Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2490 Occupy the base camp

Chapter 2490 Occupy the base camp

"Haha!" The fire stick sneered, "I'm afraid it's too late! Will you succeed in crossing the Yellow River west? En?"

How could Ito be happy with such a tone, he grabbed the fire stick by his clothes, "Even if I die, I have to take you as a backer!"

"I've already died before coming here, don't be afraid!" said the fire stick.

"It's okay to let you live a little longer!" After finishing speaking, Jing Teng said immediately, "Come on, show him to me. Now, where is Balu?"

"Report Your Excellency, the current Eighth Route Army has broken through Xiaowangzhuang and Laihua River, and the Eighth Route Army is now less than five kilometers away from our base camp!"

Jing Teng was very anxious about this news. There were not many soldiers left in the empire here, and most of them were sent to the boats to attack the ferry on the west side of the Yellow River. He frowned, "I didn't expect that this time it was Yang Fei who commanded such a big The corps, there are still two tricks!"

When he finished thinking about this in his mind, a person suddenly ran in, "Your Excellency, the bombers at Zhengzhou Airport have already taken off, and they will cooperate with our operation this time!"

"They took off too slowly. Our people will be accidentally injured if they pass by!" Ito rested his chin with his hand, "However, it is not a bad thing to wait for them to come over, good! Take Xi'an even if you are smashed to pieces! "

"Listen to my orders now. The current troops in Salt Lake are broken up into small-scale battles. Now we have to learn how to fight guerrillas from the Eighth Route Army!" After Ito finished speaking, all the team leaders went out.

This is a life-and-death battle. It should take about half an hour for the plane to arrive here from Zhengzhou Airport. This half hour must be the best plan for the attack on the ferry.

The general attack means a decisive battle with the Japanese. The current Japanese military strength is far less than that of the Eighth Route Army. Therefore, Yang Fei dispatched troops to make dumplings for the Japanese!
Hu Dahai on the western front heard the gunfire, and his heart began to get excited, "After waiting for so long, the general offensive is finally here!" After speaking, Hu Dahai immediately ordered, "Listen to my command, the first battalion, now take the troops in front of us!" The second battalion and the third battalion made a detour to ensure the smooth attack of the first battalion! The fourth battalion is temporarily used as a reconnaissance battalion, and you must report the clues of the devils in front of you in time! The fifth battalion..." Speaking of the fifth battalion, Hu Dahai You know, their battalion has the most recruits, and this time the general charge cannot allow them to rush to the forefront, "Guards!"

Hu Dahai shouted.

The guard ran over, "Regimental Commander!"

"Now, you take the Fifth Battalion to our ship!" Hu Dahai said.

"Captain, the general attack is over, what are we going to do on the ship?" the guard asked.

"Xiaoshi, it doesn't matter, you go, these four battalions are enough, you can sail, you sail, remember, you go to the boat, not to fight, but to patrol, to prevent the devils from hitting the Yellow River Go west along the Yellow River and go north, and if there is any situation, call me immediately!" Hu Dahai ordered.

"Yes!" the guard Xiaoshi finished, and then asked again, "Commander, if we encounter devils going north, shall we fight them?"

Hu Dahai immediately said, "Fight, of course!"

In fact, Hu Dahai knew that the chances of the devil going north to the Yellow River were really slim and impossible.

Xiaoshi nodded, "Okay, let's go now!"

With that said, Xiao Shi took Wu Ying away.

Hu Dahai looked at the battle line ahead, "According to my order just now, charge!"

With an order, the soldiers of Hu Dahai's regiment took the lead and ran towards their predetermined position.

What was the result of the dying struggle?
The devils had no way of retreating, and this last stand made the devils' firepower even more fierce. They set up machine guns on the high ground, and looked at the charging Eighth Route Army with red eyes!
"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Da da da da..."

Machine guns were shooting down the mountain from the top of the mountain. There was only one Japanese army, and it was like a god coming down to earth!
With machine guns on one side, the devils dug deep into the trenches, put the bayonets on early, and prepared to have a hand-to-hand battle with the Eighth Route Army.

The team leader of the Devils on the Mountain immediately reported the situation, "Your Excellency Ito, we met the Eighth Route Army in the west. They probably have a regiment's strength!"

When Jing Teng heard this, he was shocked at first, and then took a breath, "Sure enough, when did the Eighth Route Army come here? Why don't we know any information?"

"Your Excellency Ito, don't worry, we are blocking the enemy now, even if we delay, we will delay for two hours!"

"Okay, two hours is enough. In two hours, we will attack the ferry of the national army. By then, you will be retreating!" Ito hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

At this time, the Japanese command post was ringing with phone calls, "Master Ito, the strength of the two regiments of the Eighth Route on the Eastern Front is approaching our base camp. Now, our people have been broken up into small groups of ten. Now, the action to stop the enemy is underway!"

