Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2487 Destroy the security group

Chapter 2487 Destroy the security group

The riot was subdued under the action of the gun, and most of the rest were old and weak women and children. They were forcibly locked in a room, and then Baoya and a few people packed up a hurried room. The girl was tied up, her mouth Shang shouted for help at the top of her lungs, but who could save her at this time?
The third concubine that Ma Lao Er forcibly took in, skipped many steps and went directly to the final step of entering the bridal chamber.

Under the sound of his little brother screaming wildly, Ma Laoer happily entered the bridal chamber!
In the most difficult times, the ones who bully others are still their own people.

That's what many people don't expect.

Ma Laoer was excited, he locked the door, and quickly put the sweaty clothes on the ground.He shouted happily, "Today, you've got the honor, I've got you in my eye!"


When Li Mobai's troops were walking to the west of Zhongtiao Mountain, they heard gunshots, and he immediately ordered, "Everyone, walk as far as you can, the gunshots are not far away!"

Soon, the intelligence agent ran over, "Leader, in the village three miles away, we found people from the security team!"

"The dog is so close to us, it's their bad luck!" Li Mobai shouted, "Hurry up, a battalion, hurry up and help those ordinary people!"


Li Mobai got on the horse, "The rest of the people, let me go as quickly as possible!"

With that said, they dropped their luggage and went into battle lightly.

When he arrived at the village, Li Mobai saw that a group of people were not outside the same room, thinking something serious had happened, he immediately shouted, "Shoot!"

With this order, the soldiers of the first battalion took the seized weapons and hit the security guards with a "da da da".

The sound of the gunshot didn't sound like their pistols. Ma Laoer just tore off the girl's clothes, and suddenly became terrified, "It can't be eight roads, can it?"

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately got up and opened the door naked. Just as he took out his pistol, he saw many soldiers lying down at the door! "

"Baoya!" Ma Laoer yelled loudly.

Baoya hid behind a tree, looked at Ma Laoer in the room, "Captain, Ba Lu! Ba Lu!"

"Eight ways? How could there be eight ways? How many people?" Ma Lao Er asked.

"Probably seventy or eighty!" Baoya shouted.

"Son of a son of a bitch, there are so many people!" After finishing speaking, Ma Laoer went to the window, opened the window, looked around for no one, and quickly ran away from the window!
The fierce gunshots stunned the security team, "Baoya, where's the captain?"

"Captain, you're still inside!

Unknown Bucktooth shouted.

"What should I do? Should I fight or not?"

"Fuck shit, you can beat it, run!" After Baoya shouted, he hurried to the back wall of the house, and then hurried up the hill.

"Baoya ran away! Let's run too!" After speaking, those members of the security team stood up and ran away!

One or two can run, but with so many people, how can they run all the way?
Seeing that they were vulnerable, Li Mobai immediately ordered, "Follow me, make sure not to leave any of them behind!"

The soldiers charged immediately.

It is destined that this battle lasted only a few minutes, and dozens of members of the security team were all killed immediately.

Li Mobai entered the room and saw the woman on the bed with disheveled clothes, so he quickly turned around, "Sorry, get up!"

He went out first by himself, and then asked a soldier to stand at the door, "Watch it, no one can go in!"


This matter will not be over until the villagers are rescued!
The villagers watched the Eighth Route Army rescue them again and were grateful. At this time, your girl was untied from the rope and came out. She was wrapped in a dress and was in a very bad spirit.

"Folks, we are all our own people. The people just now are all members of the security regiment. This time, we are going to eliminate these black sheep!"

Li Mobai shouted.

"That person ran away, ran away!"

"Run away? Who ran away?" Li Mobai asked.

"It's just an attempt..."

As soon as this sentence came out, Li Mobai understood, "Okay, leave this matter to us!" Li Mobai said, "Folks, you have worked hard!"

After finishing speaking, Li Mobai ordered the battlefield to be cleaned up, and then led the whole regiment to the west.

He and his brigade headquarters reported the current situation, and then he was sent to the front line, saying that he was asked to support the battle!

He told Yang Fei about this, and Yang Fei was overjoyed, "That's great, Lao Li, you just go west and find Shen Wanxi's troops, and fight with him!"


Yang Fei gave the general attack order.

However, Shen Wanxi never expected that on this endless plain, there would be devils ambushing everywhere, and they were broken into pieces, causing considerable losses to Shen Wanxi's team!

Moreover, on the plain ahead, the devils dug trenches. If you don't look carefully, how can you find the trenches of these devils?
Hesitant devils are prepared, and Shen Wanxi's ability to push forward is much smaller.

Regarding the attack that Yang Fei mentioned, he has not made any progress!
When the guard said, "Li Mobai and Captain Li are here!"

