Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2484 Capture the Heights

Chapter 2484 Capture the Heights
Zhao Qifa's flamethrower was really intercepted from the enemy's hands, maybe he learned it from Yang Fei, so Zhao Qifa naturally didn't hand in such a good thing.Bringing him over again this time, just in time, these things can come in handy.

Zhao Qifa looked at Shouhou, "Battlemaster Shouhou, it's up to you this time, let your men move forward, the firepower must be stronger than the devil's, and I will attack from the side too!"

The thin monkey nodded, "Look, I'm sure I can do it!" After speaking, the thin monkey immediately ordered, "One after another. Listen to my order, now, attack!"

After shouting this sentence, the thin monkey's company immediately launched an attack.

It can be clearly felt that Shouhou's company is more organized than Liu Xun's company in attacking, always covering fire and attacking in echelons. Compared with Liu Xun's all-in-one attack, Shouhou's company attacks very quickly!

Soon, Liu Ji won a distance of fifty paces!

Liu Ji immediately ordered, "Bombardier, hurry up, move forward fifty steps! At the distance in front, all the shells must be shot on the devil's high ground!"

"Yes!" After speaking, the bombardier ran forward with the grenadier.

Here, Zhao Qifa sprayed the ground with his flame gun, lit the dry grass, and it burned up all of a sudden. Looking at the direction of the wind, it happened to be blowing up the mountain at this time.

The fire suddenly filled the air, and Zhao Qifa raised a flag for them from below.

"Old Zhao, what are you doing?" Liu Ji asked.

"Look, this is an attack, this is an ambush!" Zhao Qifa introduced Liu Ji. "I stole this from the devil!"

"Haha, I didn't expect that your company commander Zhao is also learning from the barbarians to control the barbarians!" Liu Ji smiled.

"That's for sure. The devil has a way of fighting. If we don't learn it, don't we just beat the devil away for nothing? When we meet other enemies, what should we do? We can't catch them right away?" Zhao Qifa said.

"Unexpectedly, the whole team is improving. This time, I saw the progress of the team leader. You are really my role model!" Liu Ji said.

"So, now everyone must master their own skills in order to contribute to the country!" Zhao Qifa said.He looked back and saw that the flames had already reached the top of the mountain. Liu Ji immediately ordered, "What are you waiting for? Fire!"

I only heard the sound of "boom boom boom..." a few cannons, and a puff of blue smoke rose from the top of the mountain.

As the fire burned, the devil's cry of "Aoooooooooooooo" came from the top of the mountain.

When Liu Ji heard this, he burst out laughing, "Amazing! I didn't expect you to have such a surprise soldier. Battalion Commander Zhao. When I see it, I have to look at you with admiration!"

"Small idea!"

While everyone was talking, Liu Zhang came over, and he said repeatedly, "Battle Commander Zhao, my battalion wants to rush up!"

Zhao Qifa frowned, "The mountain is on fire now, it's very dangerous to go up, wait a while before going up!"

"No," Liu Zhang looked at the body halfway up the mountain, "Liu Xun's body is still on the mountain, I think..."

How can Zhao Qifa not understand this, he nodded, "Okay, you go, but be careful!"

"Okay!" After receiving Zhao Qifa's order, Liu Zhang ordered immediately, "Rush up the mountain and find the body of Liu Xun, Battalion Commander Liu!"

Yes, such a big fire, if Liu Xun's body was burned, how could he recognize it in the end!

In fact, Zhao Qifa had a sense of proportion in his heart. He deliberately let the fire-breathing soldiers set fire on the remains of so many soldiers, just to leave a whole body for everyone.

"This Liu Zhang really failed to achieve more than failed, and his performance in the regiment was unreasonable. Look, that Liu Xun didn't listen to the words of our regiment leader at all!" Liu Ji was a little angry Said.

"Okay, stop talking, Commander Liu Xun and Liu Battalion, now that he has died, we don't have to say too many harsh words!" Zhao Qifa said.

Looking at the figure of Liu Zhang, rushing to the forefront, the fire is like a monster devouring people, opening its bloody mouth, it doesn't care whether you are an enemy or a friend!
"Liu Zhang, Battalion Commander Liu, is a good man, and the regiment leader will not embarrass him!" After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, he immediately ordered, "Listen, everyone, cover Battalion Commander Liu with firepower, and don't let him get hurt!"

This battle was fought beautifully, directly exposing all the ambush points of the devils on the mountain, and wiped out dozens of devils.

After more than half an hour, the fire finally extinguished a lot, Liu Ji ran to the mountain, and immediately ordered, "Come on, give me this machine gun, let's go to Stone Village!"