"Your Majesty Jing Teng, the Eighth Route Army is now charging south on the northern front, with the strength of a regiment! We are few in number, and I am afraid that they will soon occupy a favorable position! Your Excellency, please support us!"


Ito sat on a chair, "How can there be extra troops to support now!"

After finishing speaking, Ito immediately shouted, "Take Miss Tomoko, let's go to Fengling Ferry now, we must ensure Miss Tomoko's safety!
After speaking, the base camp immediately took action.

The base camp is not too far from the Yanjin ferry, in order to save time, once they hit the west ferry, they can quickly escape from their current position!
The sound of artillery fire spread out in all directions!
At this time, Ito got a piece of good news, "Your Excellency Ito, we are going to attack the ferry of the national army immediately, should we start the attack now?"

"Attack, without delay!"

The order was issued, and the artillery fire of the Japanese iron ships on the Yellow River began to bombard the ferry!
A total of eleven warships, "Listen to my order, one or three No. 80 ships, bombing towards the ferry of the national army! The remaining ships, carry out landing operations!"



The artillery fire was launched not far from Jing Teng. He looked at the calm water of the Yellow River, and it began to turbulent at this time. It is now, and they must persist for half an hour. It only takes half an hour, half an hour, and they will be able to Get out of here by boat!
Zhizi was also on the bank of the Yellow River, and she realized at this moment that war is so terrible!
At this time, Yang Fei could finally relax. Now that he had to rush to the front line, he asked someone to drive directly to the front line.

After arriving at the forefront, Zhao Qifa looked at him in surprise, "Head, why are you here?"

"Old Zhao, how is the situation now?" Yang Fei asked.

"Everything went well, but I encountered a scattered army of devils!"

"Scattered troops?" Yang Fei was puzzled.

"Yeah, I thought we would encounter a large army of devils to resist stubbornly, but now what we see is a small army constantly harassing us!" Zhao Qifa said tirelessly.

Yang Fei smiled, "It seems that the devils have mastered our guerrilla warfare, and they will break it up!"

"Commander, what shall we do?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"Don't worry about these little devils. They can't beat us, and we don't have to catch them. Now, take people immediately and go south until you reach Fengling Ferry!" Yang Fei said clearly.

"Yes!" Zhao Qifa said immediately.

Liu Ji came over at this time, "Leader, these devils don't care?"

"It doesn't matter! We want to achieve our strategic goal now. Now we don't need to entangle with them. If we encounter hard bones, we will gnaw them. If we encounter these, they will run away as soon as we encounter them. Don't worry about it. Let me catch Ito first! For This old friend, we often win evenly, but at the most critical moment, he won't win against me!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" After speaking, Liu Ji took the lead and left first.

The troops set off immediately, and they arrived at the devil's base camp with lightning speed.

Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai on the eastern front, with their troops, also arrived at the predetermined location with Zhao Qifa!
Only Hu Dahai on the western front has no situation yet.

Yang Fei immediately asked the operator to answer the call, and when he answered, Yang Fei cursed, "Hu Dahai, what are you doing? Why haven't you arrived at the scheduled location!"

Hu Dahai over there was also anxious, "Old Yang, now, we have encountered a tough problem. According to my understanding, there are not many people on the mountain now, but the firepower is fierce. It has been almost half an hour and they have not been wiped out yet." !"

"Do you need our help?" Yang Fei asked.

"No need!" After Hu Dahai finished speaking, he hung up the phone, "Second Battalion and Third Battalion, go to the side! Let me kill all these Japanese!" With a machete, "Today, grandpa will let you know what bayonet fighting is!" Hu Dahai then ran towards the mountain.

At this time, I suddenly heard the voice of "Woooooo..." in the sky.

Yang Fei looked up, "This devil's plane is also coming, it's really lively!"

"Leader, what should we do now?" Liu Ji asked.

"The devil's plane must have gone to bomb the national army. We can't take it lightly now. Hurry up and capture the devil's base camp and capture Jing Teng alive. As for the devils on the west side of the Yellow River, that's the national army's business!" After speaking, Yang Fei looked at Zhao Qifa, and Zhao Qifa immediately ordered, "Charge, occupy the base camp of the devil!"

"Beep beep..." The trumpeter blew the charge horn. The base camp of the devils was safe to defend. However, how could the remaining Japanese soldiers be easy to provoke? Their overall equipment was better than that of the Eighth Route Army, and they were outside the camp. In a small trench, the machine guns "da da da" fired at them!

Woooo... Boom!

