Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2483 Important Event

Chapter 2483 Important Event

The battle started soon. On the Eastern Front, the Japanese devils who heard the news entered Shen Wanxi's encirclement. They wiped out 230 and eight devils at a very small cost!
Such a victory immediately boosted the morale of Shen Wanxi's group.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the battle was finally over, and the battlefield was quickly cleaned up, and Shen Wanxi hurriedly commanded the team to march west.Among the captured trophies was an Italian gun.

This cannon is just right for dealing with the bunkers on the eastern front of the devils. As long as they blow up the bunkers, they will be in no man's land.

When he learned of this victory, Yang Fei rarely revealed a long-lost smile.

"Shen Wanxi fought the battle beautifully. Not only did he hinder the support of the devils, but he also had Italian artillery. Then, attacking the only defense line left by the devils on the eastern front will become easy!" Yang Fei said, smoking a cigarette.

"My lord... No, Commander. The Eastern Front must be won. Shouldn't the Western Front also be tightened?" Ji Taichang asked.

"Yeah, hurry up and get Hu Dahai's call. This kid is lucky. He intercepted an iron boat belonging to the devil. After a few times, he can go directly to Fenglingdu. However, I don't think this kid will go directly to Fenglingdu. Lingdu, if he goes there, he will only be wiped out by the devils, if I ask you, he will reach the ideal position, and then attack the devils when he sees the opportunity!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, leader, I'll answer the phone right now!" Saying that, Ji Taichang hurriedly asked the operator to come over and put Yang Fei through the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Yang Fei asked, "Hu Dahai, Shen Wanxi on the Eastern Front fought a beautiful victory, why? Do you want to have a victory too?"

"Lao Yang, don't worry, for this battle, I am bound to win. I will not only be more beautiful than Shen Wanxi's battle, but also play my due role!" Hu Dahai's words were like a military order. !

"Okay, I'm optimistic about you, but if you go south from Hejindu this time, you might encounter a devil's patrol boat, so be careful!" Yang Fei instructed.

"Don't worry, Lao Yang, I know it well!"

After speaking, I hung up the phone.Yang Fei still has more confidence in Hu Dahai. After all, his rich combat experience is his advantage.

"By the way!" Yang Fei suddenly thought, "Where is Da Guang? Why can't he find the airport?"

"Will there be any emergency?" Ji Taichang asked.

"Even if you encounter something, you should come back and report it. This guy is getting more and more ignorant now!" Yang Fei was a little angry.

"Haha, Captain, you really think so. I think Brother Daguang should be fine, otherwise he won't come back!" Ji Taichang said.

Yang Fei nodded, now Yang Fei is very short of someone, someone who can replace him to command the war, although Leopard can be used, but Leopard has other things, he is busy with logistics, On the battlefield on the northern front, there is an urgent need for someone who can lead the troops to fight.

Of course Yang Fei knew that Zhao Qifa was the only one missing at the moment. When it came to Zhao Qifa, he should feel very uncomfortable. What happened when he left last time, he left without having time to apologize. The next time I came, I didn't see Zhao Qifa. I didn't see him. Yang Fei felt that such an escape was actually a good thing.

However, he couldn't let it go in his heart.

In the end, Yang Fei still felt that he owed Zhao Qifa an apology, not only that, he also owed Zhao Qifa his fiancée, and even Zhang Da an apology.

He sighed, "If only Lao Zhao was here!"

And at this moment, the correspondent ran in, "Head, Battalion Commander Zhao is here!"

Upon hearing this, Yang Fei immediately stood up happily, but after a while, Yang Fei felt a little embarrassed.

"Head, Battalion Commander Zhao is here!" the correspondent said again.

"Oh, then...then quickly let Battalion Commander Zhao in!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, the correspondent ran out.

After a while, Zhao Qifa came in. As soon as he entered the door, Yang Fei saw that Zhao Qifa was very energetic. He looked at Yang Fei, "Head, you are here!"

"Old Zhao, stay safe!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he left the table. Zhao Qifa happily came over and grabbed Yang Fei's hand, "Head, where have you been?"

"Something happened temporarily, but everything has been resolved!" Yang Fei said.

"That's good, that's good!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Old Zhao, where have you been? Why haven't I seen you these two days?" Yang Fei asked.

"Regimental Commander, I was sent to another regiment by the Brigadier Commander, but when I heard that you were here, I hurriedly told the Brigadier Commander about it, and the Brigadier Commander transferred me back!" Zhao Qifa Said.

"That's great, I thought that no one could use it, but I didn't expect that you are back now, good!" Yang Fei said, "Battle Commander Zhao, I order you now to go to the northern mountainous area immediately, and then take your battalion with you. Attack the devil's line of defense from the north, you must take down the devil's line of defense for me, and put pressure on the devil!"

