Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2493 Chapter 2380 Contest duel

Chapter 2493 Chapter 2380 Contest duel
This was destined to be a duel.

Looking at the scene at this time, Yang Fei asked, "Da Guang, what's wrong with you?"

"Captain, this is related to my honor! You thought I sacrificed and gave him the position of my bodyguard! What is Ji Taichang capable of?" Da Guang was very unconvinced!

"Haha! Da Guang, you can fight, but I have to tell you in advance that I have seen Coach Ji's kung fu before, and he is better than you!" After Yan Ge said this, Da Guang was very unhappy.

"No matter what, I'm going to duel with him. If I win, I can be your bodyguard!" Da Guang was a little unconvinced.

At this time, Ji Taichang came out slowly and said, "Brother Daguang, I am Ji Taichang!"

Upon hearing this, Daguang walked up to Ji Taichang, looked him up and down, "You are?"

"I am!" Ji Taichang said.

"I've seen you before, but I didn't expect that you snatched my position as a guard, but I want to take it back today!" Da Guang said.

"No, if you want to be the captain's guard, that's a good thing. You can continue to be a guard. I'll be fine once I talk to the captain!" Ji Taichang finished speaking, looked at Yang Fei, and when he was about to speak, Da Guang shouted, "Don't be hypocritical, if you are a man, let's have a one-on-one duel, whoever falls to the ground first will admit defeat! Whoever wins will be the guard!"

Before Ji Taichang could express his opinion, the soldiers cheered first, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Yang Fei scratched his head, "Da Guang. You don't want oil and salt, I'm doing it for your own good!"

"For my own good?" Daguang panted heavily, "Leader, you'd better get out of the way, don't let my punch hurt you!"

Ji Taichang put his hands behind his back, "Brother Daguang, since you want to fight with me, I will fight with you, but let's talk things over first, and we must not hurt innocent people!"

"Hahaha! Ji Taichang, it seems that you are scared! Very good! Since you have decided, let's fight!" Daguang said.

The place where the fight took place was in the training ground of the forest farm. At this time, three circles inside and three circles outside were crowded with spectators!
They cheered loudly, and there were quite a few people cheering for Daguang, because Daguang's strength had shone before their eyes!With Daguang's ability, wouldn't it be easy to knock Ji Taichang down.

Regardless of Ji Taichang's burly figure, if there is a real fight, Da Guang will not necessarily suffer.

"Brother Daguang! Come on!

"Da Guang, put him down!"

Watching the excitement is no big deal, the soldiers seem to be overwhelmingly cheering for Da Guang!
"Haha, Brother Daguang, it seems that many people are cheering for you!" Ji Taichang said very flatly.

"Are you afraid? Ji Taichang, today is a battle of honor and disgrace!" Da Guang said, "Let's have a fair duel!"

"Okay! Brother Daguang, please!" Ji Taichang said.

Da Guang opened his stride, clenched his fists tightly, and stared at Ji Taichang carefully. Suddenly, Da Guang slid his steps, and his fist hit straight like a shooting star!
With this kind of strength, if it were an ordinary person, it would take several days to cultivate.

Ji Taichang looked at it, and dodged sideways, his footsteps caught Daguang's, Daguang became alert, and quickly took a step back, his fist turned into a claw, tearing Ji Taichang's chest with such a swipe, the clothes on Ji Taichang's chest were shattered torn. ,
"Good boxing!" Ji Taichang praised.

"Since it's good, then surrender quickly!" As he said, Daguang turned his body around in a circle, and then stepped heavily on the ground with one leg, dust rose, and he immediately rushed over in the haze, fisted with one hand, Seeing that Ji Taichang was punched heavily in the chest, Ji Taichang could bear the force, he smiled slightly, and stood up straight. At this moment, Ji Taichang slowly changed from lax to tense.

When Daguang ran over, Ji Taichang stood there motionless, seeing Daguang jumping up, kicking his feet in the air with all his strength, Ji Taichang just like this, abruptly received the full force of his feet .

However, the strange thing was that Ji Taichang remained motionless, but Da Guang took back his own strength.

Da Guang, who was bounced on the ground, rolled on the ground, then stood up, thinking to himself, "How can this man be so powerful? I'm afraid it will be impossible to knock him down if I use up all my strength. Since If so, then you can’t fight head-to-head! You can only change your punching method!”

Daguang was born in Shaolin and was taught by the head of Wudang. No matter who said he is a talented person!
It would be impossible to drive out the Japanese devils by himself, so he joined Eight Routes!