Woooo... Boom!

When Yang Fei saw the explosion on the other side of the Yellow River, he felt a little anxious. If the devils really beat the national army to the ground and occupied the ferry, Jing Teng would definitely run away immediately. This time, it was the place closest to him. Can't let him get away!
Yang Fei shouted loudly, "Mortar, kill me the devil's machine gunner!"


The gunner came over, fired the cannon, and the shell bounced out, fell to the edge of the devil's trench, and exploded.

Immediately calmed down!

Jing Teng by the Yellow River grinned. "Miss Tomoko, have you seen that we are going to succeed!"

Sophon turned his head and looked to the east, "Is Yang Fei really the eighth way?"

"It's still fake!" After Ito finished speaking, he immediately said, "Come on, bring the boat over, and quickly pick up Miss Tomoko!"


A boat slowly pulled out, and Ito smiled, "Miss Tomoko, hurry up!"

Koizumi's son walked a few steps towards the river, then looked back, "Yang Fei, I didn't expect you to be against the empire! I misread you!"

The warship came slowly.

When Yang Fei captured the base camp, he found that the base camp had already been evacuated.

Lian ordered, "Go to the ferry! Go to Fengling Ferry!"

This is his best chance!This is also an opportunity that Ito cannot change!

Hu Dahai's troops finally knocked down Xiaogaodi, but found that there were so few Japanese soldiers on them, and these few people actually blocked them for half an hour!

This half hour is terrible!
Without waiting for him to think, he said, "Everyone listen to my order and go to the devil's base camp immediately! There is no delay!
After shouting, Hu Dahai galloped up!
Hu Dahai is the closest to the base camp of the devils. If it weren't for the obstruction of this high ground, he would have come here a long time ago. This delayed the fighter's opportunity, but it was terrible!
When he passed by, he found that the large army had already gone to Fengling Ferry!

He immediately ordered, "Hurry up to Fengling Ferry!"

There was nothing wrong with the order, but the best opportunity was missed. If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life!

When Koizumi's son and Ito boarded the boat, the warship turned around slowly. When Yang Fei arrived, he saw a boat on the river, and there was no one there!

Yang Fei held the hat tightly in my hand, "Damn it, let this guy run away!" After finishing speaking, he immediately shouted to Zhao Qifa, "Where is the Italian cannon! Blow that ship over for me!"


The soldiers pushed the Italian guns over, took aim, fired!

The huge splash made the warship tremble on the river, but it was not damaged at all.

"Damn it, aim!" Yang Fei shouted.

This time, the soldiers adjusted the distance, loaded the shells, and pulled the plug, "Boom!"


On the river, finally saw the fire!
Yang Fei laughed, "Is there a boat, hurry up and see, I must catch Jing Teng alive!"

Everyone looked at each other, how could they have a boat!
Yang Fei ran to the edge of the Yellow River, slapping his feet with cold drinking water, "It's so close, could it be that they let me run away again?"

Yang Fei frowned.

Hu Dahai came late, panting, saw a boat on fire on the river, and immediately asked, "What's going on?"

Yang Fei heard Hu Dahai's voice, and frowned at him, "Hu Dahai! Good job Hu Dahai! Where have you been?"

"Old Yang, I made it clear to you on the phone that we were blocked by devils!" Hu Dahai said.

"Don't fart in front of me, let me tell you the truth! How many people can the devil have now! Well? If you have a regiment of troops, if you take a detour, you will reach the devil's base camp before us, right? At that time, can Ito escape?" Yang Fei's question is not without reason!

Afterwards, Hu Dahai also understood that he was too serious. Seeing his soldiers fall under the devil's guns, he really wanted to avenge his brothers, but he just went his own way and missed the best opportunity!

"Old Yang, don't worry, if it's really my fault, I will bear the consequences!" Hu Dahai said.

"Damn it!" Yang Fei looked back at the river angrily, with his hands on his waist, "Who can swim, show me over there, I must find Jing Teng for me! Go!"

Hu Dahai said to the operator, "Call the Fifth Battalion to see where their warships have gone, and ask them to come over immediately and carry out search operations!"

On the other side of the Yellow River, there was still heavy artillery fire. The bombers bombed for a while, then turned around and left.

In the fierce battle, in Yang Fei's opinion, it is far better to catch this Ito!

Wuying called and said that they had come early, and they could reach Fengling Ferry in 3 minutes!
Hearing the news, Hu Dahai hurriedly said, "Did you see the warship in front? Hurry up and see if there are any living people. We must catch them back!"

The Fifth Battalion Commander hung up the phone, and immediately said to the guard Xiaoshi, "Hurry up, I'm afraid there are some big fish!"