Hearing a cry, Liu Zhang hugged a dead body and knelt on the ground, tears washed his cheeks into two marks.

"Brother Liu Xun, I'm sorry for you! If I come here with you, maybe you don't have to die!" Liu Zhang cried.

The thin monkey came to his side, "Liu Battalion Commander, you are not right!" After speaking, the thin monkey said, "The regiment leader clearly ordered you not to act without authorization, and waited for the unified order of Zhao Battalion Commander. In the end, Liu Xun acted on his own, and sacrificed here in vain! Look, he is not the only one who sacrificed. The corpses all over the mountains and plains are all young children. , Why did you sacrifice it?"

Liu Zhang was not talking, but he looked at Liu Xun, unable to swallow his breath, "Battlemaster Skinny Monkey, I know what you said, I promise you, I will not act without authorization, but if there are devils, I will It is absolutely impossible to sit idly by! I want to avenge Liu Xun and my brothers who died!"

"Okay, I promise you this!" said the thin monkey, "Look, the team has already set off and is going to Stone Village now! Do you want to go or not!"


As he said that, he put Liu Xun's body on the ground, found a piece of wood, and placed it beside him, as if he had found a spot, and he would come over when the battle was over!
At this time, Jing Teng was sitting on pins and needles, and Iwata was dead! A team in the northern mountainous area was also wiped out. One second before being wiped out, Jiang Bian-kun called him and said that he had wiped out a battalion of the enemy!

This is a gratifying achievement, and Ito has even drawn up a telegram of praise, but what happened in just one hour?Why are dozens of people just gone?

Jing Teng stood up suddenly, "The Eight Routes are too abominable! They attacked at the same time in the east and north. Now, Tsukabe-kun, you immediately lead a small team to occupy Hanping Pass. Set up obstacles at Hanping Pass and organize the Eight Routes to come over!" "

Tsukabe stood up immediately, "Good sir, I will take someone there right away!"

No one would realize how ugly Ito's face must be at this moment!

He clenched his fist and slammed it on the table, "No more mistakes! Absolutely no such low-level mistakes!"

After finishing speaking, someone came in to report, "Your Excellency, Miss Tomoko is here!"

Immediately, Ito stood up, "Miss Tomoko? Isn't she in Tianjin? How could you come here?"

"That's right, it's Miss Tomoko Koizumi!"

"Okay! Miss Tomoko, please come in!" Saying that, Ito straightened his clothes immediately.

Not long after, Tomoko came in.

Not seeing Ito, Tomoko said with a smile, "Ito-kun, are you all right?"

Ito knew Tomoko very early. At that time, Ito was still a student of Koizumi, and he studied Western modern military science with Ito. It was also under Koizumi's leadership that he became an excellent Japanese commander. The senior commander of this generation!
How could Ito not know Tomoko? At that time, Tomoko was still a primary school student. After not seeing him for many years, Tomoko had already become a slim beauty.

"Miss Tomoko, why are you here?" Ito asked.

"I'm here..." Tomoko hesitated to speak, and soon she said, "I heard from my father that you are going to enter Xi'an! I came here this time just to enter Xi'an with you!"

"Go to Xi'an?" Ito frowned slightly. As for whether he could enter Xi'an, he was not very sure. Why did Sophon come?
Is it...

Commander Koizumi no longer trusts him?

But it's not right, Koizumi just talked to him on the phone and said that he would send a plane to support him. At that time, they will bomb Xi'an, and their army will be able to enter Xi'an very quickly!
However, all this did not come so early.

"Miss Tomoko, this is a military zone, it's very dangerous," Ito looked at her after finishing speaking, " did you get in here?"

This is indeed strange, after all, their airport was blown up, and there are also eight roads in the northern mountainous area. Koizumi can enter the southwest corner of the salt lake, which makes Ito a little strange.

"I came here by boat!" Tomoko said with a smile, "When I came here, I heard that the nearby airport was bombed, and there were enemies on the road, so I finally decided to come here by boat!"

"By boat?" Ito swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "How is this possible, the national army has coastal defenses along the coast, how is it possible...

"Ito-kun, you are underestimating your father. He sent someone to talk to those people and gave them a sum of money, so I'm here!" Tomoko said.

Ito nodded, | "Yes, yes!"

"Ito-kun, I can't wait when we hit Xi'an!" Tomoko asked again.

"Miss Tomoko, is there something wrong with you this time?" Ito knew that Tomoko's abnormal behavior was not just him.If you meet a lot of people, you will feel strange.

"Hey!" Tomoko smiled, "I fell in love with someone, and he's in Xi'an, I'm afraid...when you go to Xi'an, he's in danger!"

