Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2485 Hanping Pass

Chapter 2485 Hanping Pass

Hanping Pass.

It is an ancient pass standing in the northern mountainous area. The age of this pass is about 700 years old. The special feature of Hanping Pass is that it is a large limestone material. Mixed with glutinous rice, lime, glue and other auxiliary materials.It is such a pass, it looks inconspicuous, but this pass connects the two peaks on the left and right, which can completely block Zhao Qifa and the others!
When Zhang Qifa saw such a pass, it seemed to appear suddenly, he immediately looked at the thin monkey and asked, "When did this happen? Why is there no mark on the map?"

"I don't know, why didn't the leader tell us?" Shouhou asked quickly.

"No matter what, I must take down this pass, so that we can reach Shitou Village on time. Only when we reach Shitou Village can we launch a general attack on the devils!" Zhao Qifa is very clear about this.

"Old Zhao, is there another way? If we waste too much time here, there is no need at all. Or, let's take a detour?" Liu Ji said.

"There are no other roads on the map! Besides, if we make a detour, time will be wasted!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Then what should we do? I watched Hanping close, but there were Japanese guarding it!" Liu Ji said.

"No matter what, fight!" Zhao Qifa said simply and rudely.

At this moment, the phone next to the operator rang.

He immediately connected, "Okay, I'll give it to Battalion Commander Zhao right away!"

With that said, he ran to Zhao Qifa's side, "Battle Commander Zhao, call the team leader!"

Zhao Qifa picked up the phone, and Yang Fei over there seemed a little anxious, "Old Zhao, have you arrived at Stone Village yet?"

"Head, now something has happened. In the direction leading to Stone Village, there is a pass in front of me. I am about to order to seize this pass!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Pass? Where is the pass?" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he quickly looked on the map.

"This pass is called Hanping Pass, Captain, there is no sign on the map at all!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Holy shit, this pass appeared for no reason! It is very necessary for you to take down the Hanping Pass within an hour. After an hour, we will mobilize all forces!" Yang Fei said.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" After finishing speaking, Zhao Qifa handed the phone to the operator, and then said to Liu Ji, the thin monkey Liu Zhang, "Now, no matter what price we pay, we must complete this task. How strong, Battalion Commander Liu, try your mortar!"


After speaking, Liu Ji went to prepare.

When Liu Ji assembled his team and arrived at a hidden location, he checked the location with his eyes, and then ordered, "Okay, from this location, do you see the pavilion above Hanping Pass? Just bomb that pavilion for me." !"


Liu Ji was full of confidence, and this was a great achievement, allowing Liu Ji to take advantage of it.

He squatted, then raised one hand, "Ready!"


With an order, "Tom tom tom..."

There was a sound of cannonballs, hitting the pavilion that Liu Ji had mentioned at an unbiased distance from the target.The pavilion shook a few times, and then burst into flames.

Liu Ji smiled, "Very well, come on, let's have another round of shells, let the devil taste whether the mortar is sweet or salty!"

After speaking, he raised a hand again, "Get ready!"


"Tom tom tom..."

A burst of shells hit the city wall of Hanping Pass, emitting thick smoke, but after waiting for a while, nothing changed!

Liu Ji rubbed his head, "Damn it, what's going on?"

"Come on, hit it again!" Liu Ji shouted, raising one hand, "Get ready!"


"Tom tom tom!"

This time the gunfire was noticeably louder.

However, after the thick smoke passed, there was nothing!

Liu Ji was a little unbelievable. So many shells had been fired. It stands to reason that every hole should be punched. However, what is the situation?You can still see devils looking around on the tower!

Zhao Qifa shook his head and hurried to Liu Ji's side, "Commander Liu, what's going on?"

Liu Ji shook his head, "Old Zhao, this is unscientific. Have you seen that not a single hole was blown up by the devils! It seems that the caliber of our shells is too small. It would be great if we had a cannon!" "

"The problem is, we don't have cannons at all now!" As he spoke, he called Shouhou and Liu Zhang over.

"Now, mortars can't break through the devil's walls. We have to find another way!"

"Old Zhao, in my opinion, let's go the old way and blow open the devil's city gate, what do you think?" asked the thin monkey.

"Yes, I thought so too. Have you seen that there is no obstacle at the gate of the devil's city? Send a team of death squads there, and the explosives will blow up the gate of the devil's city. If we charge, we will definitely cause huge damage to the devil Casualties!" Zhao Qifa forgive me, and immediately ordered, "Liu Zhang, Battalion Commander Liu, tell your people to quickly aim their guns at the city wall and organize firepower, Salt Lake Death Squad!"


