Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2491 Yang Fei, let him go

Chapter 2491 Yang Fei, let him go

The Fifth Battalion Commander smiled, "Okay, let me tie you up first, and I'll let him go!"

How could Ito agree to such a condition, he clenched the knife in his hand, he knew that it would not be good for him or Tomoko if this went on.

At this time, Tomoko Koizumi also knew who is important to the entire empire, "Jing Teng-kun, take care of yourself, take advantage of this time, run quickly! Even if you are wandering in the water, don't worry about me! Yang Fei I won't do anything to me, but you can't, Ito-kun, please, go away!"

Seeing Tomoko say this, Ito was very moved. She could think of herself at this time, and she was really the commander-in-chief's daughter.

"What are you looking at! Jing Teng-kun, run quickly, you won't be able to run when you reach the shore in a while! There are too many people here, you can't save me. After you go back, bring someone with you! I'll wait for you to save me!"

Koizumi Tomoko said with a sob.

Although the fifth battalion commander couldn't understand the Japanese they spoke, he understood the tone of voice!

He immediately said, "Ito, you can catch her without a fight! Otherwise, I will kill her immediately!" As he said, the Fifth Battalion Commander immediately put a pistol on Tomoko Koizumi's head.

"Come here quickly!" the Fifth Battalion Commander shouted.

The soldiers aimed all their guns at Ito.

Ito felt a little flustered.

"Ji Teng-kun, run away! Leave me alone! I know Yang Fei, don't be afraid of what he will do to me!" Tomoko Koizumi gave Ito a reassurance.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to Fengling Ferry.

Jing Teng pointed at the Fifth Battalion Commander, "I warn you, don't do anything to Miss Tomoko, otherwise, I won't be able to get around you!"

All of a sudden, Jing Teng seemed to disappear suddenly, and immediately jumped into the water of the Yellow River.


The huge wave rolled over.

The soldiers rushed over immediately, and the Fifth Battalion Commander fired his pistol into the water with a "bang bang bang..."!
The soldiers also hurriedly opened fire.

The small splashes of water seemed innocuous.

"Whoever can swim, jump off!" the Fifth Battalion Commander immediately shouted.

"I can!"

"I can do it too!"

"Jump down quickly and tie him up for me!"

The fifth battalion commander shouted loudly.

He was Ito, and it was a great feat to catch him!
Some soldiers rushed over and shone the lights on the river.

Several soldiers jumped down and swam to find Ito.

Suddenly, a warrior started to thump in the water, "Ah!"

All of a sudden, the surface of the water was bright red.

That soldier is not moving!
The Fifth Battalion Commander was stunned, "Ito is there! Hurry over there!"

A few more people went over and tried to tie Jing Teng, but they didn't even see Jing Teng's face, and the soldiers suddenly lost consciousness and floated on the water.

The Fifth Battalion Commander gritted his teeth!
"Asshole! Asshole, just let this guy run away!" The Fifth Battalion Commander shouted angrily!

"Shoot, shoot into the water, Jing Teng will never run far!" The fifth battalion commander is right, Jing Teng can not run far in a short time, he has lived by the sea since he was a child, and his water skills are excellent, and he can even dive into it in one breath. Ten meters underwater.Moreover, his swimming speed is also very fast.

Slowly, when the boat reached the shore, Yang Fei couldn't wait!

Hu Dahai immediately shouted, "Fifth Battalion Commander, what's going on!"

The Fifth Battalion Commander immediately jumped off the boat and ran to Hu Dahai, "Commander..."

Looking at the appearance of the Fifth Battalion Commander, Hu Dahai frowned, "What's wrong? Did you find it?"

"I found it, I found it, but..." The Fifth Battalion Commander glanced at Yang Fei with some embarrassment. He also knew that Yang Fei was the core figure in this battle.

"Then tell me, are you on the boat? Is Ito on the boat?" After Hu Dahai finished speaking, he hurried to the side of the boat. "What are you still doing in a daze, quickly get Ito down!"

After a while, the soldiers brought Sophon down.

Ito did not wait until the end.

Hu Dahai hurried over, "Where is Ito?"

The Fifth Battalion Commander was a little embarrassed, "Regimental Commander, I originally caught Jing Teng, but Jing Teng broke free! That guy jumped into the Yellow River, and then he couldn't find it!"

"Can't find it?" Hu Dahai was surprised.

"Yeah, that guy uses a short knife, and his kung fu is very good! None of the five people is his opponent! But, we found this girl!" He said, and brought Hu Dahai over, "This girl is not easy. It should be, I heard that I know Commander Yang!"

|"Oh?" Hu Dahai looked at the woman, "Who is she?"

"I don't know!" the Fifth Battalion Commander finished.

Hu Dahai said, "Okay, bring her here!"