Shen Wanxi said happily, "That's great, I didn't expect that Li Mobai is here, please come in quickly!"

Li Mobai came in, and Shen Wanxi quickly came to Li Mobai, "Leader Li, I didn't expect you to come here! The leader told me that I will assist you in launching a general attack!"

"Head Shen, this statement is wrong. I was ordered to come here to assist you. Since you are the host, please tell me about the current situation!" Li Mobai said.

"Captain Li, it's really difficult now. Look, there are plains ahead. I thought, we blew up the devil's bunker, and we could drive straight into the plain. Unexpectedly, the devil dug a lot of trenches. These The trenches are all intricate and have passages to each other, whether they are retreating or defending, we will not be able to gain any ground!" Shen Wanxi was very distressed.

"This devil is really shrewd. Using this method to delay our attack, no way, we have to open a gap!" Li Mobai said.

"I also know that the bombing with Italian cannons had little effect. Look at the ravines, which had a great impact on our charge. I think there were almost no devil casualties during the bombing!" Shen Wanxi said.

"You're really treacherous and cunning!" After finishing speaking, Li Mobai rubbed his chin, "We must rush over, as long as we reach the devil's trench, we will almost win!"

That's what I said, but how can I get in?

It's not easy!

For Shen Wanxi, he launched several charges, but was shot back by the devil's machine gun!

Dozens of fighters had already been sacrificed, and he couldn't make fun of the lives of so many fighters.

Li Mobai looked at it. There are plains everywhere, and the highest point is only a few meters high. If you want to rush over, it will be really difficult!

However, this does not mean that it is absolutely impossible. He asked Shen Wanxi, "Commander Shen, do you know where this devil's machine gunner is?"

"I did the math. The devil's machine guns are probably on the south side, the middle, and the north side. There are three machine guns. In addition, I have many hidden machine guns that I haven't found yet!" Shen Wanxi said.

"These devils are so shrewd!" Then, Li Mobai turned his head and said to his deputy commander, "Go, get me the snipers from last time, let them find something, and use the machine Get rid of the shooter!"


The order came down.

In fact, Li Mobai is very grateful to Yang Fei. From the beginning of the bridge bombing operation, Li Mobai ended in failure. With the help of Yang Fei for the second time, he successfully blocked the devil's bridge repair operation, and even gave up the bridge. This kindness Well, Li Mobai can't forget, even though it was all for the revolutionary cause, when the meritorious service was recorded in the end, it was recorded on Li Mobai!
Otherwise, if someone else was promoted to head, he would not have his share.

This is repayment?No, for Li Mobai, this is to help Yang Fei, without asking for anything in return!To put it bluntly, this is Li Mobai's final victory for the revolution!
There is no commanding height anywhere, but those snipers saw the tree!

As long as you climb a tree, can't you be completely condescending?

They surrounded themselves with branches and started shooting with sniper rifles.

Soon, the devil's machine gunner was exposed within range!


The sound was so small that they thought it was just a bird chirping!
"Head, the machine gunner in the south has been killed!" said the deputy head.

"Okay!" Li Mobai clapped his hands, "What you did is really beautiful!"

Upon hearing this, Shen Wanxi hurriedly asked, "Captain Li, has a machine gunner been killed already?"

"Yeah, look, it's all done by snipers with silencers! They have made great achievements in my team!" Li Mobai said.

"It's really amazing. After the Occupation War is over, I will definitely form a sniper rifle team!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Of course this is good, but Commander Shen, now it's time for your soldiers to meet again in the trenches to the south!" Li Mobai said.

"Haha, okay!" After finishing speaking, Shen Wanxi ordered, "The first battalion, charge the trenches on the south side, there are no machine gunners there! First occupy the trenches on the south side, and then launch hand-to-hand combat against the devils in the trenches!"


With that said, the first battalion commander led the soldiers and rushed towards the trench on the south side.

At this time, the three machine guns supporting each other aimed at the soldiers charging on the south side.

How could a sniper miss such a good opportunity!

They immediately "bang bang" twice, and the current trouble was solved!
"Okay, the machine gunner is done, Commander Shen, let's launch a general attack!" Li Mobai said.

"So simple?" Shen Wanxi was still a little surprised.

For Li Mobai, as long as he thinks of one path, there can be many intermediate methods. This is also the gap between Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai. "Of course, we have to go straight forward now, occupy the trenches, and then we can drive straight into the devil's hinterland!",

"Okay!" Shen Wanxi shouted, "The second battalion and the third battalion, the trench in the middle of the target and the trench to the north! Charge!" After Shen Wanxi shouted, he took the lead in charging.