"Ah?" Ito was stunned for a moment, "A person you like? Miss Tomoko, don't worry, if Xi'an really has our people, I will definitely not do anything!"

"No, he's a Chinese!" Sophon said.

"Chinese?" Ito looked at her strangely, "What kind of Chinese can make Ms. Tomoko so worried?"

"He's just a businessman!" said Tomoko.

"Businessman?" Ito smiled, | "This person is very lucky!"

"I think so too!" Tomoko smiled, "So, when will you go to Xi'an?"

"Ten o'clock at night!" said Ito.

"Oh, that's coming soon!" Sophon murmured, "Yang Fei, Yang Fei, you have to be good, wait for me in Xi'an, and don't say a word to me when you leave!"

Tomoko pouted, very cute.

However, Jing Teng frowned immediately when he heard her words, Yang Fei?Yang Fei?

Could it be Yang Fei with the same name and surname?
Jing Teng asked, "Miss Tomoko, Yang Fei? Which Yang Fei is it?"

"What? Could it be, do you still know Yang Fei?" Sophon looked at him strangely.

"Of course, I know a Yang Fei, an old friend on the battlefield!" Jing Teng said.

"That's not it! The Yang Fei I know is just a businessman!" But after speaking, Tomoko asked, "What? Is there a photo? Let me take a look?"

Originally, Sophon wanted to ridicule this person, and then highlight Yang Fei's greatness.

Jing Teng asked someone to bring Yang Fei's photo over, and said, "Come on, have a look, is it this person?"

Tomoko Koizumi pouted, and took it from Ito's hand. Seeing it, Tomoko suddenly smiled, "Yes, yes, this is the person, this is the person I am looking for, I like him!"

But after finishing speaking, Koizumi's son frowned, "This... is your opponent?"

"Miss Tomoko, do you know him?" Ito asked in surprise.

"Of course!" Tomoko Koizumi said, "How could I not know him, he...why..."

"This guy!" Jing Teng held Yan Fei's photo in his hands, "How dare you lie to your feelings!"

"That's impossible! Ito-kun, did you make a mistake?" Koizumi Tomoko asked.

"Wrong? Impossible, he and I are old friends! This opponent is very tough, look, where I am, I was beaten here by Yang Fei!"

"So, Yang Fei is the Eighth Route Army?" Tomoko Koizumi still couldn't believe it!
"Miss Tomoko, please don't worry, I will definitely capture Yang Fei for you! However, it's time for me to capture Xi'an!" After finishing speaking, Ito said, "I will send you back immediately, It's really not safe here!"

With that said, Ito ordered, "Come here, send Miss Tomoko to the boat, and then send it back!"

But, at this time, someone is here!
"Your Excellency, the Eighth Route Army has been discovered in the east of the Yellow River!"

"What?" Jing Teng asked, "The Eighth Route Army? What are they doing on the Yellow River?"

"This is not very clear!"

"Baga!" Ito yelled, "It's really pervasive, these abominable Eighth Route Army!"

"Ito-kun, what's the matter?" Koizumi Tomoko asked.

"Miss Tomoko, please rest assured, aren't you going to Xi'an? Tonight, I will take you there!" Jing Teng said.

Tomoko nodded, "Okay!"

At this moment Sophon was in a bad mood, why did Yang Fei lie to himself?Why is Yang Fei not a businessman, but a soldier?
There are not so many reasons, this is the way it is!
Hu Dahai on the west side received Yang Fei's order and immediately ordered all the soldiers to board the boat. Sure enough, there was no room for so many people in one boat, so he divided them into two batches and headed south together!
This is to teach Ito a lesson!
The iron boat arrived at the designated location smoothly, and Hu Dahai immediately ordered everyone to enter the ambush position immediately, not to expose themselves, let alone let others see them!
According to the terrain that Hu Dahai inspected, he will launch an attack on the devil's headquarters in a very short time!
Unlike in the past, Hu Dahai is now a group that has been chased back. There are hundreds of people who attack the devils.
An held back his emotions, Hu Dahai took a deep breath, "I really hope that this day will get dark quickly!"

At the same time, Shen Wanxi led the men, pushed the Italian cannon, and blew up the devil's blockhouse to pieces without any effort!
"Listen everyone, if you see a devil, hit me!" Shen Wanxi ordered!

With the blowing of the charge horn, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, like tigers descending from the mountain, have not heard such a powerful charge horn for a long time!
This is the charge of the duel.

a cup of tea.


Wang Wei waited for the phone to ring.

Li Jiguang on the side is fine.

"Old Li, do you trust Yang Fei so much?" Wang Wei asked.

