Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2488 Attack

Chapter 2488 Attack
This matter, whoever does it, will never come out [-]%!
Zhao Qifa was very moved. He also knew that my task is so important now, and he can't sacrifice himself because of this. He also wants to command the whole army on the northern front to attack and wipe out the devils.

But wouldn't that make him seem a bit selfish?
No, you can't say that!
Zhao Qifa wiped away his tears, but the fire stick laughed, "Battle Commander Zhao, I have seen you cry. The first time, it was Cui'er who died, and the second time is now! My fire stick followed the time It’s not long, but I have seen your character in the past few months, and I respect you very much! If you have the opportunity, please bring a message to the deputy head, just say his brother, and you will not embarrass him!”

Zhao Qifa was a little choked up, holding the hand of the fire stick, "Brother, you are also my brother!"

"Haha!" The fire stick laughed, "Battle Commander Zhao, don't worry, after I go up, I will tell the devils to let them release the common people! Once they release the common people, you should quickly lead the people and rush to Xiaowangzhuang We must occupy Xiaowangzhuang, and then quickly pursue the devils!"

Saying that, the fire stick took his hand away from Zhao Qifa's hand, "Let's go!
After he finished speaking, he heard the devil shout, "What? Yang Fei, Captain Yang, don't you have the guts?"

After finishing speaking, the fire stick stood up, "Grandpa, I'm here!"

This is a big hero, and the fire stick is about the same size as Yang Fei, both of which are big heroes.

Who would understand this spirit of sacrificing one's life?

Zhao Qifa watched as the figure slowly approached Xiaowangzhuang, and then disappeared.

As soon as he entered Xiaowangzhuang, the firestick was immediately controlled by the devils.

When he was brought to Sato, Sato said with a smile, "Commander Yang Feiyang really has courage, the friendship you Chinese respect, but unfortunately, you can't use it in Japan!"

How can the fire stick not know the intentions of the Japanese? He also said with a smile, "Don't worry about that, Sato, since I'm here, please let the people go! Don't forget our agreement!"

"Ridiculous!" Sato disagreed, "Do you think I can release so many people with you alone? Impossible!"

"Tell me, what conditions do you have? What are the conditions? How can you release these ordinary people?" asked the burner stick.

"Release?" Sato rolled his eyes, "Release is fine. Tell me about your current military deployment of the Eighth Route Army. After talking about it, I can let you go!"

"Okay! I'll not only tell you these things, I can also tell you about the more specific deployment! But, you have to let these common people go first!" Now the fire stick had to bargain with Sato.

"How can I trust you?" Sato asked.

"I'm in your regiment, and you still don't trust me? Or you'll kill me!" said the burner stick.

"Okay!" Sato shouted, "I agree with you, but if you dare to play tricks, I will not only kill you, but also your whole family!"

"That's right!" said the fire stick.

"Sato-kun, you can't let those common people go, we are using those common people as bargaining chips!"

"Stakes? Can the lives of all of them be as important as Yang Fei's?" Sato insisted, "Call Mr. Ito immediately and tell him that we have caught Yang Fei!"


"Okay, you caught me too! Now, let those common people go, I can tell all I know!" The fire stick sat down on a rock by himself, and he took out a cigarette from his body to smoke. stand up.

Looking at the person in front of him, whose temperament and attitude are different from ordinary soldiers, Sato believed even more that this person, 90.00% ninety Yang Fei. "good!"

Saying that, Sato immediately ordered, "Let all the people at the entrance of the village be released! Chinese people value friendship, and we Japanese also have our own benevolence, righteousness and morality!"

The common people were saved. They ran northward from the entrance of the village, passed the troops, and all got behind the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army. Zhao Qifa sent people to appease the common people.

Knowing that the devil controlled the fire stick, Zhao Qifa clenched his fists tightly.

At this time, a soldier suddenly ran over, "Battalion Commander Zhao, the deputy commander is here!"

"Deputy head?" Zhao Qifa didn't know what Leopard was doing at this time, but he said immediately, "Hurry up and ask the deputy head of Leopard to come here!"

When we met, Leopard said with a smile, "Old Zhao, your task is very difficult. The battalion commander personally ordered me to deliver things to you!"

"Send something?" Zhao Qifa was a little confused.

"Look, what is this?" Leopard dodged his body, and then several Italian cannons appeared in front of him.

Looking at the cannon, Zhao Qifa was extremely excited, "These cannons..."

"This is repaired by the political commissar. They say it has a longer range and more stable performance!" After Leopard finished speaking, he patted Zhao Qifa on the shoulder, "Is there something wrong with the troops stationed here?"

"The devil... is in Xiaowangzhuang now!" Zhao Qifa said.

