started shooting at the devil's cavalry unit!
However, the cavalry company had no intention of retreating at all, and rushed straight towards their trenches!

The saber was shining white under the moonlight, emitting a sharp light.

"Grenade, throw me!" Daguang shouted.

"Killer..." Changsaka yelled loudly, the horse quickly jumped over the trench, and the skilled devil cavalry fought with the Eighth Route Army soldiers with command sabers!
The screams were endless, and Daguang immediately ordered, "Put on the bayonet!"

However, this is no child's play. The Japanese cavalry on the high ground faced these infantry, it was like seeing a flock of sheep, running with horseshoes and waving their swords at will, they could kill several soldiers!
Daguang said to the operator, "Hurry up and call the head of the regiment, and say that the devil's attack is too fierce, and ask for support!"


After finishing speaking, Da Guang took out a machete from his back and rushed forward!
The soldiers' bayonets are no match for the devil cavalry at all. If they kill the red eyes, if they can't beat you Japanese, then kill your horses!

Groups of three or five soldiers pierced their horses with bayonets and besieged the Japanese soldiers lying on the ground.

Da Guang jumped up, the machete slashed in the air, and the devil's head fell to the ground one by one.

The war horse neighed, stop!
"Kill!" Daguang was tireless, and began to make up swords frantically against the devil's cavalry.

The battle was so fierce, Yang Fei received the call and immediately ordered Liu Zhang's troops to go to Heihe from the train station for support!

Yang Fei's palms began to tremble, "Cavalry! How should we deal with this devil's cavalry?"

As he sat there, the soot slowly fell, and he fell to the ground, smashed to pieces!

He wiped his nose, "No, no!"

"Infantry is at a disadvantage against cavalry!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he threw his cigarette butt on the ground and started pacing.


Soon, Daguang's entire battalion and three companies were scattered by the devil's cavalry. The devil seemed to have found the courage at this moment, and immediately chased and killed the scattered soldiers!

Da Guang immediately shouted, "Don't retreat, don't retreat!"

Even so, the soldiers had to retreat quickly in the face of such a tragic situation!

Da Guang held a machete and slashed with many devils. His body was heavy twice, but he still held a machete to fight the devils!
Liu Zhang received the order and immediately let the soldiers run quickly. Since Yang Fei was able to call him, he must have encountered a lot of difficulties. It is also his bounden duty to support Daguang!
Before reaching Heihe, Liu Zhang immediately shouted, "Trumpetmaster, blow the charge horn for me!"

I saw the trumpeter quickly running on a big rock in front, facing the sky and starting to blow the trumpet!

"Come on!" Liu Zhang couldn't wait to save Daguang.

At this time, Daguang heard the charge, which was not far away, and he immediately became excited, "The support troops are here, everyone!"

Blood flowed profusely, and Da Guang's face was covered with the devil's blood, which made his face sticky.

Who knows how long this battle will last?Who can understand how the blood stained the ground red?Never been a soldier, never fought a war?How could you know that in such a battle, only two platoons of Daguang's three companies were left in the end?
In the end, Liu Zhang's troops rushed over, and they rushed over like a dam to release the flood, holding their bayonets high!
Nagasaka immediately reined in the horse, "There are so many people, retreat!"

He yelled, and the remaining 30 horses immediately turned their heads and ran away as if fleeing.

Outline was stunned, his eyes were bloodshot, and he had no strength. Several soldiers ran over and supported him, "Battalion Commander! The devil is gone!"

Tears flowed from Daguang's eyes, and he roared loudly, "Fuck, fuck, I'm going to fight you hard!"

He took a step forward and fell down!
On the battlefield, there are corpses piled on top of each other, and the smell of blood fills the air!
Any sly dog, don't want to step into the land of China, any imperialism, don't want to do whatever they want on the land of China!Today, although the loss is heavy, after coming here, I will definitely repay it double!
Liu Zhanglian asked his soldiers to escort Daguang and the others to receive treatment. Everything here should be defended by them!
The battle here was fierce, and the casualties of Daguang alone reached more than 200 people!
These more than 200 fresh lives stop here!

Liu Zhang on the other side even accepted several charges from the devils!
I originally thought that today I would intercept the devil's transport convoy, but I saw the devil's large-scale attack!
Skinny Monkey Camp rushed over and immediately ordered, "Come on, aren't the devils awesome? We have to show them who is the master here!"

"Da da da..." The voice immediately rang out from the other side!
Liu Zhang was bleeding from his head, and he wiped it with his hand, "Goofy, the skinny monkey is finally here! Comrades, cheer me up, we must hold our position, only by holding here can the common people be safe !"