With that said, they brought Tomoko Koizumi to Yang Fei.

"Lao Yang, I can't find Jing Teng, but I found this girl!" Hu Dahai said.

When Tomoko Koizumi came over, Yang Fei took a real glance and didn't recognize it right away. Yang Fei is face blind, this is true, "I can't find it, can you find me a girl?"

"Yang Fei!" Tomoko Koizumi shouted.

Only then did Yang Fei see Tomoko Koizumi's face clearly.

Slowly, Yang Fei blurted out, "Koizumi... Tomoko!"

Sophon pursed his lips, "It really is you, Yang Fei, you are not a businessman, but an Eighth Route Army!"

"Why are you here?" Yang Fei asked again.

"I went to Xi'an to find you! Unexpectedly, you are an Eighth Route Army, you lied to me!" Tomoko Koizumi shouted.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a businessman, I'm just a soldier of the Eighth Route Army!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, a guard ran over.

"Captain, we found ten boats in a nearby village!"

"Okay!" Yang Fei shouted, "Hurry up, take a boat and go to the Yellow River to see where Jing Teng is. No matter where he is, you must find him for me! You want to see people, and you want to see dead bodies!"

"Yes!" After shouting, the guard ran away.

Tomoko Koizumi broke free and quickly stood beside the guard, "You can't go!"

Yang Fei frowned, "Tomoko, what are you doing?"

"Yang Fei, you can't go! I saved your life in Tianjin! You owe me your life, and now I let you release Ito-kun!" Tomoko Koizumi shouted.

"This is not the same! The crime Ito committed here cannot be covered by a single life!" After finishing speaking, he shouted, "What are you doing now? If you don't hurry, don't come back if you can't find Ito! "

Yang Fei's order still works at least for now. The soldiers arrived at the ferry immediately, and Tomoko Koizumi also ran to the ferry, "Can't go! You can't go, please Yang Fei, let him go! Let him go!"

"Koizumi Tomoko!" Yang Fei shouted, "My Yang Fei's life can be paid to you, but Ito, I must get it back!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei went over and took Tomoko Koizumi's hand and left here.

Many people were stunned!
But most of the people were secretly happy. Take Shen Wanxi as an example, this kid smiled and said to Li Mobai, "Is there something wrong with this Japanese girl and Yang Fei?"

Li Mobai shook his head, "I don't know about this! But, it seems that there may be something wrong with it!"

Even Zhao Qifa and Shouhou Liu Ji felt that this was a bit weird, they smiled, "What is the relationship between the leader and this Japanese girl?"

For all kinds of guesses, Yang Fei didn't explain too much, because the trouble is not them, but the identity of Tomoko Koizumi!
Who told her to be the daughter of Koizumi, commander-in-chief of North China!
At this time of the battle, the sound of guns and artillery on the other side of the Yellow River gradually disappeared. The national army was victorious, and they successfully blocked the Japanese attack.Successfully defended the safety of Xi'an!

Listen to the applause from a distance!It seems that this victory did not come easily!
However, for Yang Fei, this victory seemed destined to be theirs.

The entire Japanese army in the Salt Lake area was wiped out. For the entire North China battlefield, the combat effectiveness of the Eighth Route Army has obviously improved a lot!

This cooperation with the national army also seemed seamless.

Each parted!

Yang Fei was a bit reluctant to leave here. How many soldiers were sacrificed in exchange for victory?He sighed, "Let's go, we have to go after all!"

It was at this time that Yang Fei discovered that Da Guang had never appeared!
He immediately called Shen Wanxi, "Damn it, where is Daguang? I forgot to ask you!"

The faltering on the other side of the phone couldn't explain clearly, so Yang Fei asked anxiously, "Say, where is Daguang?"

"Lao Yang, hold on first, don't worry!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Damn it, what's the matter with you?" Yang Fei was a little angry!
"Brother Daguang is a hero!...He..." Shen Wanxi was a little speechless, after all, Daguang died, but he was still alive.

"Shen Gouzi, will you fucking tell me? If you don't tell me, I will find out!" After speaking, Yang Fei hung up the phone.Immediately called the guard over, "Who did Da Guang go with when he left, have they all returned to the team now?"

"Leader, wait a moment, I'll go and implement it!" After saying that, the guard left.

After a while, the phone rang, and Yang Fei picked it up. Shen Wanxi over there said slowly, "You command the battle, and I dare not disturb your train of thought. I'll tell you now, hold on first!" Shen Wanxi said, "Comrade Daguang has died!"

Hearing this news, it was like a bolt from the blue, "Sacrificed? Daguang sacrificed? How the hell is this possible? This guy can beat ten of them without any problem! You tell me now that he died?"