"Yes!" Zhao Qifa shouted immediately.

"It's really a road that never ends!" Yang Fei said.

Since Zhao Qifa didn't say anything else, can Yang Fei definitely not say anything, especially bad things like that.

No one has ever been willing to admit it, and no one is willing to escape. However, the most important thing at the moment is the current attack on the devils. Originally, the brigade commander gave them an order for three days, and Yang Fei would never The sooner it lasts to three days, the better. Best of all, tonight can deal the biggest blow to the devils!

After speaking, Zhao Qifa took his battalion and left.

Ji Taichang looked at Yang Fei, "Head, looking at Battalion Commander Zhao, I think this person is very reliable!"

"That's right, Battalion Commander Zhao, but I brought him back from the militia company. At that time, he was my company commander, and now he is my battalion commander. This man is reliable, loyal, and dedicated to the cause of our Eighth Route Army. Made a great contribution!"

Yang Fei spoke highly of Zhao Qifa, and he was very happy to see that Zhao Qifa could do this.

"Leader, then you will make a lot of money!" Ji Taichang said.

"With him, I can rest assured about the war in the north!" Yang Fei said.

"In this way, we can wait for their good news!" Ji Taichang said.

Yang Fei smiled.

At this time, Shouhou and Liu Ji came suddenly.

Their faces were heavy, as if they had encountered something terrible.

"Leader, we have discovered a major problem!" said the thin monkey.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

The thin monkey said, "We found that there is more than just the plane on the head to deliver supplies to the devils!"

For Yang Fei, this kind of thing is simply a kind of torture. After such a long time of information, he finally figured out this trick.Yang Fei looked at Shouhou, and then asked, "Shouhou, tell me carefully, where else?"

Whether the information is accurate or not is directly related to the victory or defeat of the war, and the thin monkey hurriedly said, "Leader, Liu Ji and I have been walking south, and we found that there are many Japanese iron wares wandering on the Yellow River in the south. Boat!"

"There are Japanese iron ships on the Yellow River in the south?" Yang Fei was surprised.

"Yeah, we were wondering too. Then, we hurried to take a look. After counting carefully, there were almost a dozen iron boats. How could these iron boats roam the Yellow River so recklessly?" Thin asked the monkey.

"This matter must be tricky. Although the Yellow River has been occupied by the Japanese, the national army has set up many obstacles along the coast for so long. If the Japanese iron ships can roam the Yellow River, they will definitely give the Japanese Attack, if the Japanese have so many iron ships, there is only one possibility, the national army does not want to provoke them at all!" Yang Fei analyzed.

"Then what should we do? These iron boats have been heading west, and they can definitely reach the south of Yanhu Lake. Then, Ito's supplies will be more and more!" Liu Ji also hurriedly said.

"What you said is correct, but we are already on the verge of breaking out, and we have to send it out. You two heard me clearly. Now, hurry up and go to the mountainous area in the north with Lao Zhao. Advance twenty miles, and then reach Stone Village!" Yang Fei said.

"Leader, don't worry, we can definitely do this!" After the thin monkey finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Qifa. "Old Zhao, it's good to be back, our group just needs you!"

"Then let's go!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Okay, let's go!"

After they left, Yang Fei thought about it carefully, "How could the Japanese iron boats be so unscrupulous? Could it be that they bought the national army, or the national army has no intention of fighting at all?"

If Yang Fei thinks about this kind of thing now, he can't imagine it at all. If it comes later, Yang Fei will definitely be able to imagine what it should be.

Mountains to the north.

Liu Zhang and Liu Xun occupied a hill and were sitting in the fortifications. The soldiers kept their eyes on the front, fearing that devils would break in suddenly.

Liu Zhang said worriedly, "Brother, tell me, this mountain is so big, is the mountain we occupy the only commanding height?"

Liu Xun looked at the map, "According to what is marked on the map, this should be the only one!"

"That's good, you say, shall we go forward?" Liu Zhang asked. ,
"Go forward? Why go forward? Our mission is to occupy the top of the mountain!" Liu Xun repeated, "Here, the poor mountains and rivers, how could the Japanese come here?" Liu Xun said.

"I think we should go ahead and see if something happens, we can make adjustments in time. Look, this small hill can't accommodate our two battalions at all!" Liu Zhang said.

"The same goes for Yang Fei. Why did you arrange such a hard job for us? Shouldn't we fight the devil face to face? It's good now, wait for the devil here, when can we wait!" Liu Xun was a little angry, he turned to the ground He spit out, "Alright, let's go forward, if we encounter devils, we will destroy them, if there are no devils, we can march forward!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xun and Liu Zhang ordered, "Let's go, go forward!"

