Chapter 2489 Bomb
Ever since Li Mobai and Shen Wanxi broke through the Japanese defense line on the eastern front, they moved westward for more than ten kilometers in an unstoppable manner, directly threatening their plan to cross the Yellow River westward.

However, Jing Teng was Jing Teng after all, and it was impossible for Shen Wanxi to come over so easily, while they were waiting for Yang Fei's order to launch a general attack on the devils.

Just after Shen Wanxi gave the order to the troops to "rest in place and be ready to fight at any time", a correspondent ran over, "Head, it's not good, it's not good!"

Seeing his flustered expression, Shen Wanxi asked, "What's wrong?"

"Leader, a group of people suddenly appeared in the south of us. The origin of these people is unknown!" said the correspondent.

"Unknown origin? What does unknown origin mean?" Shen Wanxi asked again.

"Captain, they all look like refugees, but they are coming towards us now, I think there is a fraud in it!" The correspondent's vigilance is not unreasonable!
It stands to reason that if they were refugees, they would definitely stay away from the military zone. Instead, they came here, which shows that the origin of the other party is not simple!
After hearing what the correspondent said, Li Mobai immediately said, "Are they coming? How long will it take?"

"Two 10 minutes at most!"

"Twenty minutes, okay, if they come, bring a few people! We have to ask!" Li Mobai said.

"Okay, I see!" After finishing speaking, the correspondent ran away.

"Who do you think it will be?" Shen Wanxi asked.

Li Mobai narrowed his eyes, "What the correspondent just said was right. If they were really refugees, they would definitely stay away from us and go to a safe place. Instead, they are coming here now. This has to make people alert!" Li Mobai said.

"Then wait for them to come over, let's ask carefully!" Shen Wanxi said.

After about 15 minutes, the correspondent brought two people over.

The two looked like refugees at first glance. Their clothes were ragged and their faces were scorched. When they saw the Eighth Route Army, they immediately knelt down and said, "Everyone, spare my life!"

"En?" Shen Wanxi came over and told the other party to stand up, "Get up, what are you doing here?"

The man raised his head immediately, "We came from the south, the devils burned our entire village down, we have no choice but to join relatives and friends, and earn a living!"

"This is a military zone, don't you know, take your people and leave quickly!" Shen Wanxi said.

"We have nothing left, sir, can you give us a mouthful of food? Even a mouthful of water is fine!" the man said.

"Okay, eat and drink, you have to go!" After Shen Wanxi finished speaking, she immediately shouted, "First company commander, come here!"

After the first company commander came over, he even said, "Regimental commander!"

"Go, get some food and give it to these folks. After eating, I will be responsible for sending them all to a safe place!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Okay, got it!" After the company commander finished speaking, he took the man and left.

Li Mobai looked at Shen Wanxi and asked, "In the end, you didn't ask what they do!"

"Even if they are traitors, they can't say it easily. After they finish eating in a while, let's see if they can leave! If they don't leave, it will be very interesting!" Shen Wanxi said.

A few minutes later, Shen Wanxi received a call from Yang Fei. Yang Fei over there said happily, "Shen Gouzi, immediately launch a general attack on the devils in the west at 10:30, there is no delay!"

"Old Yang, I'm here!" Shen Wanxi hung up the phone!

Looking at the time, there were still 3 minutes left, Shen Wanxi immediately notified the whole regiment that a general attack on the devils would be launched at 10:30!

Time passed by every minute and every second. At this time, they suddenly heard gunshots behind them, and there were gunshots from both the south and the north!
Shen Wanxi frowned, "These gunshots are strange and sporadic. What's going on?"

"It should be just a few thieves, the time is coming, we should attack the devils immediately!" Li Mobai said.

"That's right!" Shen Wanxi raised her hand and looked at her watch.

Suddenly, the company commander ran over, "Commander, those refugees refused to leave, saying they heard gunshots!"

"Huh?" Shen Wanxi looked at him, "Now is the time for the general attack, we can't waste time because of them! First company commander, I order you now, you company will take care of these people, if they dare to do any harm to us , you're going to fight back with a gun! Got it?"

"Yes, Captain!" With that said, the first company commander left.

As soon as he left, the refugee rushed over, "Master, can we help you fight the war, anyway, we are homeless now! We can do whatever we can!"

Shen Wanxi frowned, "No! Captain, take them away!"


After the first company commander finished speaking, he immediately shouted at them, "Take it away!"

When Shen Wanxi checked the time, it was just in time, and immediately ordered, "The whole army goes out!"

