Chapter 2494
As expected, the result of the voting was reversed again, and those who supported Shouhou's opinion had a [-]% approval rate!
Yang Fei smiled, "Okay, since everyone is like this, then we agree to develop the revolutionary base in Shanxi, Hebei and Henan. I believe that the revolutionary base will play the most important role under our development! One The headquarters of the [-]th Division is there, if we develop a revolutionary base there, we can also strengthen the security of the headquarters of the [-]th Division!"

After the meeting, Yang Fei rode directly to Shen Wanxi's regiment headquarters with Ji Taichang.

Seeing Shen Wanxi, Shen Wanxi looked at Yang Fei with a smile, "Old Yang, you can go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, tell me, what are you doing here?"

"Shen Gouzi... No, Commander Shen, I must have something to tell you when I come here!" Yang Fei sat down and still had a playful smile on his face.

"Dog, I knew that I didn't hear any good things from you. Tell me the truth, what do you want?" Shen Wanxi asked directly, and then ordered the guards to pour Yang Fei a glass of water.

"Haha, I can't hide it from you, okay, I came here to ask you, where do you plan to develop a revolutionary base?" After Yang Fei asked, Shen Wanxi smiled.

"Yang Fei, are you here to ask this?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Yes, otherwise, why am I here?" Yang Fei said with a smile.

"Why should I tell you, besides, the brigade commander said, let us choose, why? You can't choose?" Shen Wanxi asked sarcastically.

"Just kidding! I can't choose? How can I not choose?" Yang Fei asked.

"You have chosen them all, and I will tell you what the one I chose has anything to do with you!" Shen Wanxi said.Yang Fei took a sip of water unhurriedly, "Old Shen, don't be like this, I'm kindly reminding you that it is not an easy task to launch a revolutionary base, you must have a mass base !” Yang Fei said.

"I understand this, so you don't need to worry about it!" Shen Wanxi said.

"I can tell you this, the revolutionary base I chose is in the Shanxi-Hebei-Henan triangle!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, it's very good there, and there are very few devils! No, this is not your style!"

Shen Wanxi asked.

"I think so too, but I can tell you the truth, I hope that the two of us plus Hu Dahai, our three regiments, can develop revolutionary bases in Shanxi, Hebei and Henan! In this way, we still It can become a cornerstone and support each other! After all, the mass base is limited!" Yang Fei said.

"Why should I agree?" Shen Wanxi has actually already thought about it. The revolutionary base they want to carry out is in the rural area east of SJZ. From there, they can retreat to the Taihang Mountains to the west, and threaten SJZ directly to the east. Give the peloton a gesture!However, Shen Wanxi still didn't understand what Yang Fei said. According to Yang Fei's consistent requirements, it didn't seem like he was going to be so conservative!

Therefore, Shen Wanxi didn't believe that Yang Fei would do this. He even thought that Yang Fei was trying to trick them into going there, and then he went to the west of SJZ.

"To tell you the truth, old Shen, I really thought about it this way. With my usual practice, I'm sure we have to deal with the devils! However, there are several difficult choices in front of us. First, the mass base, and second. , terrain advantage, and the third is the enemy's tactics! These three points, the right time, place and people, we are not very sure, but, on the contrary, if we deploy in the triangle area of ​​Shanxi, Hebei and Henan, it may have a miraculous effect, you see , In the Shanxi-Hebei-Henan triangle area, the headquarters of the [-]th Division is there. If you go north, you can attack HD and SJZ, and if you go south, you can attack Anyang. It can be said that although there are not many devils there, most of them are The devil's main road of communication, slowly, we can develop our own mass base. The devil will leave sooner or later, and there will definitely be a decisive battle. At that time, it will be a large-scale corps battle. The three of us cooperate very well, so, What do you think?" What Yang Fei said was indeed considered by Shen Wanxi. He believed that it is possible to develop a revolutionary base in the west of SJZ, but the conditions must be the most difficult. If you want to develop a base in SJZ, devils Sweeping is also the most important place to sweep!
At this time, Shen Wanxi looked at him, "Old Yang, you are not lying to me?"

"When did I lie to you? Think about it, I don't even want the arsenal now, and I'm going to Shanxi, Hebei and Henan. You said I lied to you, why should I lie to you?" Yang Fei shook his head.

"Okay. If that's the case, then let's make an agreement. After the past, we will develop the revolutionary base as soon as possible. The three groups will form a corner, so that the devils cannot enter!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Come on, I'll just listen to what you say!" Yang Fei said.

"What about Hu Dahai?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Hu Dahai's side, of course, let's talk together. I don't think he will disagree. With his brain, without our cooperation, what kind of battle does he want to fight?" Yang Fei chuckled.