Li Mobai couldn't wait, and directly ordered, "Everyone, charge me and catch the devil!"

The charge horn sounded, and the soldiers, like war horses on the prairie, drove straight in, captured the trenches, and soon started hand-to-hand combat with the devils.

This battle was fought heartily!

The complete miss of the trench made Ito amazed!
"How on earth did Balu do it!" Jing Teng stomped his feet!
"Your Majesty, let's cross the Yellow River west now. Only by crossing the Yellow River can we find a way to win!"

Jing Teng glanced at his watch, "It's time! Send my order, the warships set off, and we must occupy the ferry on the west side of the Yellow River, and make preparations for our landing operations!"


This is definitely a good time. Although the Eastern Front has been lost, the Eighth Route Army has been delayed for a long time. At this time, Jing Teng believes that he can completely defeat the National Army at the west ferry of the Yellow River!

He looked at the map, "By the way, where is the north?"

"Your Majesty, to the north, the Eighth Route has occupied Hanping Pass, and is now stationed in Stone Village!"

"It seems that I underestimated Yang Fei's strength too much. I didn't expect that the strong Hanping Pass would not be able to do anything to Yang Fei. For the sake of the overall situation, I asked Sato to shout to Balu, saying that the villagers are in our hands. We can delay as long as we can, our ultimate goal is to cross the Yellow River! We can't be careless about this matter!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I'll call Sato-kun right away!" After saying that, he went to pass the order.

Jing Teng really didn't want to believe it, but he had to believe that today's Eighth Route Army can be so powerful. Not to mention other things, it is not a simple matter for them to wipe out Iwata's defenders at Hanpingguan. Thinking that the offense was insufficient, and there was more than enough to let go, but the two regiments that appeared suddenly made him lose the defense of the Eastern Front. Fortunately, on the Eastern Front, Ito still had a trick.

Thinking of this, Ito smiled.

"Come on!"

After speaking, a Japanese soldier came in, "Your Majesty!"

"Let Watanabe-kun take action now! With his existence, I think we can delay the Eastern Front for five hours!" said Ito.

"Yes, I'm going to report now!" With that said, the soldier turned and left.

Regarding the western front, Jing Teng didn't know, nor did he expect that the Eighth Route Army had penetrated into their hinterland.

Hu Dahai received a call from Yang Fei, who said very clearly that he would wait until Shen Wanxi's east line and Zhao Qifa on the north side, and then attack at the same time!
However, Hu Dahai came early and had been waiting for more than two hours. Hu Dahai also felt tired after waiting like this. wait and see!
He lay down, and now in the sky, a few stars appeared, and the stars blinked. If it was a peaceful time, this would definitely be the best leisure.

After receiving the order for the general attack, Zhao Qifa did not dare to neglect, he quickly ordered, "Battle Commander Liu, lead your battalion, and now quickly occupy the Anhe Bridge in front, Battalion Commander Skinny Monkey, lead your battalion, and occupy the Baizi Bridge ahead." Mountain, and then press down the mountain, and put pressure on the salt lake area south of Anheqiao. Battalion Commander Liu, take your people through the trail on the mountain and lie in ambush at the Guzi River. When my battalion arrives, we will attack from all directions! Yes The devil's last line of defense is launching an attack!"

Zhao Qifa has studied the strategy for a long time, and it is finally usable today.

However, Liu Ji didn't understand, "Old Zhao, why did you want to ambush in Guzi River? Guzi River should be deserted and uninhabited!"

"Liu Battalion Commander, according to the information we have, this devil should have detained many villagers. No matter what, we can't see the villagers being harmed. On the other hand, we can't let the devil's atrocities go. Their retreat route It should be moving from Xiaowangzhuang, which has better terrain in front, to Guzi River, and then go west after a delay!"

Zhao Qifa is very confident about this!
"Ah?" Liu Ji still didn't understand! "Battalion Commander Zhao, I think that if the devils retreat, they will definitely retreat directly to the south, so that they can get closer to the main force!"

Zhao Qifa shook his head, "No!"

He said confidently, "Liu Battalion Commander, if the devils retreat to the south, we will definitely put pressure on the south! You have to understand that the devils are going to cross the Yellow River west now. If we retreat to the south, we will follow suit Going south, when the time comes, we will save a lot of energy. Going east, the devils will not choose. It is very likely that we will meet Shen Wanxi's regiment. Only the west, the devils think is safe, and the purpose is to lead us there, so, Relieve the pressure on the devils from the south to cross the Yellow River west!"

Zhao Qifa's analysis is in place, even Liu Zhang, who also doesn't understand, secretly admires Zhao Qifa!
The thin monkey nodded, "When I reach the mountain of Baizi Mountain, I can still commandeer it. If the devils dare to do anything radical! I will not be polite to them either!"