Li Jiguang smiled, "You don't know! I know Yang Fei, and you should know too. This person is Han Xin. For him, the more troops the better, for him a regiment is simply too little. Now, I have transferred Hu Dahai and Shen Wanxi to him, which is very important for the final decisive battle. Although we also know Jing Teng's every move, Yang Fei has always been on the front line, and he can do well. , and can quickly integrate into it!"

"It's been so long, and I haven't seen him give us a message!" Wang Wei said.

"Political commissar, are you in such a hurry?" Li Jiguang smiled.

"Why don't you worry, I'll give him three days! Can he give us a satisfactory answer?" Wang Wei asked.

"It won't take three days. Today is the second day. For Yang Fei, time is more pressing than we are. Perhaps, great progress has been made now. Is he busy with directing?" Li Jiguang said.

"Let's just be a polished commander?"

"No, after leaving Yang Fei's place, we still have two regiments, these two regiments, now I plan to let them attack the devils in the Luliang area!" Li Jiguang said.

"Hahaha!" Wang Wei laughed, "I understand! You, you are even more powerful than Han Xin, you can play two decks of cards in one hand, and even if you don't care about one hand, you can know The trend of war, another hand of cards, you only need one sentence to know the final result! You have a more miraculous mission than Yang Fei. You are even more powerful than the boss!"

"Haha, don't dare to talk nonsense about this! How can we say that we are now brigade commanders, and I am very sure about Yang Fei!" When Li Jiguang finished speaking, the phone rang.

Li Jiguang and Wang Wei stood up from their chairs at the same time, "Haha! Lao Li, you still say you don't care. Look, the phone rang, and you are more anxious than me!"

"Haha!" Li Jiguang smiled.

The operator brought the phone over, "Brigade Commander, Commander Yang's call!"

"What did I say? This Yang Fei must have made progress!" Li Jiguang answered the phone, "Yang Fei, tell me!"

"Brigade Commander, the east, west, north, and third lines are in place now, please give instructions!"

"What is the third line? I don't understand what you are talking about?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Ah? Brigadier, didn't I report to you? Shen Wanxi's department on the east line has blown up the devil's bunker, Hu Dahai's department on the west line has supervised the production of ships and reached the hinterland of the devil, and the team led by Zhao Qifa on the north line has already Occupied the absolute high ground! The third line has become three sharp knives, just waiting to completely wipe out the devils!"

Yang Fei said.

"Damn it, when did this happen? Why didn't you tell me? Did you tell me now?" Li Jiguang cursed happily and angrily.

"I thought... I thought I already told you!" Yang Fei muttered.

"Okay, I don't care about other things, what I want is you, quickly launch an attack on Jing Teng's troops, and wipe them out before the devils cross the Yellow River west!" Li Jiguang asked, "When will the task be completed?" !"

"I don't know, but I will try my best to wipe out Ito as soon as possible!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Okay, what I want is your domineering spirit. The political commissar gave you three days to come up with a plan. I didn't expect that you would have made substantial progress in two days!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, I'm off to work then!" After speaking, Yang Fei hung up the phone.

Li Jiguang who hung up the phone looked at him with a smile, "I told you, Yang Fei is someone I value, and he has a bright future!"

"Haha, Lao Li, I admire you! However, since Yang Fei has made such great progress, I am really happy! If there is no accident, it will take two days at most! Yang Fei can definitely give us a big surprise! "Wang Wei said.

"Two days? I don't believe it. One day at most. By eight o'clock tomorrow morning, Yang Fei's attack will definitely deal a substantial blow to the devil!" Li Jiguang really has confidence in Yang Fei.

"Haha, that's half a day! How about we make a bet?" Wang Wei asked.

"Okay, what are you betting on?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Two taels of wine!" Wang Wei said with a smile.

"Do you drink?" Yes, Wang Wei never drank, and Li Jiguang found it interesting to bet on wine this time.

"This wine, if I lose, I will bring the wine to Yang Fei. If you lose, give me the wine and do whatever I want!" Wang Wei said.

"Okay, that's a good idea! Commissar, you're doomed! Just now Yang Fei said that he's going to attack the devils!" Li Jiguang stood up and picked up the teacup on the table.

It was already cold, he frowned, "It's a pity, the top-ranked Longjing!" After finishing speaking, he still drank it in one gulp.

The weather is good, the stars in the sky are slowly appearing, and the crickets seem to be tired of the summer, making a lot of noise.

In every conceivable summer evening scene, there seems to be everything here!
Yang Fei went to the courtyard alone, and Ji Taichang followed behind, "Do you have something on your mind?"

"Haha, no!" Yang Fei said with a smile.

"Today is the decisive battle between you and Ito!" Ji Taichang asked Yang Fei to sit on the chair.

(End of this chapter)

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