"Haha, what you said is right!" After saying that, the two got on their horses and arrived at Hu Dahai's regiment headquarters.

Obviously, Hu Dahai was also struggling with this matter. When Yang Fei and Shen Wanxi said this, they immediately became enlightened. "Okay, I listen to you, but when you get to the place, you don't want to tell me what to do!"

At the same time, they agreed that the troops would set off tomorrow!
When Yang Fei returned to the mountain, Yu Aiguo came over!

"Political Commissar Yu, it's just right, hurry up and pack up, we're leaving!" Yang Fei said.

Yu Aiguo smiled, "Leader, I happen to have something to tell you!" Yu Aiguo said.

"Oh? Commissar Yu, just tell me if you have anything to say!" Yang Fei stopped and looked at him.

"That's right, I applied with the brigade commander, and the brigade commander agreed. My ambition is these weapons and equipment. Although I am your political commissar, I actually know that I don't do much, and I can't concentrate on it." Second use! So, I decided, I will continue to develop weapons and equipment from here!" Yu Aiguo said.

Yang Fei sighed, "Damn it, I finally got to know another political commissar, look, now you won't leave with me!" Yang Fei was actually happy in his heart, after all, he didn't care, he could handle a lot of things !
However, how could brigade commander Li Jiguang give him one less political commissar!
Yu Aiguo said, "I'm sorry, Commander Yang, I think we will meet up if we have the chance!"

"Okay! But!" Yang Fei smiled, "Commissar Yu, can I ask you something?"

"Leader, please tell me!" Yu Aiguo asked.

Yang Fei licked his face, "Is there anything good now?"

"Good stuff?" Yu Aiguo asked.

"Yes. Good thing, political commissar, no matter what, we are also good brothers who have been together for so long. Good brother, I am leaving now, and you have nothing left for me!" Yang Fei looked at Yu Aiguo and asked .

Yu Aiguo smiled, "Haha, I know what you want, okay, just things like the arsenal, you can take whatever you fancy!"

"It's still the political commissar!" Yang Fei smiled, "I don't want to pick any more, what grenades, mortars, how many, give me how many, I want to really arm my battalion! And bullets, the more the better , the place we are going this time, but there are very few devils, but bullets must not be less!"

Yu Aiguo knew what Yang Fei meant, "No problem. In the last battle, so many people in Ito were wiped out. Now you can see how many broken and useless things there are. We will hurry up and repair them all. Now that you have a good one, you can take it, for fear that by then, this arsenal will no longer belong to our brigade!"

"It's still the political commissar!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he turned around and left. After a while, Shouhou Liu Ji and his battalion commanders completely overwhelmed the arsenal!

Who doesn't want goodies, and who doesn't want this much gear?
For, there is no less quarrel!
Yang Fei is not surprised, they are all guys who have never seen the world!
That night, Li Jiguang called Yang Fei and said yes, his old friend is here!
Yang Fei was taken aback, "Old friend, where did you come from!"

"You talk too much! Of course you are an old friend, come here quickly!" Li Jiguang hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Yang Fei arrived in Linxian County by car. When he arrived at the command post, Yang Fei heard talking and laughing inside.

Seeing Yang Fei coming in, Li Jiguang hurriedly greeted him, "Come, come, sit!"

As soon as he sat down, Yang Fei saw Fang Mengru!
Fang Mengru was a little embarrassed, blushing and asked Yang Fei a hello.

"Brigade Commander, what does this mean?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Old Yang, relax, don't be so nervous, what's there to be nervous about!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, I'm not nervous. The old friend you mentioned is Mengru!" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes! I'm talking about Mengru!" Li Jiguang stood up, stood in front of the two of them, looked around, "Not bad, not bad!"

"Ah?" How could Yang Fei not be nervous, "Brigade Commander, what's good?"

"By the way, to be honest with you, coming here this time is also a good thing for you. Comrade Fang Mengru is a talent trained by the organization, and also a reliable comrade. I think so. The combination of her and you is definitely right. , an in-depth cultivation of the organization!" Li Jiguang said.

"Going to Tianjin again?" Yang Fei asked.

"Hahaha, Yang Fei, I told you, you don't need to be nervous, why are you nervous?" Li Jiguang asked, "This time it's not about going to Tianjin, but about your marriage!"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Fei's heart beat faster immediately, "Ah? Brigadier, are you a little anxious? Our regiment is about to set off, talking about this, isn't it..."

"No matter what, I'm optimistic about the combination of the two of you!" Li Jiguang said.

Fang Mengru is undoubtedly excellent, she was able to come here without hesitation, and then went to Yan'an, which shows a big problem, that is, her life was handed over to the Eighth Route Army, so, it is not a shame that such a person is one in a million. However, as for Yang Fei, he has passed the test of war and can take on heavy responsibilities. Such two people, no matter what they say, they are also carefully arranged by the organization!