Xiaoshi hurriedly accelerated his horsepower and headed towards the boat.

Yang Fei was sitting on the bank, he was relaxed and sober at the moment, watching the war on the other side of the Yellow River, I am afraid that the Japanese would not be able to touch it at all!

All the Japanese warships caught fire one by one, and the fire filled the air, illuminating half the sky.

How could the strategy that was thought to be foolproof play like this in the hands of the Japanese?

The boat was blown up, and Ito and Tomoko jumped into the Yellow River one after another. When they were in the seemingly calm Yellow River, they realized how simple it is!The internal turmoil made Ito uncontrollable for a time.

Finally managed to control the direction, only to find that Tomoko Koizumi was gone!

"Miss Tomoko! Miss Tomoko!" Ito shouted.

He looked around, then dived into the river.After searching for a while, I finally found Koizumi's son who was struggling.

He swam over, grabbed Koizumi's arm, and swam upstream, but Koizumi grabbed him and pulled him down!

"Miss Tomoko, go up, go up!"

Pulling Ito into the river, Ito was fed a few mouthfuls of water containing sand. When he surfaced, he coughed a few times. Then this time, he dived down again, holding Tomoko Koizumi's waist, and let Tomoko Koizumi breathe a few times. mouth.

"Ito-kun! Ito-kun!

Ito was flailing her legs under the water. At this time, a wooden stick swam over. She hugged that wooden stick tightly. When Ito swam up again, she grabbed the wooden stick, "Miss Tomoko, I'm really sorry. It seems that We just have to swim through it!"

However, when he looked at the opposite side, he realized that it was far from being as simple as he thought!
All their warships were blown up.

The fierce gunfire on the shore may not last long!

He choked up, " is it possible! How could the national army be able to withstand the attack of our Great Japanese Empire?"

Tomoko was also horrified, "Where are we... where are we going?"

"Miss Tomoko, let's go quickly! The Eighth Route Army doesn't have boats, so let's swim, and we have to swim!" Jing Teng said, holding the wooden stick to control the direction himself.

Two legs flopped and swam in the river.

"Miss Tomoko, I made you suffer!" Ito comforted Koizumi Tomoko.

"It doesn't matter, we have to go ashore quickly!" Tomoko said.

"The Yellow River is not wide, Miss Tomoko, we will reach the other side soon!" Ito said.

At this time, they suddenly heard the sound of "woo woo woo" behind them.

Like a boat!
When Ito turned his head, he was overjoyed, "Haha, there is no unparalleled road! Miss Tomoko, we are saved!"

This kind of ship is a ship owned by the Japanese, and the symbol on it is their rising sun flag. Is this a Japanese ship or someone else's ship?
He held out a hand, "Here, come here!"

The commander of the Fifth Battalion on the ship heard, "There are people ahead, Xiaoshi, drive over slowly," and then hurriedly ordered, "Everyone must not make a sound, your company lies in ambush on the deck, your company, you must control them!"

After making the deployment, the boat quickly arrived beside Jing Teng and the others, and the Fifth Battalion Commander took a rope and threw it down!
That Ito saw it and said, "Miss Tomoko, hurry up! Go up, let's go to Zhengzhou first!"

Tomoko Koizumi nodded, then grabbed the rope, climbed the stairs, and slowly went up.

When she went up, she was stunned, and the two of them immediately went over and covered Tomoko Koizumi's mouth.Then dragged aside.

Seeing Tomoko go up, Jing Teng also pulled the rope and slowly climbed up the net!
Soon, when he also went up, he was immediately controlled!

Only then did Jing Teng realize that he was on a thief ship!
"Who are you? From that unit? Why are you on our Japanese boat!" Ito couldn't accept this fact!
"No matter who you are, go and meet our regimental commander first!" The Fifth Battalion Commander immediately asked someone to bring the rope over!

But, how could Ito be caught by you so easily? He struggled to get rid of the hands of several people, and pulled out a short sword from his boots.Immediately stab into the chest of a soldier!

Seeing the situation, the Fifth Battalion Commander immediately said, "Don't move, if you move again, this bastard will die!"

Jing Teng stopped, "If you want to touch her, you have to ask Yang Fei if he agrees or not!"

Yang Fei?

The Fifth Battalion Commander froze for a moment, Jing Teng didn't care so much, there was a battalion of troops on this boat, but no matter what, he would not be caught so easily by them!

The boat slowly headed towards Fengling Ferry.

Jing Teng felt more and more that if this continues, both of them will definitely be caught.

"Listen, how about calling this girl by me now?" Ito asked.

The Fifth Battalion Commander is not stupid, he said just now that this woman is related to Yang Fei, how could he let him go so easily!
(End of this chapter)

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