"Old Yang, don't get excited. At that time we found the devil's airport, and then another plane took off. Comrade Daguang jumped on the plane. Not long after, the plane exploded! Lao Yang, Daguang, is a Good comrade, he is a proletarian revolutionary martyr!" Shen Wanxi said.

It was the first time Yang Fei heard him speak in such a deep tone.

"Damn it, Shen Gouzi, damn it, why didn't you jump on that plane? Why didn't you die!" After cursing, Yang Fei hung up the phone!
Yang Fei was in a bad mood, and the tears in his eyes suddenly rolled.

The guard ran in, "Commander..."

"Okay, I got it!" Yang Fei said.

Seeing Yang Fei's appearance, the guard felt uncomfortable, "Head, I have found him!"

"Let them go, I know!" Yang Fei said.


After they leave, Ji Tae-chang enters. "Commander Yang, what's wrong with you?"

"Coach Ji, Daguang died!" Yang Fei said slowly.

"What a pity!" Ji Taichang said.

He witnessed Yang Fei's composure when commanding the battle, and now he sees him secretly saddened. It is a person who may have such different sides.

"Captain Yang, don't be sad!" Ji Taichang said, "You have successfully driven the Japanese out of the Yellow River. Isn't this your happiest thing?"

"Hehe, happy?" Yang Fei said, "I'm not happy! By the way, Coach Ji, call the operator in, I need to call the headquarters first!"


When the operator came in, Yang Fei immediately took a deep breath, "Brigade Commander!"

Li Jiguang smiled and said, "Are you announcing the good news to me?"

"No!" Yang Fei said directly.

"It's not good news, but bad news?" Li Jiguang asked.

"No!" Yang Fei said.

"Damn it, tell me quickly, I'm going to bed!" Li Jiguang roared.

"Brigade Commander, please contact the headquarters immediately and ask the informants in Tianjin to withdraw immediately!" Yang Fei said.

"Ah? What do you mean Yang Fei?" Li Jiguang asked.

"I caught Tomoko Koizumi, the daughter of the Commander-in-Chief of North China!" Yang Fei said flatly.

"I'm worried that Tomoko Koizumi knew my identity a long time ago and contacted his father. Then the informant in Tianjin will definitely start from my home! Brigadier, please contact them to evacuate as soon as possible!" Yang Fei said.

"Think over there for a while, okay, I'll contact you right away!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Ji Taichang really couldn't understand Yang Fei, he was still in grief one second, and started working the next second.

For such a person, Ji Taichang actually had a hard time guessing his mood in his heart.

At this time, Yang Fei raised his head, "Coach Ji, then from now on, you will be my bodyguard for now!"

"Okay, Captain!" Coach Ji said.

"Hurry up and take a rest. It's been so long, you haven't rested yet!" Yang Fei said.

"It doesn't matter to me, leader, but you, you have to rest well!" Ji Taichang said.

"I know my body, I have to make a report as soon as possible, and I will go to the headquarters to report the situation after dawn!" Yang Fei said, "You go out first!"

Yang Fei was struggling to write. Although he had learned it for a few days, it was not a simple matter. He summed it up in his mind, and then began to write and draw on paper!
Zhao Qifa was pacing back and forth at the door. He wanted to say a few words to Yang Fei, but when he got to the door, he didn't know what to say.

Liu Ji and Shouhou were already tired and went to bed, but he couldn't fall asleep.

He looked at the stars in the sky, they blinked like sky lanterns, illuminating the darkness on the earth, presenting all the filth to the public's view.

the next day.
After Yang Fei fell asleep for two hours, he immediately asked someone to drive to the headquarters.

When the time came, Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai had already arrived.

When they saw Yang Fei, they immediately greeted him. Yang Fei was so disdainful that he didn't even want to speak. Sitting on the chair, it was Li Jiguang who spoke first.

"How about Yang Fei?" This is the first time Li Jiguang delegated power. He handed over everything to Yang Fei, and Yang Fei did a good job. This victory added a lot to the comrades on the front line of the war Confidence in "On Protracted War" is more fully confirmed. This is not a simple matter. It is a major event of the right time and place.

"Brigade Commander, I don't want to talk about military exploits! I don't have the right to talk about it either! But here, I want to report!" Yang Fei said this first when he came.

Hu Dahai's face was pale. Originally, they had done a good job. This matter can be left aside, but Yang Fei wants to report, isn't this obviously aimed at him, Hu Dahai?
"Report?" Even Li Jiguang found it inconceivable.

"Yes, I will report Hu Dahai!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, his face was expressionless! "This guy missed the fighter plane and asked the brigade commander to punish him!"

"Yang Fei, what do you mean? You kill the donkey!" Hu Dahai stood up excitedly, "I, Hu Dahai, don't care about military achievements, but I don't accept you beating me down!"