"Let's tell the leader!" Liu Zhang said. ,
"Why? Don't forget, we are not his direct descendants. He has no choice but to let us have some military merits. Let's go, there is no need!" Liu Xun said, assembled the team, and walked straight forward.

But Liu Zhang shook his head, "No, if you really leave like this, Yang Fei blames them, and they can't afford to go around!" He immediately asked someone to call Yang Fei, saying that they occupied the mountain and wanted to Keep going!
Not long after, Yang Fei replied, "Wait, Zhao Qifa went to Battalion Commander Zhao, let him take you forward!"

Facing this order, Liu Zhang couldn't laugh or cry, so he could only quickly send someone to inform Liu Xun. When Liu Xun got the order, he sneered, "Yang Fei is going to delay the fighter plane, we can't listen to him, tell your battalion commander, we will go now." Up front, if there is a situation, let me know!"

Liu Xun didn't listen to the order and forcibly led the people forward.

Liu Zhang ordered people to stop quickly and they had to wait for Zhao Qifa's arrival.

The mountain road is rugged. In fact, in the surrounding area, Liu Xun can't see the mountains coming this way, and he is easily ambushed. If he is ambushed, it is not an exaggeration to wipe out the whole army. Confused about whether to cross the Yellow River west, how could it be possible to ambush in this place now?
How could this kind of fluke not lose?

Not surprisingly, when Liu Xun saw a high ground, he suddenly smiled, and said to the instructor beside him, "Have you seen the high ground in front? If I use soldiers, I will definitely ambush a surprise soldier there. When the enemy comes over, as long as you stand on high ground, who can come over? It’s true that one man guards the gate and ten thousand men can’t open it!"

The instructor also said, "Yeah, that's what I thought too. What's the matter? Battalion Commander, are we going to seize that high ground?"

"Of course!" Liu Xun said, "That highland is better than the one we saw just now. It's obviously higher here, and it's easier to ambush!" After Liu Xun finished speaking, he immediately ordered, "Target, the highland ahead, hurry up and occupy it!" !"

After finishing speaking, the word long snake formed, and immediately rushed to the high ground ahead.

Liu Xun got overjoyed, "Hurry up and call Liu Zhang and tell him that I found a high ground. This high ground can kill any high ground in seconds! Let him come over and defend together!"

After finishing speaking, the operator immediately connected to Liu Zhang over there. When Liu Zhang learned about this, he also hesitated, but soon, he shook his head, "Then let your battalion commander Wait until Battalion Commander Zhao arrives, and we join forces to go there!"

When he learned that Liu Zhang was not excited because he found this high ground, he was a little disappointed. Soon, he ordered, "Within 5 minutes, I want to see you occupy the high ground!"

The top of the mountain was about to move at this time, the subtle voice was drowned out by the wind, and soon, the voice of Liu Xun's troops at the bottom of the mountain appeared in my ears!


Suddenly, a Japanese sentence came from the top of the mountain. As soon as Liu Xun raised his head, he saw the black muzzle of the gun, "I'll go!"


Give the order... bang bang...


Bullets poured down like dense rain, and the soldiers at the foot of the mountain became living targets of the devils. The Eighth Route Army soldiers who had no cover at all were pierced through the chest by the devil's bullets!

"Lie down! Lie down!" Liu Xun shouted.

Afterwards, seeing his soldiers fall one after another, Liu Xun became anxious, "Retreat, retreat quickly!"

Liu Xun shouted loudly.

The soldiers got up from the ground one after another and ran behind them.

However, how could the devil's bullets spare them so easily?

"Whoosh whoosh...

"Whoosh whoosh..."

"Da da da..." The devil's machine gun fired at the retreating soldiers. This was destined to be an annihilation battle, and it was destined to be an undisputed defeat!

The bullet passed through Liu Xun's body and hit the backs of other soldiers. All of a sudden, Liu Xun seemed to understand something, "Even if you die, you can't retreat. What if there are not many devils here?"

After more than half of the retreat, Liu Xun suddenly ordered, "Turn back and wipe out all the devils!

After shouting, the soldiers ran towards the high ground again.

After going back and forth, the troops immediately began to collapse.

In addition, the devil's machine gun didn't stop, and it fired "da da da...". The soldiers faced the devil's bullets and managed to get one step closer to the top of the mountain. However, the crazy bullets immediately hit the soldiers' chests. past.

The soldiers fell one after another, falling into the devil's bullets.

Liu Xun was completely taken aback now.

He opened his eyes wide and froze in place, why?Why?
He didn't know it himself, so he just quietly said to the operator next to him, "Hurry up, tell Commander Liu Zhang that we have been ambushed by devils, and most of the casualties are already high. He can come here, but we are already There is no need to save each other! We will die and martyr our country!"