Following the trumpeter's charge, the soldiers ran towards their west.

The scattered gunshots in the west seemed to confirm the powerlessness of the devils.

However, at this moment, the refugees suddenly ran around. They ran westward together with the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army without hesitation!

The first company commander immediately took out his pistol, "Come back! Otherwise I'll shoot!"

"All the people in the company, catch them back to me immediately, if they don't listen, they will be dealt with by military law immediately!"


Go after those refugees in a row.

However, immediately after, I heard Japanese words in the team, "For the great cause of His Majesty the Emperor, we must hold them back!"

Shen Wanxi heard it, and looked back, those refugees and soldiers were running west together!

But it was obvious that their faces were all gloomy and cold now, and the company commander personally led people to pursue them.

But those people kept running desperately!

Gunshots hit the devil's position in the west "da da da".

The refugees behind them suddenly took off their shirts, and the bombs tied around their waists suddenly appeared in front of them!
Shen Wanxi shouted loudly, "Be careful of those refugees!"

Just after shouting, they pulled the string!The fuse is shining with a dazzling white light, just like the fireworks during the Spring Festival!

"Get down! Get down!"

Shen Wanxi shouted loudly!

Shen Wanxi didn't even blink his eyes when there was an explosion, so many soldiers around him were blown to the ground, and many soldiers were seriously injured!
"Hurry up, control those refugees!" Shen Wanxi shouted.

"For His Majesty's great cause, we can only sacrifice ourselves!"

The refugees turned out to be Japanese devils. They knew that Eight Routes would not do anything to refugees!

At this time, there was one explosion after another!




Shen Wanxi was thrown down by a soldier, and when he got up, the soldier was already in a pool of blood.

When charging, I didn't expect that these devils would make troubles like this, which had already had a huge impact on the hearts of the soldiers!

Li Mobai immediately ordered, "Fall down on those refugees!"

This is the only way to reduce losses.

For everyone!
The fighters in front of those refugees, regardless of the danger of their own lives, threw down one after another refugees. When those refugees were dying, they pulled up the strings.


Obviously, the power has become smaller, but one innocent soldier after another was sacrificed!

When all these refugees are under control, "First company commander, first company commander!"

Shen Wanxi shouted loudly!

There was no response, and Shen Wanxi shouted again, "Damn it, I told you to keep an eye on them! How did you do it? First company commander, get the hell out of here!"

The furious Shen Wanxi had already drawn out his gun.However, there is still no continuous sound!
"Come on, bring me the first company commander, believe it or not, I'll kill him!" Shen Wanxi roared loudly.Li Mobai came over and said, "Commander Shen, we are now in a general attack!

"No matter how we attack, the company commander's dereliction of duty caused us to suffer such a big loss!" Shen Wanxi's eyes were red.

"A company leader!"

Shen Wanxi shouted again.

At this time, make way behind a group of soldiers.

Two wounded soldiers slowly walked up to Shen Wanxi carrying a stretcher.

With tears in their eyes, they put down the stretcher, "Here comes the company commander!"

Shen Wanxi went over angrily, pushed away the soldiers in front, and pointed a pistol at the company commander on the stretcher.

However, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong, he squatted down excitedly, and then "Lieutenant Commander, wake me up!"

no respond.

"Wake up for me! Don't think that if you pretend to be asleep, I can forgive you. Do you know what you did wrong?" Shen Wanxi spoke a few decibels louder!
"Damn it, wake up! Believe it or not, I'll shoot you again!" After Shen Wanxi finished speaking, she stood up, and then pointed the gun at him. At this moment, tears flowed from Shen Wanxi's red eyes.

"Regiment leader, regiment leader, first company commander... the first company commander died!"

The choking voice made Shen Wanxi unable to accept such a fact!

"Dog, you don't even give me a chance to punish you! Well, you are a company commander, okay, you wait for me from here, and I will come back to deal with you when I get Jing Teng's head!" Shen Wanxi turned her head, tears Floats in the air, then drips to the ground.

"Follow me and get the head of Ito, the dog!"

If this is just a small episode, then the price is really high!
Due to the influx of these so-called refugees, Shen Wanxi's troops lost three commanders and fighters above the company commander in the general attack, and 78 casualties!

That's a scary number!

Shen Wanxi was full of anger, and he ran hard.

Now, the so-called Japanese line of defense in front of them is just vulnerable, hiding from one village to another!