It's such a martial arts genius who met a hard-working guy like Ji Taichang!
Da Guang frowned and looked at Ji Taichang, but Ji Taichang looked determined to win!
"Impossible! How could Ji Taichang be stronger than me?" Thinking in his heart, Da Guang started a set of monkey punches!
The Monkey Fist may seem weak, but when it comes to fighting, it is soft and strong, and it can fight him tenth of the steel with one-third of the strength!

Ji Taichang also praised, "This kid's monkey boxing is really impressive! It seems that the opponent wants to win by chance, even so, I'm not afraid of him!"

Wanting to play, Ji Taichang relaxed his tense attitude just now, and practiced Tai Chi slowly!
Tai Chi!
This is a kind of soft fist, no matter how strong you are, in his massage, no matter how strong you are, it can be resolved!
Therefore, when Daguang ran over dexterously and his fists intersected, Daguang's strength did not increase, but became lower and lower. In the end, no matter how dexterous the Monkey Fist was, the up and down attacks were always resolved by his Taijiquan!
From nothing to nothing, it seems simple, but it can be seen that Ji Taichang's boxing skills have been practiced to perfection!

Can Daguang be able to benefit from it?

The eyes of the soldiers looking around turned green. Who can win? Who can lose?It is obvious to outsiders that the two are not alike.Only Daguang can feel that Ji Taichang, who has been on the defensive, has the upper hand!
Da Guang looked at Ji Taichang, "I didn't expect that your kung fu is so good!"

"Brother Daguang, your boxing skills are good enough!" Ji Taichang also said.

"Hahaha! This war is going to kill people! How do we compare with killing skills?" Da Guang has no longer cared about the agreement just now. Now, it is a battle of honor, and it is about Yang Fei's opinion in the regiment.

"Okay!" Yang Fei shouted!
Ji Taichang and Daguang looked at Yang Fei.

"Everyone has seen the kung fu of you two guys! It's clear at a glance who wins and who loses!" Even if Yang Fei said this, everyone still felt that it was not enough!

How could it be clear at a glance?
In the eyes of the soldiers, only the side that fell to the ground loses, and whoever can stand at the end is naturally the biggest winner!

"Leader, let's try again! This is not the final hurdle!" Daguang said.

"That's right, Commander, Brother Daguang and I are now neck and neck. Whoever can win the final competition will be your bodyguard!" Ji Taichang said the same!

"Leader, let the two of them compare each other, so that we can count them in our hearts!"

"Yes, leader, let them compete!" Having said this, Yang Fei also felt that no one would be convinced if they were stopped so easily, and if it was their turn to cooperate with each other, maybe they would If there is any conflict and disagreement, simply, Yang Fei said, "Okay, compare the two of you, but remember, click as far as you can, and don't get hurt!"

Ji Taichang smiled, "Since Brother Daguang is injured, then I promise you, I will not attack, I will only defend, if I fall, I will be willing to bow down!"

"Don't, don't treat me as a wounded person! I'm not a wounded person, I just suffered a little skin trauma!" Da Guang said.

"Haha, come on then!" Ji Taichang said.

At this time, Da Guang kept thinking in his heart, "How can I achieve the result I want here? It seems that Ji Taichang also knows how to punch. No matter what kind of punch he throws, he can defuse it. Otherwise, just Do something random, confuse his mind, and then defeat him with the power of the Mantis Fist!"

Thinking of this, Daguang smiled in his heart, suddenly the white crane spread its wings, and suddenly the monkey stole the peach. This random boxing really made Ji Taichang a little confused, "What exactly is this kid trying to do? Why can't I understand?"

However, Ji Taichang is just ready to defend against the changing situation!

All of a sudden, Daguang swept his legs, and suddenly got up and rolled around in the air. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he punched out. Just when Ji Taichang was about to respond, Daguang quickly retracted his fists and rolled on the ground When he got to the back of Ji Taichang, he put his hands on the ground, put his feet up, and kicked Ji Taichang's waist heavily, then bounced up, his fist suddenly changed to Mantis Fist, the biting cold wind was in the middle of Daguang's fist, Transformed into invisible, the fist turned into a palm, hitting Ji Taichang's lower back.

Ji Taichang staggered a few steps, and then suddenly realized, "This kid actually did this!"

However, since he was promised not to attack but only defend, then he will defend well!

Looking back, Daguang's mantis fist struck out, Ji Taichang smiled slightly, when he threw his left fist, he suddenly retracted, and kicked out with his right foot, Daguang saw it, and suddenly used his own hands to catch it.

Ji Taichang's foot was caught, and then he immediately changed into a fist, grabbed Daguang's arm, and pulled it forward forcefully, because Daguang is now in a half-squatting state, so, soon, he lost At the center of gravity, I fell a dog and ate shit!

Seeing this, the soldiers were eye-opening!

It turns out that giving kung fu is like this, it turns out that kung fu is so performative!