After speaking, Liu Xun drew out his pistol and fired several shots at the Japanese devils on the top of the mountain.

It can be said that Liu Xun's battalion has no ability to resist. Within the range of the devils, they have already escaped death. This kind of death is a kind of abnormal and completely avoidable!

However, in this world, there is no medicine for regret, and in this world, it is not as beautiful as you imagined.

All kinds of intrigues, all kinds of insidious and cunning, all kinds of elusive things or things.

The setting sun was reflected on the top of the mountain, and the tongue of fire on the mountain seemed to be the beam of light spewed out by the scorching sun, making people unable to take a step closer.

"Come on, comrades, occupy the top of the mountain, no matter what difficulties you encounter, no matter what obstacles you encounter! Nothing can hinder our Eighth Route Army, not anyone, let alone the Japanese devils!" Liu Xun shouted loudly.

"Da da da……"

A shuttle of bullets hit Liu Xun right in the chest.

A mouthful of blood spat out from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were fixed on the front, looking at the mountain I wanted to occupy. Under the setting sun, it was so majestic and magnificent!
Farewell, Liu Xun, farewell!

When Zhao Qifa brought people over and encountered scattered soldiers fleeing, Zhao Qifa hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

"We were ambushed by the devils, and now the devils are ahead,"

"Where's Liu Xun? Where's Battalion Commander Liu?" Zhao Qifa asked.


The soldiers retreated one after another, as if they were frightened by what happened just now.

"Did the devil run down?" Zhao Qifa asked quickly.

"No! No, the devil has been on the high ground!" The soldiers shouted in horror.

Zhao Qifa and Liu Zhang, the thin monkey, rushed to the front of the team. Looking at the corpses all over the mountains and plains, they were immediately furious, but at the same time, they felt sorry.

Liu Zhang couldn't bear his current mood, "Brother Liu Xun! Brother Liu Xun!" The corners of his eyes were moist.

It would be great if Liu Xun was obedient, or better than death, right?

Zhao Qifa hid behind a tree and looked up the mountain with a binoculars. "This place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Let alone a battalion, they are a regiment. I guess they have enough bullets, and even a regiment can't defeat them!"

"Don't talk about those useless ones, this mountain, we have to take it quickly no matter what! The Japanese stay one minute longer, it will be extremely tormenting for us." Liu Ji" said.

"Yeah, come here, take out the treasures from our camp!" Zhao Qifa said.

After Zhao Qifa finished shouting, several people came over carrying things.

"Old Zhao, don't tell me, you have big guns here!" Shouhou asked.

"There are no cannons, but I captured a batch of good things in the last war! Moreover, they were deployed to our battalion. Do you want to know what it is?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"No matter what it is, as long as it can deal with devils, that's fine!" said the thin monkey.

"Don't play tricks, what is it?" Liu Ji asked quickly.

"Come on, lift the cloth!" Zhao Qifa gave an order, and the two soldiers lifted the covered cloth.

It's a bunch of things that look like guns.

"This is?" Liu Ji asked.

"This is a flamethrower!" Zhao Qifa said.

"It's not bullets, but fuel!" Zhao Qifa said.

"How does this work?" Liu Ji asked looking at the thing.

"There is a trigger, it's okay!" Zhao Qifa finished, and then said, "I've heard that, Commander Liu, you have some good things there, hurry up and take them out!"

"I have something good, it's a grenade!" Liu Ji said quickly.

"That's enough!" Zhao Qifa said.

"No, this place is far away from that high ground, at least, we have to move forward fifty steps!" Liu Ji said.

"I'll create this opportunity for you. Your grenadier must hit the devil's mountain accurately. Only in this way can we win!" Zhao Qifa said. ,
"Okay, just move forward fifty steps, it's not far!" After Liu Ji finished speaking, he shouted, "Come here, bring me my grenadier!"

After a while, someone brought a grenadier, "Okay, Battalion Commander Zhao, it's up to you!"

Zhao Qifa glanced at the front, "There is no shelter in front, and it is easy to become a living target for devils! But, I believe you, we charge, you have to quickly fire the grenade towards the top of the mountain!" After finishing speaking, Zhao Qifa shouted Said, "Fill me all the flamethrower with fuel and keep spraying me!"


After finishing speaking, the first echelon started to go up, and the jet of flames illuminated the entire battlefield!The Japanese soldiers on these mountaintops opened their eyes wide, "What's the situation?"

Zhao Qifa laughed, he had to take down this mountain, and according to Yang Fei's order, he had to reach Stone Village!
(End of this chapter)

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