After finishing speaking, regardless of his injury, Liu Zhang picked up his machine gun and fired at the devils "da da da"!

When Jing Teng received the news that Nagasaka's cavalry company had been beaten back, he immediately frowned, "The Eighth Route Army responded quickly enough, hehe, I underestimated Yang Fei!" After finishing speaking, he said, "What's going on there, Nobi?"

"Report to Mr. Ito, and received news that Houhe has eight reinforcements!"

"How many reinforcements?" Ito asked.

"I'm not sure about this, but I believe that the follow-up reinforcements from the Eighth Route Army will arrive soon!"

"After fighting for so long, let Nobi's people retreat! Now is not the time for a decisive battle!" Ito said.



Seeing the devil retreat, the thin monkey didn't rush to chase after him, and immediately returned to Houhe Highland. Seeing the blood on Liu Ji's head, he immediately took off his clothes and covered Liu Ji! "Come on, hurry up and let Battalion Commander Liu go to bandage up!"

"The remaining people, clean up the battlefield to prevent the devils from attacking again!" After the thin monkey finished speaking, he asked Liu Ji's guards to take Liu Ji away. Liu Ji's battalion was withdrawn, and the thin monkey's battalion was replenished!
It seems that it calmed down all of a sudden!
After calming down, seeing the rising sun in the east, the dazzling light immediately made the soldiers feel relieved.

Devils will not come again!
The devils withdrew!

The thin monkey stared ahead, and the corpses were piled up one by one.

This is the battlefield!
This is war!
This is a life-and-death situation!
At the end of the battle, the Eighth Route Army had more than 300 dead and more than 300 injured. This battle was fierce and exciting!

As for the Japanese army, there were more than 180 casualties!
Look at the numbers!

Yang Fei's heart is bleeding!

Especially the battalion of Daguang, it is like walking in hell, and those who can survive will be the last elites!

Yang Fei was stunned, and Leopard said, "Captain, the battle is over!"

Yang Fei raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot, "Is it over?" He smiled, "No, it's not over, my life is still alive, so I must let the devil know how powerful I am!"

"Yes, the devils will withdraw sooner or later. Commander, Daguang was seriously injured and is still being rescued. Liu Ji is also injured!" Leopard said.

"Damn it!" Yang Fei yelled, "I'll go and have a look!" Saying that, Yang Fei stood up and went out the door!
There were a lot of people standing at the door. No one knew about the battle. After the battle, Shen Wanxi rushed over with two battalions. He also regretted hearing about Yang Fei's injuries. When he saw Yang Fei When he came out, Shen Wanxi went over and said, "Old Yang..."

Before he could speak, Yang Fei shouted, "Go away! I don't want to see you!"

Hu Dahai hurriedly said, "Forget about Lao Shen, Lao Yang is in a bad mood now, let's go back!"

Shen Wanxi shook his head, "Let's go, I don't want to see him yet! The dog, sooner or later, I will ask for it!"

Regiment Hospital.

The yard was covered with blood-stained bandages, and there were endless screams inside.

The blood glistening, how much cleaner than the battlefield?
Yang Fei went in and saw Da Guang lying on the bed, Yang Fei frowned, "How is it?"

The nurse hurriedly said, "Lying here, Battalion Commander Daguang rescued him. There should be nothing wrong, but there is too much blood! He is still in a coma. If it doesn't work, he will need a blood transfusion!"

"Okay, okay, take good care of it!" Yang Fei said.

"Understood the leader!" After the nurse finished speaking, she went over and took Daguang's temperature.

"Where's Liu Ji?" Yang Fei asked.

"Head, come with me, he's here!" said a nurse.

The soldiers lying on the hospital bed saw Yang Fei coming, and greeted excitedly one by one, "Regimental Commander!"



Yang Fei met them and gave them a standard military salute.

The soldiers also saluted him one after another.

"Comrades, I'm sorry I didn't protect you well. I, Yang Fei, feel uncomfortable!" Yang Fei said, "Next time, you must promise me that you will kill me when you see the devil, and don't show any favors! What is a devil? A devil is a small Japanese in Japan, how capable is a small Japanese? Our Eighth Route Army is a bit more capable than them, and it will be their nightmare if you survive! Really!" Yang Fei looked at everyone, entangled one by one Wearing bandages, "They all came back from the gate of hell. The king of hell will not accept you. You are lucky. Next time, I, Lao Yang, will take you with me personally. When I see devils, I will kill one when I see one. If I see two, I will kill a pair! Believe me , I will not let you suffer this again!"

"it is good!"

A soldier roared loudly, and his tears fell down.

"Why are you crying? It's a disappointing thing, wipe your tears away, don't let me see it!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he turned around and left.