"It seems that these little devils are going to taste the power of these Italian cannons today!" Leopard said, and then sat down, "Okay, you start commanding! I won't disturb you!"

"Deputy head, I..." Zhao Qifa really has something to hide!

"Huh? What's the matter, Battalion Commander Zhao, just say what you want, don't hesitate!" Leopard said.

"Fire stick, he..."

Upon hearing the name, Leopard stood up abruptly, "What? Did this guy cause trouble again?"

Zhao Qifa shook his head, "No, no! It's... the firestick has now gone to Xiaowangzhuang and is controlled by the Japanese!"

After listening to Zhao Qifa's words, the leopard stopped for a few seconds, then pretended to be calm, "He is a great hero, I have such a brother, I deserve it!" He sat down slowly, took the Get out a cigarette.

"Deputy head, if we attack Xiaowangzhuang now, will it be..."

Zhao Qifa hesitated a little!
"Fight!" Leopard said decisively, "Fight, we must fight. Only by defeating Xiaowangzhuang can we further intimidate the devil's large army and effectively prevent them from crossing the Yellow River west!"


"Battalion Commander Zhao, no, but the fire stick should understand that it will be difficult for him to come out if he is controlled by the Japanese!" Leopard said steadily.

Zhao Qifa nodded, "Well, good!"

Taking a few steps back, he took a deep breath!

Looking at Xiaowangzhuang now, it is still brightly lit!

He raised his hand high, "Gunner, measure the distance!"

"Battalion Commander Zhao, the distance is just right now!"

"Okay, listen to my order!" Zhao Qifa shouted.

The gunners are all ready, just waiting for Zhao Qifa's order.

Liu Ji seized the Anhe Bridge and set up an ambush near the Anhe Bridge. However, many abnormalities appeared all at once!

First, the intelligence agent said that a security regiment was found nearby, and then said that there seemed to be a group of Japanese troops right in front of the Anhe Bridge.

Liu Ji frowned, "It seems that we have some fun tonight!"

"Battalion Commander, what should we do? Should we fight the devil's troops first, or the security regiment first?"

"Where are they now?" Liu Ji asked.

"The security team is on the east side of the Anhe Bridge. There are signs of moving west. The devil's troops are near Xiaowangzhuang!"

said the intelligence officer.

"Xiaowangzhuang? Isn't Battalion Commander Zhao near Xiaowangzhuang?" Liu Ji asked strangely.

"Yes, some of the devil's troops are stationed in Xiaowangzhuang, but there are still some ambushing outside Xiaowangzhuang!"

"This devil is smart enough!" Liu Ji said. "It seems that the devil is waiting for Shouhou! When that guy comes down from the mountain, he will be ambushed by the devil!" After the analysis, he immediately called Shouhou and told him the current situation .

"Then... Battalion Commander, we now..."

"Since the devils are in ambush and we found out, we can't disturb the devils. Also, since the security team is moving to our side, we'll just sit on the sidelines! It's the kingly way to wipe out these traitors!" Liu Ji immediately ordered People lay in ambush south of Anhe Bridge, and then wait for the security team to come in!

Zhao Teng is leading the security team to the west.

Today, he heard that Ma Laoer's troops were wiped out by the Eighth Route Army. He was worried all the way, and he was really scared!
Zhao Teng is the head of the security team near here, and the Eighth Route Army has military operations, so they must also obey the unified instructions of the devils!

"Captain, go forward, but you've arrived at Anhe Bridge!"

"I know that our mission is to guard the Anhe Bridge. Now the devil is in the north of Xiaowangzhuang, passing through the Anhe Bridge, and wants us to take the back route of the Eighth Route!" Zhao Teng knew his mission very well.

"Can we fight the Eight Routes?"

"Whether we can beat it or not, we have to see how powerful the devil is. If Balu retreats, it's okay to say, if we don't retreat, we can get a fart, then we have to take off our clothes quickly, and then run away quickly! " Zhao Teng said.

"I hope that this journey will be safe and sound, and nothing will go wrong!"

"Listen to my order. Now go to Anhe Bridge at full speed. When we reach Anhe Bridge, we will camp there. When the devils can't beat us, let's see the situation! Don't be foolish enough to seek death!" Zhao Teng understood very well. They are not the opponents of the Eighth Route Army, but such a soy sauce attitude is not perfect.

Panting, he dragged someone's arm, "Come on, pull me away!

"Boom!" All of a sudden.

There was an explosion.

Zhao Teng got down immediately!

Immediately afterwards, "Boom boom boom..."

It seems that this bunch of bombings are all coming towards him!
Zhao Teng squeezed his eyes and trembled all over, "Damn it, where did you get so many shells?"

After a while, when Zhao Teng pretended to open his eyes, he found that all his subordinates were watching him.