"Skinny Monkey Battalion Commander, you immediately organize a death squad to explode the devil's city gate!" Zhao Qifa ordered again.

"Yes!" After saying that, the thin monkey hurriedly went to give orders.

"Battalion Commander Zhao!" Liu Zhang spoke suddenly.

"I want... I want to join the Death Squad!" Liu Zhang said.

"No! Not now, let's do it next time!" Of course Zhao Qifa would not agree, he is the commander of a battalion, his life can't be in danger, for such a dangerous thing, no one can turn to him!
"Battle Commander Zhao, just let me go! I promise to complete the task!" Liu Zhang said again applying.

"No, Commander Liu, look, there is a battalion of brothers behind you now, and they are still waiting for you to unify their command. I know that you want to avenge Liu Xun, but, then wait until the city gate When it breaks, I will kill as many Japanese devils as you like!" Zhao Qifa's flat refusal made Liu Zhang feel uncomfortable.

However, an order is an order, and he must obey it.

"Yes!" He shouted all his strength into this word.

The thin monkey on the other side had already prepared a death squad of five people. These five people are all experts in various skills, especially ground blasting operations, which is their strong point.

Thin Monkey organized the rest of the people to a distance where they could attack the city wall, and then let everyone hide.

Zhao Qifa glanced at the thin monkey, and the thin monkey understood, and immediately ordered, "Listen up, death squad, come on!"

"Yes!" After saying that, the five strong men immediately carried the explosives. There was some shelter on the short road in front of Hanping Pass, so they quickly reached the last hidden place.

The thin monkey watched nervously. From the last hidden place to the gate of the city, there was at least 50 meters away. To reach this distance safely, their firepower had to be stronger than that of the devils. He saw He glanced at Zhao Qifa.

Zhao Qifa raised a hand, "Everyone is ready, cheer our strong men, the firepower must hit the devils above, and ensure that our strong men can blast the city gate smoothly!"

As Zhao Qifa dropped his hand, "Fire!
Liu Ji was not stingy with the mortar in his hand, "Gunner, prepare for me, and shoot all the shells on the city wall!"

"Da da da da..."

"Bang bang..."

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Bullets and cannonballs seemed to be mixed into a wonderful note, mixed with anger towards the world and desire for life. When the bullet hit the city wall, a tiny hole was not enough to explain anything.

The five strong men heard the cover fire, "Okay, since the battalion commander trusts us so much, even if the five of us lose our lives, we will blow up the devil's city gate! Prepare for the final victory!"

After finishing speaking, the five people quickly ran towards the city gate with the explosive pack in their arms!
At this time, at the crenel, there was a sudden "da da da" machine gun sound from the devils,
The five strong men have long been accustomed to this kind of operation. They walked in a snake shape, jumping and jumping, and when they were about 20 meters before reaching the gate of the city, the five of them threw the explosive package on the city gate in unison. The position at the door, and then they immediately crawled and quickly lay down on the front.

"Damn it, firepower, firepower cover, protect our strong men!" The thin monkey shouted loudly.

"The firepower must be strong to ensure the safety of our soldiers!"

Zhao Qifa is also quite nervous. For him, it is necessary to ensure that they will not be sacrificed.
When they saw the city gate, the five of them suddenly became happy, because the only thing left to win was to ignite the explosives!
Seeing hope, the strong men quickly crawled to the front gate of the city.

Zhao Qifa, who was watching from a distance, let out a smile, "Stable!"

Yes ah, steady!
As long as the city gate is blown open, their charge is enough to wipe out the devils at Hanpingguan!
However, at this time, a grenade was suddenly thrown from the city gate, "Not good!"

Only ten meters away, this distance is the distance of victory!

There was an explosion, and a hole was blown out of the ground.

They quickly held their heads.

"Hurry up!"

However, there was already a strong man who died at the gate of the city. One grenade after another caught the five strong men by surprise, so why bother?Only by blowing up the city gate can the war be won in the end!

The remaining four people immediately stood up and charged towards the gate of the city.

The best thing is that all four of them reached the gate of the city safely.

The strong men laughed, as if they were one step away from death, they could see victory!

"Okay, bring me all the explosives, and the three of you quickly hide under the city wall!"

"No, I'll detonate the explosives! I run fast!"

"Let me do it!"