"Brigade Commander!" Yang Fei stood up, "This, isn't it a little too sloppy!"

"Sloppy?" Li Jiguang asked, "Have you ever seen such an outstanding person as Comrade Fang Mengru?"

"But the brigade commander!" Li Jiguang said before Yang Fei could finish speaking.

"Yang Fei, okay, the organization has decided to let Comrade Fang Mengru join your regiment. The organization is mainly responsible for the promotion. She is very capable! You should know it!"

"I know!" Yang Fei capitalized.

"Now that you know, don't say anything! Respect the instructions of your superiors. In addition, Comrade Yu Aiguo no longer serves as the political commissar of your regiment. Do you know about this?" Li Jiguang asked.

"I only found out in the afternoon!" Yang Fei said.

"That's good. Regarding the selection of the political commissar, do you have any suitable candidates?" Li Jiguang asked.

"The brigade commander will arrange it!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, okay, it's settled, Comrade Fang Mengru will work with you, you are not allowed to bully her!" Li Jiguang said.

"Well, I know!" Yang Fei said.

When I went back at night, Fang Mengru's face was always flushed. I didn't expect that the organization arranged for her to actually join Yang Fei's regiment. In fact, this was not surprising. Fang Mengru also applied to the superior and the organization, saying that she wanted to go to the front line.

Along the way, Yang Fei and Fang Mengru didn't talk much, but when they arrived at the place, Yang Fei asked Ji Taichang to arrange a room for him!
In the early morning of the next day, after dinner, Yang Fei issued an order to transfer all the staff immediately!
After the local people knew about it, they came out to see them off one after another, but they were more reluctant!

Yang Fei and his group often help them do some things when they arrive here, which not only makes the village safe, but also makes the village see hope for the new society.

Most of the time, feelings are slowly increasing, first to be wary, then to understand, and finally to trust!
This is a process.

The common people took out the things at home, "Xiao Wang, take these eggs!"

"Xiao Li, hold this cock!"

"Xiao Zhao, these shoes..."

Before setting off, Yang Fei told the soldiers not to take things from the common people, so the soldiers did not dare to accept them. However, the common people chased them out for several miles, and Yang Fei had no choice but to let go.

*** Well said, water can carry a boat and overturn it, the common people are water!

Yang Fei was deeply touched.

The folks set off firecrackers, hoping they can come back!

After Zhao Qifa said goodbye to his wife for a while, he said, "I'll send someone to pick you up when the base area is stable!"

His daughter-in-law nodded heavily, "I'll wait for your good news!"

In fact, Yang Fei also wanted Zhao Qifa to bring his daughter-in-law, but the journey was a bit long, and he was afraid that his daughter-in-law would be ill!

Many comrades don't know how far this road will go, but in war, the world is home!

The propaganda officer in the regiment sang songs and performed programs for everyone on the road.

When Fang Mengru took office as a new official, the performance of the show was naturally indispensable.

The soldiers were very happy. With the company of lesbians, they walked this journey without feeling tired.

Starting from here to the scheduled place, it is Xida Town. The reason why Yang Fei chose Xida Town is because of his own strategic intentions. Xida Town is located in Taihang in the west, HD in the east, Nanyang in the south, and Xingtai in the north!

Although it is just a town, it is enough!

According to the deployment of their three regiments, they were also in Xihu Township and Dongzhou Township respectively.

These three places are really in a corner, and the bases developed separately can be connected into one!

Not to mention things that are so far away.

When the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army crossed Zhongtiao Mountain and entered the southeastern part of Shanxi, Yang Fei said with emotion, "We used to come out of here, but unexpectedly, we came here again!"

"Yes, Commander! At that time, we were severely injured by the devils in Changping! I don't know how Changping is now!" Liu Ji asked.

"Dog, by the way, Liu Ji, I heard that you got the most things in the arsenal, right?" Yang Fei asked.

"Who said that, I can't!" Liu Ji raised his head and refused to admit it!

"Don't talk to me, I know, the last time you hit Ito, you got three Italian cannons, and you all took your battalion, so I gave Zhao Qifa and Shouhou Liuzhang three battalions, one for each battalion, you said yes No?" Yang Fei glanced at him.

"Hey, it's not fair. Commander, my two extra Italian cannons are tied to them for collection, hey!" Liu Ji said with a smile.

"It's more than that, you bastard, I heard that someone took away three-fifths of the grenades in the arsenal! You really have a big appetite!" Yang Fei said.

"It's so simple, it's too deceiving, I didn't say anything, how do you all know this!" Liu Ji asked.

"Hey, shit, now, I'll give you a task!" Yang Fei said.