When he got to Liu Ji's hospital bed, that guy actually looked at Yang Fei and smiled.

"Damn it, why don't you die?" Yang Fei scolded.

"Hey hey, head, you said, Lord Yan, you won't accept us, if he dares to accept me, you can still go around that Lord Yama, hehe, in the final analysis, with you here, Lord Yama is also afraid of me Ah!" Liu Ji smiled.

"You bastard, can you see clearly when you are fighting? With so much gauze wrapped around your head, when will you get better?" Yang Fei asked.

"Hurry up, I will be discharged from the hospital in a week at most, and I don't want to stay here, Commander, this time, we have lost a lot of battalions! Look, can you go through the back door and give us some supplements?" Liu Ji asked. road.

"Okay, you have to think about this while you're still in the hospital bed. What your trainer is thinking about is not you!" Yang Fei said.

Leopard also said at this time, "Liu Battalion Commander, this time, it is Da Guang's battalion who suffered the most damage!"

"Daguang's battalion?" Liu Ji asked, "What mission is Daguang performing?"

"I met the devil's cavalry company! The Daguang Battalion lost more than 200 people. Fortunately, one of their companies was used to protect the organization! Otherwise, he, the battalion commander, would not have the strength of a company!" Leopard said.

"Hey!" Liu Ji sighed, "Head, I still can't figure out one thing. Tell me, why did this devil kill us so hard? It stands to reason that we should be relatively secretive when we come here. , The devil's sense of smell is so keen? Look, there is the [-]th Division in the west, why don't they fight the [-]th Division? Just stare at our regiment?"

Liu Ji was puzzled, but he just didn't understand that this devil seemed to hate their regiment.

"I don't understand the devil's business. If they want to beat us, let them do it. Try to get well soon, kid. After you're done, there are still many things for you to do!" Yang Fei said.

"Come on, I got it, head, go get busy! In a few days, I'll be able to go to the ground! I'm still dizzy!" Liu Ji said.

"Well, then you should go to bed quickly!" After saying that, Yang Fei stood up and left.

As soon as I left the house, I ran into Zhao Gang!

Holding a kraft paper in his hand, Zhao Gang saw Yang Fei and immediately asked, "Head!"

"Political Commissar, what are you doing?" Yang Fei asked.

"Commander, last night, so many comrades were injured, I have nothing to express, I went to my fellow villager to exchange a chicken, and after a while, I asked someone to stew the chicken, so that the soldiers could drink some soup! " Zhao Gang said.

"Chicken? What did you get for it?" Yang Fei asked.

"Nothing! Alright, head, I'm going!" Zhao Gang left after saying that.

Leopard looked at Yang Fei with his hands behind his back, "Leader, do you know what the political commissar is exchanged for?"

"Nonsense, if I knew, I would have said it!" Yang Fei said. "Maybe, you know?"

"Yes, I can see it!" Leopard said, "The watch on the political commissar's hand is gone! He used to wear it all the time!"

"Watch?" Yang Fei asked, "A chicken for a watch?"

"Yes!" Leopard said.

"Okay, this Zhao Gang seems to be affectionate and righteous! One day, I will definitely give Lao Zhao a watch back!" After saying that, Yang Fei left with Leopard.

In fact, Liu Ji was right. Why did the devils keep staring at them?
Around SJZ, how many regiments are there?Not long after we arrived, we met the devil's special forces, and the devil's cavalry?
Could it be that the Feng Shui here is not good?
Thinking of this, Yang Fei felt a little unbelievable, "Operator, put me through the brigade commander's call!"

When the call was connected, Yang Fei immediately asked, "Brigade Commander, I want to ask you something!"

"You kid, why don't you tell me about the battle first, and talk about this now?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander, I want to ask you, who is the Japanese commander of the SJZ?" Yang Fei didn't answer Li Jiguang's question, and directly threw out his question!
"I just got the news about this, Yang Fei, I'm afraid you will get angry if I tell you!" Li Jiguang said.

"I haven't had that Japanese person make me angry yet. When was it not me who made the devils angry?" Yang Fei smiled.

"You're really right, but you know this person, and he's still your old friend?" Li Jiguang said.

Yang Fei frowned, old friend?
He thought about it in his mind, and locked on to this goal all at once.

"You mean... Ito Ichiro?" Yang Fei asked.

"Hehehe, Yang Fei, you are so smart, you guessed it right away!" Li Jiguang smiled.

"Damn it, let me tell you, why does it feel like it's been targeting our regiment all the time, so it's like this!" Yang Fei said angrily!
"Okay, Yang Fei, explain the situation of this battle to me as soon as possible!" After saying that, Li Jiguang hung up the phone!
(End of this chapter)

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