"Okay!" An unknown strong man denied it immediately, "It's still me, you follow my orders!"

Seeing that the remaining three strong men remained silent, he said again, "I joined our revolutionary team in [-]. You are all later than me. I am a veteran. Listen to me!"

Tears welled up in the eyes of the three people immediately, "This...can't be said about age, can't we reach under the city wall at the same time?"

"Yes! But, I run fast, and I will follow you closely!" After speaking, the strong man pushed them away.

The three hid under the city wall outside the city gate with tears in their eyes.

Let's call this unknown strong man the first strong man, because no one knew their names later, and even this kind of heroic behavior was too much in the Revolutionary War!
"I'm going to detonate the explosives!" Said the first strong man.

And at this moment, from the top of the city tower, a horse refusal post was suddenly thrown down.

When the fuse was ignited, Warrior A ran back, but was hit hard by the refusal horse, and then, unfortunately, was hit.


The strong men at the door yelled loudly, when they were going to get rid of the horse-rejecting post, there was an explosion inside!


The power of five explosive packs is enough to blow up the city gate.

A huge energy knocked their bodies down.

The city gate was broken, and the first strong man could not find where the bones were. Zhao Qifa, who was watching from a distance, was shocked. He even raised his hand, "Listen to me, listen to me, now, I'm going to kill these people , charge me!"

With a cry, the charge horn sounded on the mountain, the charge sounded like an iron fence, and put all the unrestrained soldiers back to the wild age. They rushed down the hillside and rushed towards the gate of the city.

The three soldiers at the gate of the city will definitely have an impact on the charge when they drive to the horse rejection post, "Come on, let's get rid of the horse rejection post!"

The horse-rejecting posts are taller than them, but so what?

They gritted their teeth, the veins on their temples popped, and they shouted, "One, two, three, push!"

As if they heard the movement of the people below, the devils threw grenades down one after another!

However, the three warriors pushed the horse-rejection pile forward without fear of death.


The sound of the explosion seemed to cheer them up. Their comrade died here. It is a kind of luck that they can live longer than him!
The horse refusal pile moved, drawing a beautiful arc on the ground.

"One, two, three, push!"

Pushing all the energy in one direction, the rejection horse pile seemed to be moved by them.The arc became bigger and bigger until it formed a right angle with the gate of the city.

They laughed!

However, how could the devil's grenade let them go so easily.




After the explosion ended, no one saw them standing up again.

This kind of firm will, this spirit of sacrificing one's life and forgetting to die, Zhao Qifa saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. This was not a simple battle, but a condensed spirit of all of them!
Soon, Hanping Pass was occupied by soldiers of the Eighth Route Army!

Eleven devils were captured!
When the soldiers brought the devils to Zhao Qifa, Zhao Qifa looked at the devils with red eyes.

"Battalion Commander Zhao. You said, leave these devils to me!" Liu Zhang said.

Tsukabe was ordered by Ito to defend Hanping Pass. Unexpectedly, in less than an hour, he was captured by the Eighth Route Army. Although this was a small-scale battle, they would lose. I had already prepared to apologize to the emperor, but I didn't expect that this time, I was still captured by the Eighth Route Army.

Of the dozen or so people, many were beaten and killed by soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, and the rest, including him, eleven, were all captured.

Liu Zhang's request made Zhao Qifa fall into deep thought. It stands to reason that they cannot kill these captives!

However, Liu Zhang also agreed to it just now.

"Battle Commander Zhao, I hope you can abide by the agreement just now!" Liu Zhang said again.

The thin monkey looked at Zhao Qifa, "Old Zhao, let me teach him the prisoner, what can happen?"

"Ah?" Zhao Qifa didn't know what would happen.

However, seeing Liu Zhang's request, he couldn't refuse, "Okay, I'll hand over these captives to you. If something goes wrong, I'll take care of it!" Zhao Qifa patted Liu Zhang on the shoulder.

Liu Zhang smiled slightly.

"Okay, everyone, come with me, let's go to Stone Village!" After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, the troops followed him and left.

The heroes who had been buried outside the Hanping Pass had already been remembered by Huangtu.

Tsukabe looked at Liu Zhang in horror.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to kill me?" Tsukabe asked.

"You guessed right! If I stay here, I'm going to kill you!" After speaking, Liu Zhang had already loaded the bullet.

"No, according to international law, you can't kill prisoners!" Zukabe shouted.

