Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2492 The last face

Chapter 2492 The Last Side

The warm atmosphere immediately made everyone see hope. At this moment, Yang Fei asked, "Brigade commander, political commissar, what about Tomoko Koizumi?"

Li Jiguang glanced at Wang Wei, the two of them smiled, and Wang Wei said, "Yang Fei, since Tomoko Koizumi loves you so much, can you consider marrying her?"

Of course it was just a joke, Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai both laughed, "Hahaha, I like it! Marry a Japanese woman, Yang Fei, you've made a lot of money!"

"Fuck you, you want to marry, you marry!" Yang Fei said.

For this kind of joke, Yang Fei didn't buy it, he still had Shen Ling in his heart!Although I don't know if she will come here to find her.

Wang Wei said with a smile, "Brigade Commander Li Jiguang and I have thought about this matter. As for Tomoko Koizumi, he is the daughter of Japanese imperialism. Although she did not participate in the invasion of China, how many More or less, she will have some of that kind of subconsciousness! So, we decided to send her to Yan'an, undergo a transformation, and let her know what is right and what is wrong!"

"Okay, that's good! In this way, at least let her know the mistakes they made in Japan!" Yang Fei also thinks this is good, after all, Tomoko Koizumi is not an ordinary person.

"Okay, this matter is settled! There is still some aftermath work, I hope you can quickly solve it in the next few days, isn't it said that there are still a small number of Japanese devils who have been broken into pieces? Then go quickly Deal with it! Try to solve them as soon as possible, so that the common people can resume production as soon as possible!" Wang Wei said.

"Okay, I see!" Yang Fei said.

"Political commissar, we also know!" Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai also said.

Returning to the same place, Yang Fei immediately called people out again. On the one hand, he asked them to eradicate the remaining devils. On the other hand, he wanted to do some work for the common people and distribute some seeds from the headquarters.

Although it is late to write about growing food at this time, there are still some seeds of melons and fruits.

After a day like this, Yang Fei received a call from Li Jiguang, saying that Tomoko Koizumi agreed to the organization's arrangement, but wanted to see him.

For such a request, Li Jiguang and Wang Wei also felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so they agreed!

However, they drove Tomoko Koizumi to Yang Fei's place in a car!

When the two met, Tomoko Koizumi cried.

Yang Fei was actually a little embarrassed, not to mention other things, when Yang Fei was in Tianjin, it was Tomoko Koizumi who came forward several times when Yang Fei was in trouble. It can be said that Yang Fei would have died in Tianjin without Tomoko Koizumi!
It's not an exaggeration to say such a thing. Now that Tomoko Koizumi is like this, Yang Fei doesn't know how to face her.

It was Tomoko Koizumi who spoke first, "Yang Fei! Look at me!"

Yang Fei looked at him, "Well, what's wrong?"

"Yang Fei, you really are the Eighth Route Army, thanks to me and my father trusting you so much!" Tomoko Koizumi said with a pout.

"Miss Zhizi, as a Chinese, I have the obligation to protect my family and the country. I know that you are really kind to me in Tianjin, but I can see that your father has been using you. To achieve his own purpose! I think, you should know too!" Yang Fei told the truth, so that Tomoko Koizumi didn't know what to say.

She kept looking at Yang Fei with her big eyes, "Do you know that I have always liked you?"

"I know!" Yang Fei said.

"So, your wife is also a fake?" Tomoko Koizumi asked again.

"Yes!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, you have to wait for me and you are not allowed to get married. When I come out of Yan'an, I will marry you!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"Ah? Miss Tomoko, I think we can be friends if we can, but as for marriage, I think the two of us should think about it carefully!" Yang Fei politely refused.

"No matter what, you wait for me. If you don't take the initiative, I can take the initiative!" Tomoko Koizumi said. "By the way, I forgot to tell you that you look good in military uniform and are very energetic!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"But do you know? The two of us are now in two different camps!" Yang Fei said.

"Could it be that love also has borders? As far as I know, you Chinese marry a lot of Japanese wives. Do you mind marrying a Japanese wives so much?" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"..." Yang Fei didn't know how to say this sentence.

After Tomoko Koizumi left, Shouhou and Liu Ji hurried in.

They were very curious why Tomoko Koizumi came to find Yang Fei, and when Tomoko Koizumi looked at Yang Fei in Fenglingdu, there was even some coquettish emotion in it.

Together with Zhao Qifa, the three of them entered the door, and Yang Fei asked, "What are you doing?"

Liu Ji smiled, "Commander, is that Japanese girl... interested in you?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you are interested, I can tell you about it!" Yang Fei said coldly.

"No, leader, that Japanese girl doesn't look right at you, if she doesn't treat you like that, she won't treat you like that!" Skinny Monkey also said.