"Leader, tell me!" Liu Ji immediately regained his spirits.

"For a while, we won't go directly from Changping. If we go from there, we will definitely encounter devils. Your battalion is at the front right now. Keep an eye on Changping County. If you really encounter devils, three of your sons Italian Cannon, take Changping County for me first!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" Liu Ji said quickly.

"Understood, let's go quickly! Let me tell you, Changping County can't take it down, so I will send back the extra grenades and Italian guns you took!" Yang Fei said.

"Hey, promise to complete the task!" Liu Ji ran away after finishing speaking.

After passing Qinshui, they came to the territory of Changping County. Yang Fei ordered to take a detour, first go north along Taihang Mountain, and then go east!

After walking for more than half an hour, Skinny Monkey came running over, "Captain, I saw Liu Ji stop, is there any mission?"

"Well, there is indeed a task for him! Damn it, I heard that three-fifths of the grenades in the arsenal were taken away, and I wouldn't let him use them. I'm upset!" Yang Fei said.

"Leader, I can do it too, how about you arrange some tasks for me?" Skinny Monkey asked quickly.

"No need!" Yang Fei said, "Your battalion is responsible for the safety of our regiment on the flank. If you leave, who will protect you?" Yang Fei said.

The thin monkey nodded, "Okay leader, I understand!" After saying that, the thin monkey left.

For fighting, these fighters, including officers, have the pleasure of wanting to kill the enemy in a line. That feeling seems to prove that they are a great fighter.

After a while, I heard the sound of cannons behind me. After the sound of the cannons, the charge horn was sounded!
Many fighters stopped and looked behind them.

For Changping County, Yang Fei has always had a knot in his heart. The Waterloo he encountered here before is different from the past. Their equipment is much better than last year!

After coming over, Changping County will be a matter of course!

On the Taihang Mountain, Yang Fei made a temporary decision to climb over the Taihang Mountain to liberate the places controlled by Japan!

However, Zhao Qifa shook his head, "No, Commander, absolutely not. If the Japanese are alarmed, maybe we will be chased and intercepted by them!"

Yang Fei had no choice but to give up.

Sometimes Zhao Qifa is not like a battalion commander, but more like a political commissar beside him. Yang Fei values ​​​​Zhao Qifa very much, not only because he can read and write, but also because he has an unusual relationship with himself.

The road in the Taihang Mountains was not easy to walk, but there was heavy rain again.

They had no choice but to speed up, and when they reached a village, they were considered settled.

The people in the Liberated Areas were very happy to see the Eighth Route Army again. Yang Fei ordered that they could conscript at any time, as long as they wanted, the Eighth Route Army would accept them!

Therefore, these days when they left, they also joined a lot of recruits.

From southern Shanxi to Hebei, their march was not too fast, but it was not too slow. After a month and a half of marching, the troops entered the border of Hebei!
All of a sudden, the terrain seemed to be open to them, and they couldn't stand it anymore.

Yang Fei smiled, "This is the fertile land, and it feels good to have a flat surface!"

When they were about to reach their predetermined location from the west of Taihang Mountain, a major event happened.

This incident means that the Japanese are going to carry out the suppression again, and the reason is the same, because it is the season when the wheat is ripe!

Yang Fei, who got the news, immediately decided to start annihilating the devils on the spot. He divided the five battalions into five parts. Liu Ji of the first battalion was in charge of the outpost, the second battalion of thin monkeys was in charge of the highland attack, and Zhao Qifa of the third battalion was in charge. The main attack, Liu Zhang of the Fourth Battalion is in charge of the flanks, and Da Guang of the Fifth Battalion is responsible for the safety of the regiment headquarters.

The arrangement is so well organized that the Japanese devils never dreamed that the Eighth Route Army came too fast!

Yang Fei looked at the map, "It's still a week's journey from here to Xida Town, but since we have encountered this, then we're welcome!"

Daguang asked, "Commander, how many Japanese devils are here?"

"It doesn't matter how many. Our troops came after actual combat. We are not afraid of how many people there are. Since the purpose of the devils is clear, we have to understand a truth. The devils are also short of food. We must drive ahead of the devils and let the common people Harvest the food back!"

Yang Fei's purpose is also very clear.

At this time, Yang Fei got a telegram from Li Jiguang, the brigade commander, saying, let them play by ear!
This also made Yang Fei even more unscrupulous. It seemed that he came out of the cage, and the opportunity to spread his wings and soar was in front of him!

Soon, the intelligence came, saying that the devils had already been dispatched.

Yang Fei smiled, "It's just right, just let the devils taste our power!"

Yang Fei's calmness and composure made both Ji Taichang and Da Guang feel at ease. After all, Yang Fei's ability to strategize is very strong!

(End of this chapter)

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