Liu Zhang heard the gunshots and knew that Zhao Qifa should have launched an attack on Xiaowangzhuang. According to Zhao Qifa's deployment, the devils would definitely pass by here!
Guzi River, this river flows out from several springs on the mountain and gathers together. Although the water volume is not large, the water potential is relatively large. It flows westward from here and then flows into the Yellow River.

As the name of the Guzi River implies, the place where it flows passes through a small mountain stream. Here, you can wade across the river and go westward!

From Xiaowangzhuang, this is the only way to go!
"Listen to me, everyone. Now we are facing the scattered devils. Facing them, our goal is to annihilate them all! On Chinese soil, I know that you don't want to see the Japanese stay behind. Footsteps!" After the lecture, Liu Zhang commanded the deployment of ambush points.

After waiting for half an hour, they finally heard the footsteps of the devils, and they came towards the Guzi River panting.

The Eighth Route Army soldiers behind them shouted, "Little devil, don't run! Don't run!"

How can the devil not run, stop is courting death!Their task is to lead the Eighth Route Army to the Guzi River, and then create more time and space for crossing the Yellow River west.

"We've reached the Guzi River, we have to cross the river and lead them to the west! We are all soldiers of the empire, everyone run!"

There are about a hundred Japanese who came here. These people seem a little powerless for this task of seeing through, but this is the last glory of their Japanese empire.

Seeing that the enemy entered the ambush circle, Liu Zhang held up his pistol, his gaze was like a torch, "Little devil, you have today!"

He aimed his pistol at a Japanese in front, and after firing with a "bang", Liu Zhang shouted, "Hit me! Hit me to death, don't save a single bullet!"

The "da da da" machine gun was shaking in front of the fortification, shaking the soil in front of it!

"It's not good, we've been ambushed!"

The Japanese immediately became alert.

"Don't panic, find cover and attack immediately! As long as we hold them back, we can win this battle!" A Japanese school officer shouted.

"Hit me at the riverside, and wipe out all these little Japanese here!" After Liu Zhang shouted, all the grenades and bullets were thrown on the riverside in front of him!
The huge explosion made the Japanese tremble!
The Eighth Route Army soldiers behind them also launched an effective attack immediately!

The Japanese who were attacking back and forth began to panic!

There is no effective bunker in this Guzi River, so they can only counterattack on the spot!
However, this place has become a slaughterhouse for others, who can survive from here!

Liu Zhang is red-eyed. His brother Liu Xun died at the hands of these Japanese. What he can do is to kill more devils and avenge Liu Xun!

"Call me! Call me!" Liu Zhang shouted.

The Guzi River became a desperate river for the Japanese. They never expected that the Eighth Route Army would be here!

"Kill! Kill!" After the bullets were fired, the soldiers put on their bayonets, ran out of the ambush circle, and rushed towards the riverside!
Liu Zhang also stood up, and took out a machete from behind, "Come on!"

The bright moonlight shone on the Guzi River, and all of a sudden, the water in the Guzi River turned red.The moon wanted to end this battle as soon as possible and return to silence, it blinked vigorously.

The crickets stopped calling, and even the hateful mosquitoes were too frightened by the bloody scene to buzz anymore.

The general offensive on the eastern and northern fronts has already begun. For Ito, this is tantamount to a last stand!

The soldiers of their empire boarded the boat, and on the boat they also pointed machine guns at the national army defenders in Hexi.

"We can't lose! We can't lose! The glory of the empire must start in our hands, and we must get those ferry crossings as soon as possible!" Ito shouted!
At this moment, he was already hoarse!
All you can do is wait for the news!
Gunshots broke out, Jing Teng looked at it with a map, the Eastern Front had paid them such a heavy price, unexpectedly, they recovered so quickly, how could there be gunshots on the Northern Front?Did these gunshots bypass Xiaowangzhuang?

He immediately picked up the phone and called Sato, but there was no response!
Sato had called and said that Yang Fei had been caught, but then he thought, if Yang Fei was really caught, wouldn't it be good to die with him?

"Your Majesty!"

A soldier comes in!

"Oh? Is there any good news?" Ito asked quickly.

"Your Majesty, Sato-kun is back!"

"Sato is back? Hurry up and call in!" Ito said.

Sato came in and gave Ito a military salute, "Your Majesty!"

"Sato-kun, what's the situation on the northern line now? Didn't you ask you to take those Japanese as hostages?" Ito asked while looking at him.

"Your Majesty, how can those traitors compare to Yang Fei!" Sato knew that Jing Teng and Yang Fei were rivals. Yang Fei also spoke highly of him, saying that he is a "military genius!" Such an appellation can be regarded as an affirmation of Yang Fei's military ability.