"You are looking for death, get down!" Zhao Teng shouted loudly.

"Captain, it's not bombing our place!"

Zhao Teng heaved a sigh of relief. He stood up and listened to the voice, "The voice is so close, it should be near here!"

However, soon, all his subordinates saw that Zhao Teng's crotch was wet, and there was still a foul smell.They covered their noses and chuckled.

Zhao Teng frowned, "Damn it, what are you laughing at?"

Up to now, Zhao Teng has not realized that he was scared out of his nerve by the sound of the bombing just now.

He held his head up, "It seems that the devils have already launched an attack on the Eighth Route Army. According to the Eighth Route Army's equipment, the sound of the guns is definitely not from the Eighth Route Army. The current Eighth Route Army should have been made into a meat paste! Listen to me quickly Order, let's go to Anhe Bridge now and get ready to block the Eighth Road!"

As he said that, Zhao Teng started to run immediately. At this moment, he realized that the crotch was cold. He looked down and saw how embarrassing it was, how embarrassing it was.

Only then did he understand why his subordinates were laughing just now.

He shouted angrily, "You dogs, how dare you laugh at me like that, be careful that I will peel off your skin!"

In this way, they seemed to move quickly, and half an hour had passed by the time they arrived at Anhe Bridge. During this half hour, Liu Ji was waiting for a break. Why were the security forces so slow?

Watching the people of these security groups enter their encirclement!

Liu Ji immediately stood up, fired the first shot, and then shouted, "Hit me!"

With orders like a mountain, all kinds of firearms rushed towards Zhao Teng's security team!
The beating stunned the members of the security team. Zhao Teng immediately got down on the ground, "Damn it, didn't Eight Roads get defeated by the devils? Look carefully, these people are Eight Roads or devils!"

After shouting, I heard someone shout, "Captain, it's Balu!"

Hearing about Eight Ways, Zhao Teng's heart went cold. This was not at all what he had expected, and they had almost no strength left to fight back.

However, he changed his mind, "Damn it, I'm lucky!"

He immediately tore off the white coat and held it on the gun, "Grandpa Balu, we are here to surrender!"

Hearing this, the security team didn't dare to fire their guns anymore, and they all squatted down and raised their hands to surrender.

Liu Ji came out with a smile, and then came to Zhao Teng, "The one who surrendered?"

"Grandpa Balu, yes, we are here to surrender!" Zhao Teng smiled and stood up.

Liu Ji smelled it.Found a strange smell, and then asked, . "Ouch? What's this smell?"

Looking down, he burst out laughing, "Oh, did you pee your pants?"

Zhao Teng looked embarrassed, and then said, "Grandpa Balu, we are all members of the security team. We heard that the devils were going to beat you Balu, so we wanted to come here to Gaomi, but it didn't work out. Our Dashui violated the Dragon King Temple, a family No one knows the family anymore!"

"Did you really come here to surrender?" Liu Ji knew that these members of the security team were all cheaters. It was true that they wanted to survive, although their surrender was false.

"Really, really, look, we didn't fight back!" After Zhao Teng finished speaking, he waved his hand, and those people put down their guns in unison.

"Go, hand over their guns to me!"

Liu Ji's people captured the men of Zhao Teng's security group with guns, and said, "As for your people, don't let me see where you want to go!"

This made Zhao Teng feel relieved, "Grandpa Balu, if you don't take us in, we'll leave!"

"Hehe, I'm afraid you don't dare to stay in our Eighth Route Army?" Liu Ji asked.

"This... Don't worry, we will definitely be good people after we go back!" After saying this, Liu Ji gave him a glare.

Zhao Teng even shouted, "No, no, no, it's not a good citizen, it's... a good person, a good person!"

"Get out!" Liu Ji shouted.

Zhao Teng turned around and ran immediately, tripped over a stone under the road, got up quickly and ran.

"I didn't expect these stupid security teams to be so vulnerable. The sound of the cannons just now should have been in Xiaowangzhuang. When I came here, I didn't find these cannons?" Liu Ji asked, and immediately said, "Go, show me Look, where are these cannons coming from, and show me what's going on with Battalion Commander Zhao now!"

"The rest of you, come with me. Since those devils dare to ambush, they should merge with the Slender Monkey Battalion Commander and completely wipe out the devils!"


The Italian artillery was really powerful. After a burst of bombing, Zhao Qilian ordered, "Listen to me, everyone, now enter Xiaowangzhuang, and kill the devils if you see them!"

The Charge, in the dark night, seems to be ready to welcome the sun tomorrow.

Today has been a long day, so long that Zhao Qifa felt that none of this happened for real. The soldiers rushed forward listening to the charge.

At this time, the devils still lost their combat effectiveness. Soon, Zhao Qifa's battalion captured Xiaowangzhuang.