Although it is different from their bayonets, this is really enjoyable to watch!
The applause continued!Ji Taichang smiled, then stretched out a hand, "Brother Daguang, I've accepted it!"

Daguang's face was dark, and he didn't go to take his hand. He stood up alone, as if he had been greatly insulted in his heart.

Yang Fei came over with a smile, "Da Guang, what did I say, you kid is no match for Coach Ji, you don't believe it!"

"Head, I still want to compete with him!" Da Guang refused to admit defeat.

"Look at you! If you lose, you lose. Even if you fight again in the future, heal your injury, okay?" Yang Fei said.

"Head, this is not fair!" Da Guang frowned.

"Everyone can see, why is it unfair?" Yang Fei asked.

"I've been attacking all the time, and he can see my moves. This is the root cause of my loss! I want Ji Taichang to attack too, and I'm not weak even if I let go!" Da Guang said.

"I know you kid will play foolishly, okay, everyone has seen it, who just threw a dog to eat shit. It's you, if you don't obey the rules, what's the point of this fight? Haha , Alright, I announce that Ji Taichang is my bodyguard!" Yang Fei's words naturally erupted into applause.

"Besides! Da Guang, don't be discouraged, I want to leave you the position of commander of the Fifth Battalion!" Yang Fei said.

Daguang was stunned all of a sudden!
Fifth Battalion Commander?
He used to be a small guard, but now he has become the commander of the fifth battalion, which means he has been promoted several levels in a row!He looked at Yang Fei, "Head, this...I..."

"How about Daguang, what are you doing?" Yang Fei asked.

"I want to do it, that's..." Daguang naturally has something hard to say, not to mention that he finds it incredible that the company commanders of the Fifth Battalion are all backup candidates. He parachuted in, what do people think?
"Don't worry, let me take up the post now. Also, remember, what I want is to turn the Fifth Battalion into an iron army! The Fifth Battalion is not weak, but it is very short of personnel now! I will recruit from each battalion. Some of them will be transferred to make up for you. Last time, Battalion Commander Liu Xun’s mistake almost caused the entire army to be annihilated! Da Guang, do a good job for me! I’m optimistic!” Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" Da Guang hurriedly stood at attention and saluted Yang Fei.

In this way, it can be regarded as a complete achievement. Originally, Yang Fei wanted Ji Taichang to be the commander of the fifth battalion, but Ji Taichang had never fought in a battle. For a long time, he could clearly see some of his tactics. Yang Fei had long wanted him to lead a part alone, but he never had the time and ability!

This time is different!

After Yang Fei left, Da Guang still thought he was in a dream!

"My Daguang is a blessing in disguise now?" Daguang finished speaking, and then smiled.

"Never mind him! Now I'm the commander of the Fifth Battalion! Hehe!" Da Guang smiled to himself.

Yang Fei found Ji Taichang, "Da Guang is not willing to admit defeat!"

Ji Taichang smiled, "Leader, Daguang's kung fu is not weak, he just met me!"

"So, this kid has to suffer a bit! Otherwise, he will always feel that he is number one in the world!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Leader, I have something to tell you!" Ji Taichang said.

"Oh? Tell me!" Yang Fei asked.

"You have transferred most of our security company away, what should the security department of the regiment headquarters do?" Ji Taichang asked.

"Isn't there you?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"No, what if something dangerous happens?"

"Dangerous thing? It doesn't exist, so I have no plan to build a guard company. For one thing, we are short of personnel. If something really happens, just transfer some of them from any battalion! The other things are really not a big deal!" Yang Fei was very disapproving. "Don't worry, Coach Ji, let's do this. If you think it's necessary, you can go get a guard company. How do you plan to get it? Just figure it out yourself!"

It was only at this time that Yang Fei realized that every regiment had a company of guards. After so long, he was useless to get used to the company of guards, so he didn't care about this matter.

In the afternoon, Yang Fei suddenly received an order, "Order your department to go to the east of Taihang immediately and form a revolutionary base!"

Yang Fei smiled, "What did I say, look, I'm going to Hebei!"

As soon as this news came out, the troops were naturally very excited, because here meant that there was no battle to fight, and after some simple training, they were about to become lazy!
The cadres above the company held a meeting, and Yang Fei told them about it.

It's clear they're having fun.

"Okay, let's talk about it, where are we mainly going to develop the revolutionary base?" Yang Fei asked.

In fact, they discussed this matter before, but no matter how they discussed it, it was not on the point.