"Yes!" As he said, Zhao Qifa looked at Liu Ji, "Liu Battalion Commander, the most important thing is your battalion, Anheqiao, the first generation, I heard that there are many puppet troops of devils, and there is also a security team ! At that time, you will be under a lot of pressure!"

Liu Ji smiled, "The more devils the better, just right, I haven't eaten enough!"

"Okay! That's good!" Zhao Qifa said, "My battalion is now mainly facing the devil's Xiaowangzhuang. Let's see what tricks the devil is going to play! If they dare to attack, Battalion Commander Skinny Monkey, I hope you will get out of here immediately." Come down from Baizishan and give me an assist!"

"Don't worry! Old Zhao!" said the thin monkey.

According to Liu Ji's order, Liu Zhang quickly occupied Guzi River, and then found a place to ambush!

Liu Zhang quickly occupied the Anhe Bridge, ready to wait.Thin Monkey quickly occupied a favorable terrain on Baizi Mountain.

Zhao Qifa took the battalion to the vicinity of Xiaowangzhuang very quickly.

However, after arriving, Xiaowangzhuang seemed very quiet.

Zhao Qifa felt for the first time, could it be that his deduction was a mistake?
Not long after, Xiaowangzhuang lit a torch and lit the whole village in a sea of ​​flames.

The entrance of the village was quickly filled with villagers.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Qifa shook hands tightly, "It really makes me guess right!"

The devil's shamelessness has reached such a level, but who would have thought that they are really like this!

"Listen up, Eight Roads at the foot of the mountain. Now we have many villagers as hostages. If you want them to survive, then retreat quickly. Otherwise, we will all be machine guns!"

Zhao Qifa held a simple loudspeaker, "Little Wangzhuang devils, puppet soldiers, listen carefully, if you dare to do anything radical to the villagers, our Eighth Route Army is not a vegetarian! Now, I order you to put down your weapons and heads immediately, Otherwise, when we attack Xiaowangzhuang, you can imagine the consequences!"

"Don't talk about those useless ones, Mr. Sato has already arranged everything. If you don't leave, you will definitely suffer in the end, Mr. Eighth Route. We, the Imperial Japanese Army, want peace with your highest priority. Commander, talk to me!"

"I am, if you have anything to say, just say it!" Zhao Qifa shouted.

"Excuse me, is your Excellency Yang Fei, Commander Yang?" the devil asked.

Zhao Qifa thought that Yang Fei had entrusted himself with all the military operations on the northern front. Could it be that Yang Fei is not here, so this matter can't be discussed properly? "I am!"

Zhao Qifa shouted.

"Since you are the head of Yang Feiyang, our Sato Major respects your military talent for many years and wants to make friends with you. Now you come to Xiaowangzhuang to talk with us, and we will let these villagers go. What do you want? "The devil is really shrewd, such a shameless behavior is enough for Zhao Qifa to see and beat him once, but this devil has said so much, should Zhao Qifa go to Dongdi or not?
"Talk, yes! How about letting your Sato Shaozuo come to us to talk?" Zhao Qifa shouted.

"Sato-kun said that the military can't solve everything. In the end, both sides will suffer. Please think about it carefully!" The devil stopped after shouting.

Zhao Qifa knew that this matter was difficult, but this task was fatal, he had to take Xiaowangzhuang first, otherwise, he would never be able to get close to the Japanese army in the Salt Lake area.

However, if they don't go, they will really kill, what should we do?
If you go, you are destined to be beaten by meat buns, and you will never return!
This Hongmen Banquet is not so good!

"Commander Yang, have you made up your mind? Are you coming, or are you not coming?" The devil started shouting again.

At this moment, the fire stick came out, "Battle Commander Yang, I think I should go!"

"No, this is the devil's plan. After you go, you will definitely not be able to get out. At that time, not only you, but also the villagers will not be released by the devil!" Zhao Qifa said.

How can the fire stick not know, "Hey! I know about this, but we can't let the devils do this. If we don't go, the villagers will definitely say that we are wrong. If we go and die, we will die. He is also a great hero!"

"Fire stick, I don't agree with you to go! You have something wrong, how can I explain it to the deputy head of Leopard!" Zhao Qifa shook his head.

"Battle Commander Zhao, it's alright, this matter will be done according to what I said, and this matter can only be done by me! Commander Yang Feiyang has kindness to me, and I have to repay it! Anyway, I used to be the second son of Phoenix Mountain. Head of the family! Going this time is also a time to make our ancestors look good!" said the burner stick.

(End of this chapter)

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