"Okay, don't make random guesses! Are you done with what you have entrusted to me?" Yang Fei asked.

"Leader, we're leaving right away, just out of curiosity..." Before Liu Ji could finish speaking, Yang Fei patted the table, "Then hurry up!"

Liu Ji and Skinny Monkey left.

The rest of Zhao Qifa looked at Yang Fei.


Yang Fei looked at Zhao Qifa, "Old Zhao, tell me, what's the matter? If you still talk about Tomoko Koizumi, I have nothing to say!" Yang Fei said.

"Head, do you want to go to Cui'er's house?" After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, Yang Fei began to feel uncomfortable again!
Seeing that Yang Fei didn't speak, Zhao Qifa said, "Head, it's okay, that's what I said! It's okay!" After saying that, Zhao Qifa stood up and wanted to leave.

"Wait!" Yang Fei said, standing up, "You go with me!"

Hearing this, Zhao Qifa was very happy.

Zhang Cuier sacrificed for more than a month, and his family is still immersed in grief. After driving out all the Japanese this time, it is an opportunity for Yang Fei, and it is also a chance to win Zhang Da's forgiveness!Zhao Qifa didn't want to waste this opportunity in vain, it was also a chance for Yang Fei!
"Of course! Of course!" Zhao Qifa laughed, "Commander, if we go, I don't think Zhang Cuier's family will have any prejudice against our army!"

When he went there, Yang Fei took some things on purpose. If he said that Yang Fei had no heart, it must be a lie. When he came back from Tianjin, he thought of going to Zhang Cuier's house to have a look, so he bought them at that time. up.

I haven't found any good reasons and excuses. Zhao Qifa said so, so it's decided.

In fact, Yang Fei was always very anxious, so anxious that he felt that someone was watching him all the time when he was walking.

It's not like normal him at all.However, it does make people look at him all the time.

"Captain Yang!"

"Captain Yang!"

The villagers greeted everyone warmly when they saw her. The villagers seemed to have forgotten Zhang Cuier's sacrifice. Yang Fei greeted everyone with a pretended smile.

When they arrived at the gate, some villagers had already told Zhang Da that Yang Fei was coming.

Therefore, Zhang Da's family was waiting at home early, and Zhao Qifa ran into the house first.

Yang Fei also went in slowly, the rooster who had been frightened ran in the yard, and then a little black dog barked at Yang Fei twice, and lay lazily on the ground to bask in the sun.

Zhang Da came out and saw Yang Fei, he seemed a little at a loss.

"Commander Yang, why are you here?" Zhang Da asked.

"Uncle Zhang, let me come and see you!" Said, Yang Fei put things on a table.

Now Yang Fei chased back the troops and drove the devils out of the Yellow River. This is a great hero. Everyone said that Yang Fei was good, so Zhang Da naturally knew Yang Fei's skills.

Zhao Qifa said, "Dad, Mom. This time, Commander Yang came here, so he was free. It has been more than a month, and Commander Yang has gone to the headquarters for a meeting, so he has not been here!"

"Oh, Captain Yang, you..." Zhang Da looked a little embarrassed.

Zhao Qifa just married his eldest daughter, so his eldest daughter is not here now, and there are only the two of them in the house. Zhang Da's wife said, "You talk, I will cook now!"

Sitting down, Zhang Da poured Yang Fei a glass of water.

"Uncle Zhang, actually, I'm sorry for you!" Yang Fei said, "The matter of Zhang Xiu'er..."

Before Yang Fei could finish speaking, Zhang Da immediately said, "Head Yang, I don't blame you for this matter. Don't take it to heart. Zhang Xiu'er being rated as a martyr is also an affirmation of his entirety. You must be too." A lot of effort has been made! There are also people in our village who participated in the revolution and sacrificed outside, and now they don’t even know whether they are alive or dead, let alone martyrs!"

Zhang Da is already very satisfied with Zhang Xiu'er.He came with a little martyr's book, and with rough hands he opened a piece of cloth that was wrapped, and said, "Look, here it is!"

A life, in exchange for a little red book.

What a sarcasm, but this is already a great reward for Zhang Xiu'er.

Yang Fei watched, "If I didn't let her go out at that time... Maybe Zhang Xiu'er would..."

"How can there be so many things, maybe this is her fate, her fate is not good!" Zhang Da said, looking at Yang Fei, "Head Yang, this is not the time for you to think about these things, I heard You commanded the army and beat down the salt lake in the south, now is the time for you to fight devils, don't keep thinking about the sacrificed people!"

Zhang Da undoubtedly asked Yang Fei to let go. After letting go, he could go further to fight the devils.

Yang Fei was also very grateful to have met such a reasonable person as Zhang Da.