After searching for Xiaowangzhuang for a long time, there was no trace of the fire stick!

Zhao Qifa gave the death order, "I must find the fire stick, we must find the deputy battalion commander, we need him!"


At this time, the leopard also came up to Xiaowangzhuang. Zhao Qifa looked at the eyes of the leopard. He knew that the leopard also wanted to see the fire stick as soon as possible, even if the fire stick was sacrificed!
"Deputy head, I..." Zhao Qifa was a little sad.

"Hey, Battalion Commander Zhao, look at me, I'm fine, I'm here now! Hurry up, assemble the team, and attack the devils immediately!" Leopard said.

"Deputy head, the devil can't keep one, so I'm waiting now!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Waiting? What are you waiting for?" Leopard asked.

"I'm waiting for the devils to enter my ambush!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Ambush circle?" Leopard asked, and then said again, "Okay! I won't interfere with you. Now, you are the commander of the northern line. You can decide everything. However, I still suggest that you should deal with the situation as soon as possible. The devils launched an attack, because the western and eastern fronts are waiting for you!"

"Deputy head, I know!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Okay, then I'll go!" Said, Leopard turned and left.

"Deputy head, when I find the fire stick, I will notify you immediately!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Don't miss your big deal because of him! Before the main task, all things are small things, do you understand?" Leopard finished speaking and was about to leave.

However, at this moment, suddenly, gunshots rang out at the entrance of the village.

The two soldiers standing guard at the entrance of the village fell in a pool of blood.

"Assemble quickly!" Zhao Qifa hurriedly assembled the team.

The devils at the entrance of the village had relatively strong firepower, so Zhao Qifa immediately made people take cover, and then he personally took a machine gun and pointed it at the entrance of the village!

The devils come quickly, and the machine gun will not spare them.

"Beep beep..."

The melodious charge horn sounded from the Baizi Mountain outside the village, but the charge horn was also blown from the Anhe Bridge. It seemed that they had known for a long time that there were ghosts outside the village.

"Comrades, guard this village well. Battalion Commander Shouhou and Battalion Commander Liu will be here soon! There should not be many devils outside!" Zhao Qifa shouted.

The devils charged twice and were all repelled.But then, a small group of devils hid behind the wall outside, picked the string of the grenade, and threw it inside.


An explosion knocked several soldiers to the ground.

Zhao Qifa also understood that the devils would not come in here, maybe they would keep throwing grenades!He shouted decisively, "First company, rush to the entrance of the village, second company, turn sideways!"

After shouting, Zhao Qifa followed and rushed to the entrance of the village.

However, when they arrived at the entrance of the village that day, they found that the devils had already retreated 60 meters!
The skinny monkey who rushed down from Baizi Mountain immediately ordered to pursue it!

Liu Ji didn't show weakness, and hurriedly let the trumpeter blow the charge horn.

The speed of the devil's escape is simply like that of a sprint champion.

Seeing the devil heading towards the Guzi River, Zhao Qifa immediately shouted, "Battlemaster Shouhou, Battalion Commander Liu, come back!"

After they came back, Zhao Qifa ordered his first company to pursue the Japanese army, but it was just a pursuit. Follow the direction they were fleeing to see if they were going to Guzi River!

The thin monkey looked at Zhao Qifa with a smile, "Old Zhao, you are amazing, how do you know that the devil will definitely run to Guzi River?"

"The little Jiujiu in their hearts, how can I not know?" After finishing speaking, Zhao Qifa said, "Now, it's time to launch a general attack on the devils. Listen to my order. It's time for us to go south!"

With that said, the three battalions headed south in unison!

Sato led people to run towards the Guzi River for a long time, and then came to his senses, "Go! I'll take people to find Jing Teng-kun, these eight ways are really cunning!"

Then, he tied a fire stick and went all the way south.

The firestick laughed, "Hahahahaha!"

Sato looked at him, "You laugh now, I'll give you this chance, after a while, you won't have the chance to laugh, Ito-kun will definitely cut you to pieces!"

"I'm just laughing at you Japanese, why are you being played around by me alone?" The fire stick laughed.

"Be honest, let's go, wait a while, you won't laugh at me! You will see your troops disregarding your life and death! At that time, you will be deserted!" Sato slapped the fire stick.

"At that time, it's not certain who will cry and who will laugh! Sato, just wait to be beaten!" said the burner stick.

"I like to see people talk hard. I'm not afraid. It's just that our mission of crossing the Yellow River west has already begun. Your troops will definitely go after us Japanese now. When the time comes, we will be delayed for a few hours. I guess we have already crossed the Yellow River!" Sato said confidently.

"Really? Then wait for your good news, but, it's best, don't cry!" The fire stick smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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