Shouhou stood up at this time, "Commander, I think we should now be the revolutionary base in the Shanxi-Hebei-Henan triangle area. As far as I know, there are a large number of our Eighth Route Army's revolutionary bases in Russia in Hebei. The mass base there is relatively stable. In addition, there is no base area for us in the triangle area of ​​Shanxi, Hebei and Henan. If our regiment can develop a base area there, we can attack HD and SJZ from the top, and Henan from the bottom. It can also be withdrawn to the Taihang Mountains!"

What Shouhou said is right, this is a more reliable method, in this way, they will be able to do well, and they will be able to quickly build a base!

"Yes, this method is good, do you have any other opinions!" Yang Fei asked again.

"Commander!" Liu Ji also stood up, "Commander, I don't think this is what we should consider at this time. I think the general trend now is that Japanese imperialism is going to perish. We should take the initiative to attack the devil's stronghold. Take the Hundred Regiments War as an example, mobilize everyone fully, so, I think, our revolutionary base should be close to the side of the devils! What Battalion Commander Skinny Monkey said just now is right, in the Shanxi-Hebei-Henan triangle area, There are generally few people there, but there are very few Japanese devils there. I think we should give full play to the terrain advantages and focus on developing the revolutionary base areas in the Hebei area east of Taihang. In this case, we can attack HD , the distance to SJZ has become very close, and besides, it can also test the ability of our troops! If the gap with the Japanese devils is really too big, we can go to Taihang to fight against the devils!"

What Liu Ji said is also good, the focus is different, so the base area will be different!
Yang Fei looked at Zhao Qifa, "Old Zhao, do you have any ideas?"

Zhao Qifa looked at Yang Fei, "Leader, let's go to the revolutionary base this time. What about Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai's regiment?"

|"They are going too, but the brigade commander asked us to draw up a base area ourselves, and I don't know where the two of them will start!" Yang Fei said.

"Head, I think we shouldn't be too far away from Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai in this matter!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Oh?" Yang Fei looked at him.

"Commander, the defeat of the Japanese devils is an inevitable trend, but now, we still can't fight a decisive battle with the devils. The devils have occupied the three eastern provinces. Taking there as a point, most of the troops come from there. I think that in the future, we will fight against the devils. Large-scale corps battles are essential in the battles against the enemy!" Zhao Qifa said, "So, I think no matter what, we should at least not be too far away from Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai's base! It can be seen from this battle in Salt Lake , without the two regiments of Hu Dahai and Shen Wanxi, our regiment alone will not be able to exert its greatest advantage!"

What Zhao Qifa said was very forward-looking. Yang Fei looked at him with a smile, "Yes, I have an indissoluble bond with Hu Haishen Gouzi! Then let's draw up our own base first, and then we will I'm going to discuss it with Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai!" Yang Fei said.

"It's nothing more than the plan proposed by the two battalion commanders Liu Ji and Shouhou! Now, everyone votes with a show of hands. If you agree with Liu Ji's opinion, raise your hand!"

"Raise your hand if you agree with Slender Monkey!"

Finally, a show of hands voted, [-]% agreed with Liu Ji's opinion, and [-]% agreed with Shouhou's opinion.

At this time, Daguang raised his hand.


Yang Fei looked at Da Guang, "Haha, Commander of the Fifth Battalion, tell me what you say!"

Da Guang was a little embarrassed, "Da Guang, if we agree with Battalion Commander Zhao Qifa, I think we must agree with Battalion Commander Skinny Monkey and the Jedi!"

"Oh?" Yang Fei looked at Da Guang, "If you don't say it sooner, you will say it after the vote is over!"

"Head, that's it. Didn't Battalion Commander Zhao Qifa say that we should be not too far from Hu Dahai and Shen Wanxi, which means that our revolutionary base will be very large, so , this request has been decided, and our revolutionary base will be spread out in the Shanxi-Hebei-Henan triangle area. Although this place is far away from the big cities of the devils, it is conducive to our development of the mass base and our development. Great rear!"

Yang Fei didn't expect that Da Guang thought so long-term!
"Also, leader, from the map, although there are not many big cities in the triangle, there are quite a few small counties! Besides, the rich places are in the countryside! Isn't our Genming base in the countryside? I completely agree with what the Slender Monkey Battalion Commander said. Going north can attack the devil's HDSJZ, and going south can attack the land of Henan. Therefore, we are in the triangle area, which is the golden zone! The terrain of Hebei is not like Shanxi where there are many mountains. There are many plains there! Therefore, it is also beneficial for us to rethink the direction of our attack!"

Daguang said.

Zhao Qifa said with a smile, "Commander Daguang is right! This is why I support the triangle area. We will definitely fight the devils, but we still don't know the opponent!" The superior leader gave us the opportunity to choose a base area , we will not be able to live up to their hopes! "

"That's right!" Yang Fei said. "Then, let's vote again!"

(End of this chapter)

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