At this time, Zhang Da said again, "Commander Yang, next time you come here, treat this as your own home and don't take anything. I remember that you prepare some things every time you come to the house! No need, there is enough food at home Already!"

"Uncle Zhang, I bought it when I was in the city. I originally wanted to buy it for you!" Yang Fei said.

In Zhang Da's house, Zhang Da tried his best to be open-minded, but at this time, Zhang Da's house was less noisy and Zhang Xiu'er's voice was missing.

After dinner, Yang Fei and Zhao Qifa left.

Yang Fei knew that Zhang Da's wife must have cried while cooking in the kitchen, otherwise her eyes wouldn't have been red all the time.

Zhao Qifa went out during the period, and he didn't know what to do.

However, when he was leaving, Zhao Qifa looked at Zhang Da with some hesitation, but he said, "Mom and Dad, you are well, I have something to do these days, and I will come to see you when I am free, and I will let you Come home more, daughter-in-law, from now on, we will come to our house often!"

Zhang Da nodded heavily.

They are gone.

Zhang Da's daughter-in-law began to cry.

"Old man, tell me, what does Captain Yang mean when he comes to our house?"

"Damn old woman, why are you crying? If someone wants to come, who can stop it? It's an inspiration. I'm very grateful for him saying that!" Zhang Da said.

"If it weren't for enlightenment..." Before Zhang Da's wife finished speaking, Zhang Da said immediately, "Don't keep talking about him, but he has a burden in his heart, what about the eldest daughter? En?"

Zhang Da was right, Zhang Da's wife pouted, "Okay, then I won't talk about him!"

"That's right, we just hope that they can live a good life! Didn't Qi Qi say that? When he finished his work, he brought his wife here. Our family can be considered four people, yes, There are four people!"

Zhang Da said.

I heard that Yang Fei came to Zhang Da's house. As soon as he left, some curious villagers came in and asked all kinds of questions. Zhang Da always answered that it was brought by Zhao Qifa. It's normal!

Others are also free to envy.

Although others said that Zhao Qifa failed to protect his daughter, Zhang Da shook his head, "This has nothing to do with Qifa, it's my daughter's fate!"

Zhao Qifa heard it from others, and was very grateful. He found Zhang Da and told him that he wanted to be the son-in-law, but Zhang Da disagreed, "Then how can you be worthy of your dead parents?"

This time, Zhao Qifa felt that he would owe them a lifetime.

The only thing we can do is to make them happy!
As for Zhang Da's house, this may be the last time Yang Fei came. He returned to the mountain and said to Zhao Qifa, "Old Zhao, you need to worry about the rest. I guess we will leave soon." Here it is, when the time comes, you and your wife will be separated, and if you have time, you can spend more time with him!"

Zhao Qifa nodded, "Head, I know. This time, I think we'll go back south!"

"To the south?" Yang Fei asked.

In fact, it doesn't matter to Yang Fei where to go, as long as he is fighting devils, that's enough, "I'm just guessing!"

"Well, I think we'll go to Hebei!" Yang Fei lit a cigarette and smiled.

"Hebei?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"Yes, Henan in the south, and the garrison of the national army, Hebei...that means they are all occupied!"

At this time, Ji Taichang ran in, "Head, have you seen Li Heng?"

Yang Fei frowned, "Yeah, I almost forgot about him! What? Can't find him?"

"I can't find him, where can this guy go?" Ji Taichang said.

"How long have you not seen him?" Yang Fei asked again.

"We didn't see him when we came back yesterday. Could it be that this guy couldn't bear the hardship and ran away?" Ji Taichang asked.

That's right, after they came to the base area, they ate very rough all day long, and there was not much oil and water. The most common food was sauerkraut and steamed corn bread. For those who have suffered, it is very satisfying to eat these things , Ji Taichang is such a person.

He has endured hardships, tasted the taste of hunger, and finally found a job in Tianjin, and his life has improved. Coming here, he has returned to the starting point, but this starting point has a kind of revolutionary belief!

When he was free these days, Ji Taichang would read some publications of the Eighth Route Army, so as to further understand what kind of organization the Eighth Route Army is.

As for Li Heng, he didn't like it very much. He thought he would enjoy the blessings with Yang Fei, but he didn't expect that Yang Fei fought with them in the same way. He didn't have any privileges when it came to eating.

As for the money... there is nowhere to use it!

No matter how you guessed this person, it was useless. Yang Fei thought that this person was still useful, but unexpectedly, he just left without a sound.

"Forget it, don't look for it, he will definitely show up if you want to come, and if you don't want to come, let's not look for it either!" Yang Fei said.

Ji Taichang nodded, "Okay!"