"According to international law, it seems that you can't kill civilians, you can't kill children, women! You can't use violent weapons! Now you tell me that you can't kill prisoners. Why? Why can you Japanese have the final say?" Liu Zhang Point the gun at the side of the mound.

On the verge of life and death, no one is willing to die, and his heart is full of waves. For a long time, he thought that it was reasonable to apologize to the emperor, but when he was really facing death, it seemed that he was alive. A luxury.

The muzzle of the gun was pressed against his forehead, and the mound said, "You despise international law, and you will also be punished!"

This sentence made Liu Zhang even more angry, "Retribution, it seems that this retribution should be left to you! The Nanjing Massacre, in Northeast my country, your anger bomb! In North China, your Sanguang policy! Have you ever thought about it? , your retribution?"

"Do you want to talk about those long-ago things?" Tsukabe asked.

"Long time?" Liu Zhang smiled, "Hehe, hehe! Hahahaha! It's not too long ago, do you believe it? As long as there are Chinese people, everyone's bone marrow will prove the barbarism of you Japanese, and you The evidence of the Japanese! It is impossible for generations to forget!"

Tsukabe frowned, "Perhaps, you have some misunderstandings about us. We want to save you Chinese and rescue you from the barbaric era. Look, we Japanese are big brothers..."

"Get out! When did you Japanese become big brothers? Have you been affirmed by us Chinese? I know, I have told you so much, and you will not be willing to accept your failure. Only if you die, you Only then can we know the fate of offending the Chinese!"

This resounding sentence made Tsukabe's body tremble.

"You let me go, I promise to give you glory and wealth, let you go to Japan, in Japan, I can give you everything you want!" Tsukabe turned his head slowly!
"Can you give me what I want?" Liu Zhang asked,

"Of course! Of course!" Tsukabe seemed to think there was hope in this matter.

"Okay, then resurrect my dead comrades and thousands of citizens!" Liu Zhang said with a smile, "You think you are omnipotent, but you are wrong!"

The side of the mound was trembling, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch, "No, no, listen to me, don't shoot!"

"Okay, then I promise you, shoot now, and soon, you won't feel the slightest pain!" As he said, Liu Zhang kicked the side of the mound to the ground, and pointed the pistol at his heart . "Bang bang bang..."

Three shots down, Tsukasa is dead!
Not moving on the ground!
The remaining ten devils slowly huddled together, and they looked at Liu Zhang in horror.

"Don't be afraid, your hands are all stained with Chinese blood. This time, you are free!" As he said, Liu Zhang's bullets, full of anger, shot all of them in the heart.

The devils were wiped out!
This is not a fact, but it has become a fact!
When Liu Zhang returned to Stone Village, Zhao Qifa knew what had happened when he saw the blood on his body.

"It's over?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"It's over!" Liu Zhang seemed relieved.

"It's good when it's over. Just now, the regiment leader said, let us obey the order. The general offensive is about to start. Hurry up and take a rest. Maybe, there will be a few days and nights of sleepless nights!" Zhao Qifa said with concern.

"Okay, thank you, Battalion Commander Zhao!" Liu Zhang said, and left.

Skinny Monkey came over, "Old Zhao, report for annihilation!"

"Well, that's the only way to go!" Zhao Qifa said.

"These devils deserve to die, so who cares about our feelings? Why should we care about our feelings! Look, there is no one in Stone Village now. Where have these people gone?" asked the thin monkey.

"I don't know, did you go to seek refuge?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"Evacuation? Impossible?" The thin monkey knew the tricks of the Japanese devils, and then said, "If you take refuge, have you seen the food in this house? How could you not take it away!"

"Then what do you mean?" Zhao Qifa's mind was tumbling quickly, and he also had a bad premonition.

"Obviously, the villagers were taken away by devils!" The thin monkey looked around.

"If there are no accidents, there will be no ghosts in the surrounding villages!" Shouhou continued.

"It seems that the devil is going to play tricks with us again, which will be much more difficult!" Zhao Qifa said.

"We should report this matter to the head of the group and see what the head of the group means!" Shouhou reminded.

"Okay, I'll ask!" As he spoke, he called the operator over.After answering Yang Fei's call, he reported the situation here truthfully.

Yang Fei didn't speak for a long time.

"Head, what should we do if we encounter devils cheating?" Zhao Qifa asked again.

"Let's go and see, our bullets can never be aimed at our own people!" Yang Fei said, "If you encounter such a thing, report it to me!"

"Good team leader!" Zhao Qifa hung up the phone!

(End of this chapter)

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