Yang Fei slapped the table, "Hu Dahai, Hu Dahai, you still feel that you have been wronged? Why? I asked you to build a ship in the west. Is it wrong? You did it yourself, shouldn't it? It's a big mistake, if you didn't worry about those Japanese devils on the mountain, and launched an attack on the devil's stronghold early, Ito might have escaped?"

Hu Dahai swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he looked at Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, Yang Fei didn't understand the situation at that time at all!"

"I don't understand?" Yang Fei asked back.

"Okay, don't get excited, sit down!" Li Jiguang asked them to sit down,

"This time, you all did a good job. However, I don't understand a certain matter, nor do I understand the situation at the time, so I have no right to express my opinion now. However, last night, I have put You have told the headquarters about the course of your battle, and the headquarters is very affirmative of us!" Li Jiguang said.

"But Brigadier..." Yang Fei was obsessed with one thing and refused to let it go.

Li Jiguang interrupted Yang Fei, "Yang Fei, it's all right, I want to listen to your detailed battle process now, and I have to go to the headquarters for a meeting, so this time, let's keep it simple!" Li Jiguang said.

Yang Fei nodded, "Okay, then I will briefly talk about it!"

Yang Fei talked about the detailed battle ideas and the more detailed process, and also talked about several specific battle points in it. Li Jiguang nodded and recorded it!

Wang Wei looked at Yang Fei's report, and suddenly burst out laughing!
Everyone looked at Wang Wei's smile and didn't know what happened.

"Haha!" Wang Wei smiled, and then gave the report to Li Jiguang. Li Jiguang looked at the report and scratched his head, "Yang Fei, you wrote this?"

Yang Fei's face was a little embarrassed. Last night's report was indeed written by him himself. However, he asked some people who could write to teach him. Could it be that he wrote it wrong?

"Not bad!" Li Jiguang affirmed, "Yang Fei, I really didn't expect that you can write now!"

"To be honest, brigade commander, when I was in Tianjin, I found someone to teach me how to read." Yang Fei said.

"It's not an easy thing for you, Yang Fei, to learn to write after a painful experience! Battalion Commander Yang, you have made great progress. However, the writing inside is a bit naive and there are many typos. However, these are all It's not important! I value your progress!" Li Jiguang received the report, looked at Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai, "Yang Fei, it's not easy, you should treat him with admiration for three days! This sentence applies to Yang Fei , it’s not an exaggeration at all!”

Shen Wanxi took the report, although the written words kept crawling around like bugs, but after all, she could read them clearly!
"Yang Fei, Yang Fei, your kid's progress is not at 01:30, and I, Shen Wanxi, admire you too!"

In comparison, Shen Wanxi went to a private school for a few days, so he could write a few words, although it was uglier than his, but Yang Fei's progress showed that Yang Fei didn't want to be talked about all the time.

Yang Fei took the report and gave it to Li Jiguang.

"Brigade Commander, here, I want to focus on the matter of our regiment, Liu Xun! There is also the matter of Daguang..." Yang Fei said.

"I also know about this matter. They all died on the battlefield for the cause of communism. The entire Liu Xun camp was wiped out. I didn't expect this matter. As for Daguang, they can be called martyrs!" Li Jiguang said. .

"Also, those five unknown heroes! Their deeds..." Yang Fei asked.

"This matter, I need you to write a material! It is a glorious event, and they are all lovely people!" Li Jiguang said, "We are not as good as devils in terms of all weapons and equipment in the whole army. We are not as good as devils in ammunition. At the level of food and food, we are not as good as devils, but in terms of human hearts and morality, we are at the top. All of you, you have to listen clearly, our current progress is only a little bit, and the Japanese occupied Our Chinese territory is far from being retaken by us. This battle raised our army's strength and our Eighth Route Army's face. Who said that we have no advantage in the frontal battlefield? Who said that we can only conduct small-scale guerrilla warfare ?”

Li Jiguang was very proud. He stood up and bowed to Yang Fei and the others, "Comrades, if a great mission is assigned to us, we must first work hard on our minds, exhaust our muscles and bones, and starve our bodies! For us Eighth Route Soldiers, For our Eighth Route Army, we are fully capable of this sentence!"

At this time, Wang Wei also said, "This victory is not accidental. It is a victory achieved by us as one. It is a great victory that is enough to be written in history. Comrades, the brigade commander is right. , you are all soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, officers of the Eighth Route Army, you are all the pride of the Eighth Route Army, as for where we are going and how we are going to fight, after this meeting, the headquarters will give us new tasks!"

"Please rest assured the political commissar, please rest assured the brigade commander, we will definitely redouble our efforts! Complete our glorious and great mission!" Yang Fei said in unison.

"Okay, victory is great, but we also have to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, do you have confidence?" Li Jiguang said.




(End of this chapter)

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