"Where's Yang Fei?" Jing Teng asked.

"Bring Yang Fei in!" After Sato shouted, a Japanese soldier came in and brought Yang Fei in.

Jing Teng looked him up and down, "You are Yang Fei?"

"Yes, it's grandpa!" said the fire stick.

"Hehe, I didn't expect how many times we have confronted, and you fell into my hands today!" Ito smiled, but the expression in his eyes was chilling.

"If you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want!" After the fire stick finished speaking, he sat on a chair by himself!

Sato went over and slapped the fire stick on the face, "Stand up, this is not the place for you!"

The corner of the fire stick's mouth was bleeding from this slap.

"I still want to sit on your body, will you let me?" said the fire stick.

"You are defeated now, and you are not qualified to bargain with us! You'd better say it now, your detailed deployment!" Sato shouted.

"I found out, you Japanese are all pigs!" The fire stick laughed, "Didn't you hear that there were gunshots from the east, north and even the west, this is a general attack, let me tell you now What's the use of deploying?" The fire stick smiled.

"What? It's also on the west side?" Ito looked at the map.

"Don't look, it's already too late! The horn of the general attack has already sounded. I believe that your death will not be too far away!" said the fire stick.

Jing Teng carefully looked at the man in front of him. Although he was tall, his aura was far from that of a commander of the Eighth Route Army. Just as he was looking up and down at the fire stick, Tomoko suddenly barged in, "I Teng Jun, I heard you caught Yang Fei?"

Just in time, just in time for Tomoko to verify the real identity of the man in front of him!

When Tomoko came in, Ito hurriedly said, "Miss Tomoko, take a look, is this person Yang Fei!

Sophon turned her head and saw the standing fire stick. She shook her head, "How could he be Yang Fei! Did you make a mistake?"

However, Sophon turned around and thought, "If he is also Yang Fei, what does that mean? Meeting someone with the same name and surname, that is, the Yang Fei she knows, is probably not the Eighth Route Army!"

She was secretly happy for a while, but then she thought about it, "No, last time I saw Yang Fei's photo, it was an Eighth Route Army, why..."

Jing Teng also understood, no wonder, the more he looked at this person, the less he looked like him!

It turned out that they dropped the bag!

Jing Teng shouted angrily, "Satou-kun, is this the stupid thing you did?"

"Your Excellency, isn't this Yang Fei?" Sato was also surprised.

"Baga!" Jing Teng roared loudly, "Yang Fei is the commander of the Eighth Route Army, how could he be easily caught by you, do you think Yang Fei will really come here for those ordinary people?"

Think about it too, but who is this person in front of you?
After being scolded by Jing Teng, Sato immediately went over and slapped the fire stick on the face again, "Baga Yalu, who are you? Why are you pretending to be Yang Fei?"

The fire stick suddenly laughed, "You Japanese are really pigs, you should have thought with your toes, how could we let him, our regiment leader, come over, you are really delusional!"

Jing Teng went over angrily, and punched Firestick on the body. The burning pain in his chest made him unable to breathe all of a sudden.

"Haha, haha!" However, he still laughed at them!
"Baga!" Ito yelled loudly, then grabbed Sato with one hand, and slapped him on the face, "Sato, Sato, you ruined my big business!"

Ito is close to madness!

"Your Excellency, it's all my fault!" Sato immediately admitted his mistake!
"Your behavior is enough to send you to a military court!" Ito shouted angrily.

"What about Yang Fei?" Sophon asked quickly.

"Miss Tomoko, how could Yang Fei be easily caught by us, he is now the former enemy commander!" Jing Teng said.

"It means that Yang Fei is still the commander of the Eighth Route Army Lord!" Sophon asked.

The fire stick smiled, "What's wrong with this Japanese woman in front of me? You don't think you've taken a fancy to our leader, do you?"

Zhizi frowned and went to the fire stick, "Yang Fei is your team leader?"

"Haha, of course, let me tell you the truth, the commander of the Eighth Route Army who besieged you Japanese and prevented you from crossing the Yellow River to the west is our Yang Fei, Commander Yang! Ito, you are also in vain! However, this Japanese Miss, if you want to see our Captain Yang, it will be very difficult!" said the burner stick.

"I didn't expect that Yang Fei was an Eighth Route Army who fought against us Japanese. I misread him!" As he spoke, Tomoko was a little annoyed, tears streaming down his cheeks, and then ticking on the ground.

"Miss Tomoko, don't worry, I will definitely do my best to catch Yang Fei!" Jing Teng said viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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