As soon as Ji Taichang left, Zhao Qifa hurriedly said, "The leader, I will go first too!"

Yang Fei nodded, "Okay, you go first!"

the next day.
Yang Fei heard the noise outside in the command post, and he went out immediately.

"Captain, the Great Light is here!"

A soldier shouted loudly.

"Da Guang?" Yang Fei asked in surprise!
"Yeah, Daguang is here!"

After confirming, Yang Fei quickly asked, "Where is it? Where is it?"

"On the way up the mountain!"

"Okay! Let's go, follow me to have a look!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he hurried down the mountain.

On the way down the mountain, Yang Fei heard the cheers from afar, this dog is falling, where did it go?
How did it appear?

He ran quickly, and when he reached the half slope, he saw the big bald head wrapped in bandages, followed by a lot of people, all asking questions.

When he saw Yang Fei, he immediately shouted with a smile, "Leader! Leader!"

He came running quickly.

Yang Fei and Da Guang hugged each other tightly, "Damn it, what did you do? Did you bully someone's girl and got beaten up?"

Yang Fei asked half-jokingly,
"Hey!" Da Guang smiled, "Leader! Let's go up the mountain, let's talk slowly! Let's see who this is first." Da Guang turned around and pushed a person to the front.

Yang Fei saw that it was Li Heng!
"Brother!" Li Heng shouted.

"Go, go up the mountain first!"

When he got to the mountain, Daguang sat down, only then did Yang Fei see that not only his head was wrapped with bandages, but also his arms and legs were all wrapped with bandages, it was like a mummy!

"Damn it!" Yang Fei yelled, "What's wrong with you? By the way, the plane... aren't you..."

Da Guang smiled, "Commander, I picked up the plane and got rid of that devil! At that time, we didn't know how to fly a plane, and seeing the nose of the plane fall, I thought I couldn't die like this Oh, I'm dead, what do you do, I'm your bodyguard! So, I went to the hatch. I jumped down, and when I jumped, I realized that it's too fucking high!"

After finishing speaking, Daguang stood up, "The height is at least 100 meters! This 100 meters is fatal, Captain, do you know? What I think is that even if I die, you will definitely find me , if I was on the plane, I would definitely not be able to find me, let alone find me, I would rather become a meat pie, and let you find me, but I am not married yet, and I don't have a wife yet!"

Daguang smiled, "I was lucky. When I fell, there was a tree below. This tree gave me a buffer, but I still got injured!" Daguang said with some embarrassment.

"As long as your kid is doing well!" Yang Fei said.

"Later, I was discovered by a mountain man and rescued. It happened that the mountain man was a barefoot doctor. He bandaged me and let me recuperate. I thought I would come here early, but at that time, I couldn't walk!" Daguang said.

For this story, Yang Fei can only use embarrassment in capital letters.

"Yesterday, when I came here, I met this kid!" Da Guang turned to look at Li Heng.

"Li Heng. Where have you been?" Yang Fei asked.

"I didn't go anywhere, brother. I was thinking of hunting some game. Really, if you don't believe me, you can ask him!" Li Heng asked quickly.

"Game? Hehe, you almost took me for game, didn't you?" Da Guang sneered, "This guy didn't recognize me, and then appeared suddenly, and wanted to rob me! You said it's not good for you to rob someone, but he came to rob me! "

Li Heng smiled awkwardly, "Isn't this a misunderstanding? You see, the traps on the mountain have been set up, and they robbed along the way. Who would have known that this big water fished the Dragon King Temple!"

"Hehe!" Da Guang smiled, "No matter who you rob, it's against the law!"

"Yes!" Yang Fei said, "Li Heng, you ignore organizational discipline, it seems like you don't want to mess around anymore!"

"Brother, you really misunderstood! I really mainly go hunting game!" Li Heng said.

Yang Fei didn't want to talk to him anymore, and immediately looked at Daguang, "By the way, Daguang, I made Coach Ji my bodyguard now!"

"What?" He was dissatisfied when he heard that his position was replaced by others, "This is not acceptable. If I am not your bodyguard, who else can do it? Commander. I am not dead. If I am not dead, I have a chance. It is possible! What do you think?"


"There's nothing wrong with it. The first thing a guard should do is to have kung fu. How about Coach Ji's kung fu? I'll compete with him!" Daguang said.

"He also has kung fu..."

As soon as Yang Fei finished speaking, Da Guang couldn't wait any longer, "Don't look at me being inconvenient now, I can still beat him to the point where he has teeth all over the place!" After saying that, Da Guang stood up and went out the door.

He only heard him yelling loudly, "Who is Ji Taichang, come here quickly! I want to compete with you!" Daguang was a little angry, no, very angry!

Yang Fei hurried out the door!